67 research outputs found


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    In real-world software development, maintenance plays a major role and developers spend 50-80% of their time in maintenance-related activities. During software maintenance, a significant amount of effort is spent on ending and fixing bugs. In some cases, the fix does not completely eliminate the buggy behavior; though it addresses the reported problem, it fails to account for conditions that could lead to similar failures. There could be many possible reasons: the conditions may have been overlooked or difficult to reproduce, e.g., when the components that invoke the code or the underlying components it interacts with can not put it in a state where latent errors appear. We posit that such latent errors can be discovered sooner if the buggy section can be tested more thoroughly in a separate environment, a strategy that is loosely analogous to the medical procedure of performing a biopsy where tissue is removed, examined and subjected to a battery of tests to determine the presence of a disease. In this thesis, we propose a process in which the buggy code is extracted and isolated in a test framework. Test drivers and stubs are added to exercise the code and observe its interactions with its dependencies. We lay the groundwork for the creation of an automated tool for isolating code by studying its feasibility and investigating existing testing technologies that can facilitate the creation of such drivers and stubs. We investigate mocking frameworks, symbolic execution and model checking tools and test their capabilities by examining real bugs from the Apache Tomcat project. We demonstrate the merits of performing unit-level symbolic execution and model checking to discover runtime exceptions and logical errors. The process is shown to have high coverage and able to uncover latent errors due to insufficient fixes

    Search Techniques for Code Generation

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    This dissertation explores techniques that synthesize and generate program fragments and test inputs. The main goal of these techniques is to improve and support automation in program synthesis and test input generation. This is important because performing those processes manually is often tedious, time consuming and error prone. The main challenge that these techniques face is exploring the search space in efficient and scalable ways. In the first part of the dissertation, we present tools InSynth and PolySynth that interactively synthesize code fragments. They take as input a partial program and automatically extract type information, the desired type, and set of visible declarations. They use this input to synthesize ranked list of expressions with the desired type. Finally, they present the expressions to a developer in similar manner to code completions in modern IDEs. InSynth is the first tool that uses a complete algorithm to generate expressions with first class functions and higher order functions. We present the theoretical foundation of the InSynth problem, that is based on type inhabitation, and the type-based backward search algorithm that solves it. PolySynth uses type-driven, resolution based algorithm that considers polymorphic types (generics) to generate expressions. Furthermore, the uniqueness of both tools comes from the fact that their algorithms operate using corpus statistics. The statistics are used to steer the algorithms and the search space exploration towards the most relevant solutions. In the second part of the dissertation we present the tool anyCode that uses natural language input to synthesize expressions. As input it accepts English words or Java program language constructs. This allows a developer to encode her intuition about the desired expression using words or the expression that approximates the desired structure. Thanks to this flexibility, anyCode can also repair broken expressions. It uses a pipeline of natural language and related-word tools to analyze the input. This helps anyCode to identify the set of the most relevant components and to reduce the size of search space. To further reduce the size of search space and to create the most relevant expressions, anyCode uses two statistical models: unigram and probabilistic context free grammar. Finally, in the last part of the dissertation we present UDITA, a Java-like language with support for non-determinism, which allows a user to describe test generation programs. Test generation programs are run on a top of Java PathFinder (JPF), a popular explicit-state model checker, that has a built-in backtracking mechanism and supports non-determinism. Using UDITA programs, JPF generates test inputs. The first benefit of UDITA is that non-determinism empowers a user to describe many test inputs as easily as describing a single test input. The second benefit is that it gives a user more flexibility allowing her to describe test generation programs by arbitrarily combining filters and generators. UDITA reduces the size of search space using an algorithm that reduces the number of generated complex isomorphic structures and that delays non-deterministic choices

    Sequential generation of structured arrays and its deductive verification

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    International audienceA structured array is an array satisfying given constraints, such as being sorted or having no duplicate values. Generation of all arrays with a given structure up to some given length has many applications, including bounded exhaustive testing. A sequential generator of structured arrays can be defined by two C functions: the first one computes an initial array, and the second one steps from one array to the next one according to some total order on the set of arrays. We formally specify with ACSL annotations that the generated arrays satisfy the prescribed structural constraints (soundness property) and that the generation is in increasing lexicographic order (progress property). We refine this specification into two programming and specification patterns: one for generation in lexicographic order and one for generation by filtering the output of another generator. We distribute a library of generators instantiating these patterns. After adding suitable loop invariants we automatically prove the soundness and progress properties with the Frama-C platform

    Praspel: Contract-Driven Testing for PHP using Realistic Domains

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    We present an integrated contract-based testing framework for PHP. It relies on a behavioral interface specification language called Praspel, for "PHP Realistic Annotation and Specification Language". Using Praspel developers can easily annotate their PHP scripts with formal contracts, namely class invariants, and method pre- and postconditions. These contracts describe assertions either by predicates or by assigning realistic domains to data. Realistic domains introduce types in PHP and describe complex structures frequently encountered in applications, such as email addresses or SQL queries. Realistic domains display two properties: predicability, which allows to check if a data belongs to a given realistic domain, and samplability, which allows to generate valid data. This paper introduces coverage criteria dedicated to contracts, designed to exhibit relevant behaviors of the annotated methods. Test data are then computed to satisfy these coverage criteria, by using dedicated data generators for complex realistic domains, such as arrays or strings. This framework has been implemented and disseminated within the PHP community, which gave us feedback on their usage of the tool and the relevance of this integrated process with respect to their practice of manual testing

