3,411 research outputs found

    Multi Agent Systems in Logistics: A Literature and State-of-the-art Review

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    Based on a literature survey, we aim to answer our main question: “How should we plan and execute logistics in supply chains that aim to meet today’s requirements, and how can we support such planning and execution using IT?†Today’s requirements in supply chains include inter-organizational collaboration and more responsive and tailored supply to meet specific demand. Enterprise systems fall short in meeting these requirements The focus of planning and execution systems should move towards an inter-enterprise and event-driven mode. Inter-organizational systems may support planning going from supporting information exchange and henceforth enable synchronized planning within the organizations towards the capability to do network planning based on available information throughout the network. We provide a framework for planning systems, constituting a rich landscape of possible configurations, where the centralized and fully decentralized approaches are two extremes. We define and discuss agent based systems and in particular multi agent systems (MAS). We emphasize the issue of the role of MAS coordination architectures, and then explain that transportation is, next to production, an important domain in which MAS can and actually are applied. However, implementation is not widespread and some implementation issues are explored. In this manner, we conclude that planning problems in transportation have characteristics that comply with the specific capabilities of agent systems. In particular, these systems are capable to deal with inter-organizational and event-driven planning settings, hence meeting today’s requirements in supply chain planning and execution.supply chain;MAS;multi agent systems

    A holonic approach to dynamic manufacturing scheduling

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    Manufacturing scheduling is a complex combinatorial problem, particularly in distributed and dynamic environments. This paper presents a holonic approach to manufacturing scheduling, where the scheduling functions are distributed by several entities, combining their calculation power and local optimization capability. In this scheduling and control approach, the objective is to achieve fast and dynamic re-scheduling using a scheduling mechanism that evolves dynamically to combine centralized and distributed strategies, improving its responsiveness to emergence, instead of the complex and optimized scheduling algorithms found in traditional approaches

    A holonic approach to dynamic manufacturing scheduling

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    Indexado ISIManufacturing scheduling is a complex combinatorial problem, particularly in distributed and dynamic environments. This paper presents a holonic approach to manufacturing scheduling, which in opposite to traditional approaches, distributes the scheduling functions over several entities, combining their calculation power and local optimization. In this scheduling and control approach, the scheduling mechanism evolves dynamically to combine optimized scheduling, achieved by central entities, and distributed scheduling, improving its responsiveness and robustness

    Multi Agent Systems in Logistics: A Literature and State-of-the-art Review

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    Based on a literature survey, we aim to answer our main question: “How should we plan and execute logistics in supply chains that aim to meet today’s requirements, and how can we support such planning and execution using IT?” Today’s requirements in supply chains include inter-organizational collaboration and more responsive and tailored supply to meet specific demand. Enterprise systems fall short in meeting these requirements The focus of planning and execution systems should move towards an inter-enterprise and event-driven mode. Inter-organizational systems may support planning going from supporting information exchange and henceforth enable synchronized planning within the organizations towards the capability to do network planning based on available information throughout the network. We provide a framework for planning systems, constituting a rich landscape of possible configurations, where the centralized and fully decentralized approaches are two extremes. We define and discuss agent based systems and in particular multi agent systems (MAS). We emphasize the issue of the role of MAS coordination architectures, and then explain that transportation is, next to production, an important domain in which MAS can and actually are applied. However, implementation is not widespread and some implementation issues are explored. In this manner, we conclude that planning problems in transportation have characteristics that comply with the specific capabilities of agent systems. In particular, these systems are capable to deal with inter-organizational and event-driven planning settings, hence meeting today’s requirements in supply chain planning and execution

    Job Scheduling with Genetic Algorithm

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    In this paper, we have used a Genetic Algorithm (GA) approach for providing a solution to the Job Scheduling Problem (JSP) of placing 5000 jobs on 806 machines. The GA starts off with a randomly generated population of 100 chromosomes, each of which represents a random placement of jobs on machines. The population then goes through the process of reproduction, crossover and mutation to create a new population for the next generation until a predefined number of generations are reached. Since the performance of a GA depends on the parameters like population size, crossover rate and mutation rate, a series of experiments were conducted in order to identify the best parameter combination to achieve good solutions to the JSP by balancing makespan with the running time. We found that a crossover rate of 0.3, a mutation rate of 0.15 and a population size of 100 yield the best results

