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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Beyond Fashoda: Anglo-French security cooperation in Africa since St-Malo

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    Traditionally divided on security matters, France and Britain broke new ground when they signed the 1998 Saint-Malo agreement, promising to collaborate on defence and security, and pledging to cooperate bilaterally and in a ‘bi-multi’ fashion on Africa. This Anglo-French collaboration is the focus of this article, which begins by setting out the lack of UK–French security cooperation in Africa from the colonial to the early post-Cold War era. It then shows how there has been a degree of institutionalization of Anglo-French relations, alongside greater cooperation in terms of ESDP missions and the training of African peacekeepers. Next, this study explains the recent evolution of UK–French security relations in terms of neo-classical realist theory. Finally, it assesses the likelihood of closer Anglo-French security collaboration in the future

    Be All You Can Be (Without the Protection of the Constitution)

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    [Excerpt] “Despite the generous inclusion by President Reagan of the many soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines in the concept of the people of this republic, it is not altogether dear whether one whose status has changed from ordinary citizen to a member of the armed forces can legitimately claim any of the constitutional protections of citizenship until he or she is no longer a member of the armed forces. In the course of this nation\u27s history the Supreme Court has denied some or all of the protection of the Constitution to many groups of people, including African-Americans, 2 women,3 Native Americans, 4 Americans of Japanese ancestry,5 aliens, 6 and more recently to members of the armed forces. Just six months after President Reagan spoke the words quoted above, the Court overturned a precedent of nearly twenty years and held, in Solorio v. United States,7 that a member of the armed forces could be tried by a court-martial for virtually any offense without regard to the impact the alleged offense may, or may not, have had on the military or the ability of that service member to function in the military. While the decision may seem fairly innocuous at first blush, this article will demonstrate that the judicial mindset demonstrated by the Solorio holding is ill-conceived from the point of view of the soldier8 who is the accused at a court-martial. Moreover, the Supreme Court has demonstrated a judicial myopia which threatens the very form of government conceived by the framers of the Constitution. The decision perpetuates legal class distinctions which should not play a part in a democracy or in the administration of criminal justice and it paves the way for the creation of a warrior class with fewer rights in criminal proceedings.

    Issues of Delay & Deviation in Marine Insurance: a Case Study of \u3cem\u3eOliver v. the Maryland Insurance Company\u3c/em\u3e, 7 Cranach 487 (1813)

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    An examination of the case Oliver v. The Maryland Insurance Company, 7 Cranch 487 (1813). In Oliver, Robert Oliver, the plaintiff, sued the Maryland Insurance Company, the defendant, in an attempt to recover on an insurance policy he had purchased for a shipment of goods aboard the snow Comet. The Comet was seized by a British ship on its return from Spain, and was condemned under the Orders in Council of 1807. The Court affirmed a lower court judgment that Oliver was not entitled to recover, because the Comet had engaged in an unreasonable delay and deviation on its return voyage that voided the insurance contract. Livingston and Marshall both filed opinions; Livingston claiming that the Comet’s delay in Barcelona for 4 months constituted the allotted time for a reasonable delay, and the further deviation to the nearby port of Salou was therefore unreasonable, even though it was the usage and custom of trade at Barcelona. Chief Justice Marshall filed a concurring opinion, stating his opinion that the jury should have determined whether the Comet’s delay was caused by a reasonable apprehension of fear due to “Algerine” privateers in the area; and if the jury found this reasonable apprehension existed, he would have held the deviation excused. An examination of the principle of deviation law as it stands today shows the importance of the Court’s decision in Oliver and shows how the Court’s holding provided for the soundest precedent for courts, merchants, and marine insurers to rely on through the present

    Article Nine of Japan’s Constitution: From Renunciation of Armed Force “Forever” to the Third Largest Defense Budget in the World

