73 research outputs found

    Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skills through “Kunci Inggris” Videos in Islamic Junior High School

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    Personal ability of a teacher when integrated with good learning material will make his students get more involved and absorb teaching material better hence improving their foreign language. There are many materials may be used to teach, one of them is videos. The video is expected to trigger students’ enthusiasm and improve their motivation. Eventhough, in using the video teachers must make sure that the exercises or tasks are challenging enough, yet not too difficult for them causing desperation even de-motivated in studying foreign language.For the research, SMP Agus Salim was selected as the pilot project because its uniqueness in having student from relatively lower class and good Islamic atmosphere eventhough it is not a Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Islamic Junior High School). This research (R & D) was an explorative research to search for some ideas on how English is delivered in class, what kind of supporting media used and how was students’ progress on year to year when the teaching system in class using “Kunci Inggris” that becomes the object on this research. In the research, it were not only students, teachers and education expert but also television experts were involved in the production process since the purpose is to make the product eligible to be broadcasted on TV. Therefore two standards were used to measure the result, i.e. education and TV media standard. The research and development methods employed in this research contains of three main components: (1) model development, (2) procedure development, and (3) the product testing. The final product was developed using 10 steps of R&D Borg and Gall produced 11 videos of “Kunci Inggris’ that have been distributed in some schools, in neighborhood area of SMP Agus Salim, Semarang. Also, videos were uploaded in YouTube channel and distributed on social media of WhatsApp messenger. In conclusion, the dominant numbers of population show that students enjoy and feel happy with the use of “Kunci Inggris’ in their class. All video is considered good and valid for implementation and dissemination on teaching. The video was distributed in 3 other schools, having similar profile to SMP Agus Salim, and then broadcasted in TVRI Jawa Tengah as Public Service Announcement programs. The video is also uploaded in YouTube channel and distributed via WhatsApp messenger. Keywords: Speaking skills, videos, Islamic Junior High School, students

    Information and communication technologies : applications and benefits for second language acquisition

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    This paper aims to show how the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can help students achieve a higher degree of proficiency in a second language (SL), using these resources autonomously. Furthermore, I analyze in a systematic manner what the benefits obtained by undergraduate and graduate students, who made regular use of ICT were, as well as the issues related to learning a SL within the university context and out of it, with the help of these software/applications. The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of the use of ICTs in the academic field because it analyses how students of a SL use free resources available online to increase the proficiency of their language skills, and how they can use them with other resources also covered here, for the purpose of improving the four skills present in the language acquisition process: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The methodology of this study was developed through a survey and data analysis; the data was used to determine which ICTs students utilize, as well as the language improvements noticed by them. This paper also analyses which ICTs students opt to use when studying on their own, that is, when they are on their way to becoming autonomous. Towards the end of this paper, it was verified that the use of these applications resulted in higher proficiency, especially in speaking and listening skills, and made the participants feel more confident using the SL; not only in its formal context but also recognizing its variants with native speakers.by Diogenes Da Silva SantosIncludes bibliographical reference

    Utah State University Commencement, 1996 – Main Campus

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    103rd Annual Commencement of Utah State Universityhttps://digitalcommons.usu.edu/commencement/1102/thumbnail.jp

    Bridging between Research and Practice

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    This book presents a fresh approach to bridging the perceived gap between academic and classroom cultures. It describes a unique form of research partnership whereby Cambridge University academics and school teachers together grappled with and reformulated theory—through in-depth case studies analysing practice using interactive whiteboards in five subject areas. The inquiry exploited the collaborators’ complementary professional knowledge bases. Teachers’ voices are particularly audible in co-authored case study chapters. Outcomes included deeper insights into concepts of sociocultural learning theory and classroom dialogue, more analytical mindsets, sustained new practices and ways of working collegially.; Readership: The book will interest academic and teacher researchers, initial teacher educators, professional development leaders, mentors, plus practitioners interested in using interactive whiteboards and dialogic teaching. It explores widening approaches to collegial development to reach educators working in other contexts (with and without technology). This could involve intermediate theory building or shortcutting by sharing and adapting the outcomes—springboarding teachers’ further critique and professional learning

    Bridging between Research and Practice

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    This book presents a fresh approach to bridging the perceived gap between academic and classroom cultures. It describes a unique form of research partnership whereby Cambridge University academics and school teachers together grappled with and reformulated theory—through in-depth case studies analysing practice using interactive whiteboards in five subject areas. The inquiry exploited the collaborators’ complementary professional knowledge bases. Teachers’ voices are particularly audible in co-authored case study chapters. Outcomes included deeper insights into concepts of sociocultural learning theory and classroom dialogue, more analytical mindsets, sustained new practices and ways of working collegially.; Readership: The book will interest academic and teacher researchers, initial teacher educators, professional development leaders, mentors, plus practitioners interested in using interactive whiteboards and dialogic teaching. It explores widening approaches to collegial development to reach educators working in other contexts (with and without technology). This could involve intermediate theory building or shortcutting by sharing and adapting the outcomes—springboarding teachers’ further critique and professional learning

    Kekal Abadi, Jilid 23, Bilangan 1, 2004

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    Laureate, 1997

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    1997 yearbook of Old Dominion Universityhttps://digitalcommons.odu.edu/scua_yearbooks/1044/thumbnail.jp

    A bibliography of Pacific Island theses and dissertations

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    This catalogue of theses and dissertations brings together in one listing the very considerable amount of research about the Pacific Islands (excluding New Zealand and Hawaii), their peoples and the natural environment, which has been undertaken by university students as part of their course requirements. new Zealand and Hawaii are not included in the catalogue as it is anticipated that both places will be dealt with in separate catalogues to be published in the future. It is intended that this publication will be a comprehensive listing on a world-wide basis from the earliest relevant dissertation to a cut-off point at the end of 1980. The previous most comprehensive listing is that of the World Catalogue of Theses on the Pacific, compiled by Dianne Dickson and Carole Dossor (Canberra, Australian National University Press, 1970). As a time-lag frequently occurs between a degree being awarded to a student and the publication of information about theses and dissertations which formed part of the degree, there will be items accepted in 1980 which do not appear in this catalogue. (First paragraph of introduction)

    1991 Old Gold

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    The student yearbook of the University of Northern Iowa.https://scholarworks.uni.edu/uni_yearbooks/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Developing and Assessing a Social Networking Framework for Universities in Saudi Arabia

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    The interactive capacities of social networking have unleashed the potential for enhancing teaching and learning in the higher education sector. This research focuses on Saudi Arabia in order to determine the factors that must be considered for developing a social networking framework for the use in universities. The main research outcome is a social networking framework for higher education in Saudi Arabia which can be used by a range of stakeholders within higher educatio