20 research outputs found

    Which regime works best in social welfare?:Comparing outcomes of eight Dutch RCT experiments

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    Current technological innovations (automation, robotization, digitization, AI, big data) may have adverse employment effects notably for the low skilled welfare recipients. They face reduced chances for getting access to secure and fairly paid jobs also while two in three lack the basic qualifications needed to acquire the lowest level jobs, let alone that also more than one third consider themselves unfit to work due to serious physical or mental health issues. Therefore, eight Dutch municipalities (Deventer, Groningen, Nijmegen, Tilburg, Utrecht, Wageningen, Apeldoorn-Epe, Oss) started in the fall of 2017 and early 2018 a two-year long unique randomized control trial (RCT) to test three alternative regimes for people on welfare in which more than 5,000 recipients participated2. The treatments set up were (1) exemption/selfmanagement, that is exemption of the application obligations and rendering more trust and autonomy to the recipient for self-management, (2) intensive or tailored support, that is providing tailored and intensified counselling support to improve claimants’ work and social participation opportunities (e.g., in education, training or volunteer work) and (3) earnings release, that is rewarding welfare claimants for finding work by allowing participants to keep a larger part of their earnings on top of their benefit (work bonus). The experiments share some features of participation and basic income approaches even though their design and implementation are rather different. We found no evidence that the alternative welfare regimes have reduced employment effects compared to ‘workfare’ regimes. In some municipalities we find small positive significant effects on parttime and fulltime employment and on people’s self-efficacy, social trust and trust in caseworker’ support. No significant positive effects were found on health and wellbeing. The use of field experiments for testing the outcomes of alternative welfare regimes provides new avenues for welfare state policy in an era of rapid technological and economic change

    The automation versus the human touch in the boutique hotels: possible limits

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    As a leading economic sector in many countries around the world tourism industry is changing rapidly under the pressure of information and communication technologies spread in every activity into daily life and business. Almost unnoticed, technology and artificial intelligence have replaced humans in certain spheres. The question is whether their replacement is positive for the tourism supply or it is not even close. This is especially important for the boutique hotels offering innovative accommodation concept and personalized high-quality tourist product. The aim of the current study is to prove that boutique hotels need both - automated processes and human touch and to outline the limits of the right balance how to emphasize that symbiose in order to benefit of greater loyalty and ongoing revenues

    Management Matters

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    New indications of managerial innovations are created and then used to show that changes in organizational technologies are an important source of economic growth. Specifically, the analysis demonstrates that, first, in response to a positive managerial technology shock, output, productivity and hours significantly increase in the short run, second, these types of innovations are as important as non-managerial ones in explaining movements in these variables at business cycle frequencies, and, third, product and process innovations promote the development of new managerial techniques.Business Cycles; Productivity; Management techniques; Technical Change

    Music, skill and artifact: The Pursuit of physical opportunities

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    As a musician being faced with the option to create music on a primarily digital and intangible level, I found this new digital experience to be problematic when compared to the experience of playing a physical instrument. This thesis explores this idea on a macro scale extending it to examine our everyday lives and the effects technology in the digital age have had upon us specifically in the United States. We live in a country where our jobs primarily involve sitting at a desk and working on a computer. Having once worked on farms or made a living as a craftsperson, we now find ourselves confined to cubicles or offices. Because of these shifts in both our work and home environments, we have now have fewer physical opportunities, that is, specifically the opportunities to discover, practice and use skill in a physical manner. Seeing how the advent of digitization has threatened to remove physical opportunities from our lives, including the physical experience of playing music, this thesis explores the possibility that these experiences can be brought back by incorporating them into furniture. I define criteria from my experience as a musician and apply that criteria to furniture, creating seating that incorporates physical skill as part of the experience

    The NIOSH Future of Work Initiative research agenda

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    "Ongoing and accelerating changes in the workplace, work, and workforce continue to shape the future of work. As a result, more research is needed to better understand and address both new and long-standing worker safety, health, and well-being issues. Responding to these evolving needs, NIOSH introduced its Future of Work Initiative (Initiative) in 2019. The vision of the Initiative is to prepare the occupational safety and health ecosystem for a safer, healthier, and more productive future. To do so, NIOSH has developed the NIOSH Future of Work Initiative Research Agenda (Agenda). The Agenda outlines research-focused directions to grow the Initiative, and which may inform practice, policy, and capacity-building activities, across every NIOSH sector, cross-sector, and core and specialty program. The Agenda frames the most pressing workplace and work issues expected to impact the safety and health of tomorrow's workforce, across jobs, occupations, and industries using a set of previously developed future of work priority topics and sub-topics. Its goals and objectives are intended to help NIOSH scientists identify and prioritize future of work grant proposals, publications, and other outputs for the current FY2019-2024 NIOSH Strategic Plan, its next iteration, and other prospective internal and external mechanisms. The Agenda is also intended to inform external partners about NIOSH's future of work efforts, on behalf of the Nation, and inspire the larger safety and health community with their own. As the future of work evolves, so too must this Agenda, which will be updated over time to reflect shifting priorities." - NIOSHTIC-2NIOSHTIC no. 20064242Suggested citation: NIOSH [2021]. The NIOSH future of work initiative research agenda. By Tamers S, Pana-Cryan R, Ruff T, Streit J, Flynn M, Childress A, Chang CC, Novicki E, Ray T, Fosbroke D, Geraci C. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2022-105, https://doi.org/10.26616/NIOSHPUB20221052022-105.pdf?id=10.26616/NIOSHPUB202210520211074

