65 research outputs found

    An overview about Geographic free and open-source software

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    Since the last decade, numerous free and open-source software (FOSS) has been developed: this new approach, thanks to its quick update and its affordability, has guaranteed the employment of FOSS both by public and private bodies. In the field of open tools, the development of geographic software (GFOSS) became particularly relevant, whose distribution increased enormously and whose innovations are constantly increasing.This work aims to show the main innovations in the field of GFOSS in order to highlight, by macro themes, what could be the future developments in the field of open source

    Estrategias de diseño de software para la actualización de parcelas catastrales: el caso del proyecto Ramón Llull

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    El Catastro Inmobiliario es un registro administrativo dependiente del Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas regulado por el Texto Refundido de la Ley del Catastro Inmobiliario 1/2004, que establece que la inscripción de un inmueble en el Catastro es obligatoria y gratuita. La representación cartográfica de los bienes inmuebles es uno de los aspectos fundamentales a la hora de inscribirlos en este registro oficial. Esta descripción gráfica cambia cuando se producen transacciones de fincas que afectan a la delimitación física de la propiedad, lo que conlleva tanto un control jurídico como técnico. El proyecto de investigación “Ramón Llull” se centra en el desarrollo de software de geoprocesamiento para comprobar y validar estos procesos de alteración catastral y subsanación de discrepancias en los que intervienen los Notarios. Uno de los logros fundamentales es una herramienta de gestión de expedientes de alteración que permite además coordinar el trabajo de la notaría con el del técnico competente e incorporar la información gráfica de la propiedad a la escritura. Para el desarrollo de esta aplicación ha sido preciso planificar el proceso de diseño que ha seguido el equipo investigador a la hora de escribir código fuente estable y de calidad. En el presente trabajo se analiza cómo han influido estas decisiones en el resultado. La valoración y la elección de software libre, los patrones de diseño de software y la interoperabilidad de datos y servicios son los factores en los que se centra el estudio. Todos ellos han condicionado el producto final: un sistema de geoprocesamiento que permite que una transacción inmobiliaria entre particulares y la correspondiente actualización de la cartografía catastral coincidan en tiempo y forma.Este trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación Ramón Llull dirigido por Alfredo Ramón Morte, profesor titular del Departamento de Análisis Geográfico Regional y Geografía Física, y por Antonio Jiménez Clar, profesor asociado del Departamento de Derecho Civil, y ha sido financiado por el Colegio Notarial de Valencia. Además, se inscribe en el marco del proyecto de investigación «El Registro de la Propiedad como instrumento vertebrador de la información territorial; datos espaciales, metadatos y Directiva INSPIRE (II)» (DER 2011-23321), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

    Pelatihan Pendampingan Pembuatan Peta Tematik Menggunakan GPS dan Aplikasi CAD

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    One of the problems in the development of human resource professionalism so far is related to land issues (boundaries). The purpose of this activity is to provide training on the use of GPS and processing data using Autodesk map software. The training was attended by the village and sub-district staff of Samarinda City, as many as 50 people. The method used is 1) giving theoretical and practical knowledge about data collection and processing 2) assignment of making land boundaries per area, 3) presentation of results in the field and 4) output (boundary map). The results of this activity were: First, all participants of this training activity were very enthusiastic, enthusiastic, and had high motivation to take part in the implementation of the second boundary land making training activity, the participants who succeeded in making a land boundary map of 25 people or 50% of 50 participants. Third, the quality of the maps is quite good. They found differences in boundary map shape between version Samarinda City Bappeda and field data collection. Based on field data from the Bugis Kelurahan staff, the shape of the land boundary map in the Bugis sub-district in Samarinda almost resembles the land boundary map of Samarinda City of 2.5 ha, because Samarinda City Bappeda does not include the Segiri GOR Stadium as an area of Bugis sub-district that should be included as a map of the border. The map results from Samarinda Kota sub-district staff were recombined by sub-district and sub-district lurah to be determined as a map of sub-district Kota Samarinda and displayed in the A0 printout in each of the kelurahan offices located in sub-district Samarinda Kota

    Production of spatial representations through collaborative mapping. An experiment

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    This paper focuses on the theme of the spatial representation of cities and the territory, reflecting on the prospects for innovation in the expressive means that serve the study of the city. The described research concerns project “Mappe di Comunità 3.0” (http://ontomap.dyndns.org/), funded by the Fondazione CRT. The project focuses on the definition of a methodology that implements a synergistic exchange between institutional territorial knowledge and the knowledge of the citizens, achievable thanks to the mediation of communication provided by a semantic representation of territorial knowledge. That type of representation supports the description of data and of its properties in a unified language. Moreover, it enables the sharing of information on the Web by providing an integrated perspective on territorial data

    A participatory WebGIS platform to support biodiversity inventory in the Geneva cross-border area

