38 research outputs found

    Service quality on patient expectation and actual service received at Gleanegal Kuala Lumpur

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    An improving patient satisfaction and service quality are very important in Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Although this hospital has increasingly number of patient but it is very important to understand patient needs and want and thus create long term and loyal customer. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between patient expectations and actual service received towards the service offered. This is quantitative research method used to measure the five dimension of SERVQUAL model in service quality. Sample of three hundred and fifty set of questions paper used in this research distributed to inpatient and outpatient department in Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur. Results of the survey analysis revealed that there is a difference between pre and post service rendered to the patients. There is significant result in five dimension which is Assurance, Reliability, Responsiveness, Empathy. Nevertheless, there is no significant different result in Tangibility

    Customer Satisfaction: A Comparative Study Between Government and Private Hospital

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    This study was conducted to investigate the level satisfaction of the outpatients in two different types of hospitals. The level of satisfaction is measured by the gap between expectation and perception of outpatients towards service quality of health care service provider. This comparative study was between government hospital and private hospitals in Ipoh, Perak. The adapted of SERVQUAL instrument was used in this study. The analysis was carried out by using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The numbers of respondents that involves in the research was 164 respondents that represented about 42.6 % of the sample population. Overall, 48 % of the respondents were satisfied with quality of services provided by the private hospital. Meanwhile 44 %, of respondents were satisfied with the services provided by the government hospital. Specifically; Service Delivery and Service Environment have positive relationship with Service Quality of the outpatients' satisfaction. However continuous improvement is needed especially in the area such as waiting time at the registration counter and long waiting time to received treatment and consultation. This improvement is for betterment of the service quality provided by both types of hospitals

    A comparative analysis of international education satisfaction using servqual

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    University education, the world over, has undergone significant transformation and reform with respect to higher education systems meeting the growing role of information and communication revolution, and the demand for knowledge, which represent the new challenges of globalisation. These challenges are seen as threats as well as opportunities for higher education systems around the world. The driving force of globalisation is competition and the international education market has become fiercely competitive with different marketing strategies being implemented by educational institutions to attract the growing number of students seeking higher education. The objective of this paper is to examine the relationship between the SERVQUAL constructs proposed by Parasuraman et al (1988 &amp; 1985) and the country of origin and satisfaction among four cohorts of Asian international postgraduate students studying in Australian universities. Country of origin is recognized as an important predictor of satisfaction and choice in the international education environment. The data used in this study is derived from a mail survey conducted among international postgraduate students from China, India, Indonesia and Thailand studying in five universities in Victoria, Australia. An adapted version of the SERVQUAL instrument was used to collect the data and was designed to measure the gap between student responses on expectations and perceptions of the university as a study destination on a seven point bi-polar scale. The responses were sought on 36 statements representing aspects of the operations and services of the university under desired (ideal) expectations of choice and post-choice perceptions. Scales were developed to investigate the relationship between the SERVQUAL constructs of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles and the country of origin and were shown to be reliable. Using ANOVA and MANOVA techniques, the study found significant differences between country of origin and the SERVQUAL constructs and discusses strategic implications and opportunities for highereducational institutions<br /


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    Quality has taken central stage in contemporary organizations and is one of the key areas of competition. Healthcare organizations, in particular, strive to provide better quality services to their patients in order to gain competitive advantage. Researchers and academicians have yet to agree on how to define and measure quality of service. Attempts have been made to develop standards and measurements to determine the degree of quality of services. However, the literature does not contain a model or standards to measure the quality of health care services. The paper in question presents an inclusive model to measure the quality of service of healthcare organizations. In addition to healthcare services (cure and care) the model encompasses teaching aspect of hospitals as well. This model was developed on the basis of an in-depth and careful study of a large (2400 bedded) public sector teaching hospital spread over a period of two years.  Data was collected from 400 patients, 250 employees, 200 general public, and 250 students through questionnaire followed by in-depth interviews. In addition to all this, various processes and interactions among individuals in the hospital were closely observed. Hospital records were studied. Anything that possibly could contribute to the quality of service in hospital was placed under one of the three dimensions of the model. Since the model has been inductively developed through data triangulation, it can safely be used to measure the quality of health care services with a good deal of accuracy

    Key Factors of Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention of Outpatients to Use Healthcare Services in Chengdu, China

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    Purpose:&nbsp;Despite the fact that hospitals seek a way to improve the quality and efficiency of medical services to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, this research investigates the factors that impact outpatients' satisfaction and behavioral intention to use healthcare services in hospitals in Chengdu, China.&nbsp;Research design, data, and methodology:&nbsp;The quantitative study will collect data via a questionnaire from 500 outpatients from 20 hospitals in Chengdu, China. The sample methods are judgmental, quota, and convenience sampling. The index of item-objective congruence (IOC) and pilot test (n=30) were conducted to validate validity and reliability before the data collection. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to assess the convergent and discriminant validity of the measurement model. Furthermore, the Structural equation model (SEM) was applied to test the effect of measured variables and conclude the research.&nbsp;Results:&nbsp;The results indicated that responsiveness was the strongest factor that significantly impacted patient satisfaction, followed by assurance and empathy. However, tangibles and images did not significantly impact patient satisfaction. In addition, patient satisfaction was directly related to behavioral intention.&nbsp;Conclusions:&nbsp;Hospital managers should improve service management and patient satisfaction and obtain more customers to improve the hospital’s market competitiveness

