262 research outputs found

    Secure-Medishare: A Comprehensive Secure Medical Data-Sharing System Using Blockchain, Watermarking, Steganography, And Optimized Hybrid Cryptography

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    Medical data plays a crucial role in healthcare, enabling accurate diagnosis, treatment planning, and research. However, the secure sharing of sensitive medical data and images remains a significant challenge. Existing techniques often fall short in terms of protecting data integrity, confidentiality, and authenticity. To address these limitations, this paper introduces Secure-Medishare, a novel secure medical data-sharing system that integrates blockchain technology, watermarking, steganography, and enhanced cryptography. The proposed Secure-Medishare system aims to provide robust security mechanisms for medical data sharing. Unlike centralized systems, which are susceptible to single points of failure and unauthorized access, Secure-Medishare utilizes blockchain technology to ensure decentralized and tamper-resistant storage and sharing of medical data. Secure-Medishare employs watermarking for data integrity and authentication and steganography for confidential transmission of metadata, ensuring authenticity, privacy, and confidentiality of medical data. Furthermore, an optimized hybrid cryptography technique is implemented to secure the transmission and storage of medical data, safeguarding confidentiality and privacy. Secure-Medishare offers several advantages over existing techniques. It provides enhanced security and privacy protection, efficient data sharing and retrieval, and improved trust among healthcare providers. The system ensures the integrity and authenticity of medical data, preventing unauthorized modifications or tampering. Additionally, the decentralized nature of blockchain technology reduces the risk of data breaches and single points of failure. Experimental results show that Secure-Medishare generates hashes quickly, taking only 65 milliseconds for 100 blocks. Optimized hybrid cryptography used in Secure-Medishare also outperforms other cryptography combinations, with encryption and decryption times of 5.635 seconds for 96-bit data. These findings highlight the efficiency and effectiveness of Secure-Medishare for secure medical data and image sharing. The experimental evaluation confirms that Secure-Medishare is a reliable and robust solution for secure medical data sharing in healthcare environments

    Exploration of media blockchain technologies for JPEG privacy and security

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    Privacy and security, copyright violations and fake news are emerging challenges in digital media. Social media and data leaks increase risk of user privacy. Creative media particularly images are often susceptible to copyright violations which poses a serious problem to the industry. On the other hand, doctored images using photo editing tools and computer generated images may give a false impression of reality and add to the problem of fake news. These problems demand solutions to protect images and associated metadata as well as methods that can proof the integrity of digital media. For these reasons, the JPEG standardization committee has been working on a new Privacy and Security standard that provides solutions to support privacy and security focused workflows. The standard defines tools to support protection and integrity across the wide range of JPEG image standards. Related to image integrity, blockchain technology provides a solution for creating tamper proof distributed ledgers. However, adopting blockchain technology for digital image integrity poses several challenges at the technology level as well as at the level of privacy legislation. In addition, if blockchain technology is adopted to support media applications, it needs to be closely integrated with a widely adopted standard to ensure broad interoperability. Therefore, the JPEG committee initiated an activity to explore standardization needs related to media blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLT). This paper explains the scope and implementation of the JPEG Privacy and Security standard and presents the current state of the exploration on standardization needs related to media blockchain applications

    Digital watermarking in medical images

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University, 05/12/2005.This thesis addresses authenticity and integrity of medical images using watermarking. Hospital Information Systems (HIS), Radiology Information Systems (RIS) and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (P ACS) now form the information infrastructure for today's healthcare as these provide new ways to store, access and distribute medical data that also involve some security risk. Watermarking can be seen as an additional tool for security measures. As the medical tradition is very strict with the quality of biomedical images, the watermarking method must be reversible or if not, region of Interest (ROI) needs to be defined and left intact. Watermarking should also serve as an integrity control and should be able to authenticate the medical image. Three watermarking techniques were proposed. First, Strict Authentication Watermarking (SAW) embeds the digital signature of the image in the ROI and the image can be reverted back to its original value bit by bit if required. Second, Strict Authentication Watermarking with JPEG Compression (SAW-JPEG) uses the same principal as SAW, but is able to survive some degree of JPEG compression. Third, Authentication Watermarking with Tamper Detection and Recovery (AW-TDR) is able to localise tampering, whilst simultaneously reconstructing the original image

