125 research outputs found

    The algebra of connectors - Structuring interaction in BIP

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    We provide an algebraic formalization of connectors in the BIP component framework. A connector relates a set of typed ports. Types are used to describe different modes of synchronization: rendezvous and broadcast, in particular. Connectors on a set of ports P are modeled as terms of the algebra AC(P), generated from P by using a binary fusion operator and a unary typing operator. Typing associates with terms (ports or connectors) synchronization types - trigger or synchron - that determine modes of synchronization. Broadcast interactions are initiated by triggers. Rendezvous is a maximal interaction of a connector including only synchrons. The semantics of AC(P) associates with a connector the set of its interactions. It induces on connectors an equivalence relation which is not a congruence as it is not stable for fusion. We provide a number of properties of AC(P) used to symbolically simplify and handle connectors. We provide examples illustrating applications of AC(P), including a general component model encompassing synchrony, methods for incremental model decomposition, and efficient implementation by using symbolic techniques. © 2008 IEEE

    The Algebra of Connectors — Structuring Interaction in BIP

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    We provide an algebraic formalisation of connectors in BIP. These are used to structure interactions in a component-based system. A connector relates a set of typed ports. Types are used to describe different modes of synchronisation: rendezvous and broadcast, in particular. Connectors on a set of ports P are modelled as terms of the algebra AC(P), generated from P by using an binary fusion operator and a unary typing operator. Typing associates with terms (ports or connectors) synchronisation types -- trigger or synchron -- that determine modes of synchronisation. Broadcast interactions are initiated by triggers. Rendezvous is a maximal interaction of a connector including only synchrons. The semantics of AC(P) associates with a connector the set of its interactions. It induces on connectors an equivalence relation which is not a congruence as it is not stable for fusion. We provide a number of properties of AC(P) used to symbolically simplify and handle connectors. We provide examples illustrating applications of AC(P), including a general component model encompassing synchrony, methods for incremental model decomposition, and efficient implementation by using symbolic techniques

    Extended Connectors: Structuring Glue Operators in BIP

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    Based on a variation of the BIP operational semantics using the offer predicate introduced in our previous work, we extend the algebras used to model glue operators in BIP to encompass priorities. This extension uses the Algebra of Causal Interaction Trees, T(P), as a pivot: existing transformations automatically provide the extensions for the Algebra of Connectors. We then extend the axiomatisation of T(P), since the equivalence induced by the new operational semantics is weaker than that induced by the interaction semantics. This extension leads to canonical normal forms for all structures and to a simplification of the algorithm for the synthesis of connectors from Boolean coordination constraints.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2013, arXiv:1310.401

    Symbolic Implementation of Connectors in BIP

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    BIP is a component framework for constructing systems by superposing three layers of modeling: Behavior, Interaction, and Priority. Behavior is represented by labeled transition systems communicating through ports. Interactions are sets of ports. A synchronization between components is possible through the interactions specified by a set of connectors. When several interactions are possible, priorities allow to restrict the non-determinism by choosing an interaction, which is maximal according to some given strict partial order. The BIP component framework has been implemented in a language and a tool-set. The execution of a BIP program is driven by a dedicated engine, which has access to the set of connectors and priority model of the program. A key performance issue is the computation of the set of possible interactions of the BIP program from a given state. Currently, the choice of the interaction to be executed involves a costly exploration of enumerative representations for connectors. This leads to a considerable overhead in execution times. In this paper, we propose a symbolic implementation of the execution model of BIP, which drastically reduces this overhead. The symbolic implementation is based on computing boolean representation for components, connectors, and priorities with an existing BDD package

    Relating BIP and Reo

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    Coordination languages simplify design and development of concurrent systems. Particularly, exogenous coordination languages, like BIP and Reo, enable system designers to express the interactions among components in a system explicitly. In this paper we establish a formal relation between BI(P) (i.e., BIP without the priority layer) and Reo, by defining transformations between their semantic models. We show that these transformations preserve all properties expressible in a common semantics. This formal relation comprises the basis for a solid comparison and consolidation of the fundamental coordination concepts behind these two languages. Moreover, this basis offers translations that enable users of either language to benefit from the toolchains of the other.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2015, arXiv:1508.0459

    Coordination of Dynamic Software Components with JavaBIP

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    JavaBIP allows the coordination of software components by clearly separating the functional and coordination aspects of the system behavior. JavaBIP implements the principles of the BIP component framework rooted in rigorous operational semantics. Recent work both on BIP and JavaBIP allows the coordination of static components defined prior to system deployment, i.e., the architecture of the coordinated system is fixed in terms of its component instances. Nevertheless, modern systems, often make use of components that can register and deregister dynamically during system execution. In this paper, we present an extension of JavaBIP that can handle this type of dynamicity. We use first-order interaction logic to define synchronization constraints based on component types. Additionally, we use directed graphs with edge coloring to model dependencies among components that determine the validity of an online system. We present the software architecture of our implementation, provide and discuss performance evaluation results.Comment: Technical report that accompanies the paper accepted at the 14th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Softwar

    A Note on the Expressiveness of BIP

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    We extend our previous algebraic formalisation of the notion of component-based framework in order to formally define two forms, strong and weak, of the notion of full expressiveness. Our earlier result shows that the BIP (Behaviour-Interaction-Priority) framework does not possess the strong full expressiveness. In this paper, we show that BIP has the weak form of this notion and provide results detailing weak and strong full expressiveness for classical BIP and several modifications, obtained by relaxing the constraints imposed on priority models.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2016, arXiv:1608.0269

    A Methodology and Supporting Tools for the Development of Component-Based Embedded Systems.

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    International audienceThe paper presents a methodology and supporting tools for developing component-based embedded systems running on resource- limited hardware platforms. The methodology combines two complementary component frameworks in an integrated tool chain: BIP and Think. BIP is a framework for model-based development including a language for the description of heterogeneous systems, as well as associated simulation and veriïŹcation tools. Think is a software component framework for the generation of small-footprint embedded systems. The tool chain allows generation, from system models described in BIP, of a set of func tionally equivalent Think components. From these and libraries including OS services for a given hardware platform, a minimal system can be generated. We illustrate the results by modeling and implementing a software MPEG encoder on an iPod
