22 research outputs found

    Cross-layer energy-efficient schemes for multimedia content delivery in heterogeneous wireless networks

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    The wireless communication technology has been developed focusing on fulfilling the demand in various parts of human life. In many real-life cases, this demand directs to most types of commonly-used rich-media applications which – with diverse traffic patterns - often require high quality levels on the devices of wireless network users. Deliveries of applications with different patterns are accomplished using heterogeneous wireless networks using multiple types of wireless network structure simultaneously. Meanwhile, content deliveries with assuring quality involve increased energy consumption on wireless network devices and highly challenge their limited power resources. As a result, many efforts have been invested aiming at high-quality and energy-efficient rich-media content deliveries in the past years. The research work presented in the thesis focuses on developing energy-aware content delivery schemes in heterogeneous wireless networks. This thesis has four major contributions outlined below: 1. An energy-aware mesh router duty cycle management scheme (AOC-MAC) for high-quality video deliveries over wireless mesh networks. AOC-MAC manages the sleep-periods of mesh devices based on link-state communication condition, reducing their energy consumption by extending their sleep-periods. 2. An energy efficient routing algorithm (E-Mesh) for high-quality video deliveries over wireless mesh networks. E-Mesh evolves an innovative energy-aware OLSR-based routing algorithm by taking energy consumption, router position and network load into consideration. 3. An energy-aware multi-flow-based traffic load balancing scheme (eMTCP) for multi-path content delivery over heterogeneous wireless networks. The scheme makes use of the MPTCP protocol at the upper transport layer of network, allowing data streams to be delivered across multiple consequent paths. Meanwhile, this benefit of MPTCP is also balanced with energy consumption awareness by partially off-loading traffic from the paths with higher energy cost to others. 4. A MPTCP-based traffic-characteristic-aware load balancing mechanism (eMTCP-BT) for heterogeneous wireless networks. In eMTCP-BT, mobile applications are categorized according to burstiness level. eMTCP-BT increases the energy efficiency of the application content deliveries by performing a MDP-based distribution of traffic delivery via the available wireless network interfaces and paths based on the traffic burstiness level

    Reducing Internet Latency : A Survey of Techniques and their Merit

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    Bob Briscoe, Anna Brunstrom, Andreas Petlund, David Hayes, David Ros, Ing-Jyh Tsang, Stein Gjessing, Gorry Fairhurst, Carsten Griwodz, Michael WelzlPeer reviewedPreprin

