114 research outputs found

    The 4s web-marketing mix model

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    This paper reviews the criticism on the 4Ps Marketing Mix framework, the most popular tool of traditional marketing management, and categorizes the main objections of using the model as the foundation of physical marketing. It argues that applying the traditional approach, based on the 4Ps paradigm, is also a poor choice in the case of virtual marketing and identifies two main limitations of the framework in online environments: the drastically diminished role of the Ps and the lack of any strategic elements in the model. Next to identifying the critical factors of the Web marketing, the paper argues that the basis for successful E-Commerce is the full integration of the virtual activities into the company’s physical strategy, marketing plan and organisational processes. The four S elements of the Web-Marketing Mix framework present a sound and functional conceptual basis for designing, developing and commercialising Business-to-Consumer online projects. The model was originally developed for educational purposes and has been tested and refined by means of field projects; two of them are presented as case studies in the paper.\ud \u

    Трансформация содержания концепции маркетинг микс с учетом развития информационных технологий

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    В условиях появления новых средства информации и информационных технологий изменяется содержание концепции "маркетинг микс". Активное внедрение новых коммуникационных и цифровых технологий на базе Internet является одним из важнейших резервов повышения эффективности маркетинга на предприяти

    Demographic analysis of Chinese gamblers’ perceptions of e-marketing mix elements adopted by online casinos

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    The Internet explosion has revolutionized numerous industries, making online shopping and auctions into profitable business sectors. An increasingly important market sector is the casino industry. The profile and popularity of gambling on an internet casino is evolving rapidly, with the online gambling business seeing significant growth in Europe, Asia and South America. In China, there are twice as many online gamblers as there are Internet shoppers. In this study, the Chinese gamblers’ perceptions of e-marketing mix elements offered by online casinos will be analyzed. The purpose is : i) to investigate the popular e-marketing tools supported by existing online casinos; ii) to evaluate the demographic effect on Chinese gamblers’ perceptions of e-marketing mix elements. The results can provide a market reference for investors in online casinos

    The importance of Internet as a strategic Management Tool: A study of Dutch SMEs

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    This paper proposes a methodology for the identification and evaluation of Internet-based strategies and examines the role of the Internet as element of the strategic planning of Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) from a variety of Dutch industrial sectors. The study has an explorative character and is based on empirical data; it reveals the degree of acceptance and integration of the Web into the strategic plans by assessing management attitudes in three categories of factors delineating the online strategy. The findings suggest that while managers appreciate the importance of the Internet as essential component of their business setting, Web-based commerce does not seem to have become an integral part of corporate strategy by this category of businesses; limited strategic commitment and cautious attitudes in adopting technology as an important strategic option are for all intents and purposes preventing SMBs from fully utilizing the potential of the virtual marketplace

    Critical Appraisal of Prevailing Marketing Mix: Applies Particularly to the Digital Marketing Metaphor

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    The generalized objective of this research paper is to critical evaluation of marketing mix in context of 21st contrary applies particularly to the marketing perspective. This research paper provides an idea to the marketing ideologist and can be used as marketing tools to assist them in pursuing their marketing objectives. Marketing mix is derived from the single P (price) of micro-economic theory. Apart from price other three Ps were introduced into the marketing scene in order to face up into a highly competitively charged competitive international environment. This study depict revised scenario of the current standing in the debate around the Mix as marketing paradigm tool and strategic marketing management tool by reviewing academic views. Critical appraisal of traditional product based marketing mix model with the present consumer oriented model is the base of this research. However, in spite of its deficiencies, the 4Ps remain a staple of the marketing mix. The subsequent Ps has yet to overcome a consensus about eligibility and agreement over the practical application. Keywords: Marketing tool, Marketing mix, Micro-economic theory. DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/71-06 Publication date:September 30th 2020

    Increase product sales of electronic companies by using IT applications in creating an effective e-marketing plan in social virtual worlds

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    The objective of this research is to determine the effect of using IT applications for e-marketing in social virtual worlds on real products sales by focusing on electronic companies. The findings of this research suggests that marketers have to use specialized IT applications for e-marketing in social virtual worlds, which can improve the interaction with virtual products, and this can lead to an increase in the real product sales


