1,843 research outputs found

    Tablet-Based Activity Schedule for Children with Autism in Mainstream Environment

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    International audienceIncluding children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in mainstreamed environments creates a need for new interventions whose efficacy must be assessed in situ. This paper presents a tablet-based application for activ- ity schedules that has been designed following a partic- ipatory design approach involving mainstream teachers, special-education teachers and school aides. This appli- cations addresses two domains of activities: classroom routines and verbal communications. We assessed the efficiency of our application with a study involving 10 children with ASD in mainstream inclusion (5 children are equipped and 5 are not equipped). We show that (1) the use of the application is rapidly self- initiated (after two months for almost all the partici- pants) and that (2) the tablet-supported routines are differently executed over time according to the activity domain conditions. Importantly, compared to the con- trol children, the equipped children exhibited more class- room and communication routines correctly performed after three month of intervention.Inclure des enfants avec Troubles du Spectre Autistique (TSA) dans des environnements ordinaires soulève un besoin en nouvelles interventions dont l'efficacité doit être validée in situ. Ce papier présente une application sur tablette pour le séquençage d'activité créée selon une approche de design participatif incluant les professeurs, enseignants spécialisés et auxiliaires de vie scolaire. Cette application adresse deux domaines d'activités : les routines scolaires et la communication verbale. Nous avons testé l'efficacité de notre application par une étude impliquant 10 enfants avec TSA dans des classes ordinaires (5 enfants équipés et 5 non-équipés). Nous montrons que (1) l'utilisation de l'application est rapidement initiée par l'enfant (après 2 mois pour presque tous les participants) et (2) les routines supportées par l'application sont exécutées différemment à travers le temps selon le domaine d'activités. Comparés aux enfants contrôles, les enfants équipés ont montré plus de routines de classes et verbales correctement exécutées après 3 mois d'intervention

    Tablet-Based Activity Schedule in Mainstream Environment for Children with Autism and Children with ID

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    International audienceIncluding children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in mainstream environments creates a need for new interventions whose efficacy must be assessed in situ. This article presents a tablet-based application for activity schedules that has been designed following a participatory design approach involving mainstream teachers, special education teachers, and school aides. This application addresses two domains of activities: classroom routines and verbal communications. We assessed the efficiency of our application with two overlapping user studies in mainstream inclusion, sharing a group of children with ASD. The first experiment involved 10 children with ASD, where five children were equipped with our tabled-based application and five were not equipped. We show that (1) the use of the application is rapidly self-initiated (after 2 months for almost all the participants) and (2) the tablet-supported routines are better performed after 3 months of intervention. The second experiment involved 10 children equipped with our application; it shared the data collected for the five children with ASD and compared them with data collected for five children with intellectual disability (ID). We show that (1) children with ID are not autonomous in the use of the application at the end of the intervention, (2) both groups exhibited the same benefits on classroom routines, and (3) children with ID improve significantly less their performance on verbal communication routines. These results are discussed in relation with our design principles. Importantly, the inclusion of a group with another neurodevelopmental condition provided insights about the applicability of these principles beyond the target population of children with ASD. Additional Key Words and Phrases: Participatory design, educative inclusion in mainstream environment, idiosyncratic multimedia contents ACM Reference Format: Charles Fage, Léonard Pommereau, Charles Consel, Emilie Balland, andHéì ene Sauzéon. 2016. Tablet-based activity schedule in mainstream environment for children with autism and children with ID. Tour, 33405 TALENCE CEDEX; emails: first name.last [email protected]. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies show this notice on the first page or initial screen of a display along with the full citation. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, to redistribute to lists, or to use any component of this work in other works requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Permissions may be requested from Publication

    The use of tablets to encourage the development of joint attention skills in children with autism spectrum disorder

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    The aim of this research was to explore ways in which iPads and other mobile tablets can be used in the classroom and home environment to support children with autism spectrum disorder in the area of joint attention skills. It focused on understanding the nature and importance of these skills in children with autism according to the participants’ experiences and on investigating the use and potential of mobile tablets in contributing to the development of joint attention skills. The research drew upon the transactional model of child development and followed an action research design. Reflection on the initial findings generated plans for change, which then shaped the next stages of the research. Interviews, observations, focus groups studies were carried out to investigate the level of understanding of joint attention skills and how their development is currently supported in the classroom and home environment; and to observe such support in the classroom especially when mediated through iPads. These studies, together with focus groups with key stakeholders led to the development of guidelines on how teachers and parents can use mobile tablets to support the development of joint attention skills in home and primary schools (Reception-Key Stage 2). These were developed and refined in consultation with teachers, parents, children and academics. This was the first study that measured the number of times children initiated and responded to joint attention and the number of times teachers used strategies to gain, sustain and redirect a child’s attention with and without the use of technology in a school setting.The findings showed that children were more times engaged in joint attention when using the iPads than without. The participants were not familiar with the term joint attention but used the term social communication to refer to the child’s ability to share interest, keep eye contact, take turns in an interaction or game, follow gaze and pointing, understand other’s feelings and interact with others by using symbols, speech or gestures. Both parents and teachers used evidence based strategies when interacting with the children but the need for guidance on how to use the mobile tablets was highlighted. The proposed guidelines include evidence based strategies, tablet based activities, and criteria on how to select mobile applications. They aim to help teachers reflect on and improve their teaching practice, as well as urge parents to use the tablet with their child in more collaborative ways. It is suggested that future studies should focus on bridging the gap between theory and practice by investigating the practitioners’ perspectives and experiences in developing joint attention and social communication skills in children with autism with the use of mobile interactive technologies in naturalistic settings