    Contribution to the construction of fingerprinting and watermarking schemes to protect mobile agents and multimedia content

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    The main characteristic of fingerprinting codes is the need of high error-correction capacity due to the fact that they are designed to avoid collusion attacks which will damage many symbols from the codewords. Moreover, the use of fingerprinting schemes depends on the watermarking system that is used to embed the codeword into the content and how it honors the marking assumption. In this sense, even though fingerprinting codes were mainly used to protect multimedia content, using them on software protection systems seems an option to be considered. This thesis, studies how to use codes which have iterative-decoding algorithms, mainly turbo-codes, to solve the fingerprinting problem. Initially, it studies the effectiveness of current approaches based on concatenating tradicioanal fingerprinting schemes with convolutional codes and turbo-codes. It is shown that these kind of constructions ends up generating a high number of false positives. Even though this thesis contains some proposals to improve these schemes, the direct use of turbo-codes without using any concatenation with a fingerprinting code as inner code has also been considered. It is shown that the performance of turbo-codes using the appropiate constituent codes is a valid alternative for environments with hundreds of users and 2 or 3 traitors. As constituent codes, we have chosen low-rate convolutional codes with maximum free distance. As for how to use fingerprinting codes with watermarking schemes, we have studied the option of using watermarking systems based on informed coding and informed embedding. It has been discovered that, due to different encodings available for the same symbol, its applicability to embed fingerprints is very limited. On this sense, some modifications to these systems have been proposed in order to properly adapt them to fingerprinting applications. Moreover the behavior and impact over a video produced as a collusion of 2 users by the YouTube’s s ervice has been s tudied. We have also studied the optimal parameters for viable tracking of users who have used YouTube and conspired to redistribute copies generated by a collusion attack. Finally, we have studied how to implement fingerprinting schemes and software watermarking to fix the problem of malicious hosts on mobile agents platforms. In this regard, four different alternatives have been proposed to protect the agent depending on whether you want only detect the attack or avoid it in real time. Two of these proposals are focused on the protection of intrusion detection systems based on mobile agents. Moreover, each of these solutions has several implications in terms of infrastructure and complexity.Els codis fingerprinting es caracteritzen per proveir una alta capacitat correctora ja que han de fer front a atacs de confabulació que malmetran una part important dels símbols de la paraula codi. D'atra banda, la utilització de codis de fingerprinting en entorns reals està subjecta a que l'esquema de watermarking que gestiona la incrustació sigui respectuosa amb la marking assumption. De la mateixa manera, tot i que el fingerprinting neix de la protecció de contingut multimèdia, utilitzar-lo en la protecció de software comença a ser una aplicació a avaluar. En aquesta tesi s'ha estudiat com aplicar codis amb des codificació iterativa, concretament turbo-codis, al problema del rastreig de traïdors en el context del fingerprinting digital. Inicialment s'ha qüestionat l'eficàcia dels enfocaments actuals en la utilització de codis convolucionals i turbo-codis que plantegen concatenacions amb esquemes habituals de fingerprinting. S'ha demostrat que aquest tipus de concatenacions portaven, de forma implícita, a una elevada probabilitat d'inculpar un usuari innocent. Tot i que s'han proposat algunes millores sobre aquests esquemes , finalment s'ha plantejat l'ús de turbocodis directament, evitant així la concatenació amb altres esquemes de fingerprinting. S'ha demostrat que, si s'utilitzen els codis constituents apropiats, el rendiment del turbo-descodificador és suficient per a ser una alternativa aplicable en entorns amb varis centenars d'usuaris i 2 o 3 confabuladors . Com a codis constituents s'ha optat pels codis convolucionals de baix ràtio amb distància lliure màxima. Pel que fa a com utilitzar els codis de fingerprinting amb esquemes de watermarking, s'ha estudiat l'opció d'utilitzar sistemes de watermarking basats en la codificació i la incrustació informada. S'ha comprovat que, degut a la múltiple codificació del mateix símbol, la seva aplicabilitat per incrustar fingerprints és molt limitada. En aquest sentit s'ha plantejat algunes modificacions d'aquests sistemes per tal d'adaptar-los correctament a aplicacions de fingerprinting. D'altra banda s'ha avaluat el comportament i l'impacte que el servei de YouTube produeix sobre un vídeo amb un fingerprint incrustat. A més , s'ha estudiat els paràmetres òptims per a fer viable el rastreig d'usuaris que han confabulat i han utilitzat YouTube per a redistribuir la copia fruït de la seva confabulació. Finalment, s'ha estudiat com aplicar els esquemes de fingerprinting i watermarking de software per solucionar el problema de l'amfitrió maliciós en agents mòbils . En aquest sentit s'han proposat quatre alternatives diferents per a protegir l'agent en funció de si és vol només detectar l'atac o evitar-lo en temps real. Dues d'aquestes propostes es centren en la protecció de sistemes de detecció d'intrusions basats en agents mòbils. Cadascuna de les solucions té diverses implicacions a nivell d'infrastructura i de complexitat.Postprint (published version

