59 research outputs found

    Classroom Management and Learning Performance

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    Classroom management is the knowledge, process and continuity of teachers in realizing classroom management, which consists of class planning, classroom resource management, classroom leadership, evaluation and classroom supervision in achieving learning objectives in the classroom. Therefore, teachers need to master classroom organizing skills, discipline, reward, and punishment in establishing a classroom climate conducive to learning. Strengthening discipline in the classroom, motivating students, focusing attention and making it easier for students in learning to be the main emphasis that teachers manage to achieve learning objectives as teacher performance

    Social Emotional Development and Character as the Focus of the Education Policy

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    Abstract The importance of emotional and social skills of the character is perceived today for students, communities and workers. In view of the number of risky behavior in our society today, for example, drug use, violence, and other forms of emotional, excessive feelings of frustration and so forth are also venturing into the world of education experienced by students in Indonesia. The problems being faced by this country has always focused on character education. Social learning emotional is a process where children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve goals that are positive, feel and show empathy for others, building and maintaining a positive relationships and make a responsible decision. This learning appears when an understanding that learning in the context of a supportive relationship that makes learning challenging, interesting, and meaningful. And this is best done through effective classroom instruction, students' involvement in positive activities in and out of the classroom, and parents are spacious and community involvement in the planning, implementation, and evaluation. Social emotional learning and character is considered very effective if imposed from preschool through high school. Educators, parents, and policy makers synergize and ensure that the core competencies of social and emotional learning is necessary for the functioning of life for students effective and these skills need to be taught. Keywords: Social and Emotional Learning, Character, Policy Focu

    The Correlation Between Education Background and Student’s Grade Point Average (GPA) In Special Education Department Faculty of Education (FIP) Universitas Negeri Makasar (UNM)

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    Students of Special Education Department FIP UNM come from varied educational backgrounds and also have the various Grade Point Average (GPA). So that the aim of this research are : 1) How is the description of the educational background of students from the Special Education Department FIP UNM ? 2) How is the description of Grade Point Average (GPA) students of Special Education Department FIP UNM? 3) ls there any significant correlation between educational background in high school and Grade Point Average (GPA) of students in Special Education Department FIP UNM? This research uses a quantitative approach through correlation test. The study population was a student in Special Education Students, while the sample is the students from class of 2014 and 2015. The data collection used documentation on SIMPADU. The results that: 1) The educational background of the students of Special Education Department FIP UNM dominated by Science Major from senior high school. 2) GPA level of level of the students of Special Education Department FIP UNM is at the high category. 3) Educational background is one of the factor that correlated with GPA of the students of Special Education Department FIP UNM. This correlation is possible because the educational background that dominant is science majors which inextricably linked with some of the subjects taught in the Special Education Department. So that finding of this study is tif a student has the educational background that corresponds to his chosen field in college, then chances of high GPA will be easy. These findings also reinforce previous findings, although with different content

    Prosiding Internasional - The Learning Effectiveness of Women's Fashion Making Practice with The Up

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    ractical learning during the Covid-19 pandemic requires the creativity and innovation of a lecturer to keep exist in providing the knowledge and skills needed by students. The spread of Covid-19 has caused the closure of access in all fields, including the difficulty of obtaining raw materials for skills practice activities in the learning process. This research is a case study research in the field of Fashion Studies, Makassar State University which aims to find out how the learning process of women's fashion ractice during the covid -19 pandemic. Data collection has been carried out by observation and documentation, namely observing the work that has been made by students during the learning process of women's fashion making practice. The results showed that 1) The learning process has been carried out online using learning applications provided by the institution; 2) The results of women's fashion making practice have been made using an upcycling technique, namely reprocessing used clothes and leftover cloth creatively to produce new fashion models to wear. Women's fashion making practice learning activities during the covid-19 pandemic can be carried out effectively even though using limited raw materials without leaving the side of creativity and innovation in designing and making clothe

