4 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Logic Method to Control Evenly Distributed and Stable Waterbath Temperature with Four Heaters

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    Water baths are commonly used in scientific fields to incubate samples at specific temperatures. The temperature of the water bath must be controlled precisely, because even the slightest temperature variation can affect the results of the experiment. It can handle imprecise, uncertain and incomplete information, making it suitable for temperature control in water baths. This research aims to determine the distribution and stability of fuzzy logic control to control the temperature of a water bath with four heaters. Even heat distribution from the four heaters will ensure consistent water bath temperature throughout the bath. This research uses an Arduino microcontroller to process the temperature sensor output from the DS18B20, then the processed temperature value will be displayed on the TFT LCD. The independent variable in this research is the temperature value, while the dependent variable is the DS18B20 temperature sensor. The largest error value from the module measurements is at a temperature setting of 30 ºC on the 2nd temperature sensor with an error value of 1.43%. Meanwhile, the smallest error value is found at a temperature setting of 35 ºC on the 1st and 4th temperature sensors with an error value of 0.01%. Data collection used a digital thermometer comparison tool with 10 repetitions as a temperature sensor reference tool. The results obtained using this sensor are more stable and have a high accuracy value. The results of the research show that the temperature difference between points 1 to 4 when viewed from the error percentage is very small, or it can be said that the temperature distribution is even. The conclusion from these results is that the module has a stable temperature value and the error value is low and is still within the tolerance limit. permitted is ±5%

    Diseño de un controlador neuro difuzo para controlar la velocidad de un motor de corriente continua

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    Las Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA) son aquellas que emulan el comportamiento de las redes neuronales biológicas y se han estado utilizando desde hace más de 30 años para aprender estrategias de solución basadas en ejemplos de comportamiento típico de patrones. Estos sistemas no requieren que la tarea a ejecutar se programe, ellos generalizan y aprenden de la experiencia. Las redes neuronales biológicas están constituidas por tres partes principales: dendritas, cuerpo de la célula o soma y axón. Las dendritas son fibras nerviosas que se encargan de la recepción de señales eléctricas y llevan dichas señales al soma, este último cumple la función de acumular estas señales de entrada y las transfiere al axón el cual las entrega a las neuronas adyacentes. El punto de contacto entre el axón de una neurona y una dendrita de otra es conocido como sinapsis

    Smart home - opportunity to make life easier

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    A great deal of contemporary research is showing that it is not work that goes home but home that goes to work. I would like to write my thesis about smart home possibilities (theoretically), which are available, or proposed to the market. Then I would like to make a business plan for hypothetical company which wants to arrive to the market with smart homes development. Finally, I would like to design (practically) part of smart home according to available technologies. I am more considered in the SW part of the problem, but I want to use real hardware if it would be possible rather then the simulator. The SW should be portable written in JAVA, developed on LINUX ( better hardware support ). It should be able to manage all smart home interfaces and extensible. Brain of the system should be Neural Network, which should be able to learn automatically the inhabitants behaviour and help them in their everyday routine. Make them disappear and you have succeeded. For example, if system finds out that some switch is turning on every time after doors are open, it will turn it on automatically. But it should consult his decisions in the beginning t avoid collisions with human decision (according to Asimov rules :) These shall avoid starting mixer while nothing in there, or even turning lights on when nobody is at home ( only if it is necessary according to security policies). The system shall communicate throw the network, which could be wired, or wireless. I search the technologies available and found some of them but I will need to decide which one to use. I prefer the "over power lines" transmitting because it is less expensive in real houses, but may be it's possible to use bluetooth or wi-fi as well

    Diseño de controladores dedicados a la lógica difusa

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Octubre de 2006Bibliograf.: p. 297-30