    FrameProv: Towards End-To-End Video Provenance

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    Video feeds are often deliberately used as evidence, as in the case of CCTV footage; but more often than not, the existence of footage of a supposed event is perceived as proof of fact in the eyes of the public at large. This reliance represents a societal vulnerability given the existence of easy-to-use editing tools and means to fabricate entire video feeds using machine learning. And, as the recent barrage of fake news and fake porn videos have shown, this isn't merely an academic concern, it is actively been exploited. I posit that this exploitation is only going to get more insidious. In this position paper, I introduce a long term project that aims to mitigate some of the most egregious forms of manipulation by embedding trustworthy components in the video transmission chain. Unlike earlier works, I am not aiming to do tamper detection or other forms of forensics -- approaches I think are bound to fail in the face of the reality of necessary editing and compression -- instead, the aim here is to provide a way for the video publisher to prove the integrity of the video feed as well as make explicit any edits they may have performed. To do this, I present a novel data structure, a video-edit specification language and supporting infrastructure that provides end-to-end video provenance, from the camera sensor to the viewer. I have implemented a prototype of this system and am in talks with journalists and video editors to discuss the best ways forward with introducing this idea to the mainstream

    Secure Dynamic Cloud-based Collaboration with Hierarchical Access

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    In recent years, the Cloud has emerged as an attractive way of hosting and delivering services over the Internet. This has resulted in a renewed focus on information security in the case where data is stored in the virtual space of the cloud and is not physically accessible to the customer. Through this thesis the boundaries of securing data in a cloud context, while retaining the benefits of the cloud, are explored. The thesis addresses the increasing security concerns of migrating to the cloud andutilising it for data storage.The research of this thesis is divided into three separate areas: securing data in an untrusted cloud environment, ensuring data access control in the cloud, and securing data outside the cloud in the user's environment. Each area is addressed by separate conceptual designs. Together these comprise a secure dynamic cloud-based collaboration environment with hierarchical access. To further validate the conceptual designs, proof of concept prototypes have been constructed.The conceptual designs have been devised by exploring and extending the boundaries of existing secure data-storage schemes, and then combining these with well-known security principles and cutting-edge research within the field of cryptography. The results of this thesis are feasible conceptual designs for a cloud-based dynamic collaboration environment. The conceptual designs address the challenges of secure cloud-based storage and allow the benefits of cloud-based storage to be utilised. Furthermore, this thesis provides a solid foundation for further work within this field

    Smart Cameras with onboard Signcryption for Securing IoT Applications

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    Cameras are expected to become key sensor devices for various internet of things (IoT) applications. Since cameras often capture highly sensitive information, security is a major concern. Our approach towards data security for smart cameras is rooted on protecting the captured images by signcryption based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). Signcryption achieves resource-efficiency by performing data signing and encryption in a single step. By running the signcryption on the sensing unit, we can relax some security assumptions for the camera host unit which typically runs a complex software stack. We introduce our system architecture motivated by a typical case study for camera-based IoT applications, evaluate security properties and present performance results of an ARM-based implementatio