15 research outputs found

    Information spreading during emergencies and anomalous events

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    The most critical time for information to spread is in the aftermath of a serious emergency, crisis, or disaster. Individuals affected by such situations can now turn to an array of communication channels, from mobile phone calls and text messages to social media posts, when alerting social ties. These channels drastically improve the speed of information in a time-sensitive event, and provide extant records of human dynamics during and afterward the event. Retrospective analysis of such anomalous events provides researchers with a class of "found experiments" that may be used to better understand social spreading. In this chapter, we study information spreading due to a number of emergency events, including the Boston Marathon Bombing and a plane crash at a western European airport. We also contrast the different information which may be gleaned by social media data compared with mobile phone data and we estimate the rate of anomalous events in a mobile phone dataset using a proposed anomaly detection method.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Reposts Influencing the Effectiveness of Social Reporting System: An Empirical Study from Sina Weibo

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    Social media platforms are transforming individuals from passive receivers as in traditional one-way communication channels to active senders who react to and disseminate information easily. However, such feature breeds a wide spreading of unverified information online, i.e., rumor. Previous research pointed out the duality of social media that it can serve as a potential tool for social reporting by leveraging users\u27 collective intelligence, but it could also become a collective rumor mill. We propose that repost amount will positively influence the survival time of rumor, which we use to indicate the effectiveness of social reporting system. The preliminary results support our hypothesis and social contagion theory are adopted to explain the mechanism. We elaborate on the potential contribution and future research plan as well

    Do I Care Enough? Using a Prosocial Tendencies Measure to Understand Twitter Users Sharing Behavior for Minor Public Safety Incidents

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    Social media has been used to assist victims of crises, especially large-scale disasters. Research describes the importance of the crowd who are the first witnesses to any sort of crime or disaster. Among others, this paper focuses on smaller scale public safety incidents such as suspicious activities, and minor robberies. We investigate whether prosocial tendencies affect Twitter users’ decisions to share minor public safety incidents on Twitter. The scale used has six subscales including: public, anonymous, dire, emotional, compliant, and altruism. The data (N=363) was collected through Mechanical Turk using an online anonymous survey. Initial results showed a positive relationship between being prosocial and sharing public safety incidents on Twitter. However, once additional variables related to Twitter use were introduced (number of public safety official accounts followed, news exposure on social media, and tweet/retweet frequency), these variables fully mediated the relationship. Limitations and design implications are discussed

    Sentiment analysis during Hurricane Sandy in emergency response

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    Sentiment analysis has been widely researched in the domain of online review sites with the aim of generating summarized opinions of users about different aspects of products. However, there has been little work focusing on identifying the polarity of sentiments expressed by users during disaster events. Identifying such sentiments from online social networking sites can help emergency responders understand the dynamics of the network, e.g., the main users' concerns, panics, and the emotional impacts of interactions among members. In this paper, we perform a sentiment analysis of tweets posted on Twitter during the disastrous Hurricane Sandy and visualize online users' sentiments on a geographical map centered around the hurricane. We show how users' sentiments change according not only to their locations, but also based on the distance from the disaster. In addition, we study how the divergence of sentiments in a tweet posted during the hurricane affects the tweet retweetability. We find that extracting sentiments during a disaster may help emergency responders develop stronger situational awareness of the disaster zone itself

    Experiments on Crowdsourcing Policy Assessment

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    Can Crowds serve as useful allies in policy design? How do non-expert Crowds perform relative to experts in the assessment of policy measures? Does the geographic location of non-expert Crowds, with relevance to the policy context, alter the performance of non- experts Crowds in the assessment of policy measures? In this work, we investigate these questions by undertaking experiments designed to replicate expert policy assessments with non-expert Crowds recruited from Virtual Labor Markets. We use a set of ninety-six climate change adaptation policy measures previously evaluated by experts in the Netherlands as our control condition to conduct experiments using two discrete sets of non-expert Crowds recruited from Virtual Labor Markets. We vary the composition of our non-expert Crowds along two conditions: participants recruited from a geographical location directly relevant to the policy context and participants recruited at-large. We discuss our research methods in detail and provide the findings of our experiments

    European expectations of disaster information provided by critical infrastructure operators

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    Previous research into social media crisis communication has tended to focus on use by emergency managers rather than other key stakeholder, critical infrastructure (CI) operators. This article adds to the field by empirically investigating public expectations of information provided by CI operators during crisis situations and if CI operators currently meet such expectations. It draws on key themes that emerged from a review of the literature on public expectations of disaster related information shared via social media. Then, it presents the results of an online questionnaire and interview-based study of disaster-vulnerable communities in France, Norway, Portugal and Sweden. Results indicate that members of the public expect CI operators to provide disaster related information via traditional and social media, but not necessarily respond to their queries on social media. Operators appear to meet public expectations of traditional media use, but should expand their current practices to include digital media. Recommendations for CI operators on how to do use social media follow

    Media Use and Exposure to Graphic Content in the Week Following the Boston Marathon Bombings

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    Traditional and new media inform and expose the public to potentially distressing graphic content following disasters, but predictors of media use have received limited attention. We examine media-use patterns after the Boston Marathon bombings (BMB) in a representative national U.S. sample (n = 2888), with representative oversamples from metropolitan Boston (n = 845) and New York City (n = 941). Respondents completed an Internet-based survey 2-4 weeks post-BMB. Use of traditional media was correlated with older age, prior indirect media-based exposure to collective traumas, and direct BMB exposure. New media use was correlated with younger age and prior direct exposure to collective traumas. Increased television and online news viewing were associated with exposure to more graphic content. The relationship between traditional and new media was stronger for young adults than all other age groups. We offer insights about the relationship between prior collective trauma exposures and media use following subsequent disasters and identify media sources likely to expose people to graphic content