122 research outputs found

    Database migration processes and optimization using BSMS (bank staff management system)

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    Veritabanları temel olarak karmaşık verilere bağlı görevleri yerine getirmek ve bu görevleri gerçekleştirmek için tasarlanmış bir depolama teknolojisidir, veri bütünlüğü önemlidir. Pek çok şirket için, veritabanları kelimenin tam anlamıyla şirketin işinin elektronik bir temsilidir ve göç sırasında herhangi bir veri parçasını kaybeder ve kaybeder kabul edilemez. Verilerin taşınmasının çeşitli ticari nedenleri vardır, bunlardan bazıları arşivleme, veri depolama, yeni ortama, platformlara veya teknolojiye geçmedir. Veri tabanı geçişi, genellikle değerlendirme, veri tabanı şeması dönüşümü, veri geçişi ve işlevsel testi içeren karmaşık, çok fazlı bir işlemdir. Çevrimiçi İşlem İşleme (OLTP) veritabanları genellikle veri bütünlüğü sağlama, veri fazlalığını ortadan kaldırma ve kayıt kilitlemesini azaltma gibi görevleri yerine getirerek verimlilik için çok normalize edilir. Ancak bu veritabanı tasarım sistemi bize çok sayıda tablo sunar ve bu tabloların ve yabancı anahtar kısıtlamalarının her biri veri taşıma noktasında dikkate alınmalıdır. Ayrıca, geleneksel görevlerden farklı olarak veri taşıma işi için Kabul kriteri tamamen% 100'dür, çünkü hatalar veritabanlarında tolere edilmez ve kalite önemlidir. Bu tez, verilerin Paradox veritabanı adı verilen yavaş, verimsiz ve eski bir veritabanı platformundan, verileri başarıyla geçiren Oracle adı verilen çok daha gelişmiş bir veritabanına aktarılması sırasında ortaya çıkan zorlukları ve kaygıları göstermektedir. Herhangi bir tutarsızlık ve veri kaybı olmadan verileri hızlı bir şekilde alarak, bir sorgunun performansını iyileştirmek için indeksleme tekniği kullanılmıştır

    Assessing the Flexibility of a Service Oriented Architecture to that of the Classic Data Warehouse

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    The flexibility of a service oriented architecture (SOA) is compared to that of the classic data warehouse across three categories: (1) source system access, (2) integration and transformation, and (3) end user access. The findings suggest that an SOA allows better upgrade and migration flexibility if back-end systems expose their source data via adapters. However, the providers of such adapters must deal with the complexity of maintaining consistent interfaces. An SOA also appears to provide more flexibility at the integration tier due to its ability to merge batch with real-time source system data. This has the potential to retain source system data semantics (e.g., code translations and business rules) without having to reproduce such logic in a transformation tier. Additionally, the tight coupling of operational metadata and source system data within XML in an SOA allows more flexibility in downstream analysis and auditing of output . SOA does lag behind the classic data warehouse at the end user level, mainly due to the latter\u27s use of mature SQL and relational database technology. Users of all technical levels can easily work with these technologies in the classic data warehouse environment to query data in a number of ways. The SOA end user likely requires developer support for such activities

    A Strategy for Reducing I/O and Improving Query Processing Time in an Oracle Data Warehouse Environment

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    In the current information age as the saying goes, time is money. For the modern information worker, decisions must often be made quickly. Every extra minute spent waiting for critical data could mean the difference between financial gain and financial ruin. Despite the importance of timely data retrieval, many organizations lack even a basic strategy for improving the performance of their data warehouse based reporting systems. This project explores the idea that a strategy making use of three database performance improvement techniques can reduce I/O (input/output operations) and improve query processing time in an information system designed for reporting. To demonstrate that these performance improvement goals can be achieved, queries were run on ordinary tables and then on tables utilizing the performance improvement techniques. The I/O statistics and processing times for the queries were compared to measure the amount of performance improvement. The measurements were also used to explain how these techniques may be more or less effective under certain circumstances, such as when a particular type of query is run. The collected I/O and time based measurements showed a varying degree of improvement for each technique based on the query used. A need to match the types of queries commonly run on the system to the performance improvement technique being implemented was found to be an important consideration. The results indicated that in a reporting environment these performance improvement techniques have the potential to reduce I/O and improve query performance

