16 research outputs found

    A biomechanical investigation of seated balance and upright mobility with a robotic exoskeleton in individuals with a spinal cord injury

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a complex medical condition with multiple sequelae. The level and severity of a lesion will determine the degree of disability and associated co- morbidities, the most obvious of which is paralysis. Other concomitant issues, such as muscle contractures, poor seated posture and fear of falling, can also lead to a reduced quality of life. Although there is currently no cure for SCI, many of the comorbidities can be managed or mitigated through technology and physical rehabilitation practices.The aim of this thesis was to inform spinal cord injury (SCI) mobility rehabilitation, focusing on postural control and upright stepping using robotic assisted gait training (RAGT). A systematic review investigating RAGT use in SCI concluded that although RAGT has the potential to benefit upright locomotion of SCI individuals, it should not replace other therapies but should be incorporated into a multi-modality rehabilitation approach.Seated postural control, upper-body posture and fear-of-falling in SCI individuals were also explored. Stability performance and control demand were compared between high- and low-level injury groups as was fear-of-falling. An individualised limit of stability boundary (LOS) facilitated the differentiation between high- and low-level injuries during static tasks; however, its use during dynamic tasks was limited and potentially influenced by fear-of-falling.Few studies have quantified the user’s motion inside a lower limb robotic exoskeleton (LEXO), and none have reported marker placement repeatability. Standard error of measurement was reported for three-dimensional trunk and pelvic orientations and hip, knee and ankle angles in the sagittal plane during level walking. This revealed the marker set and placement to produce good levels of agreement between visits, with most values falling between the accepted standard of 2-5o. These findings indicated that the marker placement was repeatable and could be used in the subsequent chapters involving motion capture of overground walking.Three-dimensional gait parameters of able-bodied individuals walking with and without a LEXO at two speeds (comfortable (CMBL) and speed-matched (SLOW) to the LEXO) were investigated. Statistical parametric mapping revealed significantly different waveforms at the ANOVA level for all kinematic variables, however minimal differences in sagittal plane lower limb kinematics were identified between LEXO and SLOW gait, suggesting LEXO gait resembled slow walking when speed-matched. Altered kinematics of the pelvis and trunk during LEXO use suggest that overground exoskeletons may provide a training environment benefiting postural control training.Finally, the biomechanical characteristics of able-bodied and SCI users walking in an overground LEXO were investigated. Variables associated with neuroplasticity in SCI (hip extension and lower limb un-loading) were not significantly different between groups, indicating that afferent stimuli to facilitate neuroplastic adaptations in individuals with a SCI can be generated during LEXO gait. Upper-body orientation facilitated stepping and maintained balance, thereby requiring the participant’s active involvement.This thesis has provided evidence that LEXOs can deliver appropriate stimuli for upright stepping and that upper-body engagement can facilitate postural control training, potentially leading to improved seated postural control

    Bioinspired robotic rehabilitation tool for lower limb motor learning after stroke

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorEsta tesis doctoral presenta, tras repasar la marcha humana, las principales patologíıas y condiciones que la afectan, y los distintos enfoques de rehabilitación con la correspondiente implicación neurofisiológica, el camino de investigación que desemboca en la herramienta robótica de rehabilitación y las terapias que se han desarrollado en el marco de los proyectos europeos BioMot: Smart Wearable Robots with Bioinspired Sensory-Motor Skills y HANK: European advanced exoskeleton for rehabilitation of Acquired Brain Damage (ABD) and/or spinal cord injury’s patients, y probado bajo el paraguas del proyecto europeo ASTONISH: Advancing Smart Optical Imaging and Sensing for Health y el proyecto nacional ASSOCIATE: A comprehensive and wearable robotics based approach to the rehabilitation and assistance to people with stroke and spinal cord injury.This doctoral thesis presents, after reviewing human gait, the main pathologies and conditions that affect it, and the different rehabilitation approaches with the corresponding neurophysiological implications, the research journey that leads to the development of the rehabilitation robotic tool, and the therapies that have been designed, within the framework of the European projects BioMot: Smart Wearable Robots with Bioinspired Sensory-Motor Skills and HANK: European advanced exoskeleton for rehabilitation of Acquired Brain Damage (ABD) and/or spinal cord injury’s patients and tested under the umbrella of the European project ASTONISH: Advancing Smart Optical Imaging and Sensing for Health and the national project ASSOCIATE: A comprehensive and wearable robotics based approach to the rehabilitation and assistance to people with stroke and spinal cord injury.This work has been carried out at the Neural Rehabilitation Group (NRG), Cajal Institute, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). The research presented in this thesis has been funded by the Commission of the European Union under the BioMot project - Smart Wearable Robots with Bioinspired Sensory-Motor Skills (Grant Agreement number IFP7-ICT - 611695); under HANK Project - European advanced exoskeleton for rehabilitation of Acquired Brain Damage (ABD) and/or spinal cord injury’s patients (Grant Agreements number H2020-EU.2. - PRIORITY ’Industrial leadership’ and H2020-EU.3. - PRIORITY ’Societal challenges’ - 699796); also under the ASTONISH Project - Advancing Smart Optical Imaging and Sensing for Health (Grant Agreement number H2020-EU. - ECSEL - 692470); with financial support of Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under the ASSOCIATE project - A comprehensive and wearable robotics based approach to the rehabilitation and assistance to people with stroke and spinal cord injury (Grant Agreement number 799158449-58449-45-514); and with grant RYC-2014-16613, also by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Fernando Javier Brunetti Fernández.- Secretario: Dorin Sabin Copaci.- Vocal: Antonio Olivier

