7,653 research outputs found

    An analysis of The Oxford Guide to practical lexicography (Atkins and Rundell 2008)

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    Since at least a decade ago, the lexicographic community at large has been demanding that a modern textbook be designed - one that Would place corpora in the centre of the lexicographic enterprise. Written by two of the most respected practising lexicographers, this book has finally arrived, and delivers on very many levels. This review article presents a critical analysis of its features

    Event-based media monitoring methodology for Human Rights Watch

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    Executive Summary This report, prepared by a team of researchers from the University of Minnesota for Human Rights Watch (HRW), investigates the use of event-based media monitoring (EMM) to review its application, identify its strengths and weaknesses, and offer suggestions on how HRW can better utilize EMM in its own work. Media monitoring systems include both human-operated (manual) and automated systems, both of which we review throughout the report. The process begins with the selection of news sources, proceeds to the development of a coding manual (for manual searches) or “dictionary” (for automated searches), continues with gathering data, and concludes with the coding of news stories. EMM enables the near real-time tracking of events reported by the media, allowing researchers to get a sense of the scope of and trends in an event, but there are limits to what EMM can accomplish on its own. The media will only cover a portion of a given event, so information will always be missing from EMM data. EMM also introduces research biases of various kinds; mitigating these biases requires careful selection of media sources and clearly defined coding manuals or dictionaries. In manual EMM, coding the gathered data requires human researchers to apply codebook rules in order to collect consistent data from each story they read. In automated EMM, computers apply the dictionary directly to the news stories, automatically picking up the desired information. There are trade-offs in each system. Automated EMM can code stories far more quickly, but the software may incorrectly code stories, requiring manual corrections. Conversely, manual EMM allows for a more nuanced analysis, but the investment of time and effort may diminish the tool’s utility. We believe that both manual and automated EMM, when deployed correctly, can effectively support human rights research and advocacy

    Text, History, and Tradition: What the Seventh Amendment Can Teach Us About the Second

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    In District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. City of Chicago, the Supreme Court made seemingly irreconcilable demands on lower courts: evaluate Second Amendment claims through history, avoid balancing, and retain as much regulation as possible. To date, lower courts have been unable to devise a test that satisfies all three of these conditions. Worse, the emerging default candidate, intermediate scrutiny, is a test that many jurists and scholars consider exceedingly manipulable.This Article argues that courts could look to the Supreme Court’s Seventh Amendment jurisprudence, and in particular the Seventh Amendment’s “historical test,” to help them devise a test for the Second. The historical test relies primarily on analogical reasoning from text, history, and tradition to determine the constitutionality of any given practice or regulation. Yet the historical test is supple enough to respond to the demands of a twenty-first-century judicial system. As such, it provides valuable insights, but also its own set of problems, for those judges and scholars struggling to implement the right to keep and bear arms

    An experiment with ontology mapping using concept similarity

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    This paper describes a system for automatically mapping between concepts in different ontologies. The motivation for the research stems from the Diogene project, in which the project's own ontology covering the ICT domain is mapped to external ontologies, in order that their associated content can automatically be included in the Diogene system. An approach involving measuring the similarity of concepts is introduced, in which standard Information Retrieval indexing techniques are applied to concept descriptions. A matrix representing the similarity of concepts in two ontologies is generated, and a mapping is performed based on two parameters: the domain coverage of the ontologies, and their levels of granularity. Finally, some initial experimentation is presented which suggests that our approach meets the project's unique set of requirements

    Choosing Gatekeepers: The Financial Statement Insurance Alternative To Auditor Liabilty

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    Positioned in a lively current debate concerning how to design auditor incentives to optimize financial statement auditing, this Article presents the more ambitious financial statement insurance alternative. This breaks from the existing securities regulation framework to draw directly on insurance markets and law. Based on upon an evaluation of major structural and policy-related features of the concept, the assessment prescribes a framework to permit companies, on an experimental-basis and with investor approval, to use financial statement insurance as an optional alternative to the existing model of financial statement auditing backed by auditor liability. The financial statement insurance concept, pioneered by New York University Accounting Professor Joshua Ronen, promises considerable advantages over traditional financial statement auditing though, as with any proposal, presents its own set of challenges. This Article expands the model first sketched by Dr. Ronen, extending and interpreting it to examine its efficacy, attempting to show how certain limitations can be overcome. A chief challenge is relating state insurance law, the default applicable to insurance policies including FSI, to federal securities regulation. A general method is to develop for financial statement insurance the functional equivalent of the U.S. Trust Indenture Act of 1939 applicable to contracts governing public debt securities. This would allow substantial freedom of contract in policy terms, governed by state law, while mandating certain specific terms and establishing minimum federal parameters for others. Most other hurdles arising from the interplay between state insurance law and federal securities regulation can be overcome using disclosure, while more uncertain are issues associated with preserving insurer solvency if financial statement insurance is placed at the center of the public-company financial reporting system


