6 research outputs found

    Temporal Web Image Retrieval

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    International audienceTemporal Web Image Retrieval can be defined as the process that retrieves sets ofWeb images with their temporal dimension from explicit or implicit temporal text queries. Supposing that (a) the temporal dimension is included in image indexing and (b) the query is explicitly expressed with a time tag (e.g. "Fukushima 2011"), the retrieval task can be straightforward as image retrieval has been studied for several years with success. However, text queries are usually implicit in time (e.g. "Second World War") and automatically capturing the time dimension included in Web images is a challenge that has not been studied so far to the best of our knowledge. In this paper, we will discuss different research issues about Temporal Web Image Retrieval and the current progresses of our research in temporal ephemeral clustering and temporal image filtering

    Time and information retrieval: Introduction to the special issue

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    The Special Issue of Information Processing and Management includes research papers on the intersection between time and information retrieval. In 'Evaluating Document Filtering Systems over Time', Tom Kenter and Krisztian Balog propose a time-aware way of measuring a system's performance at filtering documents. Manika Kar, SeAa7acute;rgio Nunes and Cristina Ribeiro present interesting methods for summarizing changes in dynamic text collections over time in their paper 'Summarization of Changes in Dynamic Text Collection using Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model.' Hideo Joho, Adam Jatowt and Roi Blanco report on the temporal information searching behaviour of users and their strategies for dealing with searches that have a temporal nature in 'Temporal Information Searching Behaviour and Strategies', a user study. In controlled settings, thirty participants are asked to perform searches on an array of topics on the web to find information related to particular time scopes. Adam Jatowt, Ching-man Au Yeung and Katsumi Tanaka present a 'Generic Method for Detecting Content Time of Documents'. The authors propose several methods for estimating the focus time of documents, i.e. the time a document's content refers to. Xujian Zhao, Peiquan Jin and Lihua Yue present an approach to determining the time of the underlying topic or event in their article entitled 'Discovering Topic Time from Web News'

    Temporal Web Image Retrieval

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    International audienceTemporal Web Image Retrieval can be defined as the process that retrieves sets ofWeb images with their temporal dimension from explicit or implicit temporal text queries. Supposing that (a) the temporal dimension is included in image indexing and (b) the query is explicitly expressed with a time tag (e.g. "Fukushima 2011"), the retrieval task can be straightforward as image retrieval has been studied for several years with success. However, text queries are usually implicit in time (e.g. "Second World War") and automatically capturing the time dimension included in Web images is a challenge that has not been studied so far to the best of our knowledge. In this paper, we will discuss different research issues about Temporal Web Image Retrieval and the current progresses of our research in temporal ephemeral clustering and temporal image filtering

    Datation d'Images pour la Recherche Temporelle d'Information

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    International audienceRÉSUMÉ. Cet article s'inscrit dans le contexte de la recherche temporelle d'information qui est une thématique en plein essor depuis ces cinq dernières années. La temporalité peut être vue comme un axe de diversification permettant de raffiner les résultats des requêtes formulées par les utilisateurs. Dans cet article, nous présentons une étude sur la datation automatique de pho-tographies pour la recherche temporelle d'images de la Toile. Ce processus de datation impose de nombreuses considérations à la fois théoriques et techniques caractérisant cette tâche parti-culière. Nous essayons ici de résumer quelles sont les difficultés et les problématiques associées à ce sujet, avant de chercher à désamorcer les problèmes soulevés en proposant des solutions et des pistes de travail futures. ABSTRACT. This paper presents a new area in the domain of Temporal Information Retrieval, which has received much attention for the last few years. Temporality can be viewed as a way of diversifying Web search results in response to any given user's query. In this paper, we describe a study about image timestamping for temporal web image retrieval. This process imposes a large amount of theoretical and technical considerations that we try to summarize and evidence. Finally, we try to unlock the raised problems by proposing potential solutions and ideas for future works. MOTS-CLÉS : Recherche temporelle d'information, datation d'images, caractéristiques visuelles et textuelles, classification, régression, classes ordonnée