97 research outputs found

    Occupancy Analysis of the Outdoor Football Fields

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    Towards automated sample collection and return in extreme underwater environments

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Billings, G., Walter, M., Pizarro, O., Johnson-Roberson, M., & Camilli, R. Towards automated sample collection and return in extreme underwater environments. Journal of Field Robotics, 2(1), (2022): 1351–1385, https://doi.org/10.55417/fr.2022045.In this report, we present the system design, operational strategy, and results of coordinated multivehicle field demonstrations of autonomous marine robotic technologies in search-for-life missions within the Pacific shelf margin of Costa Rica and the Santorini-Kolumbo caldera complex, which serve as analogs to environments that may exist in oceans beyond Earth. This report focuses on the automation of remotely operated vehicle (ROV) manipulator operations for targeted biological sample-collection-and-return from the seafloor. In the context of future extraterrestrial exploration missions to ocean worlds, an ROV is an analog to a planetary lander, which must be capable of high-level autonomy. Our field trials involve two underwater vehicles, the SuBastian ROV and the Nereid Under Ice (NUI) hybrid ROV for mixed initiative (i.e., teleoperated or autonomous) missions, both equipped seven-degrees-of-freedom hydraulic manipulators. We describe an adaptable, hardware-independent computer vision architecture that enables high-level automated manipulation. The vision system provides a three-dimensional understanding of the workspace to inform manipulator motion planning in complex unstructured environments. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the vision system and control framework through field trials in increasingly challenging environments, including the automated collection and return of biological samples from within the active undersea volcano Kolumbo. Based on our experiences in the field, we discuss the performance of our system and identify promising directions for future research.This work was funded under a NASA PSTAR grant, number NNX16AL08G, and by the National Science Foundation under grants IIS-1830660 and IIS-1830500. The authors would like to thank the Costa Rican Ministry of Environment and Energy and National System of Conservation Areas for permitting research operations at the Costa Rican shelf margin, and the Schmidt Ocean Institute (including the captain and crew of the R/V Falkor and ROV SuBastian) for their generous support and making the FK181210 expedition safe and highly successful. Additionally, the authors would like to thank the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs for permitting the 2019 Kolumbo Expedition to the Kolumbo and Santorini calderas, as well as Prof. Evi Nomikou and Dr. Aggelos Mallios for their expert guidance and tireless contributions to the expedition

