499 research outputs found

    Multi-Head Finite Automata: Characterizations, Concepts and Open Problems

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    Multi-head finite automata were introduced in (Rabin, 1964) and (Rosenberg, 1966). Since that time, a vast literature on computational and descriptional complexity issues on multi-head finite automata documenting the importance of these devices has been developed. Although multi-head finite automata are a simple concept, their computational behavior can be already very complex and leads to undecidable or even non-semi-decidable problems on these devices such as, for example, emptiness, finiteness, universality, equivalence, etc. These strong negative results trigger the study of subclasses and alternative characterizations of multi-head finite automata for a better understanding of the nature of non-recursive trade-offs and, thus, the borderline between decidable and undecidable problems. In the present paper, we tour a fragment of this literature

    Unary Pushdown Automata and Straight-Line Programs

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    We consider decision problems for deterministic pushdown automata over a unary alphabet (udpda, for short). Udpda are a simple computation model that accept exactly the unary regular languages, but can be exponentially more succinct than finite-state automata. We complete the complexity landscape for udpda by showing that emptiness (and thus universality) is P-hard, equivalence and compressed membership problems are P-complete, and inclusion is coNP-complete. Our upper bounds are based on a translation theorem between udpda and straight-line programs over the binary alphabet (SLPs). We show that the characteristic sequence of any udpda can be represented as a pair of SLPs---one for the prefix, one for the lasso---that have size linear in the size of the udpda and can be computed in polynomial time. Hence, decision problems on udpda are reduced to decision problems on SLPs. Conversely, any SLP can be converted in logarithmic space into a udpda, and this forms the basis for our lower bound proofs. We show coNP-hardness of the ordered matching problem for SLPs, from which we derive coNP-hardness for inclusion. In addition, we complete the complexity landscape for unary nondeterministic pushdown automata by showing that the universality problem is Π2P\Pi_2 \mathrm P-hard, using a new class of integer expressions. Our techniques have applications beyond udpda. We show that our results imply Π2P\Pi_2 \mathrm P-completeness for a natural fragment of Presburger arithmetic and coNP lower bounds for compressed matching problems with one-character wildcards

    Edit Distance for Pushdown Automata

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    The edit distance between two words w1,w2w_1, w_2 is the minimal number of word operations (letter insertions, deletions, and substitutions) necessary to transform w1w_1 to w2w_2. The edit distance generalizes to languages L1,L2\mathcal{L}_1, \mathcal{L}_2, where the edit distance from L1\mathcal{L}_1 to L2\mathcal{L}_2 is the minimal number kk such that for every word from L1\mathcal{L}_1 there exists a word in L2\mathcal{L}_2 with edit distance at most kk. We study the edit distance computation problem between pushdown automata and their subclasses. The problem of computing edit distance to a pushdown automaton is undecidable, and in practice, the interesting question is to compute the edit distance from a pushdown automaton (the implementation, a standard model for programs with recursion) to a regular language (the specification). In this work, we present a complete picture of decidability and complexity for the following problems: (1)~deciding whether, for a given threshold kk, the edit distance from a pushdown automaton to a finite automaton is at most kk, and (2)~deciding whether the edit distance from a pushdown automaton to a finite automaton is finite.Comment: An extended version of a paper accepted to ICALP 2015 with the same title. The paper has been accepted to the LMCS journa

    Simulation of Two-Way Pushdown Automata Revisited

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    The linear-time simulation of 2-way deterministic pushdown automata (2DPDA) by the Cook and Jones constructions is revisited. Following the semantics-based approach by Jones, an interpreter is given which, when extended with random-access memory, performs a linear-time simulation of 2DPDA. The recursive interpreter works without the dump list of the original constructions, which makes Cook's insight into linear-time simulation of exponential-time automata more intuitive and the complexity argument clearer. The simulation is then extended to 2-way nondeterministic pushdown automata (2NPDA) to provide for a cubic-time recognition of context-free languages. The time required to run the final construction depends on the degree of nondeterminism. The key mechanism that enables the polynomial-time simulations is the sharing of computations by memoization.Comment: In Proceedings Festschrift for Dave Schmidt, arXiv:1309.455