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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease in adults in the United States (US). Persistent HPV infection can cause several cancers, including cervical, oropharyngeal, and anal cancer. To prevent these cancers, the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends that all adolescents start the HPV vaccine series at ages 11-12 years. Despite the safety and efficacy of available HPV vaccines, vaccine uptake rates remain lower than public health goals. In the US, only 51.1% of eligible adolescents have completed the vaccine series, a rate lower than the Healthy People 2020 goal of 80% coverage for series completion. In Montana, only 53% of females and 43.9% of males have completed the series. Suboptimal HPV vaccine uptake rates and existent disparities must be addressed to decrease HPV-attributable cancer risk. This paper describes which interventions may be effective in increasing HPV vaccination rates in Montana through a review of the literature on HPV vaccination interventions and their use of health behavior theories, and an analysis of local parent and adolescent feedback about HPV vaccination. The literature review focused on education interventions, provider communication interventions, and health systems interventions to increase HPV vaccine uptake. I found that the use of health behavior theories to inform HPV vaccination interventions was inconsistently reported in published studies of interventions; however, several health behavior theories did support the potential for effectiveness of certain interventions. For example, stage behavior theories may provide tools to move a parent from hesitancy to willingness to vaccinate. The behavior theory constructs of subjective norms and cues to action support provider recommendation and reminder/recall interventions. Most HPV vaccination interventions that I identified were conducted in urban populations, which limits their generalizability to rural populations like those in Montana. However, local parents emphasized the importance of reminders to complete the HPV vaccine series. Provider recommendations were also highly valued. This literature review and analysis of local parent and adolescent feedback provides valuable information for stakeholders seeking to increase HPV vaccine uptake in adolescents

    Connected vehicles:organizational cybersecurity processes and their evaluation

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    Abstract. Vehicles have become increasingly network connected cyber physical systems and they are vulnerable to cyberattacks. In the wake of multiple vehicle hacks, automotive industry and governments have recognized the critical need of cybersecurity to be integrated into vehicle development framework and get manufactures involved in managing whole vehicle lifecycle. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) WP.29 (World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations) committee published in 2021 two new regulations for road vehicles type approval: R155 for cybersecurity and R156 for software update. The latter of these influence also to agricultural vehicle manufacturers, which is the empirical context of this study. Also new cybersecurity engineering standard from International Standardization Organization (ISO) and Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) organizations change organizations risk management framework. The vehicle manufacturers must think security from an entirely new standpoint: how to reduce vehicle cybersecurity risk to other road users. This thesis investigates automotive regulations and standards related to cybersecurity and cybersecurity management processes. The methodology of the empirical part is design science that is a suitable method for the development of new artifacts and solutions. This study developed an organization status evaluation tool in the form of a questionnaire. Stakeholders can use the tool to collect information about organizational capabilities for comprehensive vehicles cybersecurity management process. As a main result this thesis provides base information for cybersecurity principles and processes for cybersecurity management, and an overview of current automotive regulation and automotive cybersecurity related standards.Verkotetut ajoneuvot : organisaation kyberturvallisuusprosessit ja niiden arviointi. Tiivistelmä. Ajoneuvoista on tullut kyberhyökkäyksille alttiita tietoverkkoon yhdistettyjä kyberfyysisiä järjestelmiä. Ajoneuvojen hakkeroinnit herättivät hallitukset ja ajoneuvoteollisuuden huomaamaan, että kyberturvallisuus on integroitava osaksi ajoneuvojen kehitysympäristöä ja valmistajat on saatava mukaan hallitsemaan ajoneuvon koko elinkaarta. Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien Euroopan talouskomission (UNECE) WP.29 (World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations) -komitean jäsenet julkaisivat vuonna 2021 kaksi uutta tyyppihyväksyntäsäädöstä maantiekäyttöön tarkoitetuille ajoneuvoille. Nämä ovat kyberturvallisuuteen R155 ja ohjelmistopäivitykseen R156 liittyvät säädökset, joista jälkimmäinen vaikuttaa myös maatalousajoneuvojen valmistajiin. Myös uusi International Standardization Organization (ISO) ja Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) organisaatioiden yhdessä tekemä kyberturvallisuuden suunnittelustandardi muuttaa organisaatioiden riskienhallintaa. Ajoneuvovalmistajien on pohdittava turvallisuutta aivan uudesta näkökulmasta; kuinka pienentää ajoneuvojen kyberturvallisuusriskiä muille tienkäyttäjille. Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii kyberturvallisuuteen liittyviä autoalan säädöksiä ja standardeja sekä kyberturvallisuuden johtamisprosesseja. Työn empiirinen osa käsittelee maatalousajonevoihin erikoistunutta yritystä. Empiirisen osan metodologia on suunnittelutiede, joka soveltuu uusien artefaktien ja ratkaisujen kehittämiseen. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa kehitettiin uusi arviointityökalu, jolla sidosryhmät voivat kerätä tietoja organisaation valmiuksista ajoneuvojen kyberturvallisuuden hallintaan. Tämä opinnäytetyö tarjoaa pohjatietoa kyberturvallisuuden periaatteista ja kyberturvallisuuden hallinnan prosesseista sekä yleiskatsauksen nykyiseen autoalan sääntelyyn ja kyberturvallisuuteen liittyviin ajoneuvostandardeihin

