59,693 research outputs found

    Rigidity of the 1-Bakry-\'Emery inequality and sets of finite perimeter in RCD spaces

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    This note is dedicated to the study of the asymptotic behaviour of sets of finite perimeter over RCD(K,N) metric measure spaces. Our main result asserts existence of a Euclidean tangent half-space almost everywhere with respect to the perimeter measure and it can be improved to an existence and uniqueness statement when the ambient is non collapsed. As an intermediate tool, we provide a complete characterization of the class of RCD(0,N) spaces for which there exists a nontrivial function satisfying the equality in the 1-Bakry-\'Emery inequality. This result is of independent interest and it is new, up to our knowledge, even in the smooth framework

    Characterizing W2,pW^{2,p}~submanifolds by pp-integrability of global curvatures

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    We give sufficient and necessary geometric conditions, guaranteeing that an immersed compact closed manifold Σm⊂Rn\Sigma^m\subset \R^n of class C1C^1 and of arbitrary dimension and codimension (or, more generally, an Ahlfors-regular compact set Σ\Sigma satisfying a mild general condition relating the size of holes in Σ\Sigma to the flatness of Σ\Sigma measured in terms of beta numbers) is in fact an embedded manifold of class C1,τ∩W2,pC^{1,\tau}\cap W^{2,p}, where p>mp>m and τ=1−m/p\tau=1-m/p. The results are based on a careful analysis of Morrey estimates for integral curvature--like energies, with integrands expressed geometrically, in terms of functions that are designed to measure either (a) the shape of simplices with vertices on Σ\Sigma or (b) the size of spheres tangent to Σ\Sigma at one point and passing through another point of Σ\Sigma. Appropriately defined \emph{maximal functions} of such integrands turn out to be of class Lp(Σ)L^p(\Sigma) for p>mp>m if and only if the local graph representations of Σ\Sigma have second order derivatives in LpL^p and Σ\Sigma is embedded. There are two ingredients behind this result. One of them is an equivalent definition of Sobolev spaces, widely used nowadays in analysis on metric spaces. The second one is a careful analysis of local Reifenberg flatness (and of the decay of functions measuring that flatness) for sets with finite curvature energies. In addition, for the geometric curvature energy involving tangent spheres we provide a nontrivial lower bound that is attained if and only if the admissible set Σ\Sigma is a round sphere.Comment: 44 pages, 2 figures; several minor correction

    Locally rich compact sets

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    We construct a compact metric space that has any other compact metric space as a tangent, with respect to the Gromov-Hausdorff distance, at all points. Furthermore, we give examples of compact sets in the Euclidean unit cube, that have almost any other compact set of the cube as a tangent at all points or just in a dense sub-set. Here the "almost all compact sets" means that the tangent collection contains a contracted image of any compact set of the cube and that the contraction ratios are uniformly bounded. In the Euclidean space, the distance of sub-sets is measured by the Hausdorff distance. Also the geometric properties and dimensions of such spaces and sets are studied.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures. Final versio

    Resonance varieties and Dwyer-Fried invariants

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    The Dwyer-Fried invariants of a finite cell complex X are the subsets \Omega^i_r(X) of the Grassmannian of r-planes in H^1(X,\Q) which parametrize the regular \Z^r-covers of X having finite Betti numbers up to degree i. In previous work, we showed that each \Omega-invariant is contained in the complement of a union of Schubert varieties associated to a certain subspace arrangement in H^1(X,\Q). Here, we identify a class of spaces for which this inclusion holds as equality. For such "straight" spaces X, all the data required to compute the \Omega-invariants can be extracted from the resonance varieties associated to the cohomology ring H^*(X,\Q). In general, though, translated components in the characteristic varieties affect the answer.Comment: 39 pages; to appear in "Arrangements of Hyperplanes - Sapporo 2009," Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematic

    Geometric and homological finiteness in free abelian covers

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    We describe some of the connections between the Bieri-Neumann-Strebel-Renz invariants, the Dwyer-Fried invariants, and the cohomology support loci of a space X. Under suitable hypotheses, the geometric and homological finiteness properties of regular, free abelian covers of X can be expressed in terms of the resonance varieties, extracted from the cohomology ring of X. In general, though, translated components in the characteristic varieties affect the answer. We illustrate this theory in the setting of toric complexes, as well as smooth, complex projective and quasi-projective varieties, with special emphasis on configuration spaces of Riemann surfaces and complements of hyperplane arrangements.Comment: 30 pages; to appear in Configuration Spaces: Geometry, Combinatorics and Topology (Centro De Giorgi, 2010), Edizioni della Normale, Pisa, 201

    Yet More Smooth Mapping Spaces and Their Smoothly Local Properties

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    Motivated by the definition of the smooth manifold structure on a suitable mapping space, we consider the general problem of how to transfer local properties from a smooth space to an associated mapping space. This leads to the notion of smoothly local properties. In realising the definition of a local property at a particular point it may be that there are choices that need to be made. To say that the local property is smoothly local is to say that those choices can be made smoothly dependent on the point. In particular, that a manifold has charts is a local property. A local addition is the structure needed to say that there is a way to choose a chart about each point so that it varies smoothly with that point. To be able to extend these ideas beyond that of the local additivity of manifolds we work in a category of generalised smooth spaces. We are thus are able to consider more general mapping spaces than just those arising from the maps from one smooth manifold to another and thus able to generalise the standard result on when this space of maps is again a smooth manifold. As applications of this generalisation we show that the mapping spaces involving the various figure 8s from String Topology are manifolds, and that they embed as submanifolds with tubular neighbourhoods in the corresponding loop spaces. We also show that applying the mapping space functor to a regular map of manifolds produces a regular map on the mapping spaces
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