12 research outputs found

    Analisis Dan Perancangan Aplikasi Case Based Reasoning Untuk Menentukan Tujuan Wisata

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    Yogyakarta adalah tujuan wisata kedua setelah Bali dan merupakan surga wisata di pulau Jawa. Setiap tahunnya wisatawan yang berkunjung di Yogyakarta meningkat 7%-15%. Khususnya dimasa libur panjang ada banyak wisatawan yang berkunjung. Informasi tentang tujuan wisata dapat diperoleh melalui browsur atau katalog wisata, dari internet maupun cerita teman. Namun informasi saja tidaklah cukup jika tidak diramu dengan cepat untuk mendapat alternatif terbaik dalam menentukan tujuan wisata. Atas dasar kebutuhan tersebut maka dibuatlah perancangan aplikasi Case Based Reasoning untuk menentukan tujuan wisata pribadi di Yogyakarta berbasis mobile web. Case Based Reasoning akan membantu menentukan tujuan wisata berdasarkan pengalaman sebelumnya atau kasus yang lama. Hasil penelitian ini berupa perancangan aplikasi Case Based Reasoning untuk menentukan tujuan wisata pribadi di Yogyakarta. Perancangan arsitektur dan desain disesuaikan dengan hasil kuisioner, sekitar 92% peserta kuisioner menggunakan smartphone atau handphone tipe high end

    Tegal Tourism Object Selection Decision Support System Using Fuzzy Logic

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    There are many agencies that have databases but are left without proper management. For example, in tourist attractions in Kota & Kab. Tegal, along with the rapid development of tourism technology, the tourism industry requires the tourism industry to apply information technology to provide convenience for tourists to find out tourist areas according to the cost, and the distance of the tourist attractions entered. The provision of tourism information helps tourists to consider and make decisions to travel. Tahani Fuzzy Logic was chosen because the concept of Fuzzy logic is easy to understand, flexible, and because the Tahani logic method is a form of decision support where the main tool is functional with the main input criteria determined by the user/tourist. This system was implemented using web programming and MySQL database, where the variables to be considered are Type of Tour, Number of Facilities, Price of Tour Tickets, Number of Tourist Visitors, Travel Distance from City Center. The results of this study are a decision support system for tourism selection in Tegal using Fuzzy Tahani which can recommend tourist attractions in Tegal which are determined by tourists depending on tourist criteria based on the firestrength of the selected variable

    Mobile Broadband Expansion Calls for More Spectrum or Base Stations - Analysis of the Value of Spectrum and the Role of Spectrum Aggregation

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    The breakthrough for mobile broadband is taking the mobile communications industry into a new phase. The number of mobile broadband users in the world exceeds 400 million, and the share of the population in Western Europe with mobile broadband is around 10 per cent and over 15 percent in Austria and Sweden. This development has been propelled by the extensive diffusion of mobile modems (dongles) for laptops and smartphones given users ubiquitous access to mobile internet. Consequently, traffic volumes in the mobile networks have grown immensely, and the mobile data traffic surpassed the mobile voice traffic in the world by the end of 2009, and in for example Sweden, over 75 percent of the mobile traffic is data. --

    Sekundárna socializácia do dobrovoľníckej organizácie

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    V tomto článku popisujem ako prebieha socializácia jedinca do dobrovoľníckej organizácie. Empirická časť odhaľuje ako učí skupina svojim normám jednotlivca, ako sa jednotlivec učí od skupiny a ako prebieha kontrola ich vzťahu a naučeného. Socializácia je v tomto prípade sociálne učenie sa normám skupiny. Normy si vytvárajú sami učastníci a testujú ich tu v príjemnom a priateľskom prostredí, ktoré je naklonené spolupráci a experimentovaniu nielen s tvorbou, ale aj so sociálnou identitou a rolou. Skupina a jednotlivec si na seba privykajú, učia sa pre pre konrétnu rolu a pozíciu v organizácii, ale učia sa aj pracovať v skupine, zodpovednosti a iné mäkké zručnosti. Učenie sa je tu podporené emočnou dôležitosťou a osobným vkladom, ktoré utvárajú členov organizácie.This paper describes how the individual socializes into the volunteer group. Empirical part reveals three stages of socialization: How the group learn the individual its norms, how the individual learns from the group and how this learning is evaluated. Socialization here is considered as learning to the norms of the group. The norms here are created by participants and they are testing them in pleasant and friendly environment which is open for experimentation with their creativity and also with their social identity and role. Individuals here learn for particular role and position in organization, they learn to work in the group, they learn responsibility and other soft skills. Learning here is supported with individual's emotional commitment which creates the members of the organization


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    Tourism is an activity that is inseparable from human life. Everyone needs to travel and tourism can be done inside and outside the area where they live. The basis of the concept of tourism is people, geographical areas, both origin, and tourist destinations as well as industries that provide tourist facilities and services. The tourist attractions of the city, especially the city of Medan, are very many, but there are very few visitors. To make it easier for prospective tourists to know more tourist attractions with accurate information and recommendations for selecting tourist attractions that match the selected criteria, a computerized system is needed that contains all information on tourist areas online which is expected to be used to obtain information and support for decisions on the selection of tourist attractions effectively. One of the right solutions is to create a decision support system application with the Simple Additive Weighting. In this regard, to create a web-based application to assist tourists in obtaining information, making decisions on the selection of tourist attractions effectively and able to help the community to determine the location of the tourist attraction they are going to. The type of research used in this research is research and development or often known as Research and Development (R & D). A decision support system to determine web-based tourist destinations for the Pariwsiata office of Medan city, to make it easier for the Medan City Tourism Office to promote tourism in the city of Medan


