573 research outputs found

    A Very High Level Logic Synthesis

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    The evolution of Computer Aided Design (CAD) calls for the incorporation of design specifications into a microelectronics system development cycle. This expansion requires the establishment of a new generation of CAD procedures, defined as Very High Level Logic Synthesis (VHLLS). The fundamental characteristics of open-ended VHLLS are: (1) front-end graphical interface; (2) time encapsulation; and (3) automatic translation into a behavioral description. Consequently, the VHLLS paradigm represents an advanced category of CAD-based microelectronics system design, built on a deep usage of expert systems and intelligent methods. Artificial Intelligence (AI) formalisms such as Knowledge Representation System (KRS) are necessary to model properties related to the very high level of specification such as: dealing with ambiguities and inconsistencies, reasoning, computing high-level specification, etc. A prototype VHLLS design suite, called Specification Procedure for Electronic Circuits in Automation Language (SPECIAL), is defined, compared with today\u27s commercial tools and verified using numerous design examples. As a result, a new family of formal and accelerated development methodologies has become feasible with a better understanding of formalized knowledge driving these design processes

    A methodology for producing reliable software, volume 1

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    An investigation into the areas having an impact on producing reliable software including automated verification tools, software modeling, testing techniques, structured programming, and management techniques is presented. This final report contains the results of this investigation, analysis of each technique, and the definition of a methodology for producing reliable software

    Analyse de testabilité au niveau transfert de registres

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    Synthèse automatique et analyse de testabilité -- Les définitions de base -- Analyse de testabilité à haut niveau d'abstraction -- Analyse de testabilité et d'insertion de points de test au niveau transfert de registres -- Testability analysis and test-point insertion in RTL VHDL specifications for scan-based bist -- Implantation de l'algorithme et résultats expérimentaux

    Generating Circuit Tests by Exploiting Designed Behavior

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    This thesis describes two programs for generating tests for digital circuits that exploit several kinds of expert knowledge not used by previous approaches. First, many test generation problems can be solved efficiently using operation relations, a novel representation of circuit behavior that connects internal component operations with directly executable circuit operations. Operation relations can be computed efficiently by searching traces of simulated circuit behavior. Second, experts write test programs rather than test vectors because programs are more readable and compact. Test programs can be constructed automatically by merging program fragments using expert-supplied goal-refinement rules and domain-independent planning techniques

    The 1991 3rd NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the symposium are presented from the following sessions: (1) featured presentations 1; (2) very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit design; (3) VLSI architecture 1; (4) featured presentations 2; (5) neural networks; (6) VLSI architectures 2; (7) featured presentations 3; (8) verification 1; (9) analog design; (10) verification 2; (11) design innovations 1; (12) asynchronous design; and (13) design innovations 2

    State of Refactoring Adoption: Towards Better Understanding Developer Perception of Refactoring

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    Context: Refactoring is the art of improving the structural design of a software system without altering its external behavior. Today, refactoring has become a well-established and disciplined software engineering practice that has attracted a significant amount of research presuming that refactoring is primarily motivated by the need to improve system structures. However, recent studies have shown that developers may incorporate refactoring strategies in other development-related activities that go beyond improving the design especially with the emerging challenges in contemporary software engineering. Unfortunately, these studies are limited to developer interviews and a reduced set of projects. Objective: We aim at exploring how developers document their refactoring activities during the software life cycle. We call such activity Self-Affirmed Refactoring (SAR), which is an indication of the developer-related refactoring events in the commit messages. After that, we propose an approach to identify whether a commit describes developer-related refactoring events, to classify them according to the refactoring common quality improvement categories. To complement this goal, we aim to reveal insights into how reviewers develop a decision about accepting or rejecting a submitted refactoring request, what makes such review challenging, and how to the efficiency of refactoring code review. Method: Our empirically driven study follows a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods. We text mine refactoring-related documentation, then we develop a refactoring taxonomy, and automatically classify a large set of commits containing refactoring activities, and identify, among the various quality models presented in the literature, the ones that are more in-line with the developer\u27s vision of quality optimization, when they explicitly mention that they are refactoring to improve them to obtain an enhanced understanding of the motivation behind refactoring. After that, we performed an industrial case study with professional developers at Xerox to study the motivations, documentation practices, challenges, verification, and implications of refactoring activities during code review. Result: We introduced SAR taxonomy on how developers document their refactoring strategies in commit messages and proposed a SAR model to automate the detection of refactoring. Our survey with code reviewers has revealed several difficulties related to understanding the refactoring intent and implications on the functional and non-functional aspects of the software. Conclusion: Our SAR taxonomy and model, can work in conjunction with refactoring detectors, to report any early inconsistency between refactoring types and their documentation and can serve as a solid background for various empirical investigations. In light of our findings of the industrial case study, we recommended a procedure to properly document refactoring activities, as part of our survey feedback
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