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    The context is the URBANGENE project which aims at estimating the impact of urbanization on biodiversity using genetic information. The paper discusses the opportunities to involve citizens in a conservation process through the development of a participatory platform based on user-friendly, specially adapted and reusable crowdsourcing tools

    Towards OSGeo Best Practices for Scientific Software Citation: Integration Options for Persistent Identifiers in OSGeo Project Repositories

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    As a contribution to the currently ongoing larger effort to establish Open Science as best practices in academia, this article focuses on the Open Source and Open Access tiers of the Open Science triad and community software projects. The current situation of research software development and the need to recognize it as a significant contribution to science is introduced in relation to Open Science. The adoption of the Open Science paradigms occurs at different speeds and on different levels within the various fields of science and crosscutting software communities. This is paralleled by the emerging of an underlying futuresafe technical infrastructure based on open standards to enable proper recognition for published articles, data, and software. Currently the number of journal publications about research software remains low in comparison to the amount of research code published on various software repositories in the WWW. Because common standards for the citation of software projects (containers) and versions of software are lacking, the FORCE11 group and the CodeMeta project recommending to establish Persistent Identifiers (PIDs), together with suitable metadata setss to reliably cite research software. This approach is compared to the best practices implemented by the OSGeo Foundation for geospatial community software projects. For GRASS GIS, a OSGeo project and one of the oldest geospatial open source community projects, the external requirements for DOI-based software citation are compared with the projects software documentation standards. Based on this status assessment, application scenarios are derived, how OSGeo projects can approach DOI-based software citation, both as a standalone option and also as a means to foster open access journal publications as part of reproducible Open Science

    UN open gis capacity building

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    The UN Open GIS Initiative is to identify and develop, under UN guidance, an Open Source GIS bundle that meets the requirements of UN operations, taking full advantage of the expertise of mission partners (partner nations, technology contributing countries, international organizations, academia, NGO's, private sector). The project, started in 2016, is composed by 4 working groups. One of the working group is specifically related to Capacity Building, given its importance for the success of the project. UN Open GIS will be based on some existing open source geospatial software (packages and libraries) with many extensions specifically developed. The users of the platform will be the UN staff supporting with mapping and GIS the peacekeeping missions. Therefore, they are generally expert of this specific domain, even if they are currently using proprietary software. UN Open GIS Capacity Building is specifically thought for covering this gap, providing them the suitable background about open source geospatial software in general and the education tailored to the solution that has been being developed within the project itself


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperbaiki pengelolaan harta benda (aset) wakaf dalam jangka panjang pada Kantor Kementerian Agama Kota Semarang. Perencanaan strategis sumber daya sistem informasi manajemen aset wakaf digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fungsional pada Penyelenggara Syari’ah berdasarkan tujuan-tujuan yang akan dicapai dan sumber daya informasi yang dibutuhkan. Perencanaan sistem meliputi tujuan, kendala dan strategi rancangan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan diseluruh tingkat organisasi Penyelenggara Syari’ah. Pengembangan sistem informasi geografis manajemen aset wakaf (e-wakaf) menggunakan metode waterfall dengan lima tahapan, yaitu 1). identifikasi kebutuhan sistem informasi geografis, 2). Desain sistem GIS, 3). Implementasi,4). Operasional dan 5). Pemeliharaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah rancangan dan implementasi sistem informasi geografis manajemen aset wakaf (e-wakaf) yang dapat digunakan untuk menghimpun, menyimpan, memproses, memperbaiki, mengendalikan dan memonitoring persebaran aset wakaf sampai dengan ke titik lokasi wakaf dalam rangka pengamanan aset wakaf.   Kata Kunci :aset wakaf, Kantor Urusan Agama, monitoring, Penyelenggara Syari’ah, sistem informasi geografis

    More than counting pixels – perspectives on the importance of remote sensing training in ecology and conservation

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/rse2.27As remote sensing (RS) applications and resources continue to expand, their importance for ecology and conservation increases – and so does the need for effective and successful training of professionals working in those fields. Methodological and applied courses often form part of university curricula, but their practical and long-term benefits only become clear afterwards. Having recently received such training in an interdisciplinary master’s programme, we provide our perspectives on our shared education. Through an online survey we include experiences of students and professionals in different fields. Most participants perceive their RS education as useful for their career, but express a need for more training at university level. Hands-on projects are considered the most effective learning method. Besides methodological knowledge, soft skills are clear gains, including problem solving, self-learning and finding individual solutions, and the ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. The largest identified gaps in current RS training concern the application regarding policy making, methodology and conservation. To successfully prepare students for a career, study programmes need to provide RS courses based on state-of-the-art methods, including programming, and interdisciplinary projects linking research and practice supported by a sound technical background.German Research Foundation (DFG), University of Bayreut