    Revisiting Membership Problems in Subclasses of Rational Relations

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    We revisit the membership problem for subclasses of rational relations over finite and infinite words: Given a relation R in a class C_2, does R belong to a smaller class C_1? The subclasses of rational relations that we consider are formed by the deterministic rational relations, synchronous (also called automatic or regular) relations, and recognizable relations. For almost all versions of the membership problem, determining the precise complexity or even decidability has remained an open problem for almost two decades. In this paper, we provide improved complexity and new decidability results. (i) Testing whether a synchronous relation over infinite words is recognizable is NL-complete (PSPACE-complete) if the relation is given by a deterministic (nondeterministic) omega-automaton. This fully settles the complexity of this recognizability problem, matching the complexity of the same problem over finite words. (ii) Testing whether a deterministic rational binary relation is recognizable is decidable in polynomial time, which improves a previously known double exponential time upper bound. For relations of higher arity, we present a randomized exponential time algorithm. (iii) We provide the first algorithm to decide whether a deterministic rational relation is synchronous. For binary relations the algorithm even runs in polynomial time

    Subclasses of Presburger Arithmetic and the Weak EXP Hierarchy

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    It is shown that for any fixed i>0i>0, the Σi+1\Sigma_{i+1}-fragment of Presburger arithmetic, i.e., its restriction to i+1i+1 quantifier alternations beginning with an existential quantifier, is complete for ΣiEXP\mathsf{\Sigma}^{\mathsf{EXP}}_{i}, the ii-th level of the weak EXP hierarchy, an analogue to the polynomial-time hierarchy residing between NEXP\mathsf{NEXP} and EXPSPACE\mathsf{EXPSPACE}. This result completes the computational complexity landscape for Presburger arithmetic, a line of research which dates back to the seminal work by Fischer & Rabin in 1974. Moreover, we apply some of the techniques developed in the proof of the lower bound in order to establish bounds on sets of naturals definable in the Σ1\Sigma_1-fragment of Presburger arithmetic: given a Σ1\Sigma_1-formula Φ(x)\Phi(x), it is shown that the set of non-negative solutions is an ultimately periodic set whose period is at most doubly-exponential and that this bound is tight.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    The descriptive complexity approach to LOGCFL

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    Building upon the known generalized-quantifier-based first-order characterization of LOGCFL, we lay the groundwork for a deeper investigation. Specifically, we examine subclasses of LOGCFL arising from varying the arity and nesting of groupoidal quantifiers. Our work extends the elaborate theory relating monoidal quantifiers to NC1 and its subclasses. In the absence of the BIT predicate, we resolve the main issues: we show in particular that no single outermost unary groupoidal quantifier with FO can capture all the context-free languages, and we obtain the surprising result that a variant of Greibach's ``hardest context-free language'' is LOGCFL-complete under quantifier-free BIT-free projections. We then prove that FO with unary groupoidal quantifiers is strictly more expressive with the BIT predicate than without. Considering a particular groupoidal quantifier, we prove that first-order logic with majority of pairs is strictly more expressive than first-order with majority of individuals. As a technical tool of independent interest, we define the notion of an aperiodic nondeterministic finite automaton and prove that FO translations are precisely the mappings computed by single-valued aperiodic nondeterministic finite transducers.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    On the equivalence, containment, and covering problems for the regular and context-free languages

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    We consider the complexity of the equivalence and containment problems for regular expressions and context-free grammars, concentrating on the relationship between complexity and various language properties. Finiteness and boundedness of languages are shown to play important roles in the complexity of these problems. An encoding into grammars of Turing machine computations exponential in the size of the grammar is used to prove several exponential lower bounds. These lower bounds include exponential time for testing equivalence of grammars generating finite sets, and exponential space for testing equivalence of non-self-embedding grammars. Several problems which might be complex because of this encoding are shown to simplify for linear grammars. Other problems considered include grammatical covering and structural equivalence for right-linear, linear, and arbitrary grammars

    Monadic Decomposability of Regular Relations

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    Monadic decomposibility - the ability to determine whether a formula in a given logical theory can be decomposed into a boolean combination of monadic formulas - is a powerful tool for devising a decision procedure for a given logical theory. In this paper, we revisit a classical decision problem in automata theory: given a regular (a.k.a. synchronized rational) relation, determine whether it is recognizable, i.e., it has a monadic decomposition (that is, a representation as a boolean combination of cartesian products of regular languages). Regular relations are expressive formalisms which, using an appropriate string encoding, can capture relations definable in Presburger Arithmetic. In fact, their expressive power coincide with relations definable in a universal automatic structure; equivalently, those definable by finite set interpretations in WS1S (Weak Second Order Theory of One Successor). Determining whether a regular relation admits a recognizable relation was known to be decidable (and in exponential time for binary relations), but its precise complexity still hitherto remains open. Our main contribution is to fully settle the complexity of this decision problem by developing new techniques employing infinite Ramsey theory. The complexity for DFA (resp. NFA) representations of regular relations is shown to be NLOGSPACE-complete (resp. PSPACE-complete)
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