230 research outputs found

    End-to-end non-negative auto-encoders: a deep neural alternative to non-negative audio modeling

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    Over the last decade, non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) has emerged as one of the most popular approaches to modeling audio signals. NMF allows us to factorize the magnitude spectrogram to learn representative spectral bases that can be used for a wide range of applications. With the recent advances in deep learning, neural networks (NNs) have surpassed NMF in terms of performance. However, these NNs are trained discriminatively and lack several key characteristics like re-usability and robustness, compared to NMF. In this dissertation, we develop and investigate the idea of end-to-end non-negative autoencoders (NAEs) as an updated deep learning based alternative framework to non-negative audio modeling. We show that end-to-end NAEs combine the modeling advantages of non-negative matrix factorization and the generalizability of neural networks while delivering significant improvements in performance. To this end, we first interpret NMF as a NAE and show that the two approaches are equivalent semantically and in terms of source separation performance. We exploit the availability of sophisticated neural network architectures to propose several extensions to NAEs. We also demonstrate that these modeling improvements significantly boost the performance of NAEs. In audio processing applications, the short-time fourier transform~(STFT) is used as a universal first step and we design algorithms and neural networks to operate on the magnitude spectrograms. We interpret the sequence of steps involved in computing the STFT as additional neural network layers. This enables us to propose end-to-end processing pipelines that operate directly on the raw waveforms. In the context of source separation, we show that end-to-end processing gives a significant improvement in performance compared to existing spectrogram based methods. Furthermore, to train these end-to-end models, we investigate the use of cost functions that are derived from objective evaluation metrics as measured on waveforms. We present subjective listening test results that reveal insights into the performance of these cost functions for end-to-end source separation. Combining the adaptive front-end layers with NAEs, we propose end-to-end NAEs and show how they can be used for end-to-end generative source separation. Our experiments indicate that these models deliver separation performance comparable to that of discriminative NNs, while retaining the modularity of NMF and the modeling flexibility of neural networks. Finally, we present an approach to train these end-to-end NAEs using mixtures only, without access to clean training examples

