10,413 research outputs found

    Rocket Testing and Integrated System Health Management

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    Integrated System Health Management (ISHM) describes a set of system capabilities that in aggregate perform: determination of condition for each system element, detection of anomalies, diagnosis of causes for anomalies, and prognostics for future anomalies and system behavior. The ISHM should also provide operators with situational awareness of the system by integrating contextual and timely data, information, and knowledge (DIaK) as needed. ISHM capabilities can be implemented using a variety of technologies and tools. This chapter provides an overview of ISHM contributing technologies and describes in further detail a novel implementation architecture along with associated taxonomy, ontology, and standards. The operational ISHM testbed is based on a subsystem of a rocket engine test stand. Such test stands contain many elements that are common to manufacturing systems, and thereby serve to illustrate the potential benefits and methodologies of the ISHM approach for intelligent manufacturing

    Marshall Space Flight Center Research and Technology Report 2019

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    Today, our calling to explore is greater than ever before, and here at Marshall Space Flight Centerwe make human deep space exploration possible. A key goal for Artemis is demonstrating and perfecting capabilities on the Moon for technologies needed for humans to get to Mars. This years report features 10 of the Agencys 16 Technology Areas, and I am proud of Marshalls role in creating solutions for so many of these daunting technical challenges. Many of these projects will lead to sustainable in-space architecture for human space exploration that will allow us to travel to the Moon, on to Mars, and beyond. Others are developing new scientific instruments capable of providing an unprecedented glimpse into our universe. NASA has led the charge in space exploration for more than six decades, and through the Artemis program we will help build on our work in low Earth orbit and pave the way to the Moon and Mars. At Marshall, we leverage the skills and interest of the international community to conduct scientific research, develop and demonstrate technology, and train international crews to operate further from Earth for longer periods of time than ever before first at the lunar surface, then on to our next giant leap, human exploration of Mars. While each project in this report seeks to advance new technology and challenge conventions, it is important to recognize the diversity of activities and people supporting our mission. This report not only showcases the Centers capabilities and our partnerships, it also highlights the progress our people have achieved in the past year. These scientists, researchers and innovators are why Marshall and NASA will continue to be a leader in innovation, exploration, and discovery for years to come

    reSearch : enhancing information retrieval with images

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    Combining image and text search is an open research question. The main issues are what technologies to base this solution on, and what measures of relevance to employ. Our reSearch prototype mashes up papers indexed using information retrieval techniques (Terrier) with Google image search for faces and Google book search. The user can interactively employ query expansion with additional terms suggested by Terrier, and use those terms to expand both the text and image search. We test this solution with a selection of recent publications and queries concerning people engaged in research. We report on the effectiveness of this solution. It seems that the combination works to a large extent, as testified by our observations

    Commercialisation of precision agriculture technologies in the macadamia industry

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    A prototype vision-based yield monitor has been developed for the macadamia industry. The system estimates yield for individual trees by detecting nuts and their harvested location. The technology was developed by the National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture, University of Southern Queensland for the purpose of reducing labour and costs in varietal assessment trials where yield for individual trees are required to be measured to indicate tree performance. The project was commissioned by Horticulture Australia Limited

    The North American Transportation Security Center – Technology Prototype Gap Analysis