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    Actuality and Scientific Value of the topic of this Work is determined by the fact that the innovative marketing applications are not so widely used in Russia, Uzbekistan as in Europe. Meanwhile nowdays an efficient online marketing without a usage of the innovative marketing applications is not possible. The key target of the the current paper was to define the innovative marketing applications and to consider the online consumer behavior. The given article is managed comprehensively explore a concept of the innovative marketing applications. Such researchers as J. Evans (1996), E. Collinson, E. Shaw (2001), A.R. Andreasen (1994) studied such aspects of online marketing as the innovative approaches of the marketing. There was determined the typology of the innovative applications in the given article. There were also determined the vectors of the interactive consumer behavior in the innovative marketing applications in the given article.La actualidad y el valor científico del tema de este trabajo está determinado por el hecho de que las aplicaciones de marketing innovadoras no se utilizan tanto en rusia, uzbekistán como en europa. mientras tanto, hoy en día no es posible un marketing en línea eficiente sin un uso de las aplicaciones de marketing innovadoras. el objetivo clave del documento actual era definir las aplicaciones de marketing innovadorasy considerar el comportamiento del consumidor en línea. el artículo dado se gestiona de forma exhaustiva y explora un concepto de las aplicaciones de marketing innovadoras. investigadores tales como J. Evans (1996), E. Collinson, E. Shaw (2001), A.R. Andreasen (1994) estudió aspectos del marketing en línea como los enfoques innovadores del marketing. se determinó la tipología de las aplicaciones innovadoras en el artículo dado. también se determinaron los vectores del comportamiento interactivo del consumidor en las aplicaciones de marketing innovadoras en el artículo dado.Актуальность и научная ценность темы данной работы определяется тем, что инновационные маркетинговые приложения используются в России и Узбекистане не так широко, как в Европе. Между тем в настоящее время эффективный онлайн-маркетинг без использования инновационных маркетинговых приложений невозможен. Основной целью настоящей работы было определение инновационных маркетинговых приложений и рассмотрение поведения потребителей в интернете. Данная статья посвящена комплексному исследованию концепции инновационных маркетинговых приложений. Такие исследователи, как Дж. Эванс (1996), Е. Коллинсон, Э. Шоу (2001), А. Р. Эндрюсен (1994) изучали такие аспекты интернет-маркетинга как инновационные подходы маркетинга. В данной статье определена типология инновационных приложений. В данной статье также определены векторы интерактивного потребительского поведения в инновационных маркетинговых приложениях


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    Despite many studies on online purchasing decisions, e-marketing mix elements tend to be based solely on literature, regardless of what antecedents are appropriate for the target sample of research.  Selecting research variables by salient factors determination method leads to several hypotheses about e-marketing mix elements that influence purchase decisions in one of the largest marketplaces in Indonesia, i.e., Shopee.co.id.  The current study is expected to answer which elements in the e-marketing mix most determine purchase decisions in the digital era that demand the effectiveness and efficiency of resources.  The total respondents were 150 university students.  Structural Equation Modeling was utilized to analyze the data.  Results showed that e-marketing mix elements that significantly influence purchasing decisions were e-process and e-price.  The findings show that the most important online shopping factors were processing speed (time effectiveness) and lower product prices (cost efficiency).   E-promotion did not significantly affect the purchase decision since online shopping has become a daily routine activity, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020. Keywords: effectiveness, efficiency, e-marketing mix, marketplace, purchase decisio

    Estratégias competitivas nos sítios electrónicos das farmácias de oficina com dispensa ao domicílio

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    Conferência realizada em Madrid de 20-23 de Junho de 2012As farmácias de oficina, após legislação recente, têm autorização para comercializar e entregar medicamentos e produtos de saúde e bem-estar, através de pedidos realizados nos seus sítios electrónicos. Contudo, transformar a conectividade na Internet em vantagem competitiva implica ter uma estratégia de criação de valor bem definida. A presente investigação tem por objectivo compreender, analisar e identificar a criação de vantagens competitivas ao nível das operações, do marketing, da liderança em serviços e da coopetição nos sítios electrónicos das farmácias de oficina com dispensa ao domicílio, mediante um estudo exploratório transversal. Foi desenvolvido um questionário a ser respondido pelas farmácias, os dados recolhidos serão tratados estatisticamente e analisados, esperando-se obter resultados que permitam retirar conclusões relevantes sobre a forma como as farmácias de oficina com dispensa ao domicílio, estão a utilizar os seus sítios electrónicos para a criação de vantagens competitivas