82,922 research outputs found

    Isolation and characterization of strong gene regulatory sequences from apple, Malus x domestica

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    For the strong expression of genes in plant tissue, the availability of specific gene regulatory sequences is desired. We cloned promoter and terminator sequences of an apple (Malus x domestica) ribulose biphosphate carboxylase small subunit gene (MdRbcS), which is known for its high expression and used gus reporter gene expression to test the regulatory activity of the isolated promoter and terminator sequences in transgenic tobacco. The MdRbcS promoter itself seemed to be less strong than the CaMV35S promoter when both used in combination with the nos terminator. However, the combination of the promoter and terminator of MdRbcS was able to drive gus to similar expression levels as the reference construct with CaMV35S promoter and nos terminator. This observation indicates the importance of the terminator sequence for gene expression. It is concluded that the combination of the MdRbcS promoter and terminator is a suitable regulatory sequence set for the expression of transgenes to a high level in plants and for intragenesis in apple specificall

    Christian Disco (Terminator)

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    Single screen video projection installation with asynchronous sound loops

    Magnetic Fluctuations and Turbulence in the Venus Magnetosheath and Wake

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    Recent research has shown that distinct physical regions in the Venusian induced magnetosphere are recognizable from the variations of strength and of wave/fluctuation activity of the magnetic field. In this paper the statistical properties of magnetic fluctuations are investigated in the Venusian magnetosheath, terminator, and wake regions. The latter two regions were not visited by previous missions. We found 1/f fluctuations in the magnetosheath, large-scale structures near the terminator and more developed turbulence further downstream in the wake. Location independent short-tailed non-Gaussian statistics was observed.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Latitudinal trends in human primary activities: characterizing the winter day as a synchronizer

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    This work analyzes time use surveys from 19 countries (17 European and 2 American) in the middle latitude range from 38{\deg} to 61{\deg} latitude accounting for 45% of world population in that range. Time marks for primary activities (sleeping, working and eating) are systematically contrasted against light/dark conditions related to latitude. The analysis reveals that winter sunrise is a synchronizer for labor start time below 54{\deg} where they occur within the winter civil twilight region. Winter sunset is a source of synchronization for labor end times. Winter terminator also punctuate meal times in Europe with dinner times occurring 3h after winter sunset time within a strip of 1h, which is 40% narrower than variability of dinner local times. The sleep-wake cycle of laborers in a weekday is shown to be related to winter sunrise whereas standard population's cycle appears to be irrespective of latitude. The significance of the winter terminator depends on two competing factors average daily labor time (some 7h30m) and winter daytime ---the shortest photoperiod---. Winter terminator gains significance when shortest photoperiod roughly matches to daily labor time plus a reasonable lunch break. That is within a latitude range from 38{\deg} to 54{\deg}. The significance of winter terminator as a source of synchronization is also related to contemporary year round time schedules: the shortest photoperiod represents the worst case scenario the society faces. Average daily sleep times show little trend with the shortest photoperiod slope 5min/h for a Pearson coefficient r2=0.242r^2=0.242. Average labor time may have a weak coupling with the shortest photoperiod: slope 29min/h for r2=0.338r^2=0.338.Comment: Changes: Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations added. Introduction, Results and Discussion largely modified. RevTeX4-1 27 pages, 6 figures, 13 tables. Data from Time Use Surveys, Hetus and Eurosta

    Improvement of the transient expression system for production of recombinant proteins in plants

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    An efficient and high yielding expression system is required to produce recombinant proteins. Furthermore, the transient expression system can be used to identify the localization of proteins in plant cells. In this study, we demonstrated that combination of a geminiviral replication and a double terminator dramatically enhanced the transient protein expression level in plants. The GFP protein was expressed transiently in lettuce, Nicotiana benthamiana, tomatoes, eggplants, hot peppers, melons, and orchids with agroinfiltration. Compared to a single terminator, a double terminator enhanced the expression level. A heat shock protein terminator combined with an extensin terminator resulted in the highest protein expression. Transiently expressed GFP was confirmed by immunoblot analysis with anti-GFP antibodies. Quantitative analysis revealed that the geminiviral vector with a double terminator resulted in the expression of at least 3.7 mg/g fresh weight of GFP in Nicotiana benthamiana, approximately 2-fold that of the geminiviral vector with a single terminator. These results indicated that combination of the geminiviral replication and a double terminator is a useful tool for transient expression of the gene of interest in plant cells

