1,042 research outputs found

    Taxonomy Visualization in Support of the Semi-Automatic Validation and Optimization of Organizational Schemas

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    Never before in history, mankind had access to and produced so much data, information, knowledge, and expertise as today. To organize, access, and manage these highly valuable assets effectively, we use taxonomies, classification hierarchies, ontologies, and controlled vocabularies among others. We create directory structures for our files. We use organizational hierarchies to structure our work environment. However, the design and continuous update of these organizational schemas that potentially have thousands of class nodes to organize millions of entities is challenging for any human being. The Taxonomy Visualization and Validation (TV) tool introduced in this paper supports the semi-automatic validation and optimization of organizational schemas such as file directories, classification hierarchies, taxonomies, or any other structure imposed on a data set as a means of organization, structuring, and naming. By showing the “goodness of fit” of a schema and the potentially millions of entities it organizes, the TV eases the identification and reclassification of misclassified information entities, the identification of classes that grew over-proportionally, the evaluation of the size and homogeneity of existing classes, the examination of the “well-formedness” of an organizational schema, etc. The TV is exemplarily applied to display the United States Patent and Trademark Office patent classification, which organizes more than three million patents into about 160,000 distinct patent classes. The paper concludes with a discussion and an outlook to future work


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    Big Data and Analytics (BDA) promises significant value generation opportunities across industries. Even though companies increase their investments, their BDA initiatives fall short of expectations and they struggle to guarantee a return on investments. In order to create business value from BDA, companies must build and extend their data-related capabilities. While BDA literature has emphasized the capabilities needed to analyze the increasing volumes of data from heterogeneous sources, EDM researchers have suggested organizational capabilities to improve data quality. However, to date, little is known how companies actually orchestrate the allocated resources, especially regarding the quality and use of data to create value from BDA. Considering these gaps, this thesis – through five interrelated essays – investigates how companies adapt their EDM capabilities to create additional business value from BDA. The first essay lays the foundation of the thesis by investigating how companies extend their Business Intelligence and Analytics (BI&A) capabilities to build more comprehensive enterprise analytics platforms. The second and third essays contribute to fundamental reflections on how organizations are changing and designing data governance in the context of BDA. The fourth and fifth essays look at how companies provide high quality data to an increasing number of users with innovative EDM tools, that are, machine learning (ML) and enterprise data catalogs (EDC). The thesis outcomes show that BDA has profound implications on EDM practices. In the past, operational data processing and analytical data processing were two “worlds” that were managed separately from each other. With BDA, these "worlds" are becoming increasingly interdependent and organizations must manage the lifecycles of data and analytics products in close coordination. Also, with BDA, data have become the long-expected, strategically relevant resource. As such data must now be viewed as a distinct value driver separate from IT as it requires specific mechanisms to foster value creation from BDA. BDA thus extends data governance goals: in addition to data quality and regulatory compliance, governance should facilitate data use by broadening data availability and enabling data monetization. Accordingly, companies establish comprehensive data governance designs including structural, procedural, and relational mechanisms to enable a broad network of employees to work with data. Existing EDM practices therefore need to be rethought to meet the emerging BDA requirements. While ML is a promising solution to improve data quality in a scalable and adaptable way, EDCs help companies democratize data to a broader range of employees

    A Semantics-based User Interface Model for Content Annotation, Authoring and Exploration

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    The Semantic Web and Linked Data movements with the aim of creating, publishing and interconnecting machine readable information have gained traction in the last years. However, the majority of information still is contained in and exchanged using unstructured documents, such as Web pages, text documents, images and videos. This can also not be expected to change, since text, images and videos are the natural way in which humans interact with information. Semantic structuring of content on the other hand provides a wide range of advantages compared to unstructured information. Semantically-enriched documents facilitate information search and retrieval, presentation, integration, reusability, interoperability and personalization. Looking at the life-cycle of semantic content on the Web of Data, we see quite some progress on the backend side in storing structured content or for linking data and schemata. Nevertheless, the currently least developed aspect of the semantic content life-cycle is from our point of view the user-friendly manual and semi-automatic creation of rich semantic content. In this thesis, we propose a semantics-based user interface model, which aims to reduce the complexity of underlying technologies for semantic enrichment of content by Web users. By surveying existing tools and approaches for semantic content authoring, we extracted a set of guidelines for designing efficient and effective semantic authoring user interfaces. We applied these guidelines to devise a semantics-based user interface model called WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) which enables integrated authoring, visualization and exploration of unstructured and (semi-)structured content. To assess the applicability of our proposed WYSIWYM model, we incorporated the model into four real-world use cases comprising two general and two domain-specific applications. These use cases address four aspects of the WYSIWYM implementation: 1) Its integration into existing user interfaces, 2) Utilizing it for lightweight text analytics to incentivize users, 3) Dealing with crowdsourcing of semi-structured e-learning content, 4) Incorporating it for authoring of semantic medical prescriptions

