810,477 research outputs found


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    Globalization has brought a new economy, an economy based on a Digital Revolution. Due to the enormous progress of the information technology, the business environment of the twenty-first century is changing rapidly. That is why this turbulent environment requires a new management of organizations. The management in the third millennium is, above all, a knowledge management.Management; Business environment; Globalization; Organization; Knowledge management.

    Knowledge based economy –technological perspective: implications and solutions for agility improvement and innovation achievement in higher education

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    Nowadays, the universities, as driving forces of innovative economy and as components of modern society, based on knowledge and collaboration, face a number of challenges and difficulties. In order to overcome them and to create/ensure the bases of eScience education and research activities, universities have to change culturally, strategically, and operationally. The paper highlights the need for ICT (Information and Communications Technology) use and its implications for higher education. In addition, the study places the theoretical aspects into a specific context, combining technologies through interfunctionality in order to ensure academic education agility and innovation. This involves the use of knowledge, process management, service oriented architectures, and Cloud solutions, exemplifying on the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest case. The integrated approach is extended using the SharePoint 2010 platform to improve academic management and achieve harmonization of teaching and research and development content and methods with European Union standards. The platform has been implemented and tested within two AES departments and the Master’s Degree Studies in Computer Economics. The results have encouraged the integration of the proposed solution within the institution. The study was based on the authors' competences in the areas addressed and was joined with a rigorous analysis of technology trends and various EU countries (Italy, Germany France, Belgium, Netherlands etc.) universities outputs regarding knowledge economy implications for economic higher education studies.knowledge-based economy, information and communications technology, university studies in economics, university management, agility, innovation, SharePoint 2010

    The management system of cognitive economics

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    The article contains various definitions of cognitive economy. An economy based on knowledge, should be provided by a modernized management system, which allows solving the problems of modern organizations in their functioning and development. The modern control system can effectively influence the cognitive economy through the highlighted items at the levels of the organization, thereby forming a complex of facilities management. The knowledge economy relies on the laws of the globalization, different directions of development of science and practice of management, prediction of the future, as well as the changes taking place in today’s business environment. In such an environment of modern society business is seen as an experiment. Various theories and management concepts are developed and supplemented with the changes in the life of people, organizations, industries and countries. Knowledge management concepts and theories are needed for technology of managerial work. In the era of cognitive economy, a manager must have the ability to use existing knowledge of management innovations applied to a particular situation, as well as to select areas of knowledge application for the development of the organization

    The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Information Technology: Findings Based on a Systematic Review

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    The world is experiencing a knowledge-based economy with a revolution in information technology, innovation, and telecommunications. The rise of the "new economy", driven by information and knowledge, has led to an increased interest in intellectual capital theory, which aims to manage intangible assets of organizations. Firms belonging to technology and knowledge-based industries recognize intellectual capital as the key knowledge base that contributes to the creation of a competitive advantage for the firm. This paper aims to answer the question "How are Intellectual Capital (IC) and Information Technology (IT) related?" through a systematic review based on four steps: 1) search conduction; 2) selection of papers based on their titles and abstracts; 3) content analysis of selected papers; 4) evidence mapping and discussions. The analyzed papers were categorized into five themes: "Statistical analysis or case study in IT companies from the Intellectual Capital perspective"; "IT as a tool for Intellectual Capital Management"; "Intellectual Capital or technology knowledge assets influencing innovation and development", "Intellectual Capital assets to evaluate a technology" and "Intellectual Capital theory as a way to understand and share knowledge in IT projects". Our findings evidenced that the Human Capital was the main dimension studied by the authors, followed by Structural Capital and Relational Capital. We believe that this work may help to clarify on Intellectual Capital Management procedures into Information Technology projects, thus opening new topics for future research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Role of Information and Communications Technology in Socializing Knowledge Management

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    The globalization of business, the shift from production-based to a knowledge-based economy, the growth of information communications technology (ICT), the strive to become learning organizations and the emergence of the needs for knowledge workers have made knowledge management practice a must today across all types and levels of firms However, because the concept is so new, there exist different views among practitioners and even researchers on how a knowledge management program can be designed and implemented in organizations. This paper posits that knowledge management can be socialized and works in an organization. It also review the related literature on the knowledge management strategy, including the review of the different definition of the knowledge management, types of the knowledge, processes of acquiring knowledge, and the knowledge management strategy according to various empirical studies conducted by scholars. This paper further reviews the technologies and the technology tools to be used in the development of social networks for KM in an organization. A brief description on knowledge processes and technology enabler, the impact of social networking site and socialized KM in today’s organization, the reason for socializing KM and the component of KM are discuss. The strategy for Km implementation and the two main strategies are discussed. The literature are based on the past studies and researches. Keywords: Knowledge Management, Social Networks, I