    Precision and Uncertainty : Cancer biomarkers and new perspectives on fairness in priority setting decisions in personalized medicine

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    Introduction: Precision oncology aims to tailor diagnostics and treatment to patients’ individual biological characteristics, and a central part of this approach is the stratification of patients into smaller groups. This might increase treatment effect, avoid ineffective treatment and harmful side effects, and promote fair priority setting. But precision oncology may also increase uncertainty about the quality of evidence, creating public controversy and challenges for fair priority setting. Objectives: The primary aim of this thesis was to describe and discuss how biomarkers and personalized medicine are being incorporated into priority setting decisions for new cancer drugs in Norway, and to explore how this may challenge concepts of fairness in the priority setting system. This was done by investigating three secondary aims, all with special attention to biomarkers: I) To describe the Norwegian system for priority setting and drug appraisal, and to analyse if coverage decisions are in accordance with the established criteria for priority setting; II) To study Norwegian cancer doctors’ stated preferences for considering individual patient characteristics in a hypothetical priority setting scenario; III) To provide a critical analysis of the current priority setting practice for personalized medicine through a perspective from science and technology studies. Methods: Three studies were conducted to respond to each of the secondary objectives. Study I and II were empirical, while study III was a theoretical analysis. In study I we used logistic and linear regression analysis to evaluate drug coverage decision for the Norwegian specialized health care sector from 2014 to 2019, using confidential price data. In study II we distributed a survey to Norwegian cancer doctors where we used a conjoint analysis to elicit preferences in a hypothetical priority setting scenario between two cancer patients. In study III we examined and criticized the Norwegian priority setting practice through a Science and Technology perspective. Results: Study I shows a strong inverse relationship between the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios and the probability of approval, after price negotiations and severity of disease has been taken into account. This demonstrates how cost-effectiveness, price negotiations and concerns for a fair distribution of health benefits are systematically implemented in the Norwegian drug appraisal system. This was also found for biomarker-accompanied cancer drugs; however, a systematic quantitative evaluation of uncertainty is not possible due to the lack of data. Study II shows that biomarker status is perceived as relevant for priority setting decisions, alongside more well-known patient characteristics like age, physical function, and comorbidity. Based on these findings we discuss a framework that can help clarify whether biomarker status should be accepted as an ethically acceptable factor for stratifying patients into smaller groups and give them unequal treatment. In this framework a key aspect of reducing uncertainty is to improve biomarker quality. In study III precision oncology is seen not only as a solution but also a potential contributor to high health care costs and persisting controversy. We argue that a wider perspective on science and society is needed to strengthen the priority setting system. From a co-production perspective, scientific, technological, and societal developments are causally entangled into each other. Alongside refining priority setting principles, one can and ought to raise normative questions about the trajectory of personalized cancer medicine and of how to create a well-functioning public sphere. Conclusion: Precision oncology and cancer biomarkers appear to be well integrated in the priority setting system, but there are also concerns about how uncertainty increases and how this may challenge priority setting. Acknowledging the interdependence between science and society, this calls for a stronger emphasis on co-production of knowledge and procedural aspects of fairness. This could strengthen the priority setting system and reduce public controversy. A wider participation of stakeholders is essential, and deliberation must address both the production of knowledge and of standards. The former includes organization of trial design, research and development of new drugs, and even the whole political economy of drug development, and the latter the normative foundations of priority setting, its principles and practices. In such reimagining there is still a role for biomarkers, but their role would be reimagined too.Doktorgradsavhandlin
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