235 research outputs found

    Some colouring problems for Paley graphs

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    The Paley graph Pq, where q≡1(mod4) is a prime power, is the graph with vertices the elements of the finite field Fq and an edge between x and y if and only if x-y is a non-zero square in Fq. This paper gives new results on some colouring problems for Paley graphs and related discussion. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A note on "Folding wheels and fans."

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    In S.Gervacio, R.Guerrero and H.Rara, Folding wheels and fans, Graphs and Combinatorics 18 (2002) 731-737, the authors obtain formulas for the clique numbers onto which wheels and fans fold. We present an interpolation theorem which generalizes their theorems 4.2 and 5.2. We show that their formula for wheels is wrong. We show that for threshold graphs, the achromatic number and folding number coincides with the chromatic number

    Bounds on the achromatic number of partial triple systems

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    A complete kk-colouring of a hypergraph is an assignment of kk colours to the points such that (1) there is no monochromatic hyperedge, and (2) identifying any two colours produces a monochromatic hyperedge. The achromatic number of a hypergraph is the maximum kk such that it admits a complete kk-colouring. We determine the maximum possible achromatic number among all maximal partial triple systems, give bounds on the maximum and minimum achromatic numbers of Steiner triple systems, and present a possible connection between optimal complete colourings and projective dimension

    Upward Three-Dimensional Grid Drawings of Graphs

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    A \emph{three-dimensional grid drawing} of a graph is a placement of the vertices at distinct points with integer coordinates, such that the straight line segments representing the edges do not cross. Our aim is to produce three-dimensional grid drawings with small bounding box volume. We prove that every nn-vertex graph with bounded degeneracy has a three-dimensional grid drawing with O(n3/2)O(n^{3/2}) volume. This is the broadest class of graphs admiting such drawings. A three-dimensional grid drawing of a directed graph is \emph{upward} if every arc points up in the z-direction. We prove that every directed acyclic graph has an upward three-dimensional grid drawing with (n3)(n^3) volume, which is tight for the complete dag. The previous best upper bound was O(n4)O(n^4). Our main result is that every cc-colourable directed acyclic graph (cc constant) has an upward three-dimensional grid drawing with O(n2)O(n^2) volume. This result matches the bound in the undirected case, and improves the best known bound from O(n3)O(n^3) for many classes of directed acyclic graphs, including planar, series parallel, and outerplanar
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