3,077 research outputs found

    Integrating mobile robotics and vision with undergraduate computer science

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    This paper describes the integration of robotics education into an undergraduate Computer Science curriculum. The proposed approach delivers mobile robotics as well as covering the closely related field of Computer Vision, and is directly linked to the research conducted at the authors’ institution. The paper describes the most relevant details of the module content and assessment strategy, paying particular attention to the practical sessions using Rovio mobile robots. The specific choices are discussed that were made with regard to the mobile platform, software libraries and lab environment. The paper also presents a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of student results, including the correlation between student engagement and performance, and discusses the outcomes of this experience

    Utilizing educational technology in computer science and programming courses : theory and practice

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    There is one thing the Computer Science Education researchers seem to agree: programming is a difficult skill to learn. Educational technology can potentially solve a number of difficulties associated with programming and computer science education by automating assessment, providing immediate feedback and by gamifying the learning process. Still, there are two very important issues to solve regarding the use of technology: what tools to use, and how to apply them? In this thesis, I present a model for successfully adapting educational technology to computer science and programming courses. The model is based on several years of studies conducted while developing and utilizing an exercise-based educational tool in various courses. The focus of the model is in improving student performance, measured by two easily quantifiable factors: the pass rate of the course and the average grade obtained from the course. The final model consists of five features that need to be considered in order to adapt technology effectively into a computer science course: active learning and continuous assessment, heterogeneous exercise types, electronic examination, tutorial-based learning, and continuous feedback cycle. Additionally, I recommend that student mentoring is provided and cognitive load of adapting the tools considered when applying the model. The features are classified as core components, supportive components or evaluation components based on their role in the complete model. Based on the results, it seems that adapting the complete model can increase the pass rate statistically significantly and provide higher grades when compared with a “traditional” programming course. The results also indicate that although adapting the model partially can create some improvements to the performance, all features are required for the full effect to take place. Naturally, there are some limits in the model. First, I do not consider it as the only possible model for adapting educational technology into programming or computer science courses. Second, there are various other factors in addition to students’ performance for creating a satisfying learning experience that need to be considered when refactoring courses. Still, the model presented can provide significantly better results, and as such, it works as a base for future improvements in computer science education.Ohjelmoinnin oppimisen vaikeus on yksi harvoja asioita, joista lĂ€hes kaikki tietojenkĂ€sittelyn opetuksen tutkijat ovat jokseenkin yksimielisiĂ€. Opetusteknologian avulla on mahdollista ratkaista useita ohjelmoinnin oppimiseen liittyviĂ€ ongelmia esimerkiksi hyödyntĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ automaattista arviointia, vĂ€litöntĂ€ palautetta ja pelillisyyttĂ€. Teknologiaan liittyy kuitenkin kaksi olennaista kysymystĂ€: mitĂ€ työkaluja kĂ€yttÀÀ ja miten ottaa ne kursseilla tehokkaasti kĂ€yttöön? TĂ€ssĂ€ vĂ€itöskirjassa esitellÀÀn malli opetusteknologian tehokkaaseen hyödyntĂ€miseen tietojenkĂ€sittelyn ja ohjelmoinnin kursseilla. Malli perustuu tehtĂ€vĂ€pohjaisen oppimisjĂ€rjestelmĂ€n runsaan vuosikymmenen pituiseen kehitys- ja tutkimusprosessiin. Mallin painopiste on opiskelijoiden suoriutumisen parantamisessa. TĂ€tĂ€ arvioidaan kahdella kvantitatiivisella mittarilla: kurssin lĂ€pĂ€isyprosentilla ja arvosanojen keskiarvolla. Malli koostuu viidestĂ€ tekijĂ€stĂ€, jotka on otettava huomioon tuotaessa opetusteknologiaa ohjelmoinnin kursseille. NĂ€itĂ€ ovat aktiivinen oppiminen ja jatkuva arviointi, heterogeeniset tehtĂ€vĂ€tyypit, sĂ€hköinen tentti, tutoriaalipohjainen oppiminen sekĂ€ jatkuva palautesykli. LisĂ€ksi opiskelijamentoroinnin jĂ€rjestĂ€minen kursseilla ja jĂ€rjestelmĂ€n kĂ€yttöönottoon liittyvĂ€n kognitiivisen kuorman arviointi tukevat mallin kĂ€yttöÀ. Malliin liittyvĂ€t tekijĂ€t on tĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ lajiteltu kolmeen kategoriaan: ydinkomponentteihin, tukikomponentteihin ja arviontiin liittyviin komponentteihin. Tulosten perusteella vaikuttaa siltĂ€, ettĂ€ mallin kĂ€yttöönotto parantaa kurssien lĂ€pĂ€isyprosenttia tilastollisesti merkittĂ€vĂ€sti ja nostaa arvosanojen keskiarvoa ”perinteiseen” kurssimalliin verrattuna. Vaikka mallin yksittĂ€istenkin ominaisuuksien kĂ€yttöönotto voi sinĂ€llÀÀn parantaa kurssin tuloksia, vĂ€itöskirjaan kuuluvien tutkimusten perusteella nĂ€yttÀÀ siltĂ€, ettĂ€ parhaat tulokset saavutetaan ottamalla malli kĂ€yttöön kokonaisuudessaan. On selvÀÀ, ettĂ€ malli ei ratkaise kaikkia opetusteknologian kĂ€yttöönottoon liittyviĂ€ kysymyksiĂ€. EnsinnĂ€kÀÀn esitetyn mallin ei ole tarkoituskaan olla ainoa mahdollinen tapa hyödyntÀÀ opetusteknologiaa ohjelmoinnin ja tietojenkĂ€sittelyn kursseilla. Toiseksi tyydyttĂ€vÀÀn oppimiskokemukseen liittyy opiskelijoiden suoriutumisen lisĂ€ksi paljon muitakin tekijöitĂ€, jotka tulee huomioida kurssien uudelleensuunnittelussa. Esitetty malli mahdollistaa kuitenkin merkittĂ€vĂ€sti parempien tulosten saavuttamisen kursseilla ja tarjoaa sellaisena perustan entistĂ€ parempaan opetukseen