    Sensor Fusion Representation of Locomotion Biomechanics with Applications in the Control of Lower Limb Prostheses

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    Free locomotion and movement in diverse environments are significant concerns for individuals with amputation who need independence in daily living activities. As users perform community ambulation, they face changing contexts that challenge what the typical passive prosthesis can offer. This problem rises opportunities for developing intelligent robotic systems that assist the locomotion with the least possible interruptions for direct input during operation. The use of multiple sensors to detect the user's intent and locomotion parameters is a promising technique that could provide a fast and natural response to the prostheses. However, the use of these sensors still requires a thorough investigation before they can be translated into practical settings. In addition, the dynamic change of context during locomotion should translate to adjustment in the device's response. To achieve the scaling rules for this modulation, a rich biomechanics dataset of community ambulation would provide a source of quantitative criteria to generate bioinspired controllers. This dissertation produces a better understanding of the characteristics of community ambulation from two different perspectives: the biomechanics of human motion and the sensory signals that can be captured by wearable technology. By studying human locomotion in diverse environments, including walking on stairs, ramps, and level ground, this work generated a comprehensive open-source dataset containing the biomechanics and signals from wearable sensors during locomotion, evaluating the effects of changing the locomotion context within the ambulation mode. With the multimodal dataset, I developed and evaluated a combined strategy for ambulation mode classification and the estimation of locomotion parameters, including the walking speed, stair height, ramp slope, and biological moment. Finally, by combining this knowledge and incorporating both the biomechanics insight with the machine learning-based inference in the frame of impedance control, I propose novel methods to improve the performance of lower-limb robotics with a focus on powered prostheses.Ph.D

    Biomechatronics: Harmonizing Mechatronic Systems with Human Beings

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    This eBook provides a comprehensive treatise on modern biomechatronic systems centred around human applications. A particular emphasis is given to exoskeleton designs for assistance and training with advanced interfaces in human-machine interaction. Some of these designs are validated with experimental results which the reader will find very informative as building-blocks for designing such systems. This eBook will be ideally suited to those researching in biomechatronic area with bio-feedback applications or those who are involved in high-end research on manmachine interfaces. This may also serve as a textbook for biomechatronic design at post-graduate level

    Robotics 2010

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    Without a doubt, robotics has made an incredible progress over the last decades. The vision of developing, designing and creating technical systems that help humans to achieve hard and complex tasks, has intelligently led to an incredible variety of solutions. There are barely technical fields that could exhibit more interdisciplinary interconnections like robotics. This fact is generated by highly complex challenges imposed by robotic systems, especially the requirement on intelligent and autonomous operation. This book tries to give an insight into the evolutionary process that takes place in robotics. It provides articles covering a wide range of this exciting area. The progress of technical challenges and concepts may illuminate the relationship between developments that seem to be completely different at first sight. The robotics remains an exciting scientific and engineering field. The community looks optimistically ahead and also looks forward for the future challenges and new development

    Clinical investigation of the functional outcome of fixed bearing versus mobile bearing knees

