23,479 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Test Architecture to Reduce Test Application Time in Full Scan Sequential Circuits

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    Abstract—Full scan based design technique is widely used to alleviate the complexity of test generation for sequential circuits. However, this approach leads to substantial increase in test application time, because of serial loading of vectors. Although BIST based approaches offer faster testing, they usually suffer from low fault coverage. In this paper, we propose a hybrid test architecture, which achieves significant reduction in test application time. The test suite consists of: (i) some external deterministic test vectors to be scanned in, and (ii) internally generated responses of the CUT to be re-applied as tests iteratively, in functional (non-scan) mode. The proposed architecture uses only combinational ATPG to hybridize deterministic testing and test per clock BIST, and thus makes good use of both scan based and non-scan testing. We also present a bipartite graph based heuristic to select the deterministic test vectors and sequential fault simulation technique is used to perform the exact analysis on detected faults during the re-application of internally generated responses of the CUT during testing. Experimental results on ISCAS-89 benchmark circuits show the efficacy of the heuristic and reveal a significant reduction of test application time

    Power Minimisation Techniques for Testing Low Power VLSI Circuits (PhD Dissertation)

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    Testing low power very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits has recently become an area of concern due to yield and reliability problems. This dissertation focuses on minimising power dissipation during test application at logic level and register-transfer level (RTL) of abstraction of the VLSI design flow. The first part of this dissertation addresses power minimisation techniques in scan sequential circuits at the logic level of abstraction. A new best primary input change (BPIC) technique based on a novel test application strategy has been proposed. The technique increases the correlation between successive states during shifting in test vectors and shifting out test responses by changing the primary inputs such that the smallest number of transitions is achieved. The new technique is test set dependent and it is applicable to small to medium sized full and partial scan sequential circuits. Since the proposed test application strategy depends only on controlling primary input change time, power is minimised with no penalty in test area, performance, test efficiency, test application time or volume of test data. Furthermore, it is shown that partial scan does not provide only the commonly known benefits such as less test area overhead and test application time, but also less power dissipation during test application when compared to full scan. To achieve power savings in large scan sequential circuits a new test set independent multiple scan chain-based technique which employs a new design for test (DFT) architecture and a novel test application strategy, is presented. The technique has been validated using benchmark examples, and it has been shown that power is minimised with low computational time, low overhead in test area and volume of test data, and with no penalty in test application time, test efficiency, or performance. The second part of this dissertation addresses power minimisation techniques for testing low power VLSI circuits using built-in self-test (BIST) at RTL. First, it is important to overcome the shortcomings associated with traditional BIST methodologies. It is shown how a new BIST methodology for RTL data paths using a novel concept called test compatibility classes (TCC) overcomes high test application time, BIST area overhead, performance degradation, volume of test data, fault-escape probability, and complexity of the testable design space exploration. Second, power minimisation in BIST RTL data paths is achieved by analysing the effect of test synthesis and test scheduling on power dissipation during test application and by employing new power conscious test synthesis and test scheduling algorithms. Third, the new BIST methodology has been validated using benchmark examples. Further, it is shown that when the proposed power conscious test synthesis and test scheduling is combined with novel test compatibility classes simultaneous reduction in test application time and power dissipation is achieved with low overhead in computational time

    Low-Cost and High-Reduction Approaches for Power Droop during Launch-On-Shift Scan-Based Logic BIST

