19 research outputs found

    Decision support evaluation for building information modeling software selection

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    Building Information Modeling (BIM) has shift the construction industry into a new approach in development of project.The effectiveness of BIM towards increasing productivity and quality of project has been reported not only in literature yet project report.Thus, there are numerous of BIM software available with different features and function.This trend has created decision problem among the companies to select the best software that fulfill company need and project needs.Hence, a web-based Decision Support System (DSS) application namely topsis4BIM has been developed.This paper presented the evaluation the proposed DSS though using the latest technology such as web 2.0 and cloud technology

    Application of Light Weight Directory Access Protocol to Information Services Delivery in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions Libraries

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    The study advocated for the adoption of Information and Communication Technology in information services delivery in the libraries and information centres in Nigerian tertiary institutions. Light Weight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an application protocol for reading and editing directories over an Internet protocol network. Information services delivery on the hand involve all range of information work aimed at providing the needed service(s)to the customer(s) within and outside the library or information centre. Relevance literatures were reviewed on the concept of LDAP, understanding LDAP, how LDAP are organized, the need to apply LDAP to Nigerian tertiary institutions libraries and information centres were discussed. How LDAP can be applied to library and information centres for effective information services delivery was also looked at among which include Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI), Current Awareness Services (CAS) and catalogue directory of library collection etc. The study among others recommended that libraries and information centres in tertiary institutions in Nigeria should strive to create a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and use LDAP for interlibrary loan, resource sharing among themselves, creation of directory for all libraries and information centres in a consortia were identified as strategies that would improve information services delivery in libraries and information centres in Nigerian tertiary institutions. Keywords: Light Weight Directory Access Protocol, information service, information services deliver


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    The Library 2.0 terminology was coined in 2005 by Michael E Casey in his blog entitled Library Crunch. This article discusses the implementation of Library 2.0 concept, as a continuation of the previous article by the same author which had introduced the concept. Basically, Library 2.0 is an application of Web 2.0 for library purposes. It based on two fundamentÂŹals that are: the strength of participation and the sophisticated of information technology. For library, theses forces based on three basic transformations i.e.: from book centered to human centered, from users oriented to users centered, and from information management to knowledge management. To discuss the implementation of the concept, the author did not start from the scratch, but looking other libraries that already had undertaken the effort. Examples are taken from USA, Australia, and China. Finally, the author discusses the possibility of Indonesian Librarians to implement the Library 2.0 concept. In addition the author also gives some suggestions

    Undergraduate Students’ Utilization of Technologies for Self-Regulated Learning in Kwara State

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    Self-Regulated Learning is a method of learning in which a learner sets goals, controls and manages his learning as well as evaluating himself. Despite numerous benefits of utilization of technology-oriented strategies for learning, studies have shown that the adoptions are often poorly adopted for use. The objectives of this study therefore were to investigate undergraduate students’ utilization of technologies for SRL; and influence of gender, academic level; and school proprietorship on the utilization of technologies for SRL. This study adopted the descriptive design of quantitative survey type. The sample comprised 389 respondents across federal, state and private universities in Kwara state. Researcher-designed questionnaire was used to collect data. The instrument was validated by three lecturers and was tested for reliability. The value using crombach alpha was 0.85 on Utilization. Data collected were analyzed and tested using frequency count, mean, t-test and ANOVA while Scheffe’s post-hoc was used to indicate the direction of significant differences at 0.05significant level. The findings established that undergraduate students utilize blog, Facebook, bookmark, google calendar and wiki technologies for SRL. There was no significant difference between undergraduate students’ utilization of technologies for SRL based on gender, school proprietorship and students’ academic level. The study concluded that It is therefore necessary to introduce students to learning strategies that is student-centered. This implies that students’ performance could increase if they utilize technologies for SRL. It was recommended that Students in Nigerian universities should be encouraged to always integrate appropriate technologies for SRL in their learning proces

    Aplikasi konsep library 2.0 dalam perkhidmatan dan pengurusan sumber maklumat elektronik

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    OPAC merupakan perkhidmatan tradisi perpustakaan yang mengamalkan pendekatan komunikasi sehala.Begitu juga dengan perkhidmatan sumber maklumat elektronik yang ditawarkan oleh kebanyakan pembekal pangkalan data maklumat elektronik.Kertas ini akan membincangkan secara ringkas konsep dan aplikasi Web 2.0 dan Library 2.0 meliputi definisi, teknologi yang digunakan dan beberapa laman web yang mengaplikasikan konsep Web 2.0.Perpustakaan konvensional mengamalkan komunikasi maklumat sehala berbanding dengan konsep Library 2.0 yang menitikberatkan komunikasi maklumat berbagai hala.Library 2.0 memberikan keutamaan kepada pengguna perpustakaan untuk menyumbangkan pengalaman dan pandangan mereka terhadap koleksi dan perkhidmatan perpustakaan.Library 2.0 bolehlah dikatakan perkhidmatan perpustakaan dari perspektif pengguna dan boleh menarik minat pengguna untuk memperkayakan sumber maklumat.‘Enhanced OPAC’ juga dikenali OPAC 2.0 melibatkan perlaksanaan fungsi baru dalam sistem pencari maklumat, penggunaan teknologi terkini untuk pertukaran data, kandungan tambahan yang memberi penerangan lanjut berhubung dengan bahan dalam koleksi perpustakaan, berupaya menggunakan perkhidmatan pihak ketiga dan penggunaan aplikasi Web 2.0.Pengguna akan memperolehi maklumat yang lebih terperinci berkaitan bahan dalam koleksi perpustakaan dan juga boleh menyumbangkan pandangan mereka terhadap koleksi perpustakaan di masa hadapan.Kertas ini menerangkan konsep dan kaedah mengaplikasikan konsep Library 2.0 untuk meningkatkan keupayaan perkhidmatan OPAC dan memuaskan keperluan pengguna terutamanya generasi kini yang dikenali ‘Net Generation’

    Bibliotek 2.0 pĂ„ högskolebibliotek i Åbo

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    Betydelsen av förĂ€ndringar i allmĂ€nhet och fenomenet bibliotek 2.0 i synnerhet, bĂ„de nu och i framtiden, pĂ„ olika högskolebibliotek i Åbo. Temat undersöktes genom att intervjua en anstĂ€lld per bibliotek. De fyra undersökta biblioteken befann sig tillsvidare i ett begynnelsestadium vad gĂ€ller tillĂ€mpningen av bibliotek 2.0, men i framtidens verksamhetsmiljöer kommer de nya verktygen förmodligen att spela en allt viktigare roll

    Cultural institutions and Web 2.0

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    This report gives the results of an exploratory survey of the approaches that Australian cultural institutions are implementing to meet Web 2.0 challenges. For the purpose of this study cultural institutions are those organizations open to the general public that house information artefacts representative of national culture, namely galleries, museums, libraries and archives. The aim was to undertake a brief survey of the strategies being implemented by Australian cultural institutions to come to terms with Web 2.0 development, and meet challenges. This has been complemented by some consideration of management and technical issues that have been reported in the literature. The work leads to some findings that should inform both the institutions and the Australian research and development community of issues and opportunities relating to enhanced provision of access to Australian cultural heritage