    Framework for collaborative knowledge management in organizations

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    Nowadays organizations have been pushed to speed up the rate of industrial transformation to high value products and services. The capability to agilely respond to new market demands became a strategic pillar for innovation, and knowledge management could support organizations to achieve that goal. However, current knowledge management approaches tend to be over complex or too academic, with interfaces difficult to manage, even more if cooperative handling is required. Nevertheless, in an ideal framework, both tacit and explicit knowledge management should be addressed to achieve knowledge handling with precise and semantically meaningful definitions. Moreover, with the increase of Internet usage, the amount of available information explodes. It leads to the observed progress in the creation of mechanisms to retrieve useful knowledge from the huge existent amount of information sources. However, a same knowledge representation of a thing could mean differently to different people and applications. Contributing towards this direction, this thesis proposes a framework capable of gathering the knowledge held by domain experts and domain sources through a knowledge management system and transform it into explicit ontologies. This enables to build tools with advanced reasoning capacities with the aim to support enterprises decision-making processes. The author also intends to address the problem of knowledge transference within an among organizations. This will be done through a module (part of the proposed framework) for domain’s lexicon establishment which purpose is to represent and unify the understanding of the domain’s used semantic

    Framework for the semantic alignment of enterprise’s domain knowledge

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    Nowadays, the consumption of goods and services on the Internet are increasing in a constant motion. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) mostly from the traditional industry sectors are usually make business in weak and fragile market sectors, where customized products and services prevail. To survive and compete in the actual markets they have to readjust their business strategies by creating new manufacturing processes and establishing new business networks through new technological approaches. In order to compete with big enterprises, these partnerships aim the sharing of resources, knowledge and strategies to boost the sector’s business consolidation through the creation of dynamic manufacturing networks. To facilitate such demand, it is proposed the development of a centralized information system, which allows enterprises to select and create dynamic manufacturing networks that would have the capability to monitor all the manufacturing process, including the assembly, packaging and distribution phases. Even the networking partners that come from the same area have multi and heterogeneous representations of the same knowledge, denoting their own view of the domain. Thus, different conceptual, semantic, and consequently, diverse lexically knowledge representations may occur in the network, causing non-transparent sharing of information and interoperability inconsistencies. The creation of a framework supported by a tool that in a flexible way would enable the identification, classification and resolution of such semantic heterogeneities is required. This tool will support the network in the semantic mapping establishments, to facilitate the various enterprises information systems integration

    Visualization of analytic provenance for sensemaking

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    Sensemaking is an iterative and dynamic process, in which people collect data relevant to their tasks, analyze the collected information to produce new knowledge, and possibly inform further actions. During the sensemaking process, it is difficult for the human’s working memory to keep track of the progress and to synthesize a large number of individual findings and derived hypotheses, thus limits the performance. Analytic provenance captures both the data exploration process and and its accompanied reasoning, potentially addresses these information overload and disorientation problems. Visualization can help recall, revisit and reproduce the sensemaking process through visual representations of provenance data. More interesting and challenging, analytic provenance has the potential to facilitate the ongoing sensemaking process rather than providing only post hoc support. This thesis addresses the challenge of how to design interactive visualizations of analytic provenance data to support such an iterative and dynamic sensemaking. Its original contribution includes four visualizations that help users explore complex temporal and reasoning relationships hidden in the sensemaking problems, using both automatically and manually captured provenance. First SchemaLine, a timeline visualization, enables users to construct and refine narratives from their annotations. Second, TimeSets extends SchemaLine to explore more complex relationships by visualizing both temporal and categorical information simultaneously. Third, SensePath captures and visualizes user actions to enable analysts to gain a deep understanding of the user’s sensemaking process. Fourth, SenseMap visualization prevents users from getting lost, synthesizes new relationship from captured information, and consolidates their understanding of the sensemaking problem. All of these four visualizations are developed using a user-centered design approach and evaluated empirically to explore how they help target users make sense of their real tasks. In summary, this thesis contributes novel and validated interactive visualizations of analytic provenance data that enable users to perform effective sensemaking

    2019 EC3 July 10-12, 2019 Chania, Crete, Greece

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