    Tablet Apps to Support First School Inclusion of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in Mainstream Classrooms: A Pilot Study

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    International audienceThe inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in mainstream classrooms is dramatically impeded by their difficulties in socio-adaptive behaviors. This paper presents a package of mobile applications consisting of both assistive and cognitive rehabilitation applications to support first school inclusion of children with ASD. These applications have been tested in a 3-month intervention in mainstream schools and at home, involving 50 participants (30 children with ASD, half of which was equipped and 20 equipped children with intellectual deficiencies). Benefits on socio-adaptive behaviors and social response in school settings, and socio-cognitive functioning have been assessed. The main results showed that equipped children with ASD improved their socio-adaptive behaviors and their social-response in school settings. Both equipped groups increased their socio-cognitive functioning

    Conception et Validation Expérimentale d’un Assistant Numérique pour l’Inclusion Scolaire d’Enfants avec Troubles du Spectre Autistique en Classe Ordinaire

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    School inclusion of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) inmainstream classrooms remains dramatically limited in France, even though it hasbeen recognized as critical for socio- professional perspectives. In fact, the atypicalcognitive functioning, associated with socio-adaptive behavior difficulties(communication, social skills, autonomy, etc.), are usually confronted to nor- malizedexpectations in these mainstream environments, such as schools. New technologiescan be seen as promising levers to overcome the barriers of school inclusion.However, despite a plethoric offer of technologies for children with ASD, scientificstudies are lacking to establish their efficacy, as well as the relevance of their design.This work presents the design and validation of mobile applications to support schoolinclusion of children with ASD in mainstream classrooms through three studies. Thefirst study presents design principles for assistive applications addressing schoolroutines and verbal communication activities of children with ASD; these applicationsare to be used in situ. Combining a user-centered approach and pilot clinical research,the second study presents design principles and experimental validation of an emotionregulation application targeting children with ASD in mainstream classroom. Theresults reveal benefits on self-regulation behaviors, as well as underpinning sociocognitiveprocesses. Finally, in across-syndrome approach, the third study presents theresults of a global intervention, based on cognitive assistive and rehabilitationapplications, involving 48 children and supporting the first inclusion in mainstreamclassrooms of children with ASD and children without ASD (with IntellectualDisabilities or learning disabilities). Benefits are reported for both equipped groups interms of socio-adaptive behaviors, social response and socio-cognitive functioning.Larger benefits have been observed for equipped children with ASD, revealing therelevance of Collège+ intervention for this population.A systemic approach to designing and experimenting mobile applications allowed forimprove- ments in socio-adaptive behaviors and socio-cognitive functioning, crucialfor the success of main- stream school inclusion. Such approach seems promising tosupport school inclusion of children with ASD in mainstream classrooms, and offersbroad perspectives by enriching contents, designing new applications as well asexperimenting validation methodologies for mainstream environments.Bien que reconnue comme critique pour le devenir socio-professionnel desenfants avec Troubles du Spectre Autistique (TSA), l’inclusion scolaire en classeordinaire demeure en France peu acces- sible pour ce public. En effet, lefonctionnement cognitif atypique associé aux limitations des comportements socioadaptatifs(communication, socialisation, autonomie etc.), se heurte bien souvent auxconditions normées des milieux ordinaires tels que l’école. Les nouvelles technologiessont aujourd’hui pressenties comme leviers prometteurs pour surmonter ces barrières àl’inclusion scolaire. Cependant, malgré un marché pléthorique de technologies ciblantles TSA, les études scientifiques manquent pour statuer sur leur efficacité mais aussisur les fondements mêmes de leur conception.Ce travail présente la conception et la validation d’applications mobiles pourl’inclusion scolaire d’enfants avec TSA en classe ordinaire au travers de trois études.Dans une approche centrée- utilisateur, l’Étude 1 présente des principes de conceptiond’applications d’assistance aux activités de classe et activités communicationnelles desenfants avec TSA pour une utilisation in situ. Dans une approche centrée utilisateur etde recherche clinique pilote, l’Étude 2 présente les principes de conception et lavalidation expérimentale d’une application d’assistance à la régulation émotionnelledes enfants TSA en classe ordinaire. Les résultats indiquent des bénéfices sur lescomportements d’auto-régulation ainsi que sur les processus sociocognitifs sousjacents.Enfin, dans une approche cross-syndromes, l’Étude 3 présente les résultatsd’une intervention globale reposant sur des ap- plications d’assistance et deremédiation cognitives (dispositif Collège+) déployées auprès de 48 enfants et visant àsoutenir la primo-inclusion en classe ordinaire d’enfants avec TSA et d’enfants nonTSA (avec Déficiences intellectuelles ou troubles globaux de l’apprentissage). Desbénéfices sont rapportés pour tous les enfants équipés en termes de comportementssocio-adaptatifs, de réponse sociale et de fonctionnement sociocognitif. Aussi, de pluslarges bénéfices sont observés pour les enfants TSA révélant ainsi la pertinence del’intervention Collège+ pour le public avec TSA.En conclusion, un approche systémique dans la conception et l’expérimentationd’applications mobiles a permis des améliorations dans l’adaptation descomportements et du fonctionnement socio-cognitif, cruciaux dans la réussite d’uneinclusion scolaire en classe ordinaire. Cette approche semble donc prometteuse poursoutenir l’inclusion scolaire en milieu ordinaire des enfants avec TSA, et offre delarges perspectives de travail, tant sur l’enrichissement des contenus, la conception denouvelles applications que des méthodes de validation expérimentale