    Towards accurate multi-person pose estimation in the wild

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    In this thesis we are concerned with the problem of articulated human pose estimation and pose tracking in images and video sequences. Human pose estimation is a task of localising major joints of a human skeleton in natural images and is one of the most important visual recognition tasks in the scenes containing humans with numerous applications in robotics, virtual and augmented reality, gaming and healthcare among others. Articulated human pose tracking requires tracking multiple persons in the video sequence while simultaneously estimating full body poses. This task is important for analysing surveillance footage, activity recognition, sports analytics, etc. Most of the prior work focused on the pose estimation of single pre-localised humans whereas here we address a case with multiple people in real world images which entails several challenges such as person-person overlaps in highly crowded scenes, unknown number of people or people entering and leaving video sequences. The first contribution is a multi-person pose estimation algorithm based on the bottom-up detection-by-grouping paradigm. Unlike the widespread top-down approaches our method detects body joints and pairwise relations between them in a single forward pass of a convolutional neural network. Multi-person parsing is performed by optimizing a joint objective based on a multicut graph partitioning framework. Secondly, we extend our pose estimation approach to articulated multi-person pose tracking in videos. Our approach performs multi-target tracking and pose estimation in a holistic manner by optimising a single objective. We further simplify and refine the formulation which allows us to reach close to the real-time performance. Thirdly, we propose a large scale dataset and a benchmark for articulated multi-person tracking. It is the first dataset of video sequences comprising complex multi-person scenes and fully annotated tracks with 2D keypoints. Our fourth contribution is a method for estimating 3D body pose using on-body wearable cameras. Our approach uses a pair of downward facing, head-mounted cameras and captures an entire body. This egocentric approach is free of limitations of traditional setups with external cameras and can estimate body poses in very crowded environments. Our final contribution goes beyond human pose estimation and is in the field of deep learning of 3D object shapes. In particular, we address the case of reconstructing 3D objects from weak supervision. Our approach represents objects as 3D point clouds and is able to learn them with 2D supervision only and without requiring camera pose information at training time. We design a differentiable renderer of point clouds as well as a novel loss formulation for dealing with camera pose ambiguity.In dieser Arbeit behandeln wir das Problem der Schätzung und Verfolgung artikulierter menschlicher Posen in Bildern und Video-Sequenzen. Die Schätzung menschlicher Posen besteht darin die Hauptgelenke des menschlichen Skeletts in natürlichen Bildern zu lokalisieren und ist eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben der visuellen Erkennung in Szenen, die Menschen beinhalten. Sie hat zahlreiche Anwendungen in der Robotik, virtueller und erweiterter Realität, in Videospielen, in der Medizin und weiteren Bereichen. Die Verfolgung artikulierter menschlicher Posen erfordert die Verfolgung mehrerer Personen in einer Videosequenz bei gleichzeitiger Schätzung vollständiger Körperhaltungen. Diese Aufgabe ist besonders wichtig für die Analyse von Video-Überwachungsaufnahmen, Aktivitätenerkennung, digitale Sportanalyse etc. Die meisten vorherigen Arbeiten sind auf die Schätzung einzelner Posen vorlokalisierter Menschen fokussiert, wohingegen wir den Fall mehrerer Personen in natürlichen Aufnahmen betrachten. Dies bringt einige Herausforderungen mit sich, wie die Überlappung verschiedener Personen in dicht gedrängten Szenen, eine unbekannte Anzahl an Personen oder Personen die das Sichtfeld der Video-Sequenz verlassen oder betreten. Der erste Beitrag ist ein Algorithmus zur Schätzung der Posen mehrerer Personen, welcher auf dem Paradigma der Erkennung durch Gruppierung aufbaut. Im Gegensatz zu den verbreiteten Verfeinerungs-Ansätzen erkennt unsere Methode Körpergelenke and paarweise Beziehungen zwischen ihnen in einer einzelnen Vorwärtsrechnung eines faltenden neuronalen Netzwerkes. Die Gliederung in mehrere Personen erfolgt durch Optimierung einer gemeinsamen Zielfunktion, die auf dem Mehrfachschnitt-Problem in der Graphenzerlegung basiert. Zweitens erweitern wir unseren Ansatz zur Posen-Bestimmung auf das Verfolgen mehrerer Personen und deren Artikulation in Videos. Unser Ansatz führt eine Verfolgung mehrerer Ziele und die Schätzung der zugehörigen Posen in ganzheitlicher Weise durch, indem eine einzelne Zielfunktion optimiert wird. Desweiteren vereinfachen und verfeinern wir die Formulierung, was unsere Methode nah an Echtzeit-Leistung bringt. Drittens schlagen wir einen großen Datensatz und einen Bewertungsmaßstab für die Verfolgung mehrerer artikulierter Personen vor. Dies ist der erste Datensatz der Video-Sequenzen von komplexen Szenen mit mehreren Personen beinhaltet und deren Spuren komplett mit zwei-dimensionalen Markierungen der Schlüsselpunkte versehen sind. Unser vierter Beitrag ist eine Methode zur Schätzung von drei-dimensionalen Körperhaltungen mittels am Körper tragbarer Kameras. Unser Ansatz verwendet ein Paar nach unten gerichteter, am Kopf befestigter Kameras und erfasst den gesamten Körper. Dieser egozentrische Ansatz ist frei von jeglichen Limitierungen traditioneller Konfigurationen mit externen Kameras und kann Körperhaltungen in sehr dicht gedrängten Umgebungen bestimmen. Unser letzter Beitrag geht über die Schätzung menschlicher Posen hinaus in den Bereich des tiefen Lernens der Gestalt von drei-dimensionalen Objekten. Insbesondere befassen wir uns mit dem Fall drei-dimensionale Objekte unter schwacher Überwachung zu rekonstruieren. Unser Ansatz repräsentiert Objekte als drei-dimensionale Punktwolken and ist im Stande diese nur mittels zwei-dimensionaler Überwachung und ohne Informationen über die Kamera-Ausrichtung zur Trainingszeit zu lernen. Wir entwerfen einen differenzierbaren Renderer für Punktwolken sowie eine neue Formulierung um mit uneindeutigen Kamera-Ausrichtungen umzugehen