    NMF-based compositional models for audio source separation

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2017. 2. 김남수.Many classes of data can be represented by constructive combinations of parts. Most signal and data from nature have nonnegative values and can be explained and reconstructed by constructive models. By the constructive models, only the additive combination is allowed and it does not result in subtraction of parts. The compositional models include dictionary learning, exemplar-based approaches, and nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). Compositional models are desirable in many areas including image or visual signal processing, text information processing, audio signal processing, and music information retrieval. In this dissertation, we choose NMF for compositional models and NMF-based target source separation is performed for the application. The target source separation is the extraction or reconstruction of the target signals in the mixture signals which consists with the target and interfering signals. The target source separation can be thought as blind source separation (BSS). BSS aims that the original unknown source signals are extracted without knowing or with very limited information. However, in these days, much of prior information is frequently utilized, and various approaches have been proposed for single channel source separation. NMF basically approximates a nonnegative data matrix V with a product of nonnegative basis and encoding matrices W and H, i.e., V WH. Since both W and H are nonnegative, NMF often leads to a part based representation of the data. The methods based on NMF have shown impressive results in single channel source separation The objective function of NMF is generally presented Euclidean distant, Kullback-Leibler divergence, and Itakura-saito divergence. Many optimization methods have been proposed and utilized, e.g., multiplicative update rule, projected gradient descent and NeNMF. However, NMF-based audio source separation has some issues as follows: non-uniqueness of the bases, a high dependence to the prior information, the overlapped subspace between target bases and interfering bases, a disregard of the encoding vectors from the training phase, and insucient analysis of sparse NMF. In this dissertation, we propose new approaches to resolve the above issues. In section 4, we propose a novel speech enhancement method that combines the statistical model-based enhancement scheme with the NMF-based gain function. For a better performance in time-varying noise environments, both the speech and noise bases of NMF are adapted simultaneously with the help of the estimated speech presence probability. In section 5, we propose a discriminative NMF (DNMF) algorithm which exploits the reconstruction error for the interfering signals as well as the target signal based on target bases. In section 6, we propose an approach to robust bases estimation in which an incremental strategy is adopted. Based on an analogy between clustering and NMF analysis, we incrementally estimate the NMF bases similar to the modied k-means and Linde-Buzo-Gray algorithms popular in the data clustering area. In Section 7, the distribution of the encoding vector is modeled as a multivariate exponential PDF (MVE) with a single scaling factor for each source. In Section 8, several sparse penalty terms for NMF are analyzed and compared in terms of signal to distortion ratio, sparseness of encoding vectors, reconstruction error, and entropy of basis vectors. The new objective function which applied sparse representation and discriminative NMF (DNMF) is also proposed.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Audio source separation 1 1.2 Speech enhancement 3 1.3 Measurements 4 1.4 Outline of the dissertation 6 2 Compositional model and NMF 9 2.1 Compositional model 9 2.2 NMF 14 2.2.1 Update rules: MuR, PGD 16 2.2.2 Modied NMF 20 3 NMF-based audio source separation and issues 23 3.1 NMF-based audio source separation 23 3.2 Problems of NMF in audio source separation 26 3.2.1 A high dependency to the prior knowledge 26 3.2.2 A overlapped subspace between the target and interfering basis matrices 28 3.2.3 A non-uniqueness of the bases 29 3.2.4 A prior knowledge of the encoding vectors 30 3.2.5 Sparse NMF for the source separation 32 4 Online bases update 33 4.1 Introduction 33 4.2 NMF-based speech enhancement using spectral gain function 36 4.3 Speech enhancement combining statistical model-based and NMFbased methods with the on-line bases update 38 4.3.1 On-line update of speech and noise bases 40 4.3.2 Determining maximum update rates 42 4.4 Experiment result 43 5 Discriminative NMF 47 5.1 Introduction 47 5.2 Discriminative NMF utilizing cross reconstruction error 48 5.2.1 DNMF using the reconstruction error of the other source 49 5.2.2 DNMF using the interference factors 50 5.3 Experiment result 52 6 Incremental approach for bases estimate 57 6.1 Introduction 57 6.2 Incremental approach based on modied k-means clustering and Linde-Buzo-Gray algorithm 59 6.2.1 Based on modied k-means clustering 59 6.2.2 LBG based incremental approach 62 6.3 Experiment result 63 6.3.1 Modied k-means clustering based approach 63 6.3.2 LBG based approach 66 7 Prior model of encoding vectors 77 7.1 Introduction 77 7.2 Prior model of encoding vectors based on multivariate exponential distribution 78 7.3 Experiment result 82 8 Conclusions 87 Bibliography 91 국문초록 105Docto

    Incorporating prior information in nonnegative matrix factorization for audio source separation

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    In this work, we propose solutions to the problem of audio source separation from a single recording. The audio source signals can be speech, music or any other audio signals. We assume training data for the individual source signals that are present in the mixed signal are available. The training data are used to build a representative model for each source. In most cases, these models are sets of basis vectors in magnitude or power spectral domain. The proposed algorithms basically depend on decomposing the spectrogram of the mixed signal with the trained basis models for all observed sources in the mixed signal. Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is used to train the basis models for the source signals. NMF is then used to decompose the mixed signal spectrogram as a weighted linear combination of the trained basis vectors for each observed source in the mixed signal. After decomposing the mixed signal, spectral masks are built and used to reconstruct the source signals. In this thesis, we improve the performance of NMF for source separation by incorporating more constraints and prior information related to the source signals to the NMF decomposition results. The NMF decomposition weights are encouraged to satisfy some prior information that is related to the nature of the source signals. The priors are modeled using Gaussian mixture models or hidden Markov models. These priors basically represent valid weight combination sequences that the basis vectors can receive for a certain type of source signal. The prior models are incorporated with the NMF cost function using either log-likelihood or minimum mean squared error estimation (MMSE). We also incorporate the prior information as a post processing. We incorporate the smoothness prior on the NMF solutions by using post smoothing processing. We also introduce post enhancement using MMSE estimation to obtain better separation for the source signals. In this thesis, we also improve the NMF training for the basis models. In cases when enough training data are not available, we introduce two di erent adaptation methods for the trained basis to better t the sources in the mixed signal. We also improve the training procedures for the sources by learning more discriminative dictionaries for the source signals. In addition, to consider a larger context in the models, we concatenate neighboring spectra together and train basis sets from them instead of a single frame which makes it possible to directly model the relation between consequent spectral frames. Experimental results show that the proposed approaches improve the performance of using NMF in source separation applications