    Effective Communication: Effort To Improve The Students Character

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    Higher education institutions must be able to give birth to smart people, but they must not eliminate self-awareness of the importance of moral values, courtesy in social life, and the courage to convey opinions well. This can be started with effective learning communication. In fact, the learning process and communication are still dominant in the cognitive dimension, so that the humanities dimension is neglected, or in other words, academic achievement is prioritized, human development as a person is neglected. Many things are lacking and inappropriate for students to do. Learning communication is very important because communication can respect and increase the dignity of students as individuals who have various potentials that must be developed, which ultimately lead to individual awareness and change so that they are able to make the right decisions in life and have superior character

    Optimization Of Learning Activities In Low Grades (Transdisciplinary Study Of Learning Implementation In Elementary Schools)

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    Optimization of learning activities in low grades can be reviewed from various transdisciplinary studies of the implementation of learning in elementary schools. When viewed from the psychological side, significant differences are seen from the characteristics, needs and tasks of student development. In terms of neuroscience, there is a difference in hemispheric dominance where the right hemisphere in students is more dominant in action compared to the left hemisphere which is different from adults. In terms of humanism, all students have potentials that must be appreciated and grown, and in terms of educational science there are clear differences in the management of significant learning elements

    Class Management In Increasing Student Interests

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    The concept of management theory aims to help a group of students in the class to build good group work to achieve learning goals as effectively and efficiently as possible. Class management is often a problem faced by teachers in learning activities, so learning objectives become a problem. To make an effort to increase student interest in learning and learning outcomes that become one of the determinants is what is done in the classroom so the class management must be a concern to be managed properly, professionally, and continuous. The discussion in this study implies to becomes an understanding in increasing student interest in learning by understanding general matters and principles of classroom management

    The Challenge of Da’wa in Multicultural Communities in Central Kalimantan

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    This paper examines the challenges of da‘wa in multicultural communities in three regencies of Central Kalimantan. These three regencies are usually dubbed ad watersheds because they are the initial pathways for the spread of Islam in Central Kalimantan which at present, the majorities of population are muslims. The main problem of this study is how the challenge of da‘wa in multicultural societies and the study is aimed at mapping da‘wa with various challenge faced in community. This paper based on research field result on basis interview, FGD, and documentation. This study finds : Broadly speaking, da'wa challenges on multicultural communiries consist of internal and external factors. From internal factors derived from da'i; mad'u ; the approach and method of da'wa and the media.From external factors namely the existence of Christianization activities .Another fact was that although the majority Muslim community, in certain areas politically / governmentally was controlled by non-Muslims. This had animpact on policies and budgets that were not considered significant enough for the development of good da'wa


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    The purpose of this research is to develop learning tools as well as test the effectiveness of the implementation of anti-corruption education. The research method refers to the development of procedural models, which is descriptive, that shows the steps to produce a product that is effectively used at schools, not to test theories. The research procedures of every stage of development were done through expert assessment, individual assessment, group assessment, and field assessment. The model system approach, which was done to the formative evaluation measures, was developed by Dick & Carey. The trials included learning experts assessment, content experts assessment, learning media experts assessment, individual assessment, group assessment, and field assessment. The results of the assessment trials were used as an input to improve product development which was conducted using the t test (Paired Samples Test) to determine the effectiveness of the teaching materials. Descriptive quantitative analysis techniques were used to compare the competence of students before and after the use of teaching materials through the pretest and posttest which showed significant results, namely the difference in the value of pretest and posttest. It means anti-corruption education teaching materials are very effectively implemented to the students

    Tradition of Manyanggar: Conflict Resolution and Simbolic Communication in Barito River Stream, Central Kalimantan

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    Indonesia has ethnicity and cultural richness. Beside it, Indonesia has also conflict potential in many faces. The relationship between societal conflict and local wisdom has been one of the main themes of study among scholars within the last decade. Some scholars believe that conflict is in contradiction with local values. This paper, however, argues that conflict and local wisdom are in harmony by analysing the relationship between conflict and local tradition among the Dayak people, an ethnic group in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Using an phenomenology study approach, it focuses on how Dayak people maintain and preserve the tradition of Manyanggar. They regard this tradition as an ancient heritage that has to be maintained due to its important values. They also believe that tradition of Manyanggar is a spirit of reconciliation among the community
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