8 research outputs found

    Теоретико-методическое обеспечение анализа содержательности законодательных актов в сфере научно-технологической деятельности

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    В статье обосновано теоретико-методическое обеспечение анализа содержательности законодательных актов в сфере научно-технологической деятельности с использованием методов статистики, квантитативной лингвистики и юридической техники. Проведенный сравнительный анализ текстов законодательных актов в сфере научно-технологической деятельности 17 стран, представляющих все правовые системы современности, выявил не только совокупность аналитических характеристик законодательных текстов (a-индекс, коэффициент вариации a-индекса, стилевая и тематическая однородность), но и адекватность применения выбранного для исследования методического инструментария. Результатами исследования являются классификация признаков тематической неоднородности, оценка их влияния на содержательность законодательного текста, а также схема методики науковедческого анализа законодательных актов в сфере научно-технологической деятельности.У статті обґрунтовано теоретико-методичне забезпечення аналізу змістовності законодавчих актів у сфері науково-технологічної діяльності з використанням методів статистики, квантитативної лінгвістики та юридичної техніки. Проведений порівняльний аналіз текстів законодавчих актів у сфері науково-технологічної діяльності 17 країн, які презентують усі правові системи сучасності, виявив не лише сукупність аналітичних характеристик законодавчих текстів (а-індекс, коефіцієнт варіації а-індексу, стильова та тематична однорідність), а й адекватність застосування обраного для дослідження методичного інструментарію. Результатами дослідження є класифікація ознак тематичної неоднорідності, оцінка їх впливу на змістовність законодавчого тексту, а також схема методики наукознавчого аналізу законодавчих актів у сфері науково-технологічної діяльності.Theoretical and methodological framework for consistency analysis of legal acts in science and technology field with use of statistical methods, quantitative linguistics and legal technique is elaborated. Comparative analysis of the texts of legal acts on science and technology field for 17 countries representing all the types of legal systems is made. Apart from producing a set of analytical characteristics of legislative texts (a-index, and a-index variation coefficient, stylistic and thematic homogeneity), the analysis gives the evidence to compatibility of the selected methodological tools. Also, the results of the study are a classification of the features of thematic diversity, assessment of their impact on the consistency of a legislative text and a methodological guideline for scientific analysis of legal acts in science and technology field

    Наукометричне дослідження законодавства

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    Проведено наукометричне дослідження законодавства України за 1991—2016 роки в контексті формування та реалізації державної науково-технологічної політики. Для отримання результатів дослідження використовувалися такі наукометричні методи як сленговий (класичний) та тематичної концентрації (лінгвостатистичний), а також метод кореляційного аналізу.Проведено наукометрическое исследование законодательства Украины за 1991–2016 года в контексте формирования и реализации государственной научно-техно логической политики. Для получения результатов исследования использовались такие наукометрические методы как сленговый (классический) и тематической концентрации (лингвостатистический), а также метод корреляционного анализа.A scientometric study of the Ukrainian legislation over 1991–2016 is made in the context of science and technology policy setting and implementation. Results of the study are obtained by use of slang (classical) method, thematic concentration (linguistic statistical) method, and correlation analysis method

    The Concept of “New Life” as a Powerful Psycholinguistic Element in the Inaugural Addresses of the U.S. Presidents

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    The article deals with the concept of “new life” in the inaugural addresses of the U.S. presidents. A political language, as a reflection of people’s behavior in a certain ethnocultural community, is under the consideration. The investigation of political language caused the special approach to the analysis of lexical units that comprise the semantic group “novelty”. Based on this analysis a group of words that have the common sema “new” was singled out. The means of expressions and stylistic devices that presidents used to express the idea of “new life” were determined. The presidents make people believe in their ability to take new actions and change the situation, lead the nation to new, better life. Adjective “new” is often used by the presidents in context of the necessity to revitalize old values, to renew the nation spiritually. Analysis of inaugural address of American presidents showed that ideas of “new life” run through the entire speech of every president. In this article the role of the idea of “new life” in inaugural addresses of American presidents and means of its conveying has been studied. Model of a “new life” can be rather complex, needs more or less strong argumentation. The very word-combination the “better life” predetermines that this life should be different from the existing one, i.e. new. Thus concept of “new life” plays important role in political discourse. Consequently, our research may be understood not only as belonging to a narrow sphere of analysis of political discourse but to wider branch of science – linguistic political science

