8,439 research outputs found

    A practical multirobot localization system

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    We present a fast and precise vision-based software intended for multiple robot localization. The core component of the software is a novel and efficient algorithm for black and white pattern detection. The method is robust to variable lighting conditions, achieves sub-pixel precision and its computational complexity is independent of the processed image size. With off-the-shelf computational equipment and low-cost cameras, the core algorithm is able to process hundreds of images per second while tracking hundreds of objects with a millimeter precision. In addition, we present the method's mathematical model, which allows to estimate the expected localization precision, area of coverage, and processing speed from the camera's intrinsic parameters and hardware's processing capacity. The correctness of the presented model and performance of the algorithm in real-world conditions is verified in several experiments. Apart from the method description, we also make its source code public at \emph{http://purl.org/robotics/whycon}; so, it can be used as an enabling technology for various mobile robotic problems

    Parametric Optimization Of Some Critical Operating System Functions - An Alternate Approach To The Study Of Operating Systems Design

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    Operating systems theory primarily concentrates on the optimal use of computing resources. This paper presents an alternative approach to teaching and studying operating systems design and concepts by way of parametrically optimizing critical operating system functions. Detailed examples of two critical operating systems functions using the presented pedagogical approach are included.http://ojs.jstem.org/index.php?journal=JSTEM&page=article&op=view&path%5b%5d=1326&path%5b%5d=117

    Statistical Analysis of a Telephone Call Center: A Queueing-Science Perspective

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    A call center is a service network in which agents provide telephone-based services. Customers that seek these services are delayed in tele-queues. This paper summarizes an analysis of a unique record of call center operations. The data comprise a complete operational history of a small banking call center, call by call, over a full year. Taking the perspective of queueing theory, we decompose the service process into three fundamental components: arrivals, customer abandonment behavior and service durations. Each component involves different basic mathematical structures and requires a different style of statistical analysis. Some of the key empirical results are sketched, along with descriptions of the varied techniques required. Several statistical techniques are developed for analysis of the basic components. One of these is a test that a point process is a Poisson process. Another involves estimation of the mean function in a nonparametric regression with lognormal errors. A new graphical technique is introduced for nonparametric hazard rate estimation with censored data. Models are developed and implemented for forecasting of Poisson arrival rates. We then survey how the characteristics deduced from the statistical analyses form the building blocks for theoretically interesting and practically useful mathematical models for call center operations. Key Words: call centers, queueing theory, lognormal distribution, inhomogeneous Poisson process, censored data, human patience, prediction of Poisson rates, Khintchine-Pollaczek formula, service times, arrival rate, abandonment rate, multiserver queues.

    Simulation of networks of spiking neurons: A review of tools and strategies

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    We review different aspects of the simulation of spiking neural networks. We start by reviewing the different types of simulation strategies and algorithms that are currently implemented. We next review the precision of those simulation strategies, in particular in cases where plasticity depends on the exact timing of the spikes. We overview different simulators and simulation environments presently available (restricted to those freely available, open source and documented). For each simulation tool, its advantages and pitfalls are reviewed, with an aim to allow the reader to identify which simulator is appropriate for a given task. Finally, we provide a series of benchmark simulations of different types of networks of spiking neurons, including Hodgkin-Huxley type, integrate-and-fire models, interacting with current-based or conductance-based synapses, using clock-driven or event-driven integration strategies. The same set of models are implemented on the different simulators, and the codes are made available. The ultimate goal of this review is to provide a resource to facilitate identifying the appropriate integration strategy and simulation tool to use for a given modeling problem related to spiking neural networks.Comment: 49 pages, 24 figures, 1 table; review article, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, in press (2007

    Maximum likelihood estimation by monte carlo simulation:Toward data-driven stochastic modeling

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    We propose a gradient-based simulated maximum likelihood estimation to estimate unknown parameters in a stochastic model without assuming that the likelihood function of the observations is available in closed form. A key element is to develop Monte Carlo-based estimators for the density and its derivatives for the output process, using only knowledge about the dynamics of the model. We present the theory of these estimators and demonstrate how our approach can handle various types of model structures. We also support our findings and illustrate the merits of our approach with numerical results

    Statistical investigation of procedure in hospital clinics

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    This thesis is a study of the daily working routine of a hospital X-Ray department, and it describes the empirical variation observed in a real department by the use of mathematical models| these models may be used to predict the effects of changes in departmental operating policy, thereby leading to a more effective use of the available resources* An outline is made of the working procedures of a typical X-Ray department, and there is also a survey of the literature. The various types of variability to be observed are described, together with some efficiency measures which may be adopted* In Chapter k the results of survey work in the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh are presented in the form of an analysis of the work-load on the X-Ray department, with respect to its constitution, origin and distribution over the X-Ray facilities* An investigation is made into the relationship between the time to perform a given examination, and the age, sex and mobility of the patient* It was found that considerable differences exist between the service time distributions of patients with different characteristics, and these were later used to consider if improvements in efficiency might result by dealing with patients in homogeneous groups* A number of comments are made on particular problem areas in the Royal Infirmary

    Investigation of delay jitter of heterogeneous traffic in broadband networks

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    Scope and Methodology of Study: A critical challenge for both wired and wireless networking vendors and carrier companies is to be able to accurately estimate the quality of service (QoS) that will be provided based on the network architecture, router/switch topology, and protocol applied. As a result, this thesis focuses on the theoretical analysis of QoS parameters in term of inter-arrival jitter in differentiated services networks by deploying analytic/mathematical modeling technique and queueing theory, where the analytic model is expressed in terms of a set of equations that can be solved to yield the desired delay jitter parameter. In wireless networks with homogeneous traffic, the effects on the delay jitter in reference to the priority control scheme of the ARQ traffic for the two cases of: 1) the ARQ traffic has a priority over the original transmission traffic; and 2) the ARQ traffic has no priority over the original transmission traffic are evaluated. In wired broadband networks with heterogeneous traffic, the jitter analysis is conducted and the algorithm to control its effect is also developed.Findings and Conclusions: First, the results show that high priority packets always maintain the minimum inter-arrival jitter, which will not be affected even in heavy load situation. Second, the Gaussian traffic modeling is applied using the MVA approach to conduct the queue length analysis, and then the jitter analysis in heterogeneous broadband networks is investigated. While for wireless networks with homogeneous traffic, binomial distribution is used to conduct the queue length analysis, which is sufficient and relatively easy compared to heterogeneous traffic. Third, develop a service discipline called the tagged stream adaptive distortion-reducing peak output-rate enforcing to control and avoid the delay jitter increases without bound in heterogeneous broadband networks. Finally, through the analysis provided, the differential services, was proved not only viable, but also effective to control delay jitter. The analytic models that serve as guidelines to assist network system designers in controlling the QoS requested by customer in term of delay jitter