    Offshore marine visualization

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    In 85 B.C. a Greek philosopher called Posidonius set sail to answer an age-old question: how deep is the ocean? By lowering a large rock tied to a very long length of rope he determined that the ocean was 2km deep. These line and sinker methods were used until the 1920s when oceanographers developed the first echo sounders that could measure the water's depth by reflecting sound waves off the seafloor. The subsequent increase in sonar depth soundings resulted in oceanologists finally being able to view the alien underwater landscape. Paper printouts and records dominated the industry for decades until the mid 1980s when new digital sonar systems enabled computers to process and render the captured data streams.In the last five years, the offshore industry has been particularly slow to take advantage of the significant advancements made in computer and graphics technologies. Contemporary marine visualization systems still use outdated 2D representations of vessels positioned on digital charts and the potential for using 3D computer graphics for interacting with multidimensional marine data has not been fully investigated.This thesis is concerned with the issues surrounding the visualization of offshore activities and data using interactive 3D computer graphics. It describes the development of a novel 3D marine visualization system and subsequent study of marine visualization techniques through a number of offshore case studies that typify the marine industry. The results of this research demonstrate that presenting the offshore engineer or office based manager with a more intuitive and natural 3D computer generated viewing environment enables complex offshore tasks, activities and procedures to be more readily monitored and understood. The marine visualizations presented in this thesis take advantage of recent advancements in computer graphics technology and our extraordinary ability to interpret 3D data. These visual enhancements have improved offshore staffs' spatial and temporal understanding of marine data resulting in improved planning, decision making and real-time situation awareness of complex offshore data and activities

    Deep learning algorithms for background subtraction and people detection

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    Video cameras are commonly used today in surveillance and security, autonomous driving and flying, manufacturing and healthcare. While different applications seek different types of information from the video streams, detecting changes and finding people are two key enablers for many of them. This dissertation focuses on both of these tasks: change detection, also known as background subtraction, and people detection from overhead fisheye cameras, an emerging research topic. Background subtraction has been thoroughly researched to date and the top-performing algorithms are data-driven and supervised. Crucially, during training these algorithms rely on the availability of some annotated frames from the video being tested. Instead, we propose a novel, supervised background-subtraction algorithm for unseen videos based on a fully-convolutional neural network. The input to our network consists of the current frame and two background frames captured at different time scales along with their semantic segmentation maps. In order to reduce the chance of overfitting, we introduce novel temporal and spatio-temporal data-augmentation methods. We also propose a cross-validation training/evaluation strategy for the largest change-detection dataset, CDNet-2014, that allows a fair and video-agnostic performance comparison of supervised algorithms. Overall, our algorithm achieves significant performance gains over state of the art in terms of F-measure, recall and precision. Furthermore, we develop a real-time variant of our algorithm with performance close to that of the state of the art. Owing to their large field of view, fisheye cameras mounted overhead are becoming a surveillance modality of choice for large indoor spaces. However, due to their top-down viewpoint and unique optics, standing people appear radially oriented and radially distorted in fisheye images. Therefore, traditional people detection, tracking and recognition algorithms developed for standard cameras do not perform well on fisheye images. To address this, we introduce several novel people-detection algorithms for overhead fisheye cameras. Our first two algorithms address the issue of radial body orientation by applying a rotating-window approach. This approach leverages a state-of-the-art object-detection algorithm trained on standard images and applies additional pre- and post-processing to detect radially-oriented people. Our third algorithm addresses both the radial body orientation and distortion by applying an end-to-end neural network with a novel angle-aware loss function and training on fisheye images. This algorithm outperforms the first two approaches and is two orders of magnitude faster. Finally, we introduce three spatio-temporal extensions of the end-to-end approach to deal with intermittent misses and false detections. In order to evaluate the performance of our algorithms, we collected, annotated and made publicly available four datasets composed of overhead fisheye videos. We provide a detailed analysis of our algorithms on these datasets and show that they significantly outperform the current state of the art

    From motion capture to interactive virtual worlds : towards unconstrained motion-capture algorithms for real-time performance-driven character animation

