223 research outputs found


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    In Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), most of the students depend on the Internet and computer network connection to gain academics information and share educational resources. Even though the Internet connections and computers networks are provided, the service always experience interruption, such as slow Internet access, viruses and worms distribution, and network abuse by irresponsible students. Since UTP organization keeps on expanding, the need for a better service in UTP increases. Several approaches were put into practice to address the problems. Research on data and computer network was performed to understand the network technology applied in UTP. A questionnaire forms were distributed among the students to obtain feedback and statistical data about UTP's network in Students' Residential Area. The studies concentrate only on Students' Residential Area as it is where most of the users reside. From the survey, it can be observed that 99% of the students access the network almost 24 hours a day. In 2005, the 2 Mbps allocated bandwidth was utilized 100% almost continuously but in 2006, the bottleneck of Internet access has reduced significantly since the bandwidth allocated have been increased to 8 Mbps. Server degradation due to irresponsible acts by users also adds burden to the main server. In general, if the proposal to ITMS (Information Technology & Media Services) Department for them to improve their Quality of Service (QoS) and established UTP Computer Emergency Response Team (UCert), most of the issues addressed in this report can be solved

    Are IP Addresses "Personally Identifiable Information"?

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    Visualisasi Trafik Jaringan Dengan Metode Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Studi Kasus: Universitas Indo Global Mandiri)

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    Limited network resources and the increasing number of internet users in the current digital era have an impact on high traffic which results in decreased access speed to internet services. This is also a problem that occurs at the Indo Global Mandiri University (UIGM) Palembang, causing access to academic services to be slow. The purpose of this research is to identify the types of network traffic patterns which are then carried out by the process of grouping and visualizing these types of traffic. The data in this study were taken in real-time at the UIGM campus. The data obtained is the result of responses which are then extracted. The extraction results are processed using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method for the process of grouping and visualizing data. The results of this study can distinguish types of traffic based on communication protocols, namely tcp and udp, where the results of the experiment were carried out six times with the results being the first experiment where 99.7% TCP and 0.1% for UDP, the second experiment 97.6% for TCP and 1.1% for UDP , trial three 99.7 % TCP and 0.2% UDP, trial four 97.5% and 1.3% UDP, trial five 99.5 TCP and 02% UDP, and the sixth or final try 97.7% TCP and 1.1% UDP. The data from the use of the SVM method obtained several types of traffic such as games by 0.4%, mail 0.2%, multimedia 0.4% and the web by 82.8% and this research still produces data that the pattern is not yet recognized by 15.5% Keywords : Network Traffic, Classification, Support Vector Mesi


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    In Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), most of the students depend on the Internet and computer network connection to gain academics information and share educational resources. Even though the Internet connections and computers networks are provided, the service always experience interruption, such as slow Internet access, viruses and worms distribution, and network abuse by irresponsible students. Since UTP organization keeps on expanding, the need for a better service in UTP increases. Several approaches were put into practice to address the problems. Research on data and computer network was performed to understand the network technology applied in UTP. A questionnaire forms were distributed among the students to obtain feedback and statistical data about UTP's network in Students' Residential Area. The studies concentrate only on Students' Residential Area as it is where most of the users reside. From the survey, it can be observed that 99% of the students access the network almost 24 hours a day. In 2005, the 2 Mbps allocated bandwidth was utilized 100% almost continuously but in 2006, the bottleneck of Internet access has reduced significantly since the bandwidth allocated have been increased to 8 Mbps. Server degradation due to irresponsible acts by users also adds burden to the main server. In general, if the proposal to ITMS (Information Technology & Media Services) Department for them to improve their Quality of Service (QoS) and established UTP Computer Emergency Response Team (UCert), most of the issues addressed in this report can be solved

    Наблюдаемость вычислительных систем как неотъемлемая часть комплекса средств защиты в автоматизированных системах

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    У цій статті розглядається необхідність реалізації властивостей спостерігання обчислювальних систем у програмах захисту від персонала й основні вимоги до методів і технологій, забезпечующим цю властивість.The necessity of computer systems accountability implementation in personnel security programs and general requirements to accountability technologies are discussed in this article