    Proceedings of the CUNY Games Conference 4.0: The Interactive Course

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    Proceedings of the CUNY Games Conference, held from January 22-23, 2018, at the CUNY Graduate Center and Borough of Manhattan Community College. Critical Play with History (Panel) - Composition & Storytelling - Health & Cognitive Sciences - Gaming Anthropology: Teaching Culture and Power Through Games and Design (Panel) - Twine & Writing Games - Easy Ideas II - STEM Games - Global Games for Change Catalog (Panel) - Comics & Active Learning - Fact Checking & Research - Computer Science & Game Design - SimGlobal: Building a Serious Roleplay Course for the Social Sciences (Panel) - Role Playing Games, Narrative, & Story - Course Review Through Games - Business & Finance Games - Game Design and Programming in Unity - What’s Your Game Plan? - The Allure of Play in the Classroo

    The effectiveness of integrating educational robotic activities into higher education Computer Science curricula: a case study in a developing country

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    In this paper, we present a case study to investigate the effects of educational robotics on a formal undergraduate Computer Science education in a developing country. The key contributions of this paper include a longitudinal study design, spanning the whole duration of one taught course, and its focus on continually assessing the effectiveness and the impact of robotic-based exercises. The study assessed the students' motivation, engagement and level of understanding in learning general computer programming. The survey results indicate that there are benefits which can be gained from such activities and educational robotics is a promising tool in developing engaging study curricula. We hope that our experience from this study together with the free materials and data available for download will be beneficial to other practitioners working with educational robotics in different parts of the world

    The lessons learnt from Willy Wonka (includes alternate ending)

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    Despite all that research has taught us, lectures and seminars still continue to be largely delivered in the classroom, with students sat in rows for far too long. Lecturers offer information, which some students choose to absorb. Some students choose not to, or don’t have the nature to be able to. So, what if we change this? What happens? And even more crucially, what can we do to use the ‘student voice’ to enhance how they learn and what they learn? Following a successful pilot in Experiential Education which we presented at the LJMU conference in 2013 we made developments which allow students to shape their own learning experience - truly engaging them in delivery. With Nick changing institutions at the beginning of this academic year we have both continued to explore Experiential Educational but in different ways. This presentation examines these developments and looks at three key areas: 1) The needs of students (which they weren’t shy in making clear to us!) and the differing learning styles they have, to see how teachers can use them to deliver an all-encompassing experience which is interactive, engaging and informative. 2) A taster of the technologies involved in flipped classrooms and the benefits of experiential education. 3) The reflective nature of learning journals to encourage the student voice to be raised (and then heard). Charlie got the Golden Ticket because he dreamt about it, because he did everything he could to get it. So, where did the others go wrong? And what could Wonka have done about this

