160 research outputs found

    Inverse Modelling at Recovery Glacier, Antarctica

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    The future ice loss of Recovery Glacier will probably be the largest of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet over the next millennia. Its evolution can be predicted by models solving the equations of the momentum and mass balance. Ice dynamics are fundamentally driven by bedrock conditions underneath the ice, but these can not simply be measured yet. This thesis utilizes an inverse method implemented in the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM) to acquire basal parameters. The technique minimizes the difference between horizontal surface velocities derived from remote sensing and computed by the model. False values in the observations can lead to uncertainties in basal parameters. In order to remove such false values, this thesis presents a new filtering method. Data gaps are filled comparing four different interpolation methods. A sensitivity analysis shows that the influence of filtering outliers and interpolation on basal parameters derived from inverse modelling is large in specific regions. The resulting basal parameters do not indicate the existence of the previously proposed subglacial lakes at the onset of Recovery Glacier

    The recovery ice stream: Synergy of satellite and airborne remote sensing for flow dynamics

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    The Recovery Ice Stream with its large catchment basin plays an important role in discharging ice from East Antarctica into the Weddell Sea through the Filchner Ice Shelf. Its scientific interest is also linked to the discovery that the ice flow is influenced by the discharge of several subglacial lakes, which could trigger a faster flow due to reduced friction on the glacier bed. We analyzed surface elevations of the Recovery Glacier system in Antarctica derived from time series of TanDEM-X data with focus on location of subglacial lakes. The absolute calibration of the TanDEM-X DEMs was performed using airborne laser altimetry datasets from NASA’s Operation Icebridge ATM and AWI’s Polar 6. In addition the grounding line position for the neighbouring Slessor, Bailey and Recovery glaciers was estimated through DInSAR with TerraSAR-X data acquired in 2014 and 2015

    One Decade of Glacier Mass Changes on the Tibetan Plateau Derived from Multisensoral Remote Sensing Data

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    The Tibetan Plateau (TP) with an average altitude of 4,500 meters above sea level is characterized by many glaciers and ice caps. Glaciers are a natural indicator for climate variability in this high mountain environment where meteorological stations are rare or non-existent. In addition, the melt water released from the Tibetan glaciers is feeding the headwaters of the major Asian river systems and contributes to the rising levels of endorheic lakes on the plateau. As many people directly rely on the glacier melt water a continuous glacier monitoring program is necessary in this region. In situ measurements of glaciers are important, but are spatial limited due to large logistical efforts, physical constrains and high costs. Remote sensing techniques can overcome this gap and are suitable to complement in situ measurements on a larger scale. In the last decade several remote sensing studies dealt with areal changes of glaciers on the TP. However, glacier area changes only provide a delayed signal to a changing climate and the amount of melt water released from the glaciers cannot be quantified. Therefore it is important to measure the glacier mass balance. In order to estimate glacier mass balances and their spatial differences on the TP, several remote sensing techniques and sensors were synthesized in this thesis. In a first study data from the Ice Cloud and Elevation Satellite (ICESat) mission were employed. ICESat was in orbit between 2003 and 2009 and carried a laser altimeter which recorded highly accurate surface elevation measurements. As in mid-latitudes these measurements are rather sparse glaciers on the TP were grouped into eight climatological homogeneous sub-regions in order to perform a statistical sound analysis of glacier elevation changes. To assess surface elevation changes of a single mountain glacier from ICESat data, an adequate spatial sampling of ICESat measurements need to be present. This is the case for the Grosser Aletschgletscher, located in the Swiss Alps which served as a test site in this thesis. In another study data from the current TanDEM-X satellite mission and from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) conducted in February 2000 were employed to calculate glacier elevation changes. In a co-authored study, these estimates could be compared with glacier elevation changes obtained from the current French Pléiades satellite mission. In order to calculate glacier mass balances, the derived elevation changes were combined with assumptions about glacier area and ice density in all studies. In this thesis contrasting patterns of glacier mass changes were found on the TP. With an ICESat derived estimate of -15.6±10.1 Gt/a between 2003 and 2009 the average glacier mass balance on the TP was clearly negative. However, some glaciers in the central and north-western part of the TP showed a neutral mass balance or a slightly positive anomaly which was also confirmed by data from the current TanDEM-X satellite mission. A possible explanation of this anomaly in mass balance could be a compensation of the temperature driven glacier melt due to an increase in precipitation