    Nonnegative OPLS for supervised design of filter banks: application to image and audio feature extraction

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    Audio or visual data analysis tasks usually have to deal with high-dimensional and nonnegative signals. However, most data analysis methods suffer from overfitting and numerical problems when data have more than a few dimensions needing a dimensionality reduction preprocessing. Moreover, interpretability about how and why filters work for audio or visual applications is a desired property, especially when energy or spectral signals are involved. In these cases, due to the nature of these signals, the nonnegativity of the filter weights is a desired property to better understand its working. Because of these two necessities, we propose different methods to reduce the dimensionality of data while the nonnegativity and interpretability of the solution are assured. In particular, we propose a generalized methodology to design filter banks in a supervised way for applications dealing with nonnegative data, and we explore different ways of solving the proposed objective function consisting of a nonnegative version of the orthonormalized partial least-squares method. We analyze the discriminative power of the features obtained with the proposed methods for two different and widely studied applications: texture and music genre classification. Furthermore, we compare the filter banks achieved by our methods with other state-of-the-art methods specifically designed for feature extraction.This work was supported in parts by the MINECO projects TEC2013-48439-C4-1-R, TEC2014-52289-R, TEC2016-75161-C2-1-R, TEC2016-75161-C2-2-R, TEC2016-81900-REDT/AEI, and PRICAM (S2013/ICE-2933)

    Towards Automated Single Channel Source Separation using Neural Networks

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    Many applications of single channel source separation (SCSS) including automatic speech recognition (ASR), hearing aids etc. require an estimation of only one source from a mixture of many sources. Treating this special case as a regular SCSS problem where in all constituent sources are given equal priority in terms of reconstruction may result in a suboptimal separation performance. In this paper, we tackle the one source separation problem by suitably modifying the orthodox SCSS framework and focus only on one source at a time. The proposed approach is a generic framework that can be applied to any existing SCSS algorithm, improves performance, and scales well when there are more than two sources in the mixture unlike most existing SCSS methods. Additionally, existing SCSS algorithms rely on fine hyper-parameter tuning hence making them difficult to use in practice. Our framework takes a step towards automatic tuning of the hyper-parameters thereby making our method better suited for the mixture to be separated and thus practically more useful. We test our framework on a neural network based algorithm and the results show an improved performance in terms of SDR and SAR

    Algorithms, applications and systems towards interpretable pattern mining from multi-aspect data