    Redesigning an Undergraduate Software Engineering Course for a Large Cohort

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    Teaching Software Engineering on an undergraduate programme is challenging, particularly when dealing with large numbers of stu- dents. On one hand, a strong understanding of software and good programming skills are prerequisites. On the other hand, the scale of the projects developed as part of undergraduate programmes do not always make the need for engineering obvious. Encourag- ing teamwork when students have little professional experience also adds to the level of complexity when delivering material. In this paper, we present a study on the redesign of a second year undergraduate course on Software Engineering for a large cohort

    A serious game for programming in higher education

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    Programming is a highly difficult skill which is a constituent of many undergraduate programmes at Higher Education (HE) level. With the advancement of games technology there is an increasing opportunity for educators to provide innovative assessment tools for students on their courses which are highly immersive and graphically indicative of the times. This could potentially be in a supplementary capacity or to a greater extent inextricably linked to the learning outcomes and assessment outcomes. Notably serious games and Games-Based Learning (GBL) have received high levels of attention from educationalists due to being motivational, novel learning approaches. This paper will outline two empirical studies conducted to develop a game to teach programming at HE level. The first study will gauge the acceptability of a computer game for teaching programming and formulating content integration development requirements. The second study will outline the evaluation of the developed game being placed in a module as a formative assessment tool to assist learners to revise for their formal class test. Study one showed that acceptability of the game was high with 61 participants completing an acceptability/content integration questionnaire. The game was designed to consolidate knowledge on rudimentary and advanced programming concepts, data structures and algorithms. 48 participants evaluated the game in study two with the results generally indicating that they enjoyed playing the game as a revision alternative with 14% of participants rating it as very effective and 51% of participants as effective for allowing them to prepare for their class test. The majority of participants also believed that games could be utilised in a formative and summative assessment capacity on courses for independent study

    The use of laptop computers in programming lectures

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    This research explores the effect of the use of laptop computers on students&rsquo; learning experiences during lectures. Our methodology involves embedding laptops with visualization software as a learning aid during lectures. We then employ a framework of seven principles of good practice in higher education to evaluate the impact of the use of laptop computers on the learning experience of computer programming students. Overall, we found that students were highly motivated and supportive of this innovative use of laptop computers with lectures.<br /

    Using SMS text messaging for teaching and data collection in the behavioral sciences

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    Recent interest in university teaching has focused on interactivity in lectures and practical classes, and teachers in several fields have set up systems in which students can interact with the lecturer using mobile-phone-based SMS text messaging. This approach has particular potential in psychology, where students could use SMS messaging as a way of responding in simple psychology experiments or demonstrations. We describe a simple architecture for an SMS-based responding, using an SMS-to-HTTP message relay service, and a PHP/MySQL input-output handler. We describe briefly two experiments we have run using the system. The first experiment examined anchoring effects in an SMS-based auction. The second experiment examined delay discounting, with participants indicating their intertemporal preferences using SMS. Finally, we evaluate the feedback we obtained from students about the practical and conceptual issues surrounding text-message-based responding

    Technology Enhanced Learning in Psychology: Current Direction and Perspectives

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    Contemporary use of digital technologies has rapidly transformed the learning and teaching environment within higher education (Beetham and White, 2013; Jordan, 2013). When used effectively, technology can improve the usefulness and quality of feedback to support learning and create unique opportunities for active, independent learning (Trapp et al., 2011; Higher Education Academy, 2012; UoW, 2015). However, identifying appropriate technology and effectively embedding this within teaching practices can be challenging. Here we outline the way in which Psychology staff at the University of Worcester have used technology to enhance the student learning experience in four key areas: promoting engagement in large groups, enhancing participation in research, teaching via blended learning and fostering a learning community. We hope that sharing our experiences will be of value to colleagues interested in using technology for similar purposes
