1,646 research outputs found

    Badger: Complexity Analysis with Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution

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    Hybrid testing approaches that involve fuzz testing and symbolic execution have shown promising results in achieving high code coverage, uncovering subtle errors and vulnerabilities in a variety of software applications. In this paper we describe Badger - a new hybrid approach for complexity analysis, with the goal of discovering vulnerabilities which occur when the worst-case time or space complexity of an application is significantly higher than the average case. Badger uses fuzz testing to generate a diverse set of inputs that aim to increase not only coverage but also a resource-related cost associated with each path. Since fuzzing may fail to execute deep program paths due to its limited knowledge about the conditions that influence these paths, we complement the analysis with a symbolic execution, which is also customized to search for paths that increase the resource-related cost. Symbolic execution is particularly good at generating inputs that satisfy various program conditions but by itself suffers from path explosion. Therefore, Badger uses fuzzing and symbolic execution in tandem, to leverage their benefits and overcome their weaknesses. We implemented our approach for the analysis of Java programs, based on Kelinci and Symbolic PathFinder. We evaluated Badger on Java applications, showing that our approach is significantly faster in generating worst-case executions compared to fuzzing or symbolic execution on their own

    Automated Test Input Generation for Android: Are We There Yet?

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    Mobile applications, often simply called "apps", are increasingly widespread, and we use them daily to perform a number of activities. Like all software, apps must be adequately tested to gain confidence that they behave correctly. Therefore, in recent years, researchers and practitioners alike have begun to investigate ways to automate apps testing. In particular, because of Android's open source nature and its large share of the market, a great deal of research has been performed on input generation techniques for apps that run on the Android operating systems. At this point in time, there are in fact a number of such techniques in the literature, which differ in the way they generate inputs, the strategy they use to explore the behavior of the app under test, and the specific heuristics they use. To better understand the strengths and weaknesses of these existing approaches, and get general insight on ways they could be made more effective, in this paper we perform a thorough comparison of the main existing test input generation tools for Android. In our comparison, we evaluate the effectiveness of these tools, and their corresponding techniques, according to four metrics: code coverage, ability to detect faults, ability to work on multiple platforms, and ease of use. Our results provide a clear picture of the state of the art in input generation for Android apps and identify future research directions that, if suitably investigated, could lead to more effective and efficient testing tools for Android

    JWalk: a tool for lazy, systematic testing of java classes by design introspection and user interaction

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    Popular software testing tools, such as JUnit, allow frequent retesting of modified code; yet the manually created test scripts are often seriously incomplete. A unit-testing tool called JWalk has therefore been developed to address the need for systematic unit testing within the context of agile methods. The tool operates directly on the compiled code for Java classes and uses a new lazy method for inducing the changing design of a class on the fly. This is achieved partly through introspection, using Java’s reflection capability, and partly through interaction with the user, constructing and saving test oracles on the fly. Predictive rules reduce the number of oracle values that must be confirmed by the tester. Without human intervention, JWalk performs bounded exhaustive exploration of the class’s method protocols and may be directed to explore the space of algebraic constructions, or the intended design state-space of the tested class. With some human interaction, JWalk performs up to the equivalent of fully automated state-based testing, from a specification that was acquired incrementally

    CTGEN - a Unit Test Generator for C

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    We present a new unit test generator for C code, CTGEN. It generates test data for C1 structural coverage and functional coverage based on pre-/post-condition specifications or internal assertions. The generator supports automated stub generation, and data to be returned by the stub to the unit under test (UUT) may be specified by means of constraints. The typical application field for CTGEN is embedded systems testing; therefore the tool can cope with the typical aliasing problems present in low-level C, including pointer arithmetics, structures and unions. CTGEN creates complete test procedures which are ready to be compiled and run against the UUT. In this paper we describe the main features of CTGEN, their technical realisation, and we elaborate on its performance in comparison to a list of competing test generation tools. Since 2011, CTGEN is used in industrial scale test campaigns for embedded systems code in the automotive domain.Comment: In Proceedings SSV 2012, arXiv:1211.587


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    In real-world software development, maintenance plays a major role and developers spend 50-80% of their time in maintenance-related activities. During software maintenance, a significant amount of effort is spent on ending and fixing bugs. In some cases, the fix does not completely eliminate the buggy behavior; though it addresses the reported problem, it fails to account for conditions that could lead to similar failures. There could be many possible reasons: the conditions may have been overlooked or difficult to reproduce, e.g., when the components that invoke the code or the underlying components it interacts with can not put it in a state where latent errors appear. We posit that such latent errors can be discovered sooner if the buggy section can be tested more thoroughly in a separate environment, a strategy that is loosely analogous to the medical procedure of performing a biopsy where tissue is removed, examined and subjected to a battery of tests to determine the presence of a disease. In this thesis, we propose a process in which the buggy code is extracted and isolated in a test framework. Test drivers and stubs are added to exercise the code and observe its interactions with its dependencies. We lay the groundwork for the creation of an automated tool for isolating code by studying its feasibility and investigating existing testing technologies that can facilitate the creation of such drivers and stubs. We investigate mocking frameworks, symbolic execution and model checking tools and test their capabilities by examining real bugs from the Apache Tomcat project. We demonstrate the merits of performing unit-level symbolic execution and model checking to discover runtime exceptions and logical errors. The process is shown to have high coverage and able to uncover latent errors due to insufficient fixes

    A Test Generation Framework for Distributed Fault-Tolerant Algorithms

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    Heavyweight formal methods such as theorem proving have been successfully applied to the analysis of safety critical fault-tolerant systems. Typically, the models and proofs performed during such analysis do not inform the testing process of actual implementations. We propose a framework for generating test vectors from specifications written in the Prototype Verification System (PVS). The methodology uses a translator to produce a Java prototype from a PVS specification. Symbolic (Java) PathFinder is then employed to generate a collection of test cases. A small example is employed to illustrate how the framework can be used in practice

    Runtime exception detection in Java programs using symbolic execution

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    Most of the runtime failures of a software system can be revealed during test execution only, which has a very high cost. In Java programs, runtime failures are manifested as unhandled runtime exceptions. In this paper we present an approach and tool for detecting runtime exceptions in Java programs without having to execute tests on the software. We use the symbolic execution technique to implement the approach. By executing the methods of the program symbolically we can determine those execution branches that throw exceptions. Our algorithm is able to generate concrete test inputs also that cause the program to fail in runtime. We used the Symbolic PathFinder extension of the Java PathFinder as the symbolic execution engine. Besides small example codes we evaluated our algorithm on three open source systems: jEdit, ArgoUML, and log4j. We found multiple errors in the log4j system that were also reported as real bugs in its bug tracking system

    Model Based Analysis and Test Generation for Flight Software

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    We describe a framework for model-based analysis and test case generation in the context of a heterogeneous model-based development paradigm that uses and combines Math- Works and UML 2.0 models and the associated code generation tools. This paradigm poses novel challenges to analysis and test case generation that, to the best of our knowledge, have not been addressed before. The framework is based on a common intermediate representation for different modeling formalisms and leverages and extends model checking and symbolic execution tools for model analysis and test case generation, respectively. We discuss the application of our framework to software models for a NASA flight mission
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