7 research outputs found

    Text Simplification Using Neural Machine Translation

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    Text simplification (TS) is the technique of reducing the lexical, syntactical complexity of text. Existing automatic TS systems can simplify text only by lexical simplification or by manually defined rules. Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is a recently proposed approach for Machine Translation (MT) that is receiving a lot of research interest. In this paper, we regard original English and simplified English as two languages, and apply a NMT model–Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) encoder-decoder on TS to make the neural network to learn text simplification rules by itself. Then we discuss challenges and strategies about how to apply a NMT model to the task of text simplification

    Automatic Text Simplification for People with Intellectual Disabilities

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    Text simplification (TS) aims to reduce the lexical and structural complexity of a text, while still retaining the semantic meaning. Current automatic TS techniques are limited to either lexical-level applications or manually defining a large amount of rules. In this paper, we propose to simplify text from both level of lexicons and sentences. We conduct preliminary experiments to find that our approach shows promising results

    Applying Estonian Digital Resources and Technologies in a Text Simplification Program

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    Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk oli uurida teksti lihtsustamise meetodeid ning luua veebipõhine rakendus, mis lihtsustaks eestikeelset teksti. Rakenduse loomiseks kasutati keeleressursse, nagu Eesti Wordnet, word2vec’i mudel, sagedusloend, võõrsõnade leksikon ja põhisõnavara sõnastik ning nendega leitakse sõnade keerukus ning sobivus teksti.The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis was to research text simplification methods and to create a web-based application to simplify Estonian texts. The web application uses language resources such as the Estonian Wordnet, word2vec model, frequency dictionary, foreign word dictionary and basic vocabulary dictionary, which are used to identify word complexity and suitability to the text

    An Automatic Modern Standard Arabic Text Simplification System: A Corpus-Based Approach

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    This thesis brings together an overview of Text Readability (TR) about Text Simplification (TS) with an application of both to Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). It will present our findings on using automatic TR and TS tools to teach MSA, along with challenges, limitations, and recommendations about enhancing the TR and TS models. Reading is one of the most vital tasks that provide language input for communication and comprehension skills. It is proved that the use of long sentences, connected sentences, embedded phrases, passive voices, non- standard word orders, and infrequent words can increase the text difficulty for people with low literacy levels, as well as second language learners. The thesis compares the use of sentence embeddings of different types (fastText, mBERT, XLM-R and Arabic-BERT), as well as traditional language features such as POS tags, dependency trees, readability scores and frequency lists for language learners. The accuracy of the 3-way CEFR (The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Proficiency Levels) classification is F-1 of 0.80 and 0.75 for Arabic-Bert and XLM-R classification, respectively and 0.71 Spearman correlation for the regression task. At the same time, the binary difficulty classifier reaches F-1 0.94 and F-1 0.98 for the sentence-pair semantic similarity classifier. TS is an NLP task aiming to reduce the linguistic complexity of the text while maintaining its meaning and original information (Siddharthan, 2002; Camacho Collados, 2013; Saggion, 2017). The simplification study experimented using two approaches: (i) a classification approach and (ii) a generative approach. It then evaluated the effectiveness of these methods using the BERTScore (Zhang et al., 2020) evaluation metric. The simple sentences produced by the mT5 model achieved P 0.72, R 0.68 and F-1 0.70 via BERTScore while combining Arabic- BERT and fastText achieved P 0.97, R 0.97 and F-1 0.97. To reiterate, this research demonstrated the effectiveness of the implementation of a corpus-based method combined with extracting extensive linguistic features via the latest NLP techniques. It provided insights which can be of use in various Arabic corpus studies and NLP tasks such as translation for educational purposes