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    Total Knee Arthroplasty is a high-volume and high-cost procedure, with persisting limitations to patient satisfaction. Prosthesis designs aim to restore function whilst providing stability, without joint constraint. This double-blinded randomised controlled trial is the first of its kind where the functional performance of a low congruent fixed (CR DD), ultra-congruent fixed (UC), and ultra-congruent mobile (UCR) bearing Columbus Total Knee Systems were assessed. The pre- and postoperative function of twenty-four osteoarthritic patients was evaluated against nine control participants whilst carrying out activities of daily living. Spatiotemporal, kinematic, and kinetic gait parameters during walking, stair navigation and sloped walking were extracted using fully instrumented motion capture. Questionnaire responses were also recorded. Across all ADLs, postoperative patient function improved, although not to control levels. The average postoperative increase in range of sagittal knee motion across all tasks came to: 7.3±3.1o (CRDD), 4.9±4.9o (UC), 0.7±7.7o (UCR), and peak knee flexion was mostly reduced at postoperative. Both fixed bearing implants presented larger post-surgery hip and ankle kinetics in magnitude, and improved distinction between knee adduction moment maxima, linked to improved loading to the mobile bearing group. Overall, the CRDD group showed more significant changes to preoperative and any significant inter-implant differences at post-surgery was also to this group. The UC and UCR groups showed less improvements during challenging activities, with the UCR group showing some limits to knee extension. The UCR group also self-reported more difficulty, pain, and tiredness than the fixed bearing groups. Kinematic cross talk error significantly impacted the interpretation of non-sagittal kinematics, and small and unequal sample sizes reduced statistical power. Despite the limitations it was concluded that both fixed bearing implants initially outperformed the mobile bearing joint and the CRDD group showed the most prominent improvements. Clinically relevant thresholds for all parameters, would further determine whether functional advantages exist between implant bearing types.Total Knee Arthroplasty is a high-volume and high-cost procedure, with persisting limitations to patient satisfaction. Prosthesis designs aim to restore function whilst providing stability, without joint constraint. This double-blinded randomised controlled trial is the first of its kind where the functional performance of a low congruent fixed (CR DD), ultra-congruent fixed (UC), and ultra-congruent mobile (UCR) bearing Columbus Total Knee Systems were assessed. The pre- and postoperative function of twenty-four osteoarthritic patients was evaluated against nine control participants whilst carrying out activities of daily living. Spatiotemporal, kinematic, and kinetic gait parameters during walking, stair navigation and sloped walking were extracted using fully instrumented motion capture. Questionnaire responses were also recorded. Across all ADLs, postoperative patient function improved, although not to control levels. The average postoperative increase in range of sagittal knee motion across all tasks came to: 7.3±3.1o (CRDD), 4.9±4.9o (UC), 0.7±7.7o (UCR), and peak knee flexion was mostly reduced at postoperative. Both fixed bearing implants presented larger post-surgery hip and ankle kinetics in magnitude, and improved distinction between knee adduction moment maxima, linked to improved loading to the mobile bearing group. Overall, the CRDD group showed more significant changes to preoperative and any significant inter-implant differences at post-surgery was also to this group. The UC and UCR groups showed less improvements during challenging activities, with the UCR group showing some limits to knee extension. The UCR group also self-reported more difficulty, pain, and tiredness than the fixed bearing groups. Kinematic cross talk error significantly impacted the interpretation of non-sagittal kinematics, and small and unequal sample sizes reduced statistical power. Despite the limitations it was concluded that both fixed bearing implants initially outperformed the mobile bearing joint and the CRDD group showed the most prominent improvements. Clinically relevant thresholds for all parameters, would further determine whether functional advantages exist between implant bearing types

    Proceedings SIAMOC 2019

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    Il congresso annuale della Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica, giunto quest'anno alla sua ventesima edizione, ritorna a Bologna, che già ospitò il terzo congresso nazionale nel 2002. Il legame tra Bologna e l'analisi del movimento è forte e radicato, e trova ampia linfa sia nel contesto accademico che nel ricco panorama di centri clinici d'eccellenza. Il congresso SIAMOC, come ogni anno, è l’occasione per tutti i professionisti dell’ambito clinico, metodologico ed industriale di incontrarsi, presentare le proprie ricerche e rimanere aggiornati sulle più recenti innovazioni nell’ambito dell’applicazione clinica dei metodi di analisi del movimento. Questo ha contribuito, in questi venti anni, a fare avanzare sensibilmente la ricerca italiana nel settore, conferendole un respiro ed un impatto internazionale, e a diffonderne l'applicazione clinica per migliorare la valutazione dei disordini motori, aumentare l'efficacia dei trattamenti attraverso l'analisi quantitativa dei dati e una più focalizzata pianificazione dei trattamenti, ed inoltre per quantificare i risultati delle terapie correnti

    Proceedings SIAMOC 2019

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    Il congresso annuale della Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica, giunto quest'anno alla sua ventesima edizione, ritorna a Bologna, che già ospitò il terzo congresso nazionale nel 2002. Il legame tra Bologna e l'analisi del movimento è forte e radicato, e trova ampia linfa sia nel contesto accademico che nel ricco panorama di centri clinici d'eccellenza. Il congresso SIAMOC, come ogni anno, è l’occasione per tutti i professionisti dell’ambito clinico, metodologico ed industriale di incontrarsi, presentare le proprie ricerche e rimanere aggiornati sulle più recenti innovazioni nell’ambito dell’applicazione clinica dei metodi di analisi del movimento. Questo ha contribuito, in questi venti anni, a fare avanzare sensibilmente la ricerca italiana nel settore, conferendole un respiro ed un impatto internazionale, e a diffonderne l'applicazione clinica per migliorare la valutazione dei disordini motori, aumentare l'efficacia dei trattamenti attraverso l'analisi quantitativa dei dati e una più focalizzata pianificazione dei trattamenti, ed inoltre per quantificare i risultati delle terapie correnti