    Agent-based distributed manufacturing scheduling: an ontological approach

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    The purpose of this paper is the need for self-sequencing operation plans in autonomous agents. These allow resolution of combinatorial optimisation of a global schedule, which consists of the fixed process plan jobs and which requires operations offered by manufacturers. The proposed agent-based approach was adapted from the bio-inspired metaheuristic- particle swarm optimisation (PSO), where agents move towards the schedule with the best global makespan. The research has achieved a novel ontology-based optimisation algorithm to allow agents to schedule operations whilst cutting down on the duration of the computational analysis, as well as improving the performance extensibility amongst others. The novelty of the research is evidenced in the development of a synchronised data sharing system allowing better decision-making resources with intrinsic manufacturing intelligence. The multi-agent platform is built upon the Java Agent Development Environment (JADE) framework. The operation research case studies were used as benchmarks for the evaluation of the proposed model. The presented approach not only showed a practical use case of a decentralised manufacturing system, but also demonstrated near optimal makespans compared to the operational research benchmarks

    Is Subjectivity Nonexistent?

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    Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Earliness and Tardiness Over a Common Due Date

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    Scheduling has turned out to be a fundamental activity for both production and service organizations. As competitive markets emerge, Just-In-Time (JIT) production has obtained more importance as a way of rapidly responding to continuously changing market forces. Due to their realistic assumptions, job shop production environments have gained much research effort among scheduling researchers. This research develops exact and heuristic methods and algorithms to solve the job shop scheduling problem when the objective is to minimize both earliness and tardiness costs over a common due date. The objective function of minimizing earliness and tardiness costs captures the essence of the JIT approach in job shops. A dynamic programming procedure is developed to solve smaller instances of the problem, and a Multi-Agent Systems approach is developed and implemented to solve the problem for larger instances since this problem is known to be NP-Hard in a strong sense. A combinational auction-based approach using a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model to construct and evaluate the bids is proposed. The results showed that the proposed combinational auction-based algorithm is able to find optimal solutions for problems that are balanced in processing times across machines. A price discrimination process is successfully implemented to deal with unbalanced problems. The exact and heuristic procedures developed in this research are the first steps to create a structured approach to handle this problem and as a result, a set of benchmark problems will be available to the scheduling research community

    Applications of Agent-Based Methods in Multi-Energy Systems—A Systematic Literature Review

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    The need for a greener and more sustainable energy system evokes a need for more extensive energy system transition research. The penetration of distributed energy resources and Internet of Things technologies facilitate energy system transition towards the next generation of energy system concepts. The next generation of energy system concepts include “integrated energy system”, “multi-energy system”, or “smart energy system”. These concepts reveal that future energy systems can integrate multiple energy carriers with autonomous intelligent decision making. There are noticeable trends in using the agent-based method in research of energy systems, including multi-energy system transition simulation with agent-based modeling (ABM) and multi-energy system management with multi-agent system (MAS) modeling. The need for a comprehensive review of the applications of the agent-based method motivates this review article. Thus, this article aims to systematically review the ABM and MAS applications in multi-energy systems with publications from 2007 to the end of 2021. The articles were sorted into MAS and ABM applications based on the details of agent implementations. MAS application papers in building energy systems, district energy systems, and regional energy systems are reviewed with regard to energy carriers, agent control architecture, optimization algorithms, and agent development environments. ABM application papers in behavior simulation and policy-making are reviewed with regard to the agent decision-making details and model objectives. In addition, the potential future research directions in reinforcement learning implementation and agent control synchronization are highlighted. The review shows that the agent-based method has great potential to contribute to energy transition studies with its plug-and-play ability and distributed decision-making process