468 research outputs found

    En busca de un horizonte común para la Biblioteca digital de arqueología náutica (NADL). Reflexiones sobre ciencia, método, teoría y plantillas

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    [EN] Data sharing is a fundamental process for the advancement of both natural and social sciences. Starting from the idea that computers and the internet have drastically changed the world in the last decades, this paper advocates for the creation of a space where archaeologists from around the world can share information about maritime history and exchange data with colleagues. Following the principles of open access, we argue that raw data publication is necessary and significant for the development and democratization of the discipline. This study explains the fundamental aspects of the Nautical Archaeology Digital Library (NADL) and its efforts to standardize information collection for shipwrecks and related sites, so that scholars can create a community to disseminate both raw data and complete information in the field of maritime archaeology. To achieve this, our purpose is to facilitate the development of common-ground methodology and terminology that promotes an intelligible dialogue within the global community of nautical archaeologists. This paper addresses some considerations on terminology and systematization in scientific disciplines and discusses the theoretical and methodological issues linked to the process of making a template for recording shipwrecks. Furthermore, this article analyses some of the problems related to the standardization of description processes and the necessity to create a flexible system that accounts for data diversity. The third section discusses how science is greatly enhanced by publishing information in open access platforms.Highlights:Standardization of data allows robust comparative and inter-subjective analysis of coastal and maritime projects, shipwrecks and nautical technology.Research is strongly benefited by sharing information underlying publications and raw data generated within a project in open source platforms.Digital databases such as NADL enhance cooperative research, as well as teaching and outreach strategies.[ES] Compartir información es un proceso fundamental para el desarrollo de las ciencias naturales y sociales. Partiendo de la idea de que las computadoras e Internet han cambiado drásticamente el mundo en las últimas décadas, este trabajo aboga por la creación de un espacio en el que arqueólogos de alrededor del mundo puedan compartir información sobre historia marítima e intercambiar datos con otros colegas. Siguiendo los principios del libre acceso, sostenemos que la publicación de datos en bruto es necesaria y significativa para el desarrollo y democratización de la disciplina. Este artículo explica los fundamentos de la Biblioteca Digital de Arqueología Náutica (NADL: https://nadl.tamu.edu/) y sus esfuerzos por estandarizar el registro de la información sobre naufragios y sitios relacionados, para que los investigadores puedan crear una comunidad de divulgación, tanto de datos primarios como de información completa en el campo de la arqueología marítima. Para lograrlo, nuestro propósito es contribuir al desarrollo de una metodología y terminología común que promueva un diálogo inteligible entre la comunidad global de arqueólogos náuticos. En este artículo presentamos algunas consideraciones sobre la terminología y la sistematización en las disciplinas científicas y discutimos los problemas teóricos y metodológicos vinculados al proceso de creación de una plantilla para el registro de naufragios. Además, reflexionamos sobre algunos de los problemas relacionados con la estandarización de los procesos descriptivos y la necesidad de crear un sistema flexible que refleje la diversidad de los datos. Finalmente, discutimos cómo la ciencia se ve enormemente favorecida por la publicación de información en plataformas de libre acceso.This paper is a result of a T3 Texas A&M University grant. We want to thank the NADL community for their input. This paper is based on extensive discussions among the community. We would also like to thank Prof. José Luis Lerma, the editorial team of VAR and the reviewers for their insightful comments.Borrero L., R.; Schwindingera, P.; Castelli, A.; Ciarlo, NC.; Torres, R.; Manders, M.; Castro, F.... (2021). Seeking a common ground for the Nautical Archaeology Digital Library (NADL). Reflections on science, method, theory and templates. Virtual Archaeology Review. 12(24):11-24. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.14331OJS11241224Adams, J. (2001). Ships and Boats as Archaeological Source Material. World Archaeology, 32(3), 292-310. https://doi.org/10.1080/00438240120048644Bailey, G. (2007). Time perspectives, palimpsests, and the archaeology of time. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 26(2), 198-223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaa.2006.08.002Berkeley, G. (1998). A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. Oxford University Press.Campbell, R. N. (2009). What is Science? 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    Conventionalist's perspectives on the political economy of law: an introduction