    MP-CFM: MPTCP-Based communication functional module for next generation ERTMS

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    184 p. El contenido de los capítulos 4,5,6,7,8 y 9 está sujeto a confidencialidadEl Sistema Europeo de Gestión del Tráfico Ferroviario (ERTMS, por sus siglasen inglés), fue originalmente diseñado para los ferrocarriles europeos. Sinembargo, a lo largo de las dos últimas décadas, este sistema se ha convertidoen el estándar de-facto para los servicios de Alta Velocidad en la mayoría depaíses desarrollados.El sistema ERTMS se compone de tres subsistemas principales: 1) el Sistemade Control Ferroviario Europeo (ETCS, por sus siglas en inglés), que actúacomo aplicación de señalización; 2) el sistema Euroradio, que a su vez estádividido en dos subsistemas, el Módulo de Seguridad Funcional (SFM, porsus siglas en inglés), y el Módulo de Comunicación Funcional (CFM, porsus siglas en inglés); y 3) el sistema de comunicaciones subyacente, GSM-R,que transporta la información intercambiada entre el sistema embarcado enel tren (OBU, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Centro de Bloqueo por Radio(RBC, por sus siglas en inglés). El sistema de señalización ETCS soporta tresniveles dependiendo del nivel de prestaciones soportadas. En el nivel 3 seintroduce la posibilidad de trabajar con bloques móviles en lugar de bloquesfijos definidos en la vía. Esto implica que la distancia de avance entre dos trenesconsecutivos puede ser reducida a una distancia mínima en la que se garanticela seguridad del servicio, aumentando por tanto la capacidad del corredorferroviario. Esta distancia de seguridad viene determinada por la combinaciónde la distancia de frenado del tren y el retraso de las comunicaciones deseñalización. Por lo tanto, se puede afirmar que existe una relación directaentre los retrasos y la confiabilidad de las transmisiones de las aplicaciones deseñalización y la capacidad operacional de un corredor ferroviario. Así pues,el estudio y mejora de los sistemas de comunicaciones utilizados en ERTMSjuegan un papel clave en la evolución del sistema ERTMS. Asimismo, unaoperatividad segura en ERTMS, desde el punto de vista de las comunicacionesimplicadas en la misma, viene determinada por la confiabilidad de lascomunicaciones, la disponibilidad de sus canales de comunicación, el retrasode las comunicaciones y la seguridad de sus mensajes.Unido este hecho, la industria ferroviaria ha venido trabajando en ladigitalización y la transición al protocolo IP de la mayor parte de los sistemasde señalización. Alineado con esta tendencia, el consorcio industrial UNISIGha publicado recientemente un nuevo modelo de comunicaciones para ERTMSque incluye la posibilidad, no solo de operar con el sistema tradicional,basado en tecnología de conmutación de circuitos, sino también con un nuevosistema basado en IP. Esta tesis está alineada con el contexto de migraciónactual y pretende contribuir a mejorar la disponibilidad, confiabilidad yseguridad de las comunicaciones, tomando como eje fundamental los tiemposde transmisión de los mensajes, con el horizonte puesto en la definición deuna próxima generación de ERTMS, definida en esta tesis como NGERTMS.En este contexto, se han detectado tres retos principales para reforzar laresiliencia de la arquitectura de comunicaciones del NGERTMS: 1) mejorarla supervivencia de las comunicaciones ante disrupciones; 2) superar laslimitaciones actuales de ERTMS para enviar mensajes de alta prioridad sobretecnología de conmutación de paquetes, dotando a estos mensajes de un mayorgrado de resiliencia y menor latencia respecto a los mensajes ordinarios; y3) el aumento de la seguridad de las comunicaciones y el incremento de ladisponibilidad sin que esto conlleve un incremento en la latencia.Considerando los desafíos previamente descritos, en esta tesis se proponeuna arquitectura de comunicaciones basada en el protocolo MPTCP, llamadaMP-CFM, que permite superar dichos desafíos, a la par que mantener laretrocompatibilidad con el sistema de comunicaciones basado en conmutaciónde paquetes recientemente propuesto por UNISIG. Hasta el momento, esta esla primera vez que se propone una arquitectura de comunicaciones completacapaz de abordar los desafíos mencionados anteriormente. Esta arquitecturaimplementa cuatro tipos de clase de servicio, los cuales son utilizados porlos paquetes ordinarios y de alta prioridad para dos escenarios distintos; unescenario en el que ambos extremos, el sistema embarcado o OBU y el RBC,disponen de múltiples interfaces de red; y otro escenario transicional en el cualel RBC sí tiene múltiples interfaces de red pero el OBU solo dispone de unaúnica interfaz. La arquitectura de comunicaciones propuesta para el entornoferroviario ha sido validada mediante un entorno de simulación desarrolladopara tal efecto. Es más, dichas simulaciones demuestran que la arquitecturapropuesta, ante disrupciones de canal, supera con creces en términos derobustez el sistema diseñado por UNISIG. Como conclusión, se puede afirmarque en esta tesis se demuestra que una arquitectura de comunicaciones basadade MPTCP cumple con los exigentes requisitos establecidos para el NGERTMSy por tanto dicha propuesta supone un avance en la evolución del sistema deseñalización ferroviario europeo