    Development of the Observation Schedule for Children with Autism-Anxiety, Behaviour and Parenting (OSCA-ABP): A New Measure of Child and Parenting Behavior for Use with Young Autistic Children.

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    Co-occurring emotional and behavioral problems (EBPs) frequently exist in young autistic children. There is evidence based on parental report that parenting interventions reduce child EBPs. More objective measures of child EBPs should supplement parent reported outcomes in trials. We describe the development of a new measure of child and parenting behavior, the Observation Schedule for Children with Autism-Anxiety, Behaviour and Parenting (OSCA-ABP). Participants were 83 parents/carers and their 4-8-year-old autistic children. The measure demonstrated good variance and potential sensitivity to change. Child and parenting behavior were reliably coded among verbal and minimally verbal children. Associations between reports from other informants and observed behavior showed the measure had sufficient convergent validity. The measure has promise to contribute to research and clinical practice in autism mental health beyond objective measurement in trials

    Estratégias & tecnologias digitais para a integração do Autismo

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    The number of people with Autism spectrum disorders is increasing significantly. The purpose of this literature review is to contribute to the integration of autistic people in the educational context with the help of technological means. Educators' views on the education they should provide to students so that autistic people feel accepted by their peers and have equal and inclusive opportunities are listed. People on the Autism spectrum have difficulties in important pillars such as communication, memory, and attention. Strategies are presented for teachers to achieve the inclusion of students and the role of assistive technology, and its benefits are identified for people with Autism with the main benefit being the improvement of communication skills, the improvement of organization activities, memory, and attention.El número de personas con trastornos del espectro autista está aumentando significativamente. El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica fue contribuir a la integración de las personas autistas en el contexto educativo con la ayuda de medios tecnológicos. Se enumeran las opiniones de los educadores sobre la educación que deben ofrecer a los alumnos para que las personas autistas se sientan aceptadas por sus compañeros y tengan oportunidades equitativas e inclusivas. Las personas en el espectro del autismo tienen dificultades con pilares importantes como la comunicación, la memoria y la atención. Se presentan estrategias para que los docentes logren la inclusión de los estudiantes y el rol de la tecnología asistiva, y se identifican sus beneficios para las personas con autismo, siendo el principal beneficio la mejora de las habilidades comunicativas, la mejora de las actividades de organización, memoria y atención.O número de pessoas com transtornos do espectro do Autismo está aumentando significativamente. O objetivo desta revisão de literatura foi contribuir para a integração de pessoas autistas no contexto educacional com o auxílio de meios tecnológicos. São listadas as opiniões dos educadores sobre a educação que devem oferecer aos alunos para que os autistas se sintam aceitos por seus pares e tenham oportunidades iguais e inclusivas. As pessoas no espectro do Autismo apresentam dificuldades em pilares importantes como comunicação, memória e atenção. São apresentadas estratégias para os professores conseguirem a inclusão dos alunos e o papel da tecnologia assistiva, e são identificados seus benefícios para pessoas com autismo sendo o principal benefício, a melhora das habilidades de comunicação, a melhora das atividades de organização, memória e atenção
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