    Automated Black Box Generation of Structured Inputs for Use in Software Testing

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    A common problem in automated software testing is the need to generate many inputs with complex structure in a black-box fashion. For example, a library for manipulating red-black trees may require that inputs are themselves valid red-black trees, meaning anything invalid is not suitable for testing. As another example, in order to test code generation in a compiler, it is necessary to use input programs which are both syntactically valid and well-typed. Despite the importance of this problem, we observe that existing solutions are few in number and have severe drawbacks, including unreasonably slow performance and a lack of generality to testing different systems.This thesis presents a solution to this problem of black-box structured input generation. I observe that test inputs can be described as solutions to systems of logical constraints, and that more expressive constraints can lead to more complex tests. In order to test effectively and generate many tests, we need high-performance constraint solvers capable of finding many solutions to these constraints. I observe that constraint logic programming (CLP) offers an expressive constraint language paired with a high-performance constraint solver, and thus serves as a potential solution to this problem. Via a series of case studies, I have found that CLP (1) is applicable to testing a wide variety of systems; (2) can scale to more complex constraints than ever previously described; and (3) is often orders of magnitude faster than competing solutions. These case studies have also exposed dozens of bugs in high-profile software, including the Rust compiler and the Z3 SMT solver

    Semantic Fuzzing with Zest

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    Programs expecting structured inputs often consist of both a syntactic analysis stage, which parses raw input, and a semantic analysis stage, which conducts checks on the parsed input and executes the core logic of the program. Generator-based testing tools in the lineage of QuickCheck are a promising way to generate random syntactically valid test inputs for these programs. We present Zest, a technique which automatically guides QuickCheck-like randominput generators to better explore the semantic analysis stage of test programs. Zest converts random-input generators into deterministic parametric generators. We present the key insight that mutations in the untyped parameter domain map to structural mutations in the input domain. Zest leverages program feedback in the form of code coverage and input validity to perform feedback-directed parameter search. We evaluate Zest against AFL and QuickCheck on five Java programs: Maven, Ant, BCEL, Closure, and Rhino. Zest covers 1.03x-2.81x as many branches within the benchmarks semantic analysis stages as baseline techniques. Further, we find 10 new bugs in the semantic analysis stages of these benchmarks. Zest is the most effective technique in finding these bugs reliably and quickly, requiring at most 10 minutes on average to find each bug.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of 28th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'19

    Identifying Overly Strong Conditions in Refactoring Implementations

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    Abstract-Each refactoring implementation must check a number of conditions to guarantee behavior preservation. However, specifying and checking them are difficult. Sometimes refactoring tool developers may define overly strong conditions that prevent useful behavior-preserving transformations to be performed. We propose an approach for identifying overly strong conditions in refactoring implementations. We automatically generate a number of programs as test inputs for refactoring implementations. Then, we apply the same refactoring to each test input using two different implementations, and compare both results. We use Safe Refactor to evaluate whether a transformation preserves behavior. We evaluated our approach in 10 kinds of refactorings for Java implemented by three tools: Eclipse and Netbeans, and the JastAdd Refactoring Tool (JRRT). In a sample of 42,774 transformations, we identified 17 and 7 kinds of overly strong conditions in Eclipse and JRRT, respectively

    PhoneLab: Cloud-Backed Development Environment for Smartphones

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    We will develop a Scala-based language and a development environment to simplify the construction of cloud-backed smartphone applications, both by professionals and by end users. We will develop programming assistance tools that use cloud analysis (running on http://ecocloud.ch infrastructure) to suggest code fragments, and enable development and customization of applications both from the desktop and directly from smartphones

    Scaling Testing of Refactoring Engines

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    Defining and implementing refactorings is a nontrivial task since it is difficult to define preconditions to guarantee that the transformation preserves the program behavior. Therefore, refactoring engines may apply incorrect transformations in which the resulting program does not compile, preserve behavior, or follow the refactoring definitions. These engines may also prevent correct transformations due to overly strong preconditions. We find that 84% of the test suites of Eclipse and JRRT are concerned to detect those kinds of bugs. However, the engines still have them. Researchers have proposed a number of techniques for testing refactoring engines. Nevertheless, they may have limitations related to the bug type, program generation, time consumption, and number of refactoring engines necessary to evaluate the implementations. We propose and implement a technique to scale testing of refactoring engines. We improve expressiveness of a program generator and use a technique to skip some test inputs to improve performance. Moreover, we propose new oracles to detect behavioral changes using change impact analysis, overly strong preconditions by disabling preconditions, and transformation issues. We evaluate our technique in 28 refactoring implementations of Java (Eclipse and JRRT) and C (Eclipse) and find 119 bugs. The technique reduces the time in 96% using skips while missing only 6% of the bugs. Additionally, it finds the first failure in general in a few seconds using skips. Finally, we evaluate our proposed technique by using other test inputs, such as the input programs of Eclipse and JRRT refactoring test suites. We find 31 bugs not detected by the developers.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO
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