    MP-CFM: MPTCP-Based communication functional module for next generation ERTMS

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    184 p. El contenido de los capítulos 4,5,6,7,8 y 9 está sujeto a confidencialidadEl Sistema Europeo de Gestión del Tráfico Ferroviario (ERTMS, por sus siglasen inglés), fue originalmente diseñado para los ferrocarriles europeos. Sinembargo, a lo largo de las dos últimas décadas, este sistema se ha convertidoen el estándar de-facto para los servicios de Alta Velocidad en la mayoría depaíses desarrollados.El sistema ERTMS se compone de tres subsistemas principales: 1) el Sistemade Control Ferroviario Europeo (ETCS, por sus siglas en inglés), que actúacomo aplicación de señalización; 2) el sistema Euroradio, que a su vez estádividido en dos subsistemas, el Módulo de Seguridad Funcional (SFM, porsus siglas en inglés), y el Módulo de Comunicación Funcional (CFM, porsus siglas en inglés); y 3) el sistema de comunicaciones subyacente, GSM-R,que transporta la información intercambiada entre el sistema embarcado enel tren (OBU, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Centro de Bloqueo por Radio(RBC, por sus siglas en inglés). El sistema de señalización ETCS soporta tresniveles dependiendo del nivel de prestaciones soportadas. En el nivel 3 seintroduce la posibilidad de trabajar con bloques móviles en lugar de bloquesfijos definidos en la vía. Esto implica que la distancia de avance entre dos trenesconsecutivos puede ser reducida a una distancia mínima en la que se garanticela seguridad del servicio, aumentando por tanto la capacidad del corredorferroviario. Esta distancia de seguridad viene determinada por la combinaciónde la distancia de frenado del tren y el retraso de las comunicaciones deseñalización. Por lo tanto, se puede afirmar que existe una relación directaentre los retrasos y la confiabilidad de las transmisiones de las aplicaciones deseñalización y la capacidad operacional de un corredor ferroviario. Así pues,el estudio y mejora de los sistemas de comunicaciones utilizados en ERTMSjuegan un papel clave en la evolución del sistema ERTMS. Asimismo, unaoperatividad segura en ERTMS, desde el punto de vista de las comunicacionesimplicadas en la misma, viene determinada por la confiabilidad de lascomunicaciones, la disponibilidad de sus canales de comunicación, el retrasode las comunicaciones y la seguridad de sus mensajes.Unido este hecho, la industria ferroviaria ha venido trabajando en ladigitalización y la transición al protocolo IP de la mayor parte de los sistemasde señalización. Alineado con esta tendencia, el consorcio industrial UNISIGha publicado recientemente un nuevo modelo de comunicaciones para ERTMSque incluye la posibilidad, no solo de operar con el sistema tradicional,basado en tecnología de conmutación de circuitos, sino también con un nuevosistema basado en IP. Esta tesis está alineada con el contexto de migraciónactual y pretende contribuir a mejorar la disponibilidad, confiabilidad yseguridad de las comunicaciones, tomando como eje fundamental los tiemposde transmisión de los mensajes, con el horizonte puesto en la definición deuna próxima generación de ERTMS, definida en esta tesis como NGERTMS.En este contexto, se han detectado tres retos principales para reforzar laresiliencia de la arquitectura de comunicaciones del NGERTMS: 1) mejorarla supervivencia de las comunicaciones ante disrupciones; 2) superar laslimitaciones actuales de ERTMS para enviar mensajes de alta prioridad sobretecnología de conmutación de paquetes, dotando a estos mensajes de un mayorgrado de resiliencia y menor latencia respecto a los mensajes ordinarios; y3) el aumento de la seguridad de las comunicaciones y el incremento de ladisponibilidad sin que esto conlleve un incremento en la latencia.Considerando los desafíos previamente descritos, en esta tesis se proponeuna arquitectura de comunicaciones basada en el protocolo MPTCP, llamadaMP-CFM, que permite superar dichos desafíos, a la par que mantener laretrocompatibilidad con el sistema de comunicaciones basado en conmutaciónde paquetes recientemente propuesto por UNISIG. Hasta el momento, esta esla primera vez que se propone una arquitectura de comunicaciones completacapaz de abordar los desafíos mencionados anteriormente. Esta arquitecturaimplementa cuatro tipos de clase de servicio, los cuales son utilizados porlos paquetes ordinarios y de alta prioridad para dos escenarios distintos; unescenario en el que ambos extremos, el sistema embarcado o OBU y el RBC,disponen de múltiples interfaces de red; y otro escenario transicional en el cualel RBC sí tiene múltiples interfaces de red pero el OBU solo dispone de unaúnica interfaz. La arquitectura de comunicaciones propuesta para el entornoferroviario ha sido validada mediante un entorno de simulación desarrolladopara tal efecto. Es más, dichas simulaciones demuestran que la arquitecturapropuesta, ante disrupciones de canal, supera con creces en términos derobustez el sistema diseñado por UNISIG. Como conclusión, se puede afirmarque en esta tesis se demuestra que una arquitectura de comunicaciones basadade MPTCP cumple con los exigentes requisitos establecidos para el NGERTMSy por tanto dicha propuesta supone un avance en la evolución del sistema deseñalización ferroviario europeo