    Perancangan Uji Aplikasi Kode Diagnosa dan Tindakan Diseases And Procedure Of Eye And Adnexa dengan Metode Normalisasi Data pada Hasil Evaluasi Rcaf (Relative Complexity Adjustment Factor)

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    Application of Diagnostic and Action Codes Diseases and Procedure of eye and adnexa indicates DAD of FP test implementation has 3 (three) source data terminators which include: Terminator data source action, diagnostic search and diagnostics, each terminator produces source data consisting of. The action terminator produces the input data source action. Terminator search diagnostics generate diagnostic code source data and action codes. The diagnostic terminator produces the diagnostic input source data, the three terminators are processed into the Diagnostic Code and Action application, generating output output in the form of destination data terminals. Disease diagnosis output. Diagnostic output of action, process Application diagnostic code and action make connecting connection to IFPUG storage source with GSC information to D1 CFP as source data to process 1.1. Simple level, with destination data yielding 53.94 as output output to developer knowlage, IFPUG also generates GSC / RCAF to D2 data normality with sig> 0.1 as source data to process 1.2. Test of normality with sig 0.200 * using klomogorov-Smirnov test as output output to GSC information as application development diagnose code and action by system user at RSI UNISMA Malang.Penerapan kode perilaku diagnostik dan tindakan, prosedur mata dan adneksa menunjukkan bahwa DAD pelaksanaan uji FP memiliki tiga terminator data sumber, meliputi tindakan sumber data terminator, penelusuran diagnostik, dan diagnostik. Terminator tindakan menghasilkan tindakan sumber data masukan. Diagnostik pencarian terminator menghasilkan kode sumber kode diagnostik dan kode tindakan. Terminator diagnostik menghasilkan data sumber input diagnostik, ketiga terminator tersebut diproses ke dalam aplikasi Diagnostic Code and Action, menghasilkan output output dalam bentuk terminal data tujuan. Hasil diagnosis penyakit. Hasil diagnostik tindakan, proses Aplikasi kode diagnostik dan tindakan membuat koneksi penghubung ke sumber penyimpanan IFPUG dengan informasi GSC ke D1 CFP sebagai data sumber untuk memproses 1.1. Tingkat sederhana, dengan data tujuan menghasilkan 53,94 sebagai keluaran output untuk pengetahuan pengembang, IFPUG juga menghasilkan data normalitas GSC / RCAF ke D2 dengan sig> 0,1 sebagai data sumber untuk memproses 1.2. Uji normalitas dengan sig 0.200 * menggunakan uji klomogorov-Smirnov sebagai output output terhadap informasi GSC sebagai pengembangan aplikasi diagnosa kode dan tindakan oleh pengguna sistem pada RSI UNISMA Malang

    New microwave spectrometer/imager has possible applications for pollution monitoring

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    Microwave imager forms thermal-emissivity image of solid portion of planet Venus and provides data on the planet's atmosphere, surface, terminator, and temperature changes. These thermally produced multifrequency microwaves for image production of temperature profiles can be applied to water pollution monitoring, agriculture, and forestry survey

    Terminator Salvation

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    This is a review of Terminator Salvation (2009)

    A polymerase III-like reinitiation mechanism is operating in regulation of histone expression in archaea

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    An archaeal histone gene from the hyperthermophile Pyrococcus furiosus containing four consecutive putative oligo-dT terminator sequences was used as a model system to investigate termination signals and the mechanism of termination in vitro. The archaeal RNA polymerase terminated with high efficiency at the first terminator at 90°C when it contained five to six T residues, at 80°C readthrough was significantly increased. A putative hairpin structure upstream of the first terminator had no effect on termination efficiency. Template competition experiments starting with RNA polymerase molecules engaged in ternary complexes revealed recycling of RNA polymerase from the terminator to the promoter of the same template. This facilitated reinitiation was dependent upon the presence of a terminator sequence suggest-ing that pausing at the terminator is required for recycling as in the RNA polymerase III system. Replacement of the sequences immediately down-stream of the oligo-dT terminator by an AT-rich segment improved termination efficiency. Both AT-rich and GC-rich downstream sequences seemed to impair the facilitated reinitiation pathway. Our data suggest that recycling is dependent on a subtle interplay of pausing of RNA polymerase at the ter-minator and RNA polymerase translocation beyond the oligo-dT termination signal that is dramatically affected by downstream sequences