    Тематичне ядро публікацій дослідника: наукометричний підхід

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    Мета статті — провести наукометричне оцінювання тематичного ядра публікацій дослідника. Для досягнення поставленої мети проведено модифікацію методів лінгвостатистичного аналізу тематичної концентрації слів у тексті та h-індексу для обґрунтування визначення тематичного ядра публікацій. Для формування профілю дослідника (румунського фізика-лінгвіста Іоана-Йовітца Попеску) використовувалися дані бібліометричної бази Google Scholar.Цель статьи — провести наукометрическое оценивание тематического ядра публикаций исследователя. Для достижения поставленной цели проведена модификация методов лингвостатистического анализа тематической концентрации слов в тексте и h-индекса для обоснования определения тематического ядра публикаций. Для формирования профиля исследователя (румынского физика-лингвиста Іоана Йовитца Попеску) использовались данные библиометрической базы Google Scholar.The article’s objective is to perform scientometric assessment of the thematic core of the researcher’s publications. This objective is achieved by modifying the methods for linguistic statistical analysis of the thematic concentration of words in the text and h-index, to substantiate determining the thematic core of publications. Data from the bibliometric database Google Scholar are used to form the researcher’s profile (the case of Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, a Romanian physicist-linguist)

    The power of Trump-Speak : populist crisis narratives and ontological security

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    For most observers, the election of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States (US) came as a shock. This has been widely recast as the culmination of the American public’s long-standing dissatisfaction with the political elite and deep-seated frustrations with broader socio-economic conditions. We argue that the Trump campaign’s success also stemmed from its effective use of an emotionally charged, anti-establishment crisis narrative. With insights from political psychology, we examine the socio-linguistic mechanisms that underlie the effectiveness of ‘Trump-speak’ through both quantitative and qualitative content analysis of Trump’s communications toolkit during the 2016 US presidential election campaign. We show that his leadership legitimation claims rest significantly upon ‘crisis talk’ that puts his audience in a loss frame with nothing to lose and explain why ‘crisis talk’ impacts on political behaviour. As we demonstrate, the crisis stories that political agents tell simultaneously instil ontological insecurity among the American public and serve to transform their anxiety into confidence that the narrator’s policy agendas are the route back to ‘normality’. Through these rhetorical mechanisms, the Trump campaign manipulated individuals’ ontological (in)security as a tool in the politics of reassurance at the broader, societal level

    The effects of online reviews and promotional messages on product performance : review helpfulness and the power of language