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    "This introduction and the contributions of this HSR Special Issue “Conventions and Law from a Historical Perspective” present the conception and analysis of law from the perspective of the French institutionalist approach of the economics of convention (EC). From the pragmatic viewpoint of EC, law is regarded as an institution through which actors "identify" the situation in which they interact regularly. Law can be seen as a "guide" in the coordinations in which actors are engaged and committed. So law is not conceived as simple external constraint for economic action because law has to be interpreted and mobilized by competent actors. Therefore, EC understands law as internal to situational coordinations. From its beginnings (three decades ago), EC has included the analysis of law into its institutional research. Also from its beginnings, EC has developed a transdisciplinary approach, refusing the traditional "division of law" between history, sociology, economics, and law science. The introduction presents some main concepts (as convention of State) and positions of EC in the analysis of law. This introduction also relates EC's perspective to neoliberalism, economic neo-institutionalism, new historical institutionalism, and the Weberian sociology of law. The contributions of this HSR Special Issue are presented. They cover overviews about EC's research on (mainly economic) law, empirical applications, and theoretical considerations about law from a conventionalist perspective." (author's abstract

    A Reference Model for Big Data Analysis in Shipbuilding Industry

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    Department of Management EngineeringGlobal shipbuilding industry has gone through a tough time due to the reduction of shipping order quantities and shipbuilding tonnages since the global financial crisis of 2008. To overcome the challenges, big data analysis is expected to be an effective solution to increase the practical efficiency in the shipbuilding industry. After an organization applies big data analysis, benefits, such as better aimed marketing, more straightforward straight-forward business insights, client based segmentation, and recognition of sales and market chances, are anticipated. In the future, the key for competitiveness is finding an appropriate way of applying big data analysis. Although numerous studies for big data analysis are conducted, the studies tend to focus on the technical aspect of analyzing data including method, algorithm, and architecture. Therefore, it is required to study how to applying the analysis technique in the practice, specifically shipbuilding industry in this study. In this thesis, the reference model for big data analysis in shipbuilding industry is developed. The proposed reference model provides the big data analysis guideline according to four phases such as contract, design, production, and service. They are categorized based on value chain of shipbuilding industry. Each phase consists of three levels of big data analysis, e.g., category of analysis, analysis method, and detailed algorithm. Moreover, the importance of the analysis method is determined in order to increase the applicability of the reference model. To verify the validation of the model, experts of the shipbuilding industry consulted the model it is consulted by the experts of the shipbuilding industry.ope

    Efficiency in project networks : the role of inter-organizational relationships in project implementation

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    In many project-based industries such as construction and shipbuilding, the delivery of projects requires the participation of multiple heterogeneous firms. The objective of this dissertation is to explore how inter-organizational relationships influence the efficiency of the implementation phase in project networks. Project networks are defined as temporary inter-organizational networks set up for delivering a project to a client. Furthermore, it is examined how project implementation influences the development of inter-organizational relationships between firms involved in project networks. Based on a review of literature on project business, inter-organizational relationships, transaction cost economics, and critical incidents, a conceptual framework is developed to guide the multiple case study involving four project networks from the Finnish shipbuilding industry. Altogether, the empirical data analyzed in this study consists of a total of 40 personal interviews with individuals representing 13 different organizations, and a broad range of documentation including contracts, meeting memorandums and project plans. The results of this study demonstrate evidence of a relation between inter-organizational relationships and the efficiency of project implementation. Critical incidents unforeseen by the participating actors were analyzed in the four project networks. A part of these critical incidents was found to be related to inter-organizational relationships and to contribute to the efficiency of project implementation by affecting the ex post transaction costs of monitoring, planning, and adapting transactions between involved firms. Furthermore, the contribution of critical incidents on the efficiency of project implementation was found to be predominantly unfavorable as increases, as opposed to decreases, in transaction costs were found as frequent. In two studied project networks, in which inter-organizational relationships between project network actors were characterized by high degrees of trust and dependence, inter-organizational relationships were found to frequently constitute strengths which reduced the unfavorable contribution of critical incidents to the efficiency of project implementation. In all four studied project networks, inter-organizational relationships were also found to frequently constitute weaknesses which increased the unfavorable contribution of critical incidents to efficiency of project implementation. The results of this study also illustrate that the influence of project implementation on the development of inter-organizational relationships between project network actors can often be characterized as modest, as inter-organizational relationships in three studied project networks were rather stable across the observed one year period. However, when project network actors assess the responses of each other to critical incidents as unacceptable, even highly established inter-organizational relationships may deteriorate rapidly as occurred in one of the four studied project networks. This dissertation complements existing knowledge concerning the relatedness of inter-organizational relationships and efficiency of economic transactions by describing how critical incidents function as a mechanism relating these two concepts in project network contexts. In addition, this study contributes to our understanding of how inter-organizational relationships develop between firms operating in project-based industries. Further, this dissertation sheds new light to our understanding of the factors that contribute to the efficiency of work carried out in project contexts by emphasizing the importance of transaction costs that incur between involved firms during the implementation phase of the project life cycle. The results of this study have also implications for practitioners responsible for marketing and managing inter-firm projects who can be considered, to a considerable extent, accountable for both the development of inter-organizational relationships between firms they are employed by and other firms in the surrounding business environment, and the efficiency of work carried out in projects in which their employing firms participate