    The quality assessment of family physician service in rural regions, Northeast of Iran in 2012

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    Background: Following the implementation of family physician plan in rural areas, the quantity of provided services has been increased, but what leads on the next topic is the improvement in expected quality of service, as well. The present study aims at determining the gap between patients’ expectation and perception from the quality of services provided by family physicians during the spring and summer of 2012. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in which 480 patients who referred to family physician centers were selected with clustering and simple randomized method. Data were collected through SERVQUAL standard questionnaire and were analyzed with descriptive statistics, using statistical T-test, Kruskal-Wallis, and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests by SPSS 16 at a significance level of 0.05. Results: The difference between the mean scores of expectation and perception was about -0.93, which is considered as statistically significant difference ( P ≤ 0.05). Also, the differences in five dimensions of quality were as follows: tangible -1.10, reliability -0.87, responsiveness -1.06, assurance -0.83, and empathy -0.82. Findings showed that there was a significant difference between expectation and perception in five concepts of the provided services ( P ≤ 0.05 ). Conclusion: There was a gap between the ideal situation and the current situation of family physician quality of services. Our suggestion is maintaining a strong focus on patients, creating a medical practice that would exceed patients’ expectations, providing high-quality healthcare services, and realizing the continuous improvement of all processes. In both tangible and responsive, the gap was greater than the other dimensions. It is recommended that more attention should be paid to the physical appearance of the health center environment and the availability of staff and employee


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    Quality has taken central stage in contemporary organizations and is one of the key areas of competition. Healthcare organizations, in particular, strive to provide better quality services to their patients in order to gain competitive advantage. Researchers and academicians have yet to agree on how to define and measure quality of service. Attempts have been made to develop standards and measurements to determine the degree of quality of services. However, the literature does not contain a model or standards to measure the quality of health care services. The paper in question presents an inclusive model to measure the quality of service of healthcare organizations. In addition to healthcare services (cure and care) the model encompasses teaching aspect of hospitals as well. This model was developed on the basis of an in-depth and careful study of a large (2400 bedded) public sector teaching hospital spread over a period of two years.  Data was collected from 400 patients, 250 employees, 200 general public, and 250 students through questionnaire followed by in-depth interviews. In addition to all this, various processes and interactions among individuals in the hospital were closely observed. Hospital records were studied. Anything that possibly could contribute to the quality of service in hospital was placed under one of the three dimensions of the model. Since the model has been inductively developed through data triangulation, it can safely be used to measure the quality of health care services with a good deal of accuracy

    Calidad percibida en pacientes hospitalizados en el Servicio de Cardiología del Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa (Zaragoza)

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    Objetivo: valorar la calidad percibida por los usuarios hospitalizados en el Servicio de Cardiología del Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa (Zaragoza) y detectar aquellos aspectos susceptibles de mejora. Material y métodos: se trata de un estudio descriptivo, basado en la realización de un cuestionario de satisfacción. A los pacientes hospitalizados se les entregó al alta una encuesta de cumplimentación anónima y voluntaria, modelo SERVQHOS al que se le añadieron ítems adicionales. Se recogieron variables demográficas, así como vía y motivo de hospitalización. Resultados: se recogieron 112 encuestas. El ingreso de los pacientes se produjo por vía de Urgencias en el 80,4% [90 pacientes] y de forma programada en el 19,6% [22 pacientes]. En función de quién responde la encuesta observamos que cuando el que contesta es el paciente, el 98,3% de los mismos se encuentran muy satisfechos o satisfechos y el 1,7% poco satisfecho. Mientras que cuando el que contesta la encuesta es el cuidador o acompañante, el 94% de los mismos se encuentran muy satisfechos o satisfecho y el 6% poco satisfecho. (p = 0,002). En función del motivo de ingreso, cuando el motivo de ingreso es por arritmia, el 77,8% de los pacientes ingresados por este motivo se encuentran muy satisfechos. Cuando el motivo de ingreso es por cardiopatía isquémica, observamos que el 45,9% de los pacientes ingresados por este motivo se encuentran muy satisfechos. Cuando el motivo de ingreso es por cateterismo cardíaco, el 27,3% de los pacientes ingresados por este motivo se encuentran muy satisfechos. Cuando el motivo de ingreso es por insuficiencia cardíaca, el 16,7% de los pacientes ingresados por este motivo se encuentran muy satisfechos (p = 0,034). Conclusiones: los datos reflejan que 9 de cada 10 pacientes tienen una impresión positiva de la hospitalización en nuestro de Servicio de Cardiología. Destacan las diferencias significativas en la calidad percibida según quien conteste la encuesta, objetivándose una mayor satisfacción cuando la encuesta es cumplimentada por el propio paciente. Existen diferencias significativas según el motivo de ingreso, mostrándose más satisfechos los pacientes ingresados por arritmias que los ingresados por insuficiencia cardíaca, se observa un mayor nivel de satisfacción cuando la estancia media es más corta y cuando la tasa de mortalidad es menor. No se han observado diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la calidad percibida según la vía de ingreso, el sexo o el nivel de estudios de los pacientes