    Applications of SAR Interferometry in Earth and Environmental Science Research

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    This paper provides a review of the progress in regard to the InSAR remote sensing technique and its applications in earth and environmental sciences, especially in the past decade. Basic principles, factors, limits, InSAR sensors, available software packages for the generation of InSAR interferograms were summarized to support future applications. Emphasis was placed on the applications of InSAR in seismology, volcanology, land subsidence/uplift, landslide, glaciology, hydrology, and forestry sciences. It ends with a discussion of future research directions

    Extensive winter subglacial water storage beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from AGU via the DOI in this record.Surface meltwater that reaches the base of the Greenland Ice Sheet exerts a fundamental impact on ice flow, but observations of catchment-wide movement and distribution of subglacial water remain limited. Using radar-sounding data from two seasons, we identify the seasonal distribution of subglacial water in western Greenland. Our analysis provides evidence of widespread subglacial water storage beneath Greenland in the wintertime. The winter storage is located primarily on bedrock ridges with higher bed elevations in excess of 200 m. During the melt season water moves to the subglacial troughs. This inverse relationship with topography indicates that the material properties of the glacier bed strongly influence subglacial drainage development. Both the spatial variations in bed properties and the initial state of the subglacial hydrology system at the start of the melt season lead to differing glacier dynamical responses to surface melting across the Greenland Ice Sheet.W.C. is a recipient of the NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship. D.M.S. is supported by a grant from the NASA Cryospheric Sciences Program. H.S. is supported by grants from the NASA Cryospheric Sciences and Sea Level Rise Programs. T.T.C and R.E.B are supported by grants from National Science Foundation (NSF) and NASA Cryospheric Sciences. S.P. is supported by the Natural Environment Research Council’s Centre for Polar Observatio

    Processing of optic and radar images.Application in satellite remote sensing of snow, ice and glaciers

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    Ce document présente une synthèse de mes activités de recherche depuis la soutenance de ma thèse en 1999. L'activité rapportée ici est celle d'un ingénieur de recherche, et donc s'est déroulée en parallèle d'une activité ``technique'' comprenant des taches d'instrumentation en laboratoire, d'instrumentation de plateformes en montagne, de raids scientifiques sur les calottes polaires, d'élaboration de projets scientifiques, d'organisation d'équipes ou d'ordre administratif. Je suis Ingénieur de recherche CNRS depuis 2004 affecté au laboratoire Gipsa-lab, une unité mixte de recherche du CNRS, de Grenoble-INP, de l'université Joseph Fourier et de l'université Stendhal. Ce laboratoire (d'environ 400 personnes), conventionné avec l'INRIA, l'Observatoire de Grenoble et l'université Pierre Mendès France, est pluridisciplinaire et développe des recherches fondamentales et finalisées sur les signaux et les systèmes complexes.}Lors de la préparation de ma thèse (mi-temps 1995-99) au LGGE, je me suis intéressé au traitement des images de microstructures de la neige, du névé et de la glace. C'est assez naturellement que j'ai rejoint le laboratoire LIS devenu Gipsa-lab pour y développer des activités de traitement des images Radar à Synthèse d'Ouverture (RSO) appliqué aux milieux naturels neige, glace et glaciers. Etant le premier à générer un interférogramme différentiel des glaciers des Alpes, j'ai continué à travailler sur la phase interférométrique pour extraire des informations de déplacement et valider ces méthodes sur le glacier d'Argentière (massif du Mont-Blanc) qui présente l'énorme avantage de se déplacer de quelques centimètres par jour. Ces activités m'ont amené à développer, en collaboration avec les laboratoires LISTIC, LTCI et IETR, des méthodes plus générales pour extraire des informations dans les images RSO.Ma formation initiale en électronique, puis de doctorat en physique m'ont amené à mettre à profit mes connaissances en traitement d'images et des signaux, en électromagnétisme, en calcul numérique, en informatique et en physique de la neige et de la glace pour étudier les problèmes de traitement des images RSO appliqués à la glace, aux glaciers et à la neige