3,355 research outputs found

    Computer Aided Industrial Design

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    [Ensino da Programação CAD para Estudantes de Arquitetura] O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a relevância da inclusão de uma disciplina de programação de computadores no currículo de Graduação em Arquitetura e urbanismo. Ele começa explicando como a programação tem sido aplicada em outros contextos educacionais com grande sucesso pedagógico, e descrevendo os princípios de Papert. Em seguida, é apresentado um resumo da evolução do CAD e três exemplos históricos de aplicações da programação no ensino de arquitetura são apresentados, seguidos por um exemplo contemporâneo de grande relevância. Finalmente, é proposta uma metodologia para o ensino de programação para arquitetos, com o objetivo de melhorar a qualidade dos projetos, tornando os conceitos arquitetônicos mais explícitos. Essa metodologia é baseada na experiência da autora de ensino de programação para alunos do curso de graduação em arquitetura na Universidade Estadual de Campinas. O trabalho termina com uma discussão sobre o papel da programação nos dias de hoje, quando a maioria dos programas de CAD são amigáveis. Como conclusão, sugere-se que a introdução da programação no currículo de CAD, dentro de um arcabouço teórico apropriado, pode vir a transformar o conceito de ensino da arquitetura. Palavras-chave: Computer programming; computer-aided design; architectural education. ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to discuss the relevance of including the discipline of computer programming in the architectural curriculum. To do so I start by explaining how computer programming has been applied in other educational contexts with pedagogical success, describing Seymour Papert's principles. After that, I summarize the historical development of CAD and provide three historical examples of educational applications of computer programming in architecture, followed by a contemporary case that I find of particular relevance. Next, I propose a methodology for teaching programming for architects that aims at improving the quality of designs by making their concepts more explicit. This methodology is based on my own experience teaching computer programming for architecture students at undergraduate and graduate levels at the State University of Campinas, Brazil. The paper ends with a discussion about the role of programming nowadays, when most CAD software are user-friendly and do not require any knowledge of programming for improving performance. I conclude that the introduction of programming in the CAD curriculum within a proper conceptual framework may transform the concept of architectural education. Key-words: Computer programming; computer-aided design; architectural education.The objective of this paper is to discuss the relevance of including the discipline of computer programming in the architectural curriculum. To do so I start by explaining how computer programming has been applied in other educational contexts with pedagogical success, describing Seymour Papert's principles. After that, I summarize the historical development of CAD and provide three historical examples of educational applications of computer programming in architecture, followed by a contemporary case that I find of particular relevance. Next, I propose a methodology for teaching programming for architects that aims at improving the quality of designs by making their concepts more explicit. This methodology is based on my own experience teaching computer programming for architecture students at undergraduate and graduate levels at the State University of Campinas, Brazil. The paper ends with a discussion about the role of programming nowadays, when most CAD software are user-friendly and do not require any knowledge of programming for improving performance. I conclude that the introduction of programming in the CAD curriculum within a proper conceptual framework may transform the concept of architectural education. Key-words: Computer programming; computer-aided design; architectural education

    In mother's lap : microcomputers, mother's teaching behavior and young children's classification skills

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    Forty-one preschool children enrolled in a southeastern university enrichment program, 21 2-year-olds and 20 3-year-olds, were randomly assigned to two treatment groups: a microworld computer experience designed to teach the concept inside/outside and an ABC computer experience designed to drill the alphabet. Mothers assisted children in gaining computer competency. Mother/child dyads were videotaped during each 15-minute session for a total of one hour of treatment. Videotapes were coded and scored using the Wood and Middleton (1975) Assisted Problem-Solving Scale with interrater reliabilities consistently over .80. Children were administered a classification task at the end of treatment

    Sixth Annual Users' Conference

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    Conference papers and presentation outlines which address the use of the Transportable Applications Executive (TAE) and its various applications programs are compiled. Emphasis is given to the design of the user interface and image processing workstation in general. Alternate ports of TAE and TAE subsystems are also covered

    Index to 1981 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 6, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1981 Tech Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    Developmentally Appropriate Software: Its Effect on the Language of Young Children

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the effect that the use of computer software which has been designated as more or less developmentally appropriate had on the language of young children. The guiding questions for the study were: (1) what common and varied patterns exist in children\u27s language in response to software that has been designated by the Haugland/Shade Developmental Scale as more or less developmentally appropriate, and (2) how do individual and pairs of children respond to software that has been designated as more or less developmentally appropriate for children in their age range? Four pieces of software which varied in developmental appropriateness according to the developmental scale were selected to be used by dyads of preschool children. Eight videotaped observations were made of three dyads using all possible high/low pairings of the software. The investigator kept a log during the computer observations and also observed each participant during an activity time in the classroom. The videotaped observations were transcribed, sorted and analyzed for common and varied patterns of language for each software program and for each dyad across all four software programs. Analyzed patterns of language included use of Tough\u27s seven categories of language, talkativeness conflict and cooperation, and language play. Tables of qualitative data were compiled to facilitate holistic analysis. Descriptions of common and varied patterns for each software program and for each dyad were written by integrating all of the data. Results of the study indicate that there was greater use of Tough\u27s language categories of self/group maintaining, directing, and reporting than there was of reasoning, predicting, projecting and imagining. Use of the four latter categories was noted more often with the most developmentally appropriate software used in the study. Since one of the least developmentally appropriate programs produced patterns of language similar to the most developmentally appropriate program in terms of use of Tough\u27s categories and talkativeness, questions remain concerning what factors other than developmental appropriateness may affect the language of dyads during computer use and concerning the criteria used to determine developmental appropriateness