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    This dissertation takes performance-driven character animation as a representative application and advances motion capture algorithms and animation methods to meet its high demands. Existing approaches have either coarse resolution and restricted capture volume, require expensive and complex multi-camera systems, or use intrusive suits and controllers. For motion capture, set-up time is reduced using fewer cameras, accuracy is increased despite occlusions and general environments, initialization is automated, and free roaming is enabled by egocentric cameras. For animation, increased robustness enables the use of low-cost sensors input, custom control gesture definition is guided to support novice users, and animation expressiveness is increased. The important contributions are: 1) an analytic and differentiable visibility model for pose optimization under strong occlusions, 2) a volumetric contour model for automatic actor initialization in general scenes, 3) a method to annotate and augment image-pose databases automatically, 4) the utilization of unlabeled examples for character control, and 5) the generalization and disambiguation of cyclical gestures for faithful character animation. In summary, the whole process of human motion capture, processing, and application to animation is advanced. These advances on the state of the art have the potential to improve many interactive applications, within and outside virtual reality.Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit Performance-driven Character Animation, insbesondere werden Motion Capture-Algorithmen entwickelt um den hohen Anforderungen dieser Beispielanwendung gerecht zu werden. Existierende Methoden haben entweder eine geringe Genauigkeit und einen eingeschränkten Aufnahmebereich oder benötigen teure Multi-Kamera-Systeme, oder benutzen störende Controller und spezielle Anzüge. Für Motion Capture wird die Setup-Zeit verkürzt, die Genauigkeit für Verdeckungen und generelle Umgebungen erhöht, die Initialisierung automatisiert, und Bewegungseinschränkung verringert. Für Character Animation wird die Robustheit für ungenaue Sensoren erhöht, Hilfe für benutzerdefinierte Gestendefinition geboten, und die Ausdrucksstärke der Animation verbessert. Die wichtigsten Beiträge sind: 1) ein analytisches und differenzierbares Sichtbarkeitsmodell für Rekonstruktionen unter starken Verdeckungen, 2) ein volumetrisches Konturenmodell für automatische Körpermodellinitialisierung in genereller Umgebung, 3) eine Methode zur automatischen Annotation von Posen und Augmentation von Bildern in großen Datenbanken, 4) das Nutzen von Beispielbewegungen für Character Animation, und 5) die Generalisierung und Übertragung von zyklischen Gesten für genaue Charakteranimation. Es wird der gesamte Prozess erweitert, von Motion Capture bis hin zu Charakteranimation. Die Verbesserungen sind für viele interaktive Anwendungen geeignet, innerhalb und außerhalb von virtueller Realität

    Egocentric Reconstruction of Human Bodies for Real-time Mobile Telepresence

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    A mobile 3D acquisition system has the potential to make telepresence significantly more convenient, available to users anywhere, anytime, without relying on any instrumented environments. Such a system can be implemented using egocentric reconstruction methods, which rely only on wearable sensors, such as head-worn cameras and body-worn inertial measurement units. Prior egocentric reconstruction methods suffer from incomplete body visibility as well as insufficient sensor data. This dissertation investigates an egocentric 3D capture system relying only on sensors embedded in commonly worn items such as eyeglasses, wristwatches, and shoes. It introduces three advances in egocentric reconstruction of human bodies. (1) A parametric-model-based reconstruction method that overcomes incomplete body surface visibility by estimating the user's body pose and facial expression, and using the results to re-target a high-fidelity pre-scanned model of the user. (2) A learning-based visual-inertial body motion reconstruction system that relies only on eyeglasses-mounted cameras and a few body-worn inertial sensors. This approach overcomes the challenges of self-occlusion and outside-of-camera motions, and allows for unobtrusive real-time 3D capture of the user. (3) A physically plausible reconstruction method based on rigid body dynamics, which reduces motion jitter and prevents interpenetrations between the reconstructed user's model and the objects in the environment such as the ground, walls, and furniture. This dissertation includes experimental results demonstrating the real-time, mobile reconstruction of human bodies in indoor and outdoor scenes, relying only on wearable sensors embedded in commonly-worn objects and overcoming the sparse observation challenges of egocentric reconstruction. The potential usefulness of this approach is demonstrated in a telepresence scenario featuring physical therapy training.Doctor of Philosoph