2,076 research outputs found

    An Efficient Beam Steerable Antenna Array Concept for Airborne Applications

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    Deployment of a satellite borne, steerable antenna array with higher directivity and gain in Low Earth Orbit makes sense to reduce ground station complexity and cost, while still maintaining a reasonable link budget. The implementation comprises a digitally beam steerable phased array antenna integrated with a complete system, comprising the antenna, hosting platform, ground station, and aircraft based satellite emulator to facilitate convenient aircraft based testing of the antenna array and ground-space communication link. This paper describes the design, development and initial successful interim testing of the various subsystems. A two element prototype used in this increases the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by 3 dB which is corresponding to more than 10 times better bit error rate (BER)

    Synthetic Aperture Anomaly Imaging

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    Previous research has shown that in the presence of foliage occlusion, anomaly detection performs significantly better in integral images resulting from synthetic aperture imaging compared to applying it to conventional aerial images. In this article, we hypothesize and demonstrate that integrating detected anomalies is even more effective than detecting anomalies in integrals. This results in enhanced occlusion removal, outlier suppression, and higher chances of visually as well as computationally detecting targets that are otherwise occluded. Our hypothesis was validated through both: simulations and field experiments. We also present a real-time application that makes our findings practically available for blue-light organizations and others using commercial drone platforms. It is designed to address use-cases that suffer from strong occlusion caused by vegetation, such as search and rescue, wildlife observation, early wildfire detection, and sur-veillance

    The applications of satellites to communications, navigation and surveillance for aircraft operating over the contiguous United States. Volume 1 - Technical report

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    Satellite applications to aircraft communications, navigation, and surveillance over US including synthesized satellite network and aircraft equipment for air traffic contro

    Results of the 1989 NASA/JPL balloon flight solar cell calibration program

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    The 1989 solar cell calibration balloon flight was successfully completed on August 9, 1989, meeting all objectives of the program. Forty-two modules were carried to an altitude of 118,000 ft (36.0 km). The calibrated cells can now be used as reference standards in simulator testing of cells and arrays

    Smart video surveillance of pedestrians : fixed, aerial, and multi-camera methods

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    Crowd analysis from video footage is an active research topic in the field of computer vision. Crowds can be analaysed using different approaches, depending on their characteristics. Furthermore, analysis can be performed from footage obtained through different sources. Fixed CCTV cameras can be used, as well as cameras mounted on moving vehicles. To begin, a literature review is provided, where research works in the the fields of crowd analysis, as well as object and people tracking, occlusion handling, multi-view and sensor fusion, and multi-target tracking are analyses and compared, and their advantages and limitations highlighted. Following that, the three contributions of this thesis are presented: in a first study, crowds will be classified based on various cues (i.e. density, entropy), so that the best approaches to further analyse behaviour can be selected; then, some of the challenges of individual target tracking from aerial video footage will be tackled; finally, a study on the analysis of groups of people from multiple cameras is proposed. The analysis entails the movements of people and objects in the scene. The idea is to track as many people as possible within the crowd, and to be able to obtain knowledge from their movements, as a group, and to classify different types of scenes. An additional contribution of this thesis, are two novel datasets: on the one hand, a first set to test the proposed aerial video analysis methods; on the other, a second to validate the third study, that is, with groups of people recorded from multiple overlapping cameras performing different actions

    COBE's search for structure in the Big Bang

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    The launch of Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) and the definition of Earth Observing System (EOS) are two of the major events at NASA-Goddard. The three experiments contained in COBE (Differential Microwave Radiometer (DMR), Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS), and Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE)) are very important in measuring the big bang. DMR measures the isotropy of the cosmic background (direction of the radiation). FIRAS looks at the spectrum over the whole sky, searching for deviations, and DIRBE operates in the infrared part of the spectrum gathering evidence of the earliest galaxy formation. By special techniques, the radiation coming from the solar system will be distinguished from that of extragalactic origin. Unique graphics will be used to represent the temperature of the emitting material. A cosmic event will be modeled of such importance that it will affect cosmological theory for generations to come. EOS will monitor changes in the Earth's geophysics during a whole solar color cycle

    Results of the 1988 NASA/JPL balloon flight solar cell calibration program

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    The 1988 solar cell calibration balloon flight was successfully completed on August 7, 1988, meeting all objectives of the program. Forty-eight modules were carried to an altitude of 118,000 ft (36.0 km). The calibrated cells can now be used as reference standards in simulator testing of cells and arrays

    Artificial intelligence applications in space and SDI: A survey

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    The purpose of this paper is to survey existing and planned Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications to show that they are sufficiently advanced for 32 percent of all space applications and SDI (Space Defense Initiative) software to be AI-based software. To best define the needs that AI can fill in space and SDI programs, this paper enumerates primary areas of research and lists generic application areas. Current and planned NASA and military space projects in AI will be reviewed. This review will be largely in the selected area of expert systems. Finally, direct applications of AI to SDI will be treated. The conclusion covers the importance of AI to space and SDI applications, and conversely, their importance to AI

    Results of the 1992 NASA/JPL Balloon Flight Solar Cell Calibration Program

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    The 1992 solar cell calibration balloon flight was completed on August 1, 1992. All objectives of the flight program were met. Forty-one modules were carried to an altitude of 119,000 ft (36.3 km). Data telemetered from the modules was corrected to 28 C and 1 AU. The calibrated cells have been returned to 39 participants and can now be used as reference standards in simulator testing of cells and arrays

    TDRSS multimode transponder program. Phase 2: Equipment development

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    This report contains a complete description of the TDRS Multimode Transponder and its associated ground support equipment. The transponder will demonstrate candidate modulation techniques to provide the required information for the design of an eventual VHF/UHF transponder suitable for installation in a user satellite, capable of operating as part of a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) systems. Use of geosynchronous TDRS which can serve both low data rate users at VHF and high data rate users at other frequencies has been considered. The effects of radio frequency interference from the earth and of multipath propagation due to reflections from the earth are expected to pose problems for the TDRS system at VHF. Investigations have suggested several modulation techniques that offer promise to overcome these problems