    A Systems Theory-Based Framework for Environmental Scanning in Complex System Governance

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    The purpose of this research was to develop a Systems Theory-based framework for Environmental Scanning (ES) in Complex System Governance (CSG) using an inductive research design. Complexity and uncertainty are normal for external environments in which today’s systems (organizations) exist. These environmental characteristics provide impetus for researchers to focus on organizational planning for disruptive external forces that could threaten system stability and future system existence. The ES function supports the requisite governance metasystemic functions to be enabled, executed, and evolved sufficiently well to promote continuous system viability. In this research the functioning of ES was examined from a diverse literature-based perspective. The literature acknowledges the importance of the ES function, but its consistent development and its impact on system viability in a turbulent environment is not well developed from a Systems Theory-based perspective. This gap in knowledge was addressed in this research. This research examined metasystemic functions performed by ES across a broad literature base encompassing Systems Theory, CSG, Managerial Cybernetics, and ES from several fields of study. This research focused on the lack of explicit use of Systems Theory in ES functionality in metasystemic governance. This research presents a theoretical construct for the expansion of the functionality of ES in CSG that supports enhanced system viability. A rigorous research approach employing a constructivist Grounded Theory Method (GTM) was used to analyze the qualified research literature with a focus on Systems Theory to both consolidate and expand the known functionality of ES in CSG. This research provided a theoretical seventeen-function Systems Theory-based framework for ES in CSG. The overarching theory from this framework is that ES functions support complex system viability through regulation of internal and external variety that is induced by external changes. The literature-based identification of the ES functions demonstrates that ES operates in newly identified mechanisms, beyond the original identification provided by Keating & Katina (2016). A case study was undertaken to demonstrate face validation of the applicability of the emerging Systems Theory-based functions of ES in CSG in an applied setting where possible utility was developed. Topics for future research in ES functionality were identified

    Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence

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    Traditional models struggle to cope with complexity, noise, and the existence of a changing environment, while Computational Intelligence (CI) offers solutions to complicated problems as well as reverse problems. The main feature of CI is adaptability, spanning the fields of machine learning and computational neuroscience. CI also comprises biologically-inspired technologies such as the intellect of swarm as part of evolutionary computation and encompassing wider areas such as image processing, data collection, and natural language processing. This book aims to discuss the usage of CI for optimal solving of various applications proving its wide reach and relevance. Bounding of optimization methods and data mining strategies make a strong and reliable prediction tool for handling real-life applications

    Kriittinen Tutkimus Japanin 'Kadotetuista Vuosikymmenistä' ja Kysymys Japanin Mahdollisista Tulevaisuuksista

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    The purpose of this thesis is to investigate Japan’s last decades' significant political economy change from a critical perspective. After the decades of post-war growth and reconstruction, coming to the end of the 1980s, Japan's political economy began to overheat dangerously fast. Passing into the 1990s, the bursting of a real estate bubble accumulated by the financial sector caused the financial sector a historically extensive stock market crash. As a result, the following decades marked a major shift in past decades’ economic euphoria. This large-scale transformation in the Japanese economy and society has also been called depending on perspective, by the terms 'lost decade' or 'lost decade(s)'. One of the objectives of this thesis is thus to answer the questions: What is meant by 'lost decade(s)'? And how have different theoretical approaches attempted to explain the concept? The thesis thus examines the relevant political economy literature exploring 'lost decade(s)' through a critical perspective while answering the research questions. As one of the arguments, the thesis seeks to question the metaphorical nature of 'lost decade(s)' by taking into account the mythical role of economic growth, highlighted especially by the economic literature, which has created a strong image of Japan's 'lost' economic growth and structural coherence. As a second argument, the thesis seeks to develop an understanding of some of the major societal losses that emerged during the 'lost decade(s)', through changes in the social, political, and institutional dimensions. The basis for the first argument is being constructed through the literature and questions that utilize the role of metaphors, social imaginaries, myths, and alternative data to create the perception of 'lost' growth. The final chapter seeks to establish a holistic insight into Japan's historical transformation from a perspective of the deeper structures of society. The chapter analyzes the impacts of 'lost decade(s)', particularly on demographic development, increasing social precariousness, political instability, and Japan's changing global position. In conclusion, the thesis goes through the research results and portrays certain questions about the possible futures of Japan while reflecting the developments that occurred during the 'lost decade(s)'

    Assessing outcomes from business-to-business selling

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    Doctoral thesis (PhD) – Nord University, 2021publishedVersio