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    Mobile games are considered as one of the emerging mobile services in recent years and mobile gaming is the fastest and most popular service among the innovations in mobile and network technologies. The mobile game market value is increasing remarkably and the number of players is rapidly growing. For this reason, the acceptance factors of mobile games can be considered as an important research problem. In this paper, we attempt to investigate the factors influencing the usage and acceptance of mobile games, based on the extended version of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to give directions to mobile game service providers on how to design their products in order to increase acceptance of their games. Data are collected by an online survey consisting of 34 questions from 112 participants. After applying the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to eliminate insignificant data, the remaining data are analyzed and evaluated by using the structural equation modeling (SEM). The statistical results show that Use Context, Flow Experience, Perceived Enjoyment, and Perceived Convenience have a direct effect on intention to play mobile game


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    Yogyakarta adalah tujuan wisata kedua setelah Bali dan merupakan surga wisata di pulau Jawa. Setiap tahunnya wisatawan yang berkunjung di Yogyakarta meningkat 7%-15%. Khususnya dimasa libur panjang ada banyak wisatawan yang berkunjung. Informasi tentang tujuan wisata dapat diperoleh melalui browsur atau katalog wisata, dari internet maupun cerita teman. Namun informasi saja tidaklah cukup jika tidak diramu dengan cepat untuk mendapat alternatif terbaik dalam menentukan tujuan wisata. Atas dasar kebutuhan tersebut maka dibuatlah perancangan aplikasi Case Based Reasoning untuk menentukan tujuan wisata pribadi di Yogyakarta berbasis mobile web. Case Based Reasoning akan membantu menentukan tujuan wisata berdasarkan pengalaman sebelumnya atau kasus yang lama. Hasil penelitian ini berupa perancangan aplikasi Case Based Reasoning untuk menentukan tujuan wisata pribadi di Yogyakarta. Perancangan arsitektur dan desain disesuaikan dengan hasil kuisioner, sekitar 92% peserta kuisioner menggunakan smartphone atau handphone tipe high end


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    Yogyakarta adalah tujuan wisata kedua setelah Bali dan merupakan surga wisata di pulau Jawa. Setiap tahunnya wisatawan yang berkunjung di Yogyakarta meningkat 7%-15%. Khususnya dimasa libur panjang ada banyak wisatawan yang berkunjung. Informasi tentang tujuan wisata dapat diperoleh melalui browsur atau katalog wisata, dari internet maupun cerita teman. Namun informasi saja tidaklah cukup jika tidak diramu dengan cepat untuk mendapat alternatif terbaik dalam menentukan tujuan wisata. Atas dasar kebutuhan tersebut maka dibuatlah perancangan aplikasi Case Based Reasoning untuk menentukan tujuan wisata pribadi di Yogyakarta berbasis mobile web. Case Based Reasoning akan membantu menentukan tujuan wisata berdasarkan pengalaman sebelumnya atau kasus yang lama. Hasil penelitian ini berupa perancangan aplikasi Case Based Reasoning untuk menentukan tujuan wisata pribadi di Yogyakarta. Perancangan arsitektur dan desain disesuaikan dengan hasil kuisioner, sekitar 92% peserta kuisioner menggunakan smartphone atau handphone tipe high end

    The space between: defining the place for community radio

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Westminster for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThis thesis examines the emergence of Community Radio in the United Kingdom. It places the sector within an historical context dominated by the BBC and strongly influenced by the subsequent arrival of commercial radio broadcasting. Understanding this historical context, which includes consideration of the role played by unlicensed 'pirate' radio operators, is, in the opinion of the author, a critical prerequisite necessary for assessing how and why current Community Radio practice has developed in the way it has. Primary research for this thesis includes a variety of semi-structured interviews with campaigners, practitioners and regulators and, whilst primarily focused on the emergence of the Community Radio sector within the British context, it does not ignore wider international perspectives. Recognising that, well before Community Radio began to emerge in the UK, much of the early conceptual development of the sector took place in other jurisdictions, the author also draws upon a number of international sources, including some primary research in the Republic of Ireland, Norway and the United States of America. The influence of two key factors, those of regulation and technology, are central to this research, the author arguing that these in particular have helped define (and constrain) the current position and future opportunities available to Community Radio within the United Kingdom. Legislation and regulation may have defined clear, and in some instances unique, operational objectives for British Community Radio, but when defining such objectives they have also had to take into account limited broadcast spectrum availability, constraining the scope and scale of the sector as a result. Beyond a consideration of the historical and of present day practice, this thesis also looks towards the future, examining current developments in digital broadcasting which offer the potential to counter such current capacity constraints and provide opportunities for additional community-based services in future

    Radio, the Resilient Medium Papers from the Third Conference of the ECREA Radio Research Section

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    Radio is a resilient medium. It has evolved considerably over its hundred-year history and we have every reason to believe that evolution will continue. This book is a peer- reviewed collection of papers from the third conference of the Radio Research Section of the European Research and Education Association (ECREA), held at the London Campus of the University of Sunderland in September 2013. It represents some of the best research presented at the conference, but every chapter has been revised and edited prior to publication. The book, like the conference, is an initiative of the Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies (CRMCS), which is based in Sunderland. Published by the Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies, University of Sunderland, Sunderland, United Kingdom SR1 3SD