16 research outputs found

    An Application Perspective on High-Performance Computing and Communications

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    We review possible and probable industrial applications of HPCC focusing on the software and hardware issues. Thirty-three separate categories are illustrated by detailed descriptions of five areas -- computational chemistry; Monte Carlo methods from physics to economics; manufacturing; and computational fluid dynamics; command and control; or crisis management; and multimedia services to client computers and settop boxes. The hardware varies from tightly-coupled parallel supercomputers to heterogeneous distributed systems. The software models span HPF and data parallelism, to distributed information systems and object/data flow parallelism on the Web. We find that in each case, it is reasonably clear that HPCC works in principle, and postulate that this knowledge can be used in a new generation of software infrastructure based on the WebWindows approach, and discussed in an accompanying paper

    Model-based verification of a security protocol for conditional access to services

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    peer reviewedWe use the formal language LOTOS to specify and verify the robustness of the Equicrypt protocol under design in the European OKAPI project for conditional access to multimedia services. We state some desired security properties and formalize them. We describe a generic intruder process and its modelling, and show that some properties are falsified in the presence of this intruder. The diagnostic sequences can be used almost directly to exhibit the scenarios of possible attacks on the protocol. Finally, we propose an improvement of the protocol which satisfies our properties

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.2: Second report - identification of multi-disciplinary key issues for gap analysis toward EU multimedia search engines roadmap

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    After addressing the state-of-the-art during the first year of Chorus and establishing the existing landscape in multimedia search engines, we have identified and analyzed gaps within European research effort during our second year. In this period we focused on three directions, notably technological issues, user-centred issues and use-cases and socio- economic and legal aspects. These were assessed by two central studies: firstly, a concerted vision of functional breakdown of generic multimedia search engine, and secondly, a representative use-cases descriptions with the related discussion on requirement for technological challenges. Both studies have been carried out in cooperation and consultation with the community at large through EC concertation meetings (multimedia search engines cluster), several meetings with our Think-Tank, presentations in international conferences, and surveys addressed to EU projects coordinators as well as National initiatives coordinators. Based on the obtained feedback we identified two types of gaps, namely core technological gaps that involve research challenges, and “enablers”, which are not necessarily technical research challenges, but have impact on innovation progress. New socio-economic trends are presented as well as emerging legal challenges

    Run-time management for future MPSoC platforms

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    In recent years, we are witnessing the dawning of the Multi-Processor Systemon- Chip (MPSoC) era. In essence, this era is triggered by the need to handle more complex applications, while reducing overall cost of embedded (handheld) devices. This cost will mainly be determined by the cost of the hardware platform and the cost of designing applications for that platform. The cost of a hardware platform will partly depend on its production volume. In turn, this means that ??exible, (easily) programmable multi-purpose platforms will exhibit a lower cost. A multi-purpose platform not only requires ??exibility, but should also combine a high performance with a low power consumption. To this end, MPSoC devices integrate computer architectural properties of various computing domains. Just like large-scale parallel and distributed systems, they contain multiple heterogeneous processing elements interconnected by a scalable, network-like structure. This helps in achieving scalable high performance. As in most mobile or portable embedded systems, there is a need for low-power operation and real-time behavior. The cost of designing applications is equally important. Indeed, the actual value of future MPSoC devices is not contained within the embedded multiprocessor IC, but in their capability to provide the user of the device with an amount of services or experiences. So from an application viewpoint, MPSoCs are designed to ef??ciently process multimedia content in applications like video players, video conferencing, 3D gaming, augmented reality, etc. Such applications typically require a lot of processing power and a signi??cant amount of memory. To keep up with ever evolving user needs and with new application standards appearing at a fast pace, MPSoC platforms need to be be easily programmable. Application scalability, i.e. the ability to use just enough platform resources according to the user requirements and with respect to the device capabilities is also an important factor. Hence scalability, ??exibility, real-time behavior, a high performance, a low power consumption and, ??nally, programmability are key components in realizing the success of MPSoC platforms. The run-time manager is logically located between the application layer en the platform layer. It has a crucial role in realizing these MPSoC requirements. As it abstracts the platform hardware, it improves platform programmability. By deciding on resource assignment at run-time and based on the performance requirements of the user, the needs of the application and the capabilities of the platform, it contributes to ??exibility, scalability and to low power operation. As it has an arbiter function between different applications, it enables real-time behavior. This thesis details the key components of such an MPSoC run-time manager and provides a proof-of-concept implementation. These key components include application quality management algorithms linked to MPSoC resource management mechanisms and policies, adapted to the provided MPSoC platform services. First, we describe the role, the responsibilities and the boundary conditions of an MPSoC run-time manager in a generic way. This includes a de??nition of the multiprocessor run-time management design space, a description of the run-time manager design trade-offs and a brief discussion on how these trade-offs affect the key MPSoC requirements. This design space de??nition and the trade-offs are illustrated based on ongoing research and on existing commercial and academic multiprocessor run-time management solutions. Consequently, we introduce a fast and ef??cient resource allocation heuristic that considers FPGA fabric properties such as fragmentation. In addition, this thesis introduces a novel task assignment algorithm for handling soft IP cores denoted as hierarchical con??guration. Hierarchical con??guration managed by the run-time manager enables easier application design and increases the run-time spatial mapping freedom. In turn, this improves the performance of the resource assignment algorithm. Furthermore, we introduce run-time task migration components. We detail a new run-time task migration policy closely coupled to the run-time resource assignment algorithm. In addition to detailing a design-environment supported mechanism that enables moving tasks between an ISP and ??ne-grained recon??gurable hardware, we also propose two novel task migration mechanisms tailored to the Network-on-Chip environment. Finally, we propose a novel mechanism for task migration initiation, based on reusing debug registers in modern embedded microprocessors. We propose a reactive on-chip communication management mechanism. We show that by exploiting an injection rate control mechanism it is possible to provide a communication management system capable of providing a soft (reactive) QoS in a NoC. We introduce a novel, platform independent run-time algorithm to perform quality management, i.e. to select an application quality operating point at run-time based on the user requirements and the available platform resources, as reported by the resource manager. This contribution also proposes a novel way to manage the interaction between the quality manager and the resource manager. In order to have a the realistic, reproducible and ??exible run-time manager testbench with respect to applications with multiple quality levels and implementation tradev offs, we have created an input data generation tool denoted Pareto Surfaces For Free (PSFF). The the PSFF tool is, to the best of our knowledge, the ??rst tool that generates multiple realistic application operating points either based on pro??ling information of a real-life application or based on a designer-controlled random generator. Finally, we provide a proof-of-concept demonstrator that combines these concepts and shows how these mechanisms and policies can operate for real-life situations. In addition, we show that the proposed solutions can be integrated into existing platform operating systems