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    How do humans move around in the urban space and how do they differ when the city undergoes terrorist attacks? How do users behave in Massive Open Online courses~(MOOCs) and how do they differ if some of them achieve certificates while some of them not? What areas in the court elite players, such as Stephen Curry, LeBron James, like to make their shots in the course of the game? How can we uncover the hidden habits that govern our online purchases? Are there unspoken agendas in how different states pass legislation of certain kinds? At the heart of these seemingly unconnected puzzles is this same mystery of multi-aspect mining, i.g., how can we mine and interpret the hidden pattern from a dataset that simultaneously reveals the associations, or changes of the associations, among various aspects of the data (e.g., a shot could be described with three aspects, player, time of the game, and area in the court)? Solving this problem could open gates to a deep understanding of underlying mechanisms for many real-world phenomena. While much of the research in multi-aspect mining contribute broad scope of innovations in the mining part, interpretation of patterns from the perspective of users (or domain experts) is often overlooked. Questions like what do they require for patterns, how good are the patterns, or how to read them, have barely been addressed. Without efficient and effective ways of involving users in the process of multi-aspect mining, the results are likely to lead to something difficult for them to comprehend. This dissertation proposes the M^3 framework, which consists of multiplex pattern discovery, multifaceted pattern evaluation, and multipurpose pattern presentation, to tackle the challenges of multi-aspect pattern discovery. Based on this framework, we develop algorithms, applications, and analytic systems to enable interpretable pattern discovery from multi-aspect data. Following the concept of meaningful multiplex pattern discovery, we propose PairFac to close the gap between human information needs and naive mining optimization. We demonstrate its effectiveness in the context of impact discovery in the aftermath of urban disasters. We develop iDisc to target the crossing of multiplex pattern discovery with multifaceted pattern evaluation. iDisc meets the specific information need in understanding multi-level, contrastive behavior patterns. As an example, we use iDisc to predict student performance outcomes in Massive Open Online Courses given users' latent behaviors. FacIt is an interactive visual analytic system that sits at the intersection of all three components and enables for interpretable, fine-tunable, and scrutinizable pattern discovery from multi-aspect data. We demonstrate each work's significance and implications in its respective problem context. As a whole, this series of studies is an effort to instantiate the M^3 framework and push the field of multi-aspect mining towards a more human-centric process in real-world applications

