24,090 research outputs found

    Security-Driven Software Evolution Using A Model Driven Approach

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    High security level must be guaranteed in applications in order to mitigate risks during the deployment of information systems in open network environments. However, a significant number of legacy systems remain in use which poses security risks to the enterprise’ assets due to the poor technologies used and lack of security concerns when they were in design. Software reengineering is a way out to improve their security levels in a systematic way. Model driven is an approach in which model as defined by its type directs the execution of the process. The aim of this research is to explore how model driven approach can facilitate the software reengineering driven by security demand. The research in this thesis involves the following three phases. Firstly, legacy system understanding is performed using reverse engineering techniques. Task of this phase is to reverse engineer legacy system into UML models, partition the legacy system into subsystems with the help of model slicing technique and detect existing security mechanisms to determine whether or not the provided security in the legacy system satisfies the user’s security objectives. Secondly, security requirements are elicited using risk analysis method. It is the process of analysing key aspects of the legacy systems in terms of security. A new risk assessment method, taking consideration of asset, threat and vulnerability, is proposed and used to elicit the security requirements which will generate the detailed security requirements in the specific format to direct the subsequent security enhancement. Finally, security enhancement for the system is performed using the proposed ontology based security pattern approach. It is the stage that security patterns derived from security expertise and fulfilling the elicited security requirements are selected and integrated in the legacy system models with the help of the proposed security ontology. The proposed approach is evaluated by the selected case study. Based on the analysis, conclusions are drawn and future research is discussed at the end of this thesis. The results show this thesis contributes an effective, reusable and suitable evolution approach for software security

    A Planning Approach to Migrating Domain-specific Legacy Systems into Service Oriented Architecture

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    The planning work prior to implementing an SOA migration project is very important for its success. Up to now, most of this kind of work has been manual work. An SOA migration planning approach based on intelligent information processing methods is addressed to semi-automate the manual work. This thesis will investigate the principle research question: “How can we obtain SOA migration planning schemas (semi-) automatically instead of by traditional manual work in order to determine if legacy software systems should be migrated to SOA computation environment?”. The controlled experiment research method has been adopted for directing research throughout the whole thesis. Data mining methods are used to analyse SOA migration source and migration targets. The mined information will be the supplementation of traditional analysis results. Text similarity measurement methods are used to measure the matching relationship between migration sources and migration targets. It implements the quantitative analysis of matching relationships instead of common qualitative analysis. Concretely, an association rule and sequence pattern mining algorithms are proposed to analyse legacy assets and domain logics for establishing a Service model and a Component model. These two algorithms can mine all motifs with any min-support number without assuming any ordering. It is better than the existing algorithms for establishing Service models and Component models in SOA migration situations. Two matching strategies based on keyword level and superficial semantic levels are described, which can calculate the degree of similarity between legacy components and domain services effectively. Two decision-making methods based on similarity matrix and hybrid information are investigated, which are for creating SOA migration planning schemas. Finally a simple evaluation method is depicted. Two case studies on migrating e-learning legacy systems to SOA have been explored. The results show the proposed approach is encouraging and applicable. Therefore, the SOA migration planning schemas can be created semi-automatically instead of by traditional manual work by using data mining and text similarity measurement methods

    Redocumentation through design pattern recovery:: an investigation and an implementation

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    In this thesis, two methods are developed in an aid to help users capture valuable design information and knowledge and reuse them. They are the design pattern recovery (DPR) method and pattern-based redocumentation (PBR) method. The DPR method is for matching up metrics of patterns with patterns themselves in order to capture valuable design information. Patterns are used as a container for storing the information. Two new metrics, i.e., p-value and s-value are introduced. They are obtained by analysing product metrics statistically. Once patterns have been detected from a system, the system can be redocumented using these patterns. Some existing XML (extensible Markup Language) technologies are utilised in order to realise the PRB method. Next, a case study is carried out to validate the soundness and usefulness of the DPR method. Finally, some conclusions drawn from this research are summarised, and further work is suggested for the researchers in software engineering

    Business rules based legacy system evolution towards service-oriented architecture.

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    Enterprises can be empowered to live up to the potential of becoming dynamic, agile and real-time. Service orientation is emerging from the amalgamation of a number of key business, technology and cultural developments. Three essential trends in particular are coming together to create a new revolutionary breed of enterprise, the service-oriented enterprise (SOE): (1) the continuous performance management of the enterprise; (2) the emergence of business process management; and (3) advances in the standards-based service-oriented infrastructures. This thesis focuses on this emerging three-layered architecture that builds on a service-oriented architecture framework, with a process layer that brings technology and business together, and a corporate performance layer that continually monitors and improves the performance indicators of global enterprises provides a novel framework for the business context in which to apply the important technical idea of service orientation and moves it from being an interesting tool for engineers to a vehicle for business managers to fundamentally improve their businesses

    Re-engineering strategies for legacy software systems

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    Re-engineering can be described as a process for updating an existing system in order to meet new requirements. Restructuring and refactoring are activities that can be performed as a part of the re-engineering process. Supporting new requirements like migrating to new frameworks, new environments and architectural styles is essential for preservation of quality attributes like maintainability and evolvability. Many larger legacy systems slowly deteriorate over time in quality and adding new functionality becomes increasingly difficult and costly as technical debt accumulates. To modernize a legacy system and improve the cost effectiveness of implementing new features a re-engineering process is often needed. The alternative is to develop a completely new system but this can often lead to loss of years of accumulated functionality and be too expensive. Re-engineering strategies can be specialized and solve specific needs like cloud migration or be more generic in nature supporting several kinds of needs. Different approaches are suitable for different kinds of source and target systems. The choice of a re-engineering strategy is also influenced by organisational and business factors. The re-engineering of a highly tailored legacy system in a small organisation is different from re-engineering a scalable system in a large organisation. Generic and flexible solutions are well suited for especially smaller organisations with complex systems. The re-engineering strategy Renaissance was applied in a case study at Roima Intelligence Oy in order to find out if such a strategy is realistically usable, useful and valuable for a smaller organization. The results show that a re-engineering strategy is possible to be used with low overhead in order to prioritize different parts of the system and determining a suitable modernization plan. Renaissance was also shown to add value especially in the form of deeper understanding of the system and a structured way to evaluate different options for modernization. This is achieved through assessing the system from different views taking into account especially business and technical aspects. A lesson learned about Renaissance is that determining an optimal scope for the system assessment is challenging. The results are applicable for other organisations dealing with complex legacy systems with constrained resources. Limitations of the study are that the number of different kinds of re-engineering strategies discussed is small and more suitable strategies than Renaissance could be discovered with a systematic mapping study. The amount of experts participating in the process itself as well as the evaluation was also low, introducing some uncertainty to the validity of the results. Further research is needed in order to determine how specialized and generic re-engineering strategies compare in terms of needed resources and added value
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