    Aggregating the Bandwidth of Multiple Network Interfaces to Increase the Performance of Networked Applications

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    Devices capable of connecting to two or more different networks simultaneously, known as host multihoming, are becoming increasingly common. For example, most laptops are equipped with a least a Local Area Network (LAN) and a Wireless LAN (WLAN) interface, and smartphones can connect to both WLANs and 3G-networks (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access, HSDPA). Being connected to multiple networks simultaneously allows for desirable features like bandwidth aggregation and redundancy. Enabling and making efficient use of multiple network interfaces or links (network interface and link will be used interchangeably throughout this thesis) requires solving several challenges related to deployment, link heterogeneity and dynamic behavior. Even though multihoming has existed for a long time, for example routers must support connecting to different networks, most existing operating systems, network protocols and applications do not take host multihoming into consideration. The default behavior is still to use a single interface for all traffic. Using a single interface is, for example, often insufficient to meet the requirements of popular, bandwidth intensive services like video streaming. In this thesis, we have focused on bandwidth aggregation on host multihomed devices. Even though bandwidth aggregation has been a research field for several years, the related works have failed to consider the challenges present in real world networks properly, or does not apply to scenarios where a device is connected to different heterogeneous networks. In order to solve the deployment challenges and enable the use of multiple links in away that works in a real-world network environment, we have created a platform-independent framework, called MULTI. MULTI was used as the foundation for designing transparent (to the applications) and application-specific bandwidth aggregation techniques. MULTI works in the presence of Network Address Translation (NAT), automatically detects and configures the device based on changes in link state, and notifies the application(s) of any changes. The application-specific bandwidth aggregation technique presented in this thesis was optimised for and evaluated with quailty-adaptive video streaming. The technique was evaluated with different types of streaming in both a controlled network environment and real-world networks. Adding a second link gave a significant increase in both video and playback quality. However, the technique is not limited to video streaming and can be used to improve the performance of several, common application types. In many cases, it is not possible to extend applications directly with multilink support. Working on the network-layer allows for the creation of bandwidth aggregation techniques that are transparent to applications. Transparent, network-layer bandwidth aggregation techniques must support the behavior of the different transport protocol in order to achieve efficient bandwidth aggregation. The transparent bandwidth aggregation techniques introduced in this thesis are targeted at Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), the two most common transport protocols in the Internet today

    Concurrent multipath transmission to improve performance for multi-homed devices in heterogeneous networks