    Audio computing in the wild: frameworks for big data and small computers

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    This dissertation presents some machine learning algorithms that are designed to process as much data as needed while spending the least possible amount of resources, such as time, energy, and memory. Examples of those applications, but not limited to, can be a large-scale multimedia information retrieval system where both queries and the items in the database are noisy signals; collaborative audio enhancement from hundreds of user-created clips of a music concert; an event detection system running in a small device that has to process various sensor signals in real time; a lightweight custom chipset for speech enhancement on hand-held devices; instant music analysis engine running on smartphone apps. In all those applications, efficient machine learning algorithms are supposed to achieve not only a good performance, but also a great resource-efficiency. We start from some efficient dictionary-based single-channel source separation algorithms. We can train this kind of source-specific dictionaries by using some matrix factorization or topic modeling, whose elements form a representative set of spectra for the particular source. During the test time, the system estimates the contribution of the participating dictionary items for an unknown mixture spectrum. In this way we can estimate the activation of each source separately, and then recover the source of interest by using that particular source's reconstruction. There are some efficiency issues during this procedure. First off, searching for the optimal dictionary size is time consuming. Although for some very common types of sources, e.g. English speech, we know the optimal rank of the model by trial and error, it is hard to know in advance as to what is the optimal number of dictionary elements for the unknown sources, which are usually modeled during the test time in the semi-supervised separation scenarios. On top of that, when it comes to the non-stationary unknown sources, we had better maintain a dictionary that adapts its size and contents to the change of the source's nature. In this online semi-supervised separation scenario, a mechanism that can efficiently learn the optimal rank is helpful. To this end, a deflation method is proposed for modeling this unknown source with a nonnegative dictionary whose size is optimal. Since it has to be done during the test time, the deflation method that incrementally adds up new dictionary items shows better efficiency than a corresponding na\"ive approach where we simply try a bunch of different models. We have another efficiency issue when we are to use a large dictionary for better separation. It has been known that considering the manifold of the training data can help enhance the performance for the separation. This is because of the symptom that the usual manifold-ignorant convex combination models, such as from low-rank matrix decomposition or topic modeling, tend to result in ambiguous regions in the source-specific subspace defined by the dictionary items as the bases. For example, in those ambiguous regions, the original data samples cannot reside. Although some source separation techniques that respect data manifold could increase the performance, they call for more memory and computational resources due to the fact that the models call for larger dictionaries and involve sparse coding during the test time. This limitation led the development of hashing-based encoding of the audio spectra, so that some computationally heavy routines, such as nearest neighbor searches for sparse coding, can be performed in a cheaper bit-wise fashion. Matching audio signals can be challenging as well, especially if the signals are noisy and the matching task involves a big amount of signals. If it is an information retrieval application, for example, the bigger size of the data leads to a longer response time. On top of that, if the signals are defective, we have to perform the enhancement or separation job in the first place before matching, or we might need a matching mechanism that is robust to all those different kinds of artifacts. Likewise, the noisy nature of signals can add an additional complexity to the system. In this dissertation we will also see some compact integer (and eventually binary) representations for those matching systems. One of the possible compact representations would be a hashing-based matching method, where we can employ a particular kind of hash functions to preserve the similarity among original signals in the hash code domain. We will see that a variant of Winner Take All hashing can provide Hamming distance from noise-robust binary features, and that matching using the hash codes works well for some keyword spotting tasks. From the fact that some landmark hashes (e.g. local maxima from non-maximum suppression on the magnitudes of a mel-scaled spectrogram) can also robustly represent the time-frequency domain signal efficiently, a matrix decomposition algorithm is also proposed to take those irregular sparse matrices as input. Based on the assumption that the number of landmarks is a lot smaller than the number of all the time-frequency coefficients, we can think of this matching algorithm efficient if it operates entirely on the landmark representation. On the contrary to the usual landmark matching schemes, where matching is defined rigorously, we see the audio matching problem as soft matching where we find a similar constellation of landmarks to the query. In order to perform this soft matching job, the landmark positions are smoothed by a fixed-width Gaussian caps, with which the matching job is reduced down to calculating the amount of overlaps in-between those Gaussians. The Gaussian-based density approximation is also useful when we perform decomposition on this landmark representation, because otherwise the landmarks are usually too sparse to perform an ordinary matrix factorization algorithm, which are originally for a dense input matrix. We also expand this concept to the matrix deconvolution problem as well, where we see the input landmark representation of a source as a two-dimensional convolution between a source pattern and its corresponding sparse activations. If there are more than one source, as a noisy signal, we can think of this problem as factor deconvolution where the mixture is the combination of all the source-specific convolutions. The dissertation also covers Collaborative Audio Enhancement (CAE) algorithms that aim to recover the dominant source at a sound scene (e.g. music signals of a concert rather than the noise from the crowd) from multiple low-quality recordings (e.g. Youtube video clips uploaded by the audience). CAE can be seen as crowdsourcing a recording job, which needs a substantial amount of denoising effort afterward, because the user-created recordings might have been contaminated with various artifacts. In the sense that the recordings are from not-synchronized heterogenous sensors, we can also think of CAE as big ad-hoc sensor array processing. In CAE, each recording is assumed to be uniquely corrupted by a specific frequency response of the microphone, an aggressive audio coding algorithm, interference, band-pass filtering, clipping, etc. To consolidate all these recordings and come up with an enhanced audio, Probabilistic Latent Component Sharing (PLCS) has been proposed as a method of simultaneous probabilistic topic modeling on synchronized input signals. In PLCS, some of the parameters are fixed to be same during and after the learning process to capture common audio content, while the rest of the parameters are for the unwanted recording-specific interference and artifacts. We can speed up PLCS by incorporating a hashing-based nearest neighbor search so that at every EM iteration PLCS can be applied only to a small number of recordings that are closest to the current source estimation. Experiments on a small simulated CAE setup shows that the proposed PLCS can improve the sound quality from variously contaminated recordings. The nearest neighbor search technique during PLCS provides sensible speed-up at larger scaled experiments (up to 1000 recordings). Finally, to describe an extremely optimized deep learning deployment system, Bitwise Neural Networks (BNN) will be also discussed. In the proposed BNN, all the input, hidden, and output nodes are binaries (+1 and -1), and so are all the weights and bias. Consequently, the operations on them during the test time are defined with Boolean algebra, too. BNNs are spatially and computationally efficient in implementations, since (a) we represent a real-valued sample or parameter with a bit (b) the multiplication and addition correspond to bitwise XNOR and bit-counting, respectively. Therefore, BNNs can be used to implement a deep learning system in a resource-constrained environment, so that we can deploy a deep learning system on small devices without using up the power, memory, CPU clocks, etc. The training procedure for BNNs is based on a straightforward extension of backpropagation, which is characterized by the use of the quantization noise injection scheme, and the initialization strategy that learns a weight-compressed real-valued network only for the initialization purpose. Some preliminary results on the MNIST dataset and speech denoising demonstrate that a straightforward extension of backpropagation can successfully train BNNs whose performance is comparable while necessitating vastly fewer computational resources