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    Each year approximately 2,000 new detailed development plans are accepted in Sweden. When an area is covered by a new detailed development plan, it is often necessary that land has to be acquired to adjust the property units to the new plan. The owner conditions of the property units can usually be adjusted through negotiations between the seller and the buyer. But in some situations, when no agreements can be reached, it is possible to use coercive measures to purchase the land. Compulsory purchases are only permitted when certain legal criteria’s are met. The legal ability of compulsory purchases also affects voluntary negotiations since they function as "game rules". The compensations that are given in compulsory purchases then functions as a sort of minimum level of the compensations given in voluntary negotiations. The purpose of this thesis is to study the compensation that should be given in different situations when land is being compulsory purchased. Furthermore, the purpose is also to study the motives behind the legislation regarding compulsory purchases. In order to find an answer to the purpose of this thesis, a study has been made with a representative property unit. In the study, land was taken with coercive measures in four different situations from the property unit when a new detailed development plan covered the property unit. The four different situations were chosen to illustrate the differences between the given compensations. In the four different situations two different legal systems were applied. First, the existing legal system in Sweden was applied and then an alternative system based on principles that earlier could be found in the, now no longer existing, Act regarding development cooperation units (SFS 1987:11, lag om exploateringssamverkan) was applied. The result of the study shows that the compensation given depends upon the allowed land use in the new detailed development plan and upon which legal system that is applied. In the current Swedish legal system, the allowed land use for the specific property unit in the detailed development plan had the largest impact on the compensation given. In the alternative system, the total allowed land use in the detailed development plan was of importance for the given compensation together with what the property owner had contributed to the development area.Varje Ă„r antas cirka 2000 detaljplaner i Sverige. NĂ€r ett omrĂ„de detaljplanelĂ€ggs behöver mark vanligtvis förvĂ€rvas för att anpassa fastigheterna till de nya förhĂ„llandena. ÄgarförhĂ„llandena kan vanligtvis anpassas via förhandlingar mellan köpare och sĂ€ljare. Men i vissa situationer, om ingen överenskommelse kan nĂ„s, Ă€r det tillĂ„tet att anvĂ€nda tvĂ„ngsregler för att förvĂ€rva marken. TvĂ„ngsreglerna fĂ„r bara anvĂ€ndas nĂ€r kriterier uppstĂ€llda i lagen Ă€r uppfyllda. Även vid frivilliga förhandlingar fyller tvĂ„ngsreglerna en funktion eftersom de dĂ„ fungerar som spelregler. Lagstiftningens ersĂ€ttningsbestĂ€mmelser utgör en slags miniminivĂ„ för ersĂ€ttningens storlek. Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r dels att studera vilken ersĂ€ttning som betalas i olika situationer nĂ€r mark tvĂ„ngsförvĂ€rvas inom detaljplanelagt omrĂ„de och dels att studera de motiv som ligger till grund för lagstiftningens utformning. För att besvara syftet har en typfallsstudie genomförts dĂ€r mark frĂ„ngick en typfastighet för fyra olika markĂ„tkomstsituationer nĂ€r en ny detaljplan blev gĂ€llande över omrĂ„det. Situationerna valdes för att tydliggöra att ersĂ€ttningen som utgĂ„r vid olika markĂ„tkomstsituationer kan variera. I studien tillĂ€mpades bĂ„de dagens ersĂ€ttningssystem samt ett konstruerat ersĂ€ttningssystem som baserades pĂ„ den upphĂ€vda lagen om exploateringssamverkan (ESL). Framkomna resultat visar att ersĂ€ttningen kan variera dels beroende av vad marken ska anvĂ€ndas till och dels beroende av vilket ersĂ€ttningssystem som tillĂ€mpas. I det nu gĂ€llande ersĂ€ttningssystemet Ă€r den största pĂ„verkan pĂ„ ersĂ€ttningen vad marken fĂ„r anvĂ€ndas till enligt detaljplanen. I det alternativa ersĂ€ttningssystemet Ă€r det detaljplanens totala utformning som styr ersĂ€ttningsbeloppet tillsammans med vad respektive fastighetsĂ€gare bidragit med till planomrĂ„det

    Aspects of the Russo-Japanese War

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    On 6 February 1998 a symposium was held in STICERD on Aspects of the Russo-Japanese War at which two papers were presented: 'The Japanese Military during the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05: A Reconsideration of Command Politics and Public Images', by Dr Lone, and 'British Observers of the Russo-Japanese War', by Dr Towle.

    Amphibious Operations and the Evolution of Australian Defense Policy

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    “The tyranny of dissonance” among Australia’s geography, history, values, and political interests has begun to recede, and amphibious capability, long marginal in the nation’s defense strategy, will be playing a critical role

    NPS in the News Weekly Media Report - Apr. 5-11, 2022

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