    Modelling Socio-Technical Aspects of Organisational Security

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    Identification of threats to organisations and risk assessment often take into consideration the pure technical aspects, overlooking the vulnerabilities originating from attacks on a social level, for example social engineering, and abstracting away the physical infrastructure. However, attacks on organisations are far from being purely technical. After all, organisations consist of employees. Often the human factor appears to be the weakest point in the security of organisations. It may be easier to break through a system using a social engineering attack rather than a pure technological one. The StuxNet attack is only one of the many examples showing that vulnerabilities of organisations are increasingly exploited on different levels including the human factor. There is an urgent need for integration between the technical and social aspects of systems in assessing their security. Such an integration would close this gap, however, it would also result in complicating the formal treatment and automatic identification of attacks. This dissertation shows that applying a system modelling approach to sociotechnical systems can be used for identifying attacks on organisations, which exploit various levels of the vulnerabilities of the systems. In support of this claim we present a modelling framework, which combines many features. Based on a graph, the framework presents the physical infrastructure of an organisation, where actors and data are modelled as nodes in this graph. Based on the semantics of the underlying process calculus, we develop a formal analytical approach that generates attack trees from the model. The overall goal of the framework is to predict, prioritise and minimise the vulnerabilities in organisations by prohibiting the overall attack or at least increasing the difficulty and cost of fulfilling it. We validate our approach using scenarios from IPTV and Cloud Infrastructure case studies

    The contexts of use and the innovation of TV-centric network technologies: as viewers become consumer-users

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    This thesis seeks to explore something of the current nature of human, social and business contingencies constituting and motivating design, production, consumption and the use of technologies. It places a particular emphasis on the innovation of TV-centric network technologies - 'new' media technologies, particularly interactive television (i-Tv), intended to link, enhance or otherwise augment existing television technology and content. The empirical work in the thesis studied the development and implementation of a complex large-scale i-Tv trial in Cambridge, UK. Issues arising from the research led to the development of a general research framework - Contextual Usability (CU) - whose central aim is to draw awareness to the complex and multiple dimensions of the use process as a social and organisational construction, and also to redefine its place as an intrinsic experiential dimension in the domestication of products and services.Various senior managers and designers were interviewed within the company designing and producing the i-Tv technology and interface for the trial, as were 11 participant households. The author concludes with an overview suggesting the interconnected and interdependent nature of trials, technology, users, design, designers and organisation. For this he uses CU in relation to Molina's notion of Sociotechnical Constituencies to illustrate how social, cultural and organisational elements of trials both rely and impinge upon the implementation and interpretation of user and consumer research, and thus working 'images'of the user and the use process

    QoS framework for video streaming in home networks

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    In this thesis we present a new SNR scalable video coding scheme. An important advantage of the proposed scheme is that it requires just a standard video decoder for processing each layer. The quality of the delivered video depends on the allocation of bit rates to the base and enhancement layers. For a given total bit rate, the combination with a bigger base layer delivers higher quality. The absence of dependencies between frames in enhancement layers makes the system resilient to losses of arbitrary frames from an enhancement layer. Furthermore, that property can be used in a more controlled fashion. An important characteristic of any video streaming scheme is the ability to handle network bandwidth fluctuations. We made a streaming technique that observes the network conditions and based on the observations reconfigures the layer configuration in order to achieve the best possible quality. A change of the network conditions forces a change in the number of layers or the bit rate of these layers. Knowledge of the network conditions allows delivery of a video of higher quality by choosing an optimal layer configuration. When the network degrades, the amount of data transmitted per second is decreased by skipping frames from an enhancement layer on the sender side. The presented video coding scheme allows skipping any frame from an enhancement layer, thus enabling an efficient real-time control over transmission at the network level and fine-grained control over the decoding of video data. The methodology proposed is not MPEG-2 specific and can be applied to other coding standards. We made a terminal resource manager that enables trade-offs between quality and resource consumption due to the use of scalable video coding in combination with scalable video algorithms. The controller developed for the decoding process optimizes the perceived quality with respect to the CPU power available and the amount of input data. The controller does not depend on the type of scalability technique and can therefore be used with any scalable video. The controller uses the strategy that is created offline by means of a Markov Decision Process. During the evaluation it was found that the correctness of the controller behavior depends on the correctness of parameter settings for MDP, so user tests should be employed to find the optimal settings

    Sixth Biennial Report : August 2001 - May 2003

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