    Single channel audio separation using deep neural networks and matrix factorizations

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    PhD ThesisSource Separation has become a significant research topic in the signal processing community and the machine learning area. Due to numerous applications, such as automatic speech recognition and speech communication, separation of target speech from the mixed signal is of great importance. In many practical applications, speech separation from a single recorder is most desirable from an application standpoint. In this thesis, two novel approaches have been proposed to address this single channel audio separation problem. This thesis first reviews traditional approaches for single channel source separation, and later elicits a generic approach, which is more capable of feature learning, i.e. deep graphical models. In the first part of this thesis, a novel approach based on matrix factorization and hierarchical model has been proposed. In this work, an artificial stereo mixture is formulated to provide extra information. In addition, a hybrid framework that combines the generalized Expectation-Maximization algorithm with a multiplicative update rule is proposed to optimize the parameters of a matrix factorization based approach to approximatively separate the mixture. Furthermore, a hierarchical model based on an extreme learning machine is developed to check the validity of the approximately separated sources followed by an energy minimization method to further improve the quality of the separated sources by generating a time-frequency mask. Various experiments have been conducted and the obtained results have shown that the proposed approach outperforms conventional approaches not only in reduction of computational complexity, but also the separation performance. In the second part, a deep neural network based ensemble system is proposed. In this work, the complementary property of different features are fully explored by ‘wide’ and ‘forward’ ensemble system. In addition, instead of using the features learned from the output layer, the features learned from the penultimate layer are investigated. The final embedded features are classified with an extreme learning machine to generate a binary mask to separate a mixed signal. The experiment focuses on speech in the presence of music and the obtained results demonstrated that the proposed ensemble system has the ability to explore the complementary property of various features thoroughly under various conditions with promising separation performance