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    This dissertation contains two essays. For Essay One, previous studies on review helpfulness focus on what makes a review helpful and how to predict review helpfulness. In so doing, researchers hope to identify the most helpful reviews for consumers and improve the recommendation system. However, little is known about the effect of these helpful reviews on product performance. Thus, this paper investigates how helpful reviews or the helpfulness votes influence product sales. Since product sales are only available at the group (product) level, estimating the effect of helpfulness votes presents a challenging multilevel problem. This research considers both the disaggregating (individual) and the aggregating (group) approaches and compares four competing models in their parameter estimates and model fitness. The results suggest that the average number of votes performs the worst while the mean-adjusted model slightly improves predictive power. Among them, the total number of helpfulness votes renders the best predictive performance. For Essay Two, crowdfunding has become a trendy way to raise funding nowadays. Budding entrepreneurs try to make a convincing pitch to attract potential backers\u27 interest. Existing studies have found that linguistic styles such as the narrative tone, the use of emotional or informational arguments, concreteness, precision, and interactivity are signals of underlying project quality. Nevertheless, this body of research lacks proof of the effect of micro-level linguistic elements on the success of crowdfunding. In this essay, we conduct two studies to investigate the effect of word-level and topic-level linguistic characteristics on crowdfunding outcomes. In Study One, we adopt a multimethod approach which includes N-gram natural language processing model, penalized logistic regression (PLR), and linguistic analysis to analyze the narratives of projects on Kickstarter. We find that speaking the same language and careful choice of words is critical to the success of crowdfunding. Further, the psychological meanings of the words and phrases associated with the success and failure of crowdfunding Our findings will provide a valuable insight for entrepreneurs to prepare their pitches. In Study Two, we switch our focus from the choice of word to the choice of topic. We use topic entropy to measure the theme complexity for each project pitch and examine how it would affect the probability of crowdfunding success. We find a significant prediction power of the topic entropy, with the lower (higher) the value, the more probability the success (failure) of the project. Among successful projects, certain words and topics that have more positive or negative impacts vary depending on the movie genre. This essay is one of the first in marketing research to use advanced text analysis to evaluate the effect of micro-level linguistic features on message persuasiveness. In addition, this work has further proved the power of language in effective marketing communications

    Critical Analysis of Language Ideologies in Czech Public Discourse

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    Disertační práce se zabývá jazykovými ideologiemi v českém veřejném diskurzu. Po úvodní kapitole představující téma, motivaci a rozvržení práce se v druhé kapitole věnuje důkladnému rozboru výzkumné oblasti jazykových ideologií. Představuje různé varianty jejich vymezování, dva rozdílné přístupy k nim a několik klíčových rysů, které jazykové ideologie charakterizují. Načrtává se zde vztah jazykových ideologií k dalším příbuzným pojmům, mapují se možnosti a způsoby výzkumu v této oblasti a několik poznámek se věnuje i existujícím výčtům jazykových ideologií. Jádrem kapitoly je vlastní, komplexní definice jazykových ideologií opřená o kritickou reflexi dosavadních přístupů. Třetí kapitola shrnuje relevantní existující poznatky a na tomto základě formuluje hlavní cíl práce - na základě analýzy a interpretace jejích výsledků přispět k poznání východisek a způsobů konceptualizace jazyka v českém veřejném diskurzu. Čtvrtá kapitola rozpracovává metodologický rámec práce. Jako východisko volí kritickou analýzu diskurzu - shrnuje její základy, reflektuje hlavní dosavadní kritické výtky vůči tomuto přístupu a jako jejich částečné řešení navrhuje využití nástrojů korpusové lingvistiky. Druhá část kapitoly je věnována konceptu klíčovosti jako jednomu z hlavních principů využívaných v korpusových analýzách...The thesis deals with language ideologies in Czech public discourse. After introducing its topic, motivation and structure in the opening chapter, it devotes the second chapter to a thorough analysis of the research field of language ideologies. It presents various ways of defining them, two different approaches to them and a few key features which characterize language ideologies. The relation of language ideologies and other related notions is outlined, possibilities and ways of investigation are surveyed. Some remarks focus on existing lists or glossaries of language ideologies. The core of this chapter is an original, complex definition of language ideologies grounded in a critical reflection of approaches up to now. The third chapter summarizes relevant existing findings and on that basis, it formulates the main aim of the thesis - to make a contribution to knowledge on the foundations and ways of conceptualizing language in Czech public discourse. The fourth chapter elaborates the methodological frame of the thesis. Critical discourse analysis is chosen as a basis - its basics are summarized, main critical comments are considered and a partial solutions are proposed in use of corpus linguistics' tools. Another part of this chapter concerns with keyness as one of the dominant principles used...Institute of Czech Language and Theory of CommunicationÚstav českého jazyka a teorie komunikaceFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art