    BANCÁRIO: um emprego de múltiplos riscos

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    O trabalho apresenta uma síntese dos principais resultados da pesquisa A Reestruturação Produtiva e os impactos sobre o trabalho e o emprego bancário na Bahia, realizada no período 1998-2000, com o apoio do CNPq e do PIBIC/UFBa. A análise principal demonstra que as inovações tecnológicas - automação - e as mudanças organizacionais - terceirização e qualidade total em curso no setor bancário, ao lado de um processo de privatização dos bancos estatais, têm resultado numa situação de múltiplos riscos para os trabalhadores bancários. Esse quadro de intensa precarização do trabalho assume diferentes expressões: os bancários que ainda permanecem empregados vivem o risco de perder o emprego, a partir da s demissões em massa, que vêm ocorrendo desde o final dos anos 80; vivem o risco de se tornarem doentes ocupacionais, portadores de Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos, ou de adquirir problemas de saúde mental, como resultado da intensificação do trabalho e da automação; vivem o risco de sofrer assaltos e seqüestros e, portanto vivem arriscando as suas próprias vidas; e vivem um processo de "desencantamento" e de perda de identidade com o "ofício bancário", o que se tem refletido fortemente na atuação dos sindicatos, que vivem hoje correndo o risco de perder a sua representatividade e capacidade de luta e resistência.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Trabalho, bancários, emprego, precarização, riscos.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BANK EMPLOYEE: a multiple risk employment This paper summarizes the main results of the research the Productive Restructuring and its impacts on bank employment in Bahia, which carried out in the 1998-2000 period, with the support from CNPq and PIBIC/UFBa. The main analysis demonstrates that the technological innovations - automation - and the organizational changes - outsourcing and total qualities - that the bank sector is undergoing, toghter with the privatization process of the state banks, has led to a multiple risks situation for the bank employees. This picture of intense labor precarization adopts different expressions: the bank employees who still emain working in the banks run the risk of losing the job owing to the massive layoffs that have taken place since late 80s. They are subjects to occupational diseases, to repetitive effor lesions - REL - or mental health illnesses, beaceuse of labor intensification and automation. They are at danger of being robbed or kidnapped, and therefore they are constantly risking their own lives. They also experience the disenchantment process of loss of identity process with the "bank service", highly reflected through the unions movements, since their capacity of struggle and resistance is at stake. KEY WORDS: Labor, bank employees, job, precarization, risks. Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br  

    Job Match: Together for Good Business - Business Practices and Resources

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    This training kit, job Match: Together for Good Business~ is designed to assist business, industry, and human service agency personnel prepare to employ workers with special needs. Readers should refer to the booklet, Introductory Guide: How to Use This Kit, which explains the contents and purpose of the kit. Four instructional workers who are videotape are also modules address finding, hiring, training, and supporting older or who have disabilities. Audio-cassette tapes and a provided. This volume is a directory of businesses and human service agencies that are actively employing and placing workers with special needs

    Impact of automation technologies on employment

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    Throughout history, the introduction of automated technologies has an impact on on human labour. The current wave of technological advancement has expanded the scope of automation raising a concern about the future relevance of human labour. Hence, this study investigated possible futures on the effect of automation technologies on employment. The study adopted a desktop research approach using secondary sources employing future studies methodologies. The study identified a need to transform employment, educational systems and social policy to proactively respond to future effects of automation technologies towards employment.Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, Business Administration, 202

    Impact of automation technologies on employment

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    Throughout history, the introduction of automated technologies has an impact on on human labour. The current wave of technological advancement has expanded the scope of automation raising a concern about the future relevance of human labour. Hence, this study investigated possible futures on the effect of automation technologies on employment. The study adopted a desktop research approach using secondary sources employing future studies methodologies. The study identified a need to transform employment, educational systems and social policy to proactively respond to future effects of automation technologies towards employment.Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, Business Administration, 202

    Creative Mastering: A New Culture of Audio Post-Production

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    My thesis posits that a new culture of ‘Creative Mastering’ exists in the realm of audio post-production. This culture has evolved out of a more technical and procedural mode of engineering and music industry labour. My study takes seriously the mastering engineer, like the more conventional producer, as a creative participant in the contemporary recorded music production process. To better understand the modern-day mastering engineer, their culture and the creative aspects of their day-to-day work, I have conducted autoethnography and original interviews with 20 of the world’s leading practitioners. These practitioners have operated out of major facilities such as Abbey Road Studios (UK) and Sterling Sound (USA). Through my thesis, I unpack some key aspects of mastering culture to demonstrate why this particular form of technical engineering work is now gaining acceptance as creative labour. My research demonstrates why better understandings of mastering and its culture will make for much richer appreciations of popular recorded music production. I examine issues of access, learning to master and operating as an expert in the space. I also theorise how mastering engineers identify with their role, engage their creativity and make use of their studio setups. These issues that surround mastering all bear the hallmarks of creative practice. Up until very recently, technical publications and trade literature made up the dominant stock of written information on mastering, or ‘audio mastering’. I have surveyed ideas that emerge out of academic studies and discourse related to popular recorded music production, creative labour in the cultural industries, and social studies of sound. Having drawn from a large pool of scholarship, my research offers new and theoretical contributions to the field. It will help a growing collective of interdisciplinary academics who are now focusing on the creative aspects of audio post-production