    잡음에 강인한 음성 구간 검출과 음성 향상을 위한 딥 러닝 기반 기법 연구

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2017. 2. 김남수.Over the past decades, a number of approaches have been proposed to improve the performances of voice activity detection (VAD) and speech enhancement algorithms which are crucial for speech communication and speech signal processing systems. In particular, the increasing use of machine learning-based techniques has led to the more robust algorithms in low SNR conditions. Among them, the deep neural network (DNN) has been one of the most popular techniques. While the DNN-based technique is successfully applied to these tasks, the characteristics of VAD and speech enhancement tasks are not fully incorporated to the DNN structures and objective functions. In this thesis, we propose the novel training schemes and post-filter for DNN-based VAD and speech enhancement. Unlike algorithms with basic DNN-based framework, the proposed algorithm combines the knowledge from signal processing and machine learning society to develop the improve DNN-based VAD and speech enhancement algorithm. In the following chapters, the environmental mismatch problem in the VAD area is compensated by applying multi-task learning to the DNN-based VAD. Also, the DNN-based framework is proposed in the speech enhancement scenario and the novel objective function and post-filter which are derived from the characteristics on human auditory perception improve the DNN-based speech enhancement algorithm. In the VAD task, the DNN-based algorithm was recently proposed and outperformed the traditional and other machine learning-based VAD algorithms. However, the performance of the DNN-based algorithm sometimes deteriorates when the training and test environments are not matched with each other. In order to increase the performance of the DNN-based VAD in unseen environments, we adopt the multi-task learning (MTL) framework which consists of the primary VAD and subsidiary feature enhancement tasks. By employing the MTL framework, the DNN learns the denoising function in the shared hidden layers that is useful to maintain the VAD performance in mismatched noise conditions. Second, the DNN-based framework is applied to the speech enhancement by considering it as a regression task. The encoding vector of the conventional nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF)-based algorithm is estimated by the proposed DNN and the performance of the DNN-based algorithm is compared to the conventional NMF-based algorithm. Third, the perceptually motivated objective function is proposed for the DNN-based speech enhancement. In the proposed technique, a new objective function which consists of the Mel-scale weighted mean square error, temporal and spectral variations similarities between the enhanced and clean speech is employed in the DNN training stage. The proposed objective function helps to compute the gradients based on a perceptually motivated non-linear frequency scale and alleviates the over-smoothness of the estimated speech. Furthermore, the post-filter which adjusts the variance over frequency bins further compensates the lack of contrasts between spectral peaks and valleys in the enhanced speech. The conventional GV equalization post-filters do not consider the spectral dynamics over frequency bins. To consider the contrast between spectral peaks and valleys in each enhanced speech frames, the proposed algorithm matches the variance over coefficients in the log-power spectra domain. Finally, in the speech enhancement task, an integrated technique using the proposed perceptually motivated objective function and the post-filter is described. In matched and mismatched noise conditions, the performance results of the conventional and proposed algorithm are discussed. Also, the subjective preference test result of these algorithms is also provided.1 Introduction 1 2 Conventional Approaches for Speech Enhancement 7 2.1 NMF-Based Speech Enhancement 7 3 Deep Neural Networks 13 3.1 Introduction 13 3.2 Objective Function 14 3.3 Stochastic Gradient Descent 16 4 DNN-Based Voiced Activity Detection with Multi-Task Learning Framework 19 4.1 Introduction 19 4.2 DNN-Based VAD Algorithm 21 4.3 DNN-Based VAD with MTL framework 23 4.4 Experimental Results 26 4.4.1 Experiments in Matched Noise Conditions 26 4.4.2 Experiments in Mismatched Noise Conditions 28 4.5 Summary 30 5 NMF-based Speech Enhancement Using Deep Neural Network 35 5.1 Introduction 35 5.2 Encoding Vector Estimation Using DNN 37 5.3 Experiments 42 5.4 Summary 47 6 DNN-Based Monaural Speech Enhancement with Temporal and Spectral Variations Equalization 49 6.1 Introduction 49 6.2 Conventional DNN-Based Speech Enhancement 53 6.2.1 Training Stage 53 6.2.2 Test Stage 55 6.3 Perceptually-Motivated Criteria 56 6.3.1 Perceptually Motivated Objective Function 56 6.3.2 Mel-Scale Weighted Mean Square Error 58 6.3.3 Temporal Variation Similarity 58 6.3.4 Spectral Variation Similarity 61 6.3.5 DNN Training with the Proposed Objective Function 62 6.4 Experiments 62 6.4.1 Performance Evaluation with Varying Weight Parameters 64 6.4.2 Performance Evaluation in Matched Noise Conditions 64 6.4.3 Performance Evaluation in Mismatched Noise Conditions 66 6.4.4 Comparison Between Variation Analysis Method 66 6.4.5 Subjective Test Results 67 6.5 Summary 68 7 Spectral Variance Equalization Post-filter for DNN-Based Speech Enhancement 75 7.1 Introduction 75 7.2 GV Equalization Post-Filter 76 7.3 Spectral Variance(SV) Equalization Post-Filter 77 7.4 Experiments 78 7.4.1 Objective Test Results 78 7.4.2 Subjective Test Results 79 7.5 Summary 81 8 Conclusions 83 Bibliography 85 Appendix 95 요약 97Docto