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    Executive Summary There are over 800,000 hazardous materials (hazmat) shipments over the nation’s roads each day. According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), terrorist activity related to the transportation of hazardous materials represents a significant threat to public safety and the nation’s critical infrastructure. Specifically, the federal government has identified the government’s inability to track hazmat shipments on a real-time basis as a significant security vulnerability. In 2004, the U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) completed a study to determine if “smart truck” technology such as GPS tracking, wireless modems, panic buttons, and onboard computers could be used to enhance hazmat shipment security. The FMCSA study concluded that “smart truck” technology will be highly effective in protecting hazmat shipments from terrorists. The FMCSA study also concluded that “smart truck” technology deployment will produce a huge security benefit and an overwhelmingly positive return on investment for hazmat carriers. The FMCSA study led to the U.S. Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) Hazmat Truck Security Pilot (HTSP). This congressionally mandated pilot program was undertaken to demonstrate if a hazmat truck tracking center was feasible from a technology and systems perspective. The HTSP project team built a technology prototype of a hazmat truck tracking system to show that “smart truck” technology could be crafted into an effective and efficient system for tracking hazmat shipments. The HTSP project team also built the Universal Communications Interface – the XML gateway for hazmat carriers to use to provide data to a centralized truck tracking center. In August 2007, Congress enacted the 9/11 Act (PL110-53) that directs TSA to develop a program - consistent with the Hazmat Truck Security Pilot - to facilitate the tracking of motor carrier shipments of security-sensitive materials. In June 2008, TSA took a major step forward in establishing a national hazmat security program by issuing guidance for shipments of Tier 1 Highway Security Sensitive Materials (HSSMs), the riskiest shipments from a security perspective. TSA’s Tier 1 HSSM guidance includes Security Action Items which specify security measures – including vehicle tracking – that TSA believes are prudent security measures for shippers and carriers to follow. Compliance with TSA’s Tier 1 HSSM guidance is voluntary but TSA is expected to issue regulations based on the Tier 1 HSSM Security Action Items that will make compliance mandatory. Establishment of a Tier 1 HSSM truck tracking center is critical to implementation of a Tier 1 HSSM regulatory program based on the Security Action items by TSA. The HTSP technology prototype was an excellent first step toward an operational Tier 1 HSSM truck tracking system, however, it falls far short of what TSA needs in an operational system. This deliverable examines the “gaps” between the HTSP technology prototype and an operational Tier 1 HSSM truck tracking system. It draws upon the work of an Independent Verification and Validation contractor that evaluated the HTSP technology prototype. It also examines TSA needs related to implementation of a regulatory program based on Tier 1 HSSM Security Action Items

    NASA SBIR abstracts of 1990 phase 1 projects

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    The research objectives of the 280 projects placed under contract in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 1990 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase 1 program are described. The basic document consists of edited, non-proprietary abstracts of the winning proposals submitted by small businesses in response to NASA's 1990 SBIR Phase 1 Program Solicitation. The abstracts are presented under the 15 technical topics within which Phase 1 proposals were solicited. Each project was assigned a sequential identifying number from 001 to 280, in order of its appearance in the body of the report. The document also includes Appendixes to provide additional information about the SBIR program and permit cross-reference in the 1990 Phase 1 projects by company name, location by state, principal investigator, NASA field center responsible for management of each project, and NASA contract number

    TEKNOLOGI AUGMENTED REALITY UNTUK MEMORABILIA PAMERAN: “OURCHETYPE”: Augmented Reality Technology for Exhibition Memorabilia : "Ourchetype"

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    Tujusemesta strives to build exhibitions that attract visitors and involve visitors directly. The exhibition entitled "Ourchetype" or defined as "Our Archetype" uses a human empathy approach from C.G. Jung. Archetypes are patterns, habits, and symbols that appear in the human subconscious and shape personality and influence decision-making. Jung stated that Archetypes were ancient legacies that humans could share in common. Archetypes are the main content in this second exhibition with the help of visualization using interactive media in the form of Augmented reality, which appears as an innovation. Innovation is needed to improve the quality of exhibitions while remaining relevant and attracting more visitors. Augmented reality technology can help visitors feel closer to the exhibition because visitors can slowly understand the topic of Archetypes for a long time so that interactive media can function optimally. Visitors will receive the merchandise in character stickers according to their respective archetypes, which are "markers" of the created Augmented reality so that visitors can continue to explore content outside of exhibition time. The addition of Augmented reality Technology to this exhibition uses applied practical methods as needed by considering various references and literacy. The stages used are ideation, software selection, prototyping, approval, production process work, product presentation, providing company feedback, and making the final product. Augmented reality application content for Ourchetype Interaction exhibition memorabilia has been successfully designed and implemented. The Android Augmented reality application has been successfully built and tested. This application can be used on Android smartphones with  a minimum API level of 25, namely Android 7.1 Nougat, and supports the Vuforia Fusion library. ABSTRAKTujusemesta berusaha untuk membangun pameran yang menarik pengunjung dan melibatkan pengunjung secara langsung. Pameran yang bertajuk “Ourchetype” atau didefinisikan sebagai “Our Archetype” ini menggunakan pendekatan empati manusia dari C.G. Jung. Arketipe adalah pola, kebiasaan, dan simbol yang muncul di alam bawah sadar manusia dan membentuk kepribadian serta memengaruhi pengambilan keputusan. Jung menyatakan bahwa Arketipe adalah warisan kuno yang dapat membuat manusia berbagi hal yang sama. Arketipe merupakan konten utama dalam pameran kedua ini dengan bantuan visualisasi menggunakan media interaktif berupa Augmented reality, yang muncul sebagai sebuah inovasi. Inovasi diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pameran namun tetap relevan dan menarik lebih banyak pengunjung. Teknologi Augmented reality dapat membantu membuat pengunjung merasa lebih dekat dengan pameran, karena pengunjung dapat memahami topik Arketipe secara perlahan dan dalam waktu yang lama sehingga memungkinkan media interaktif dapat berfungsi secara optimal. Pengunjung akan mendapatkan merchandise berupa stiker karakter sesuai Arketipe masing-masing, yang merupakan “marker” dari Augmented reality yang dibuat, sehingga pengunjung dapat terus mengeksplorasi konten di luar waktu pameran. Penambahan Teknologi Augmented reality pada pameran ini menggunakan metode praktis terapan sesuai kebutuhan dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai referensi dan literasi. Tahapan yang digunakan adalah ideation, pemilihan software, pembuatan prototype, approval, pengerjaan proses produksi, presentasi produk dan pemberian feedback dari perusahaan, serta pembuatan produk akhir. Konten aplikasi Augmented reality untuk memorabilia pameran Ourchetype Interaction telah berhasil dirancang dan diimplementasikan. Aplikasi Android Augmented reality telah berhasil dibangun dan diuji. Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan pada smartphone Android dengan API level minimal 25 yaitu Android 7.1 Nougat, dan mendukung library Vuforia Fusion