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    The article considers and analyzes the state management of the system of postgraduate education in the context of the "knowledge economy" that, in the global economy and the globalization of the whole society, transform into human capital in accordance with the requirements of the labor market, providing continuous training, retraining and professional development of each specialist for life. Knowledge in modern conditions becomes the main source of increased value of goods and services that determine the quality of human capital and parameters of socio-economic activity of economic entities form a qualitatively new social potential of a person - to receive and process heterogeneous information coming from different sources. Knowledge is the basis for the production and implementation of technological and managerial innovations. In addition, knowledge management solutions increase efficiency, since management is a process of using knowledge to find the most effective ways to use available information to obtain the desired results.The main characteristics of the "knowledge-based economy" are: an increase in the social product of industries directly related to the production and use of knowledge; Sustainable economic growth, based on the active use of human capital and technology, especially information and communications; intellectualization of economic activity and transformation of workers engaged in the production, transfer and use of knowledge in the dominant group in total employment; forming a single information space by creating global information networks and databases, as well as increasing the number of computer equipment; increase of immaterial accumulation and its active development in comparison with accumulation of materials; creation and development of a special type of management – knowledge management.The article considers and analyzes the state management of the system of postgraduate education in the context of the "knowledge economy" that, in the global economy and the globalization of the whole society, transform into human capital in accordance with the requirements of the labor market, providing continuous training, retraining and professional development of each specialist for life. Knowledge in modern conditions becomes the main source of increased value of goods and services that determine the quality of human capital and parameters of socio-economic activity of economic entities form a qualitatively new social potential of a person - to receive and process heterogeneous information coming from different sources. Knowledge is the basis for the production and implementation of technological and managerial innovations. In addition, knowledge management solutions increase efficiency, since management is a process of using knowledge to find the most effective ways to use available information to obtain the desired results.The main characteristics of the "knowledge-based economy" are: an increase in the social product of industries directly related to the production and use of knowledge; Sustainable economic growth, based on the active use of human capital and technology, especially information and communications; intellectualization of economic activity and transformation of workers engaged in the production, transfer and use of knowledge in the dominant group in total employment; forming a single information space by creating global information networks and databases, as well as increasing the number of computer equipment; increase of immaterial accumulation and its active development in comparison with accumulation of materials; creation and development of a special type of management – knowledge management

    Antecedents of knowledge sharing behavior towards project success

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    In the current globally competitive knowledge economy, all organizations need to manage a project effectively to ensure success. Studies have shown that many projects failed to achieve initial objectives and unable to respond to their stakeholders’ expectations. Researchers have recognized that knowledge is a key strategic resource for the project performance and effectiveness and that it is essential to encourage and assist project team members to share their know-how. Hence, the main aim of this research is to investigate the individual and organizational factors influencing project team members' knowledge sharing behavior that eventually contributes to the success of a project. This study develops a theoretical framework of underlying project knowledge sharing based on the “Theory of Planned Behavior” for identifying knowledge sharing behavior complemented by System Thinking Theory and Input-Process-Output Model. A questionnaire survey was used for data collection and analysis was made based on 423 responses from project team members of a large project based company. A semi-structured interview was conducted with 14 participants including managers and project management team members in the case company to gain a clearer and deeper understanding of knowledge sharing behaviors. The findings from the research survey and interview support the basic assumption that higher levels of individual factors including Perceived Reciprocity Benefits, Perceived Enjoyment in Helping Others, Perceived Project Commitment, Knowledge Selfefficacy; together with higher levels of organizational factors including Perceived Project Climate, Top Management Support, Rewards and Incentives, Information Technology; lead to higher levels of actual knowledge sharing. The findings also show that knowledge sharing behavior in project environment is a critical factor which can affect success of a project

    A Knowledge Management performance evaluation model based on fuzzy set theory

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    As the knowledge-based economy time comes, the core of business process is transforming financial intensive into technology intensive and knowledge intensive gradually. However, the value of knowledge itself can’t be measured easily. We must evaluate and investigate the performance of knowledge management through activities of knowledge management process. During the performance evaluation process, many uncertain factors must be considered. It is also involved ambiguity occurred by human subjective judgment. Therefore, a performance evaluation model of knowledge management is proposed in this paper by combining Fuzzy Delphi with Fuzzy AHP. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the procedure for the proposed method at the end of this paper