7 research outputs found

    Service oriented cloud CPE as a means of a future terminal

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    The current CPE deployment model, which is based on deploying “intelligent” independent equipment in the customer premises, has important challenges that have been limiting the profitability of services for telecommunications service providers. Cloud CPE model provides a win for cost and service performance for the future, as it reduces onsite CPE complex requirements to a minimum and moves these features into the cloud, under service provider control. The financial analysis proves that the cCPE is a viable solution for the operators and also it is proved that can bring costs down for the operator but also for the end user and can be a viable solution for the 5G ecosystem

    Enforcement of dynamic HTTP policies on resource-constrained residential gateways

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    Given that nowadays users access content mostly through mobile apps and web services, both based on HTTP, several filtering applications, such as parental control, malware detection, and corporate policy enforcement, require inspecting Universal Resource Locators (URLs) contained in HTTP requests. Currently, such filtering is most commonly performed in end devices or in middleboxes. Filtering applications running on end devices are less resource intensive because they operate only on traffic from a single user and possibly leverage a hook at the HTTP level to access protocol data, but it is left to the user whether to execute them. On the other hand, middleboxes present the challenge of ensuring that they lay on the path of all the traffic from any relevant device. Residential gateways seem to be the ideal place where to implement traffic filtering because they forward all traffic generated by the hosts on home(-office) networks. However, these devices usually have very limited computation and memory resources, while URL-based filtering is quite demanding. In fact existing approaches rely on a large database of rules coupled with either deep packet inspection or transparent proxying for URL extraction. This paper introduces U-Filter, a URL filtering solution based on a distributed architecture where a lightweight, efficient URL extraction and policy enforcement component runs on residential gateways, delegating to a remote policy server the resource intensive task of verifying policy compliance. Thanks to the lightweight communication between the two components and the very limited resource requirements of the local module, U-Filter (i) can be deployed on resource-limited devices such as residential gateways, and (ii) has almost no impact on the performance of the device, as well as on the users’ browsing experience, as demonstrated by the experiments presented in the paper

    Service function chaining para NFV em ambientes cloud

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaService Function Chaining, Virtual Network Functions e Cloud Computing são os conceitos chave para resolver (em “grande plano”) uma necessidade actual dos operadores de telecomunicações: a virtualização dos equipamentos na casa dos consumidores, particularmente o Home Gateway. Dentro deste contexto, o objetivo desta dissertação será providenciar as Funções Virtuais de Rede (tais como um vDHCP, Classificador de Tráfego e Shaper) assim como respectivas APIs necessárias para se atingir essa solução de “grande plano”. A solução utilizará tecnologias Open Source como OpenStack, OpenVSwitch e OpenDaylight (assim como contribuições anteriores do Instituto de Telecomunicações) para concretizar uma Prova-de-Conceito do Home Gateway virtual. Após o sucesso da primeira PdC iniciar-se-á a construção da próxima prova, delineando um caminho claro para trabalho futuro.Service Function Chaining, Network Function Virtualization and Cloud Computing are the key concepts to solve (in “big-picture”) one of today’s operator’s needs: virtual Customer Premises Equipments, namely the virtualization of the Home Gateway. Within this realm, it will be the purpose of this dissertation to provide the required Virtual Network Functions (such as a vDHCP, Traffic Classifier and Traffic Shaper) as well as their respective APIs to build that “big-picture” solution. Open Source technologies such as OpenStack, OpenVSwitch and OpenDaylight (along with prior work from Instituto de Telecomunicações) will be used to make a working Proof-of-Concept of the Virtual Home Gateway. After the success of the first PoC, starts the construction of the next PoC and a path for future work is laid-down

    COMPOSER: A compact open-source service platform

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    Compute and network virtualization enable to deliver network services with unprecedented agility and flexibility based on (a) the programmatic placement of service functions across the available infrastructure and (b) the real-time setup of the corresponding network paths. This paper presents and validates COMPOSER, a compact, flexible and high-performance service platform for the deployment of network services. COMPOSER supports multiple virtualization engines (e.g., virtual machines, containers, native network functions) and it can use seamlessly the above different execution environments to instantiate network services belonging to different chains, hence facilitating domain-oriented orchestration and enabling the joint optimization of compute and network resources. We demonstrate that COMPOSER can run on resource-constrained hardware, such as residential gateways, as well as on high-performance servers. Finally, COMPOSER integrates optimized data plane components that enable our platform to reach top-class results with respect to data plane performance as well