    Modeling, Annotating, and Querying Geo-Semantic Data Warehouses

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    A systems thinking approach to business intelligence solutions based on cloud computing

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    Thesis (S.M. in System Design and Management)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 73-74).Business intelligence is the set of tools, processes, practices and people that are used to take advantage of information to support decision making in the organizations. Cloud computing is a new paradigm for offering computing resources that work on demand, are scalable and are charged by the time they are used. Organizations can save large amounts of money and effort using this approach. This document identifies the main challenges companies encounter while working on business intelligence applications in the cloud, such as security, availability, performance, integration, regulatory issues, and constraints on network bandwidth. All these challenges are addressed with a systems thinking approach, and several solutions are offered that can be applied according to the organization's needs. An evaluations of the main vendors of cloud computing technology is presented, so that business intelligence developers identify the available tools and companies they can depend on to migrate or build applications in the cloud. It is demonstrated how business intelligence applications can increase their availability with a cloud computing approach, by decreasing the mean time to recovery (handled by the cloud service provider) and increasing the mean time to failure (achieved by the introduction of more redundancy on the hardware). Innovative mechanisms are discussed in order to improve cloud applications, such as private, public and hybrid clouds, column-oriented databases, in-memory databases and the Data Warehouse 2.0 architecture. Finally, it is shown how the project management for a business intelligence application can be facilitated with a cloud computing approach. Design structure matrices are dramatically simplified by avoiding unnecessary iterations while sizing, validating, and testing hardware and software resources.by Eumir P. Reyes.S.M.in System Design and Managemen

    Data Warehousing Modernization: Big Data Technology Implementation

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    Considering the challenges posed by Big Data, the cost to scale traditional data warehouses is high and the performances would be inadequate to meet the growing needs of the volume, variety and velocity of data. The Hadoop ecosystem answers both of the shortcomings. Hadoop has the ability to store and analyze large data sets in parallel on a distributed environment but cannot replace the existing data warehouses and RDBMS systems due to its own limitations explained in this paper. In this paper, I identify the reasons why many enterprises fail and struggle to adapt to Big Data technologies. A brief outline of two different technologies to handle Big Data will be presented in this paper: Using IBM’s Pure Data system for analytics (Netezza) usually used in reporting, and Hadoop with Hive which is used in analytics. Also, this paper covers the Enterprise architecture consisting of Hadoop that successful companies are adapting to analyze, filter, process, and store the data running along a massively parallel processing data warehouse. Despite, having the technology to support and process Big Data, industries are still struggling to meet their goals due to the lack of skilled personnel to study and analyze the data, in short data scientists and data statisticians

    Effective early termination techniques for text similarity join operator

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    Text similarity join operator joins two relations if their join attributes are textually similar to each other, and it has a variety of application domains including integration and querying of data from heterogeneous resources; cleansing of data; and mining of data. Although, the text similarity join operator is widely used, its processing is expensive due to the huge number of similarity computations performed. In this paper, we incorporate some short cut evaluation techniques from the Information Retrieval domain, namely Harman, quit, continue, and maximal similarity filter heuristics, into the previously proposed text similarity join algorithms to reduce the amount of similarity computations needed during the join operation. We experimentally evaluate the original and the heuristic based similarity join algorithms using real data obtained from the DBLP Bibliography database, and observe performance improvements with continue and maximal similarity filter heuristics. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

    Effective early termination techniques for text similarity join operator

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    Bu çalışma, 26-28 Ekim 2005 tarihleri arasında İstanbul[Türkiye]'da düzenlenen 20. International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences'da bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.Text similarity join operator joins two relations if their join attributes are textually similar to each other, and it has a variety of application domains including integration and querying of data from heterogeneous resources; cleansing of data; and mining of data. Although, the text similarity join operator is widely used, its processing is expensive due to the huge number of similarity computations performed. In this paper, we incorporate some short cut evaluation techniques from the Information Retrieval domain, namely Harman, quit, continue, and maximal similarity filter heuristics, into the previously proposed text similarity join algorithms to reduce the amount of similarity computations needed during the join operation. We experimentally evaluate the original and the heuristic based similarity join algorithms using real data obtained from the DBLP Bibliography database, and observe performance improvements with continue and maximal similarity filter heuristics.Inst Elec & Elect Engineers, Turkey SectBoğaziçi Üniversites