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    Recent network technology developments have led to the emergence of a variety of access network technologies - such as IEEE 802.11, wireless local area network (WLAN), IEEE 802.16, Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WIMAX) and Long Term Evolution (LTE) - which can be integrated to offer ubiquitous access in a heterogeneous network environment. User devices also come equipped with multiple network interfaces to connect to the different network technologies, making it possible to establish multiple network paths between end hosts. However, the current connectivity settings confine the user devices to using a single network path at a time, leading to low utilization of the resources in a heterogeneous network and poor performance for demanding applications, such as high definition video streaming. The simultaneous use of multiple network interfaces, also called bandwidth aggregation, can increase application throughput and reduce the packets' end-to-end delays. However, multiple independent paths often have heterogeneous characteristics in terms of offered bandwidth, latency and loss rate, making it challenging to achieve efficient bandwidth aggregation. For instance, striping the flow's packets over multiple network paths with different latencies can cause packet reordering, which can significantly degrade performance of the current transport protocols. This thesis proposes three new solutions to mitigate the effects of network path heterogeneity on the performance of various concurrent multipath transmission settings. First, a network layer solution is proposed to stripe packets of delay-sensitive and high-bandwidth applications for concurrent transmission across multiple network paths. The solution leverages the paths' latency heterogeneity to reduce packet reordering, leading to minimal reordering delay, which improves performance of delay-sensitive applications. Second, multipath video streaming is developed for H.264 scalable video, where the reference video packets are adaptively assigned to low loss network paths to reduce drifting errors, thus combatting H.264 video distortion effectively. Finally, a new segment scheduling framework - which carefully considers path heterogeneity - is incorporated into the IETF Multipath TCP to improve throughput performance. The proposed solutions have been validated using a series of simulation experiments. The results reveal that the proposed solutions can enable efficient bandwidth aggregation for concurrent multipath transmission over heterogeneous network paths

    Cooperation Strategies for Enhanced Connectivity at Home

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    WHILE AT HOME , USERS MAY EXPERIENCE A POOR I NTERNET SERVICE while being connected to their 802.11 Access Points (APs). The AP is just one component of the Internet Gateway (GW) that generally includes a backhaul connection (ADSL, fiber,etc..) and a router providing a LAN. The root cause of performance degradation may be poor/congested wireless channel between the user and the GW or congested/bandwidth limited backhaul connection. The latter is a serious issue for DSL users that are located far from the central office because the greater the distance the lesser the achievable physical datarate. Furthermore, the GW is one of the few devices in the home that is left always on, resulting in energy waste and electromagnetic pollution increase. This thesis proposes two strategies to enhance Internet connectivity at home by (i) creating a wireless resource sharing scheme through the federation and the coordination of neighboring GWs in order to achieve energy efficiency while avoiding congestion, (ii) exploiting different king of connectivities, i.e., the wired plus the cellular (3G/4G) connections, through the aggregation of the available bandwidth across multiple access technologies. In order to achieve the aforementioned strategies we study and develop: • A viable interference estimation technique for 802.11 BSSes that can be implemented on commodity hardware at the MAC layer, without requiring active measurements, changes in the 802.11 standard, cooperation from the wireless stations (WSs). We extend previous theoretical results on the saturation throughput in order to quantify the impact in term of throughput loss of any kind of interferer. We im- plement and extensively evaluate our estimation technique with a real testbed and with different kind of interferer, achieving always good accuracy. • Two available bandwidth estimation algorithms for 802.11 BSSes that rely only on passive measurements and that account for different kind of interferers on the ISM band. This algorithms can be implemented on commodity hardware, as they require only software modifications. The first algorithm applies to intra-GW while the second one applies to inter-GW available bandwidth estimation. Indeed, we use the first algorithm to compute the metric for assessing the Wi-Fi load of a GW and the second one to compute the metric to decide whether accept incoming WSs from neighboring GWs or not. Note that in the latter case it is assumed that one or more WSs with known traffic profile are requested to relocate from one GW to another one. We evaluate both algorithms with simulation as well as with a real test-bed for different traffic patterns, achieving high precision. • A fully distributed and decentralized inter-access point protocol for federated GWs that allows to dynamically manage the associations of the wireless stations (WSs) in the federated network in order to achieve energy efficiency and offloading con- gested GWs, i.e, we keep a minimum number of GWs ON while avoiding to create congestion and real-time throughput loss. We evaluate this protocol in a federated scenario, using both simulation and a real test-bed, achieving up to 65% of energy saving in the simulated setting. We compare the energy saving achieved by our protocol against a centralized optimal scheme, obtaining close to optimal results. • An application level solution that accelerates slow ADSL connections with the parallel use of cellular (3G/4G) connections. We study the feasibility and the potential performance of this scheme at scale using both extensive throughput measurement of the cellular network and trace driven analysis. We validate our solution by implementing a real test bed and evaluating it “in the wild, at several residential locations of a major European city. We test two applications: Video-on-Demand (VoD) and picture upload, obtaining remarkable throughput increase for both applications at all locations. Our implementation features a multipath scheduler which we compare to other scheduling policies as well as to transport level solution like MTCP, obtaining always better results