    Meeting the Challenges of Exploration Systems: Health Management Technologies for Aerospace Systems With Emphasis on Propulsion

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    The constraints of future Exploration Missions will require unique Integrated System Health Management (ISHM) capabilities throughout the mission. An ambitious launch schedule, human-rating requirements, long quiescent periods, limited human access for repair or replacement, and long communication delays all require an ISHM system that can span distinct yet interdependent vehicle subsystems, anticipate failure states, provide autonomous remediation, and support the Exploration Mission from beginning to end. NASA Glenn Research Center has developed and applied health management system technologies to aerospace propulsion systems for almost two decades. Lessons learned from past activities help define the approach to proper ISHM development: sensor selection- identifies sensor sets required for accurate health assessment; data qualification and validation-ensures the integrity of measurement data from sensor to data system; fault detection and isolation-uses measurements in a component/subsystem context to detect faults and identify their point of origin; information fusion and diagnostic decision criteria-aligns data from similar and disparate sources in time and use that data to perform higher-level system diagnosis; and verification and validation-uses data, real or simulated, to provide variable exposure to the diagnostic system for faults that may only manifest themselves in actual implementation, as well as faults that are detectable via hardware testing. This presentation describes a framework for developing health management systems and highlights the health management research activities performed by the Controls and Dynamics Branch at the NASA Glenn Research Center. It illustrates how those activities contribute to the development of solutions for Integrated System Health Management

    Final Research Report for Sound Design and Audio Player

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    This deliverable describes the work on Task 4.3 Algorithms for sound design and feature developments for audio player. The audio player runs on the in-store player (ISP) and takes care of rendering the music playlists via beat-synchronous automatic DJ mixing, taking advantage of the rich musical content description extracted in T4.2 (beat markers, structural segmentation into intro and outro, musical and sound content classification). The deliverable covers prototypes and final results on: (1) automatic beat-synchronous mixing by beat alignment and time stretching – we developed an algorithm for beat alignment and scheduling of time-stretched tracks; (2) compensation of play duration changes introduced by time stretching – in order to make the playlist generator independent of beat mixing, we chose to readjust the tempo of played tracks such that their stretched duration is the same as their original duration; (3) prospective research on the extraction of data from DJ mixes – to alleviate the lack of extensive ground truth databases of DJ mixing practices, we propose steps towards extracting this data from existing mixes by alignment and unmixing of the tracks in a mix. We also show how these methods can be evaluated even without labelled test data, and propose an open dataset for further research; (4) a description of the software player module, a GUI-less application to run on the ISP that performs streaming of tracks from disk and beat-synchronous mixing. The estimation of cue points where tracks should cross-fade is now described in D4.7 Final Research Report on Auto-Tagging of Music.EC/H2020/688122/EU/Artist-to-Business-to-Business-to-Consumer Audio Branding System/ABC D