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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi membentuk persyaratan yang lebih ketat untuk indikator keandalan dan ketersediaan layanan jaringan komunikasi modern, yang diharapkan tersedia 24 jam sehari sepanjang tahun, sehingga dapat menggunakan aplikasi dan layanan yang berjalan di atasnya setiap saat. Untuk mendukung aspek keandalan dan ketersediaan jaringan, dibutuhkan protokol routing dan redundansi untuk menangani kegagalan pada suatu jaringan. Solusi untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan dan keandalan jaringan dengan menggunakan protokol First Hop Redundancy Protocol (FHRP) yang terdiri dari tiga metode, Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP), Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), dan Gateway Load Balancing Protocol (GLBP). Hasil pengujian yang dilakukan, selisih delay antara VRRP dan HSRP adalah 0.16ms, 0.18ms dengan GLBP dengan kombinasi routing EIGRP. Di routing OSPF, perbedaan delay VRRP dan HSRP adalah 0,22 ms 0,24 ms di GLBP. Pada parameter packet loss, pada saat rute jaringan utama terputus, terjadi peningkatan packet loss sebesar 1,01% pada VRRP, 3,05% pada HSRP yang dikombinasikan dengan routing EIGRP, dan 0,2% pada VRRP, 0,4% pada HSRP yang dikombinasikan dengan routing OSPF. Meskipun delay dan packet loss meningkat, hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan oleh ITU-T. Pada parameter throughput, perbedaan antara VRRP dan HSRP adalah 0,305 bit/ms dan 1,225 bit/ms dalam GLBP. Pada saat yang sama, protokol FHRP yang dikombinasikan dengan routing OSPF tidak meningkatkan nilai throughput. Waktu konvergensi pada VRRP adalah 5,14 detik, HSRP 5,07 detik, dan GLBP 5,11 detik pada routing OSPF. Waktu konvergensi dalam routing EIGRP adalah 2,43 detik di VRRP, 2,71 detik di HSRP, dan 8,53 detik di GLBP. Parameter downtime di VRRP 12.6s, 17.1s di HSRP, dan 71.9s di GLBP dengan kombinasi routing EIGRP. Sedangkan pada OSPF routing 29.6s di VRRP, 23.6s di HSRP, dan 29.6s di GLBP

    Statistical Analysis of Unauthorized-Access Log Data and Its Interpretation

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    We have studied how we analyse unauthorized network access logs and our empirical studies have suggested that we could classify the logs into some typical patterns and tried to develop methodology, to reveal them with aggregated statistical methodologies including symbolic data analysis (SDA). Our motivation is to extract some specific patterns from the logs. Many applications have been already developed to detect anomalies from them, but few are mainly based on statistics. To improve their quality, a mathematical viewpoint is key since most unauthorized actions are based on automatic algorithms. Thus we could apply some statistical (and intensive) model to them. When we develop an intensive statistical analysis for this data, SDA, known as a typical aggregated data analysis method would be applicable. In the study, we discuss how we aggregate the original log data and derive a reasonable classification and interpretation through the analyses


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    Wireless LAN application has been widely used today. One of the wireless topology that cheap but reliable is mesh topology, otherwise known as wireless mesh network (WMN). To support the development of Next Generation Network (NGN), research about wireless mesh network is needed before it is implemented further. This paper represents the preliminary findings of research on the implementation of the WMN for rural areas, especially in areas that will connect between madrasah, majlis ta’lim, pesantren, and others. This paper contains a simulation scenario to determine how the characteristics of wireless mesh networks. This is also done to determine the End-to-End delay, Packet Drop and throughput that occur in the routing process. Simulations conducted in the laboratory using four indoor access point (IAP): 1 as a server, and 3 as a workstation. Routing protocol used in the experiments is OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing). Network monitoring using SNMP and operated on a Linux OS. The simulation results showed that the total bytes for the application packet bigger than packet routing. But the number of routing packets is larger than the application package. Trace routes results showed that the inter-hop in the configuration of the simulation WMN is connected properly