    Cooperation Strategies for Enhanced Connectivity at Home

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    WHILE AT HOME , USERS MAY EXPERIENCE A POOR I NTERNET SERVICE while being connected to their 802.11 Access Points (APs). The AP is just one component of the Internet Gateway (GW) that generally includes a backhaul connection (ADSL, fiber,etc..) and a router providing a LAN. The root cause of performance degradation may be poor/congested wireless channel between the user and the GW or congested/bandwidth limited backhaul connection. The latter is a serious issue for DSL users that are located far from the central office because the greater the distance the lesser the achievable physical datarate. Furthermore, the GW is one of the few devices in the home that is left always on, resulting in energy waste and electromagnetic pollution increase. This thesis proposes two strategies to enhance Internet connectivity at home by (i) creating a wireless resource sharing scheme through the federation and the coordination of neighboring GWs in order to achieve energy efficiency while avoiding congestion, (ii) exploiting different king of connectivities, i.e., the wired plus the cellular (3G/4G) connections, through the aggregation of the available bandwidth across multiple access technologies. In order to achieve the aforementioned strategies we study and develop: • A viable interference estimation technique for 802.11 BSSes that can be implemented on commodity hardware at the MAC layer, without requiring active measurements, changes in the 802.11 standard, cooperation from the wireless stations (WSs). We extend previous theoretical results on the saturation throughput in order to quantify the impact in term of throughput loss of any kind of interferer. We im- plement and extensively evaluate our estimation technique with a real testbed and with different kind of interferer, achieving always good accuracy. • Two available bandwidth estimation algorithms for 802.11 BSSes that rely only on passive measurements and that account for different kind of interferers on the ISM band. This algorithms can be implemented on commodity hardware, as they require only software modifications. The first algorithm applies to intra-GW while the second one applies to inter-GW available bandwidth estimation. Indeed, we use the first algorithm to compute the metric for assessing the Wi-Fi load of a GW and the second one to compute the metric to decide whether accept incoming WSs from neighboring GWs or not. Note that in the latter case it is assumed that one or more WSs with known traffic profile are requested to relocate from one GW to another one. We evaluate both algorithms with simulation as well as with a real test-bed for different traffic patterns, achieving high precision. • A fully distributed and decentralized inter-access point protocol for federated GWs that allows to dynamically manage the associations of the wireless stations (WSs) in the federated network in order to achieve energy efficiency and offloading con- gested GWs, i.e, we keep a minimum number of GWs ON while avoiding to create congestion and real-time throughput loss. We evaluate this protocol in a federated scenario, using both simulation and a real test-bed, achieving up to 65% of energy saving in the simulated setting. We compare the energy saving achieved by our protocol against a centralized optimal scheme, obtaining close to optimal results. • An application level solution that accelerates slow ADSL connections with the parallel use of cellular (3G/4G) connections. We study the feasibility and the potential performance of this scheme at scale using both extensive throughput measurement of the cellular network and trace driven analysis. We validate our solution by implementing a real test bed and evaluating it "in the wild, at several residential locations of a major European city. We test two applications: Video-on-Demand (VoD) and picture upload, obtaining remarkable throughput increase for both applications at all locations. Our implementation features a multipath scheduler which we compare to other scheduling policies as well as to transport level solution like MTCP, obtaining always better result