    Improving the performance of Virtualized Network Services based on NFV and SDN

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    Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) proposes to move all the traditional network appliances, which require dedicated physical machine, onto virtualised environment (e.g,. Virtual Machine). In this way, many of the current physical devices present in the infrastructure are replaced with standard high volume servers, which could be located in Datacenters, at the edge of the network and in the end user premises. This enables a reduction of the required physical resources thanks to the use of virtualization technologies, already used in cloud computing, and allows services to be more dynamic and scalable. However, differently from traditional cloud applications which are rather demanding in terms of CPU power, network applications are mostly I/O bound, hence the virtualization technologies in use (either standard VM-based or lightweight ones) need to be improved to maximize the network performance. A series of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) can be connected to each other thanks to Software-Defined Networks (SDN) technologies (e.g., OpenFlow) to create a Network Function Forwarding Graph (NF-FG) that processes the network traffic in the configured order of the graph. Using NF-FGs it is possible to create arbitrary chains of services, and transparently configure different virtualized network services, which can be dynamically instantiated and rearranges depending on the requested service and its requirements. However, the above virtualized technologies are rather demanding in terms of hardware resources (mainly CPU and memory), which may have a non-negligible impact on the cost of providing the services according to this paradigm. This thesis will investigate this problem, proposing a set of solutions that enable the novel NFV paradigm to be efficiently used, hence being able to guarantee both flexibility and efficiency in future network services

    Tethered Linux CPE for IP service delivery

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    Distributed services across the network from edge to core

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    The current internet architecture is evolving from a simple carrier of bits to a platform able to provide multiple complex services running across the entire Network Service Provider (NSP) infrastructure. This calls for increased flexibility in resource management and allocation to provide dedicated, on-demand network services, leveraging a distributed infrastructure consisting of heterogeneous devices. More specifically, NSPs rely on a plethora of low-cost Customer Premise Equipment (CPE), as well as more powerful appliances at the edge of the network and in dedicated data-centers. Currently a great research effort is spent to provide this flexibility through Fog computing, Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), and data plane programmability. Fog computing or Edge computing extends the compute and storage capabilities to the edge of the network, closer to the rapidly growing number of connected devices and applications that consume cloud services and generate massive amounts of data. A complementary technology is NFV, a network architecture concept targeting the execution of software Network Functions (NFs) in isolated Virtual Machines (VMs), potentially sharing a pool of general-purpose hosts, rather than running on dedicated hardware (i.e., appliances). Such a solution enables virtual network appliances (i.e., VMs executing network functions) to be provisioned, allocated a different amount of resources, and possibly moved across data centers in little time, which is key in ensuring that the network can keep up with the flexibility in the provisioning and deployment of virtual hosts in today’s virtualized data centers. Moreover, recent advances in networking hardware have introduced new programmable network devices that can efficiently execute complex operations at line rate. As a result, NFs can be (partially or entirely) folded into the network, speeding up the execution of distributed services. The work described in this Ph.D. thesis aims at showing how various network services can be deployed throughout the NSP infrastructure, accommodating to the different hardware capabilities of various appliances, by applying and extending the above-mentioned solutions. First, we consider a data center environment and the deployment of (virtualized) NFs. In this scenario, we introduce a novel methodology for the modelization of different NFs aimed at estimating their performance on different execution platforms. Moreover, we propose to extend the traditional NFV deployment outside of the data center to leverage the entire NSP infrastructure. This can be achieved by integrating native NFs, commonly available in low-cost CPEs, with an existing NFV framework. This facilitates the provision of services that require NFs close to the end user (e.g., IPsec terminator). On the other hand, resource-hungry virtualized NFs are run in the NSP data center, where they can take advantage of the superior computing and storage capabilities. As an application, we also present a novel technique to deploy a distributed service, specifically a web filter, to leverage both the low latency of a CPE and the computational power of a data center. We then show that also the core network, today dedicated solely to packet routing, can be exploited to provide useful services. In particular, we propose a novel method to provide distributed network services in core network devices by means of task distribution and a seamless coordination among the peers involved. The aim is to transform existing network nodes (e.g., routers, switches, access points) into a highly distributed data acquisition and processing platform, which will significantly reduce the storage requirements at the Network Operations Center and the packet duplication overhead. Finally, we propose to use new programmable network devices in data center networks to provide much needed services to distributed applications. By offloading part of the computation directly to the networking hardware, we show that it is possible to reduce both the network traffic and the overall job completion time