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    During at-speed test of high performance sequential ICs using scan-based Logic BIST, the IC activity factor (AF) induced by the applied test vectors is significantly higher than that experienced during its in field operation. Consequently, power droop (PD) may take place during both shift and capture phases, which will slow down the circuit under test (CUT) signal transitions. At capture, this phenomenon is likely to be erroneously recognized as due to delay faults. As a result, a false test fail may be generated, with consequent increase in yield loss. In this paper, we propose two approaches to reduce the PD generated at capture during at-speed test of sequential circuits with scan-based Logic BIST using the Launch-On-Shift scheme. Both approaches increase the correlation between adjacent bits of the scan chains with respect to conventional scan-based LBIST. This way, the AF of the scan chains at capture is reduced. Consequently, the AF of the CUT at capture, thus the PD at capture, is also reduced compared to conventional scan-based LBIST. The former approach, hereinafter referred to as Low-Cost Approach (LCA), enables a 50% reduction in the worst case magnitude of PD during conventional logic BIST. It requires a small cost in terms of area overhead (of approximately 1.5% on average), and it does not increase the number of test vectors over the conventional scan-based LBIST to achieve the same Fault Coverage (FC). Moreover, compared to three recent alternative solutions, LCA features a comparable AF in the scan chains at capture, while requiring lower test time and area overhead. The second approach, hereinafter referred to as High-Reduction Approach (HRA), enables scalable PD reductions at capture of up to 87%, with limited additional costs in terms of area overhead and number of required test vectors for a given target FC, over our LCA approach. Particularly, compared to two of the three recent alternative solutions mentioned above, HRA enables a significantly lower AF in the scan chains during the application of test vectors, while requiring either a comparable area overhead or a significantly lower test time. Compared to the remaining alternative solutions mentioned above, HRA enables a similar AF in the scan chains at capture (approximately 90% lower than conventional scan-based LBIST), while requiring a significantly lower test time (approximately 4.87 times on average lower number of test vectors) and comparable area overhead (of approximately 1.9% on average)

    Design for testability method at register transfer level

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    The testing of sequential circuit is more complex compared to combinational circuit because it needs a sequence of vectors to detect a fault. Its test cost increases with the complexity of the sequential circuit-under-test (CUT). Thus, design for testability (DFT) concept has been introduced to reduce testing complexity, as well as to improve testing effectiveness and efficiency. Scan technique is one of the mostly used DFT method. However, it has cost overhead in terms of area due to the number of added multiplexers for each flip-flop, and test application time due to shifting of test patterns. This research is motivated to introduce non-scan DFT method at register transfer level (RTL) in order to reduce test cost. DFT at RTL level is done based on functional information of the CUT and the connectivity of CUT registers. The process of chaining a register to another register is more effective in terms of area overhead and test application time. The first contribution of this work is the introduction of a non-scan DFT method at the RTL level that considers the information of controllability and observability of CUT that can be extracted from RTL description. It has been proven through simulation that the proposed method has higher fault coverage of around 90%, shorter test application time, shorter test generation time and 10% reduction in area overhead compared to other methods in literature for most benchmark circuits. The second contribution of this work is the introduction of built-in self-test (BIST) method at the RTL level which uses multiple input signature registers (MISRs) as BIST components instead of concurrent built-in logic block observers (CBILBOs). The selection of MISR as test register is based on extended minimum feedback vertex set algorithm. This new BIST method results in lower area overhead by about 32.9% and achieves similar higher fault coverage compared to concurrent BIST method. The introduction of non-scan DFT at the RTL level is done before logic synthesis process. Thus, the testability violations can be fixed without repeating the logic synthesis process during DFT insertion at the RTL level

    On applying the set covering model to reseeding

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    The Functional BIST approach is a rather new BIST technique based on exploiting embedded system functionality to generate deterministic test patterns during BIST. The approach takes advantages of two well-known testing techniques, the arithmetic BIST approach and the reseeding method. The main contribution of the present paper consists in formulating the problem of an optimal reseeding computation as an instance of the set covering problem. The proposed approach guarantees high flexibility, is applicable to different functional modules, and, in general, provides a more efficient test set encoding then previous techniques. In addition, the approach shorts the computation time and allows to better exploiting the tradeoff between area overhead and global test length as well as to deal with larger circuits

    Investigations on electromagnetic noises and interactions in electronic architectures : a tutorial case on a mobile system

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    Electromagnetic interactions become critic in embedded and smart electronic structures. The increase of electronic performances confined in a finite volume or support for mobile applications defines new electromagnetic environment and compatibility configurations (EMC). With canonical demonstrators developed for tutorials and EMC experiences, this paper present basic principles and experimental techniques to investigate and control these severe interferences. Some issues are reviewed to present actual and future scientific challenges for EMC at electronic circuit level

    Timing Measurement Platform for Arbitrary Black-Box Circuits Based on Transition Probability

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