33 research outputs found

    A Forward Reachability Algorithm for Bounded Timed-Arc Petri Nets

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    Timed-arc Petri nets (TAPN) are a well-known time extension of the Petri net model and several translations to networks of timed automata have been proposed for this model. We present a direct, DBM-based algorithm for forward reachability analysis of bounded TAPNs extended with transport arcs, inhibitor arcs and age invariants. We also give a complete proof of its correctness, including reduction techniques based on symmetries and extrapolation. Finally, we augment the algorithm with a novel state-space reduction technique introducing a monotonic ordering on markings and prove its soundness even in the presence of monotonicity-breaking features like age invariants and inhibitor arcs. We implement the algorithm within the model-checker TAPAAL and the experimental results document an encouraging performance compared to verification approaches that translate TAPN models to UPPAAL timed automata.Comment: In Proceedings SSV 2012, arXiv:1211.587

    Time For Stubborn Game Reductions

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    Presentation of the 9th Edition of the Model Checking Contest.

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    International audience; The Model Checking Contest (MCC) is an annual competition of software tools for model checking. Tools must process an increasing benchmark gathered from the whole community and may participate in various examinations: state space generation, computation of global properties, computation of some upper bounds in the model, evaluation of reachability formulas, evaluation of CTL formulas, and evaluation of LTL formulas.For each examination and each model instance, participating tools are provided with up to 3600 s and 16 gigabyte of memory. Then, tool answers are analyzed and confronted to the results produced by other competing tools to detect diverging answers (which are quite rare at this stage of the competition, and lead to penalties).For each examination, golden, silver, and bronze medals are attributed to the three best tools. CPU usage and memory consumption are reported, which is also valuable information for tool developers

    Partial order reduction for reachability games

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    Construction and Analysis of Petri Net Model for Distributed Cyber Physical Systems

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    A Distributed Cyber-Physical System (DCPS) composition poses challenges in determining its emergent behaviour. These challenges occur due to (1) the appearance of causal loops of information and energy flow through cyber and physical channels and (2) inherent non-determinism in the temporally ordered flow of events within independently evolving interacting processes of Constituent Systems (CSs). Hence, there is a need to construct a model of the envisaged schematic of DCPS composition for analysis and verification of its significant properties in the conceptual design stage of the system development life cycle. This paper presents a procedure to construct DCPS composition models in Petri net formalism using distributed abstractions. The model for each CS is obtained from elementary constructs using compositional operators. The interaction among CSs occurs through channels obtained by connecting send and receive constructs of two CSs participating in an interaction. The internal processing within a CS characterizing its primary function is abstracted in a generic passthrough construct. Representing these constructs with compositional operators results in the complete DCPS model in Petri net formalism. A toolchain with Reference net workshop (Renew) as an integrated Petri net editing and analysis platform is configured to support DCPS modelling, simulation and analysis. The Renew tool functionality has been enhanced with a plugin designed and developed by authors to facilitate the drawing of the distributed composition model. A low-level Petri net analysis (Lola) v2.0 plugin is employed to verify the Petri net and temporal properties of the modelled DCPS scenarios. The properties of the resultant model are verified using well-established algorithms to analyze Petri nets. Further, system properties specified using temporal logic can be verified using model-checking algorithms for Petri nets. A moderately complex scenario involving interactions among six CSs illustrates the presented approach

    Partial Order Reduction for Reachability Games

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    Partial order reductions have been successfully applied to model checking of concurrent systems and practical applications of the technique show nontrivial reduction in the size of the explored state space. We present a theory of partial order reduction based on stubborn sets in the game-theoretical setting of 2-player games with reachability/safety objectives. Our stubborn reduction allows us to prune the interleaving behaviour of both players in the game, and we formally prove its correctness on the class of games played on general labelled transition systems. We then instantiate the framework to the class of weighted Petri net games with inhibitor arcs and provide its efficient implementation in the model checker TAPAAL. Finally, we evaluate our stubborn reduction on several case studies and demonstrate its efficiency