21,747 research outputs found

    Estimating the large-scale angular power spectrum in the presence of systematics: a case study of Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasars

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    The angular power spectrum is a powerful statistic for analysing cosmological signals imprinted in the clustering of matter. However, current galaxy and quasar surveys cover limited portions of the sky, and are contaminated by systematics that can mimic cosmological signatures and jeopardise the interpretation of the measured power spectra. We provide a framework for obtaining unbiased estimates of the angular power spectra of large-scale structure surveys at the largest scales using quadratic estimators. The method is tested by analysing the 600 CMASS mock catalogues constructed by Manera et al. (2013) for the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). We then consider the Richards et al. (2009) catalogue of photometric quasars from the Sixth Data Release (DR6) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which is known to include significant stellar contamination and systematic uncertainties. Focusing on the sample of ultraviolet-excess (UVX) sources, we show that the excess clustering power present on the largest-scales can be largely mitigated by making use of improved sky masks and projecting out the modes corresponding to the principal systematics. In particular, we find that the sample of objects with photometric redshift 1.3<zp<2.21.3 < z_p < 2.2 exhibits no evidence of contamination when using our most conservative mask and mode projection. This indicates that any residual systematics are well within the statistical uncertainties. We conclude that, using our approach, this sample can be used for cosmological studies.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures. Version accepted by MNRA

    Asymmetric Uncertainties: Sources, Treatment and Potential Dangers

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    The issue of asymmetric uncertainties resulting from fits, nonlinear propagation and systematic effects is reviewed. It is shown that, in all cases, whenever a published result is given with asymmetric uncertainties, the value of the physical quantity of interest is biased with respect to what would be obtained using at best all experimental and theoretical information that contribute to evaluate the combined uncertainty. The probabilistic solution to the problem is provided both in exact and in approximated forms.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures. improved version with some corrections, additional remarks and references (download of new version is recommended). This paper and related work are also available at http://www.roma1.infn.it/~dagos/prob+stat.htm

    Optical response of small carbon clusters

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    We apply the time-dependent local density approximation (TDLDA) to calculate dipole excitations in small carbon clusters. A strong low-frequency mode is found which agrees well with observation for clusters C_n with n in the range 7-15. The size dependence of the mode may be understood simply as the classical resonance of electrons in a conducting needle. For a ring geometry, the lowest collective mode occurs at about twice the frequency of the collective mode in the linear chain, and this may also be understood in simple terms.Comment: 19 pages, Latex(Revtex), and 7 figures Postscript; to be published in Zeit. Phys. D; contact is [email protected]

    A Systematic Approach to the SILH Lagrangian

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    We consider the electroweak chiral Lagrangian, including a light scalar boson, in the limit of small ξ=v2/f2\xi=v^2/f^2. Here vv is the electroweak scale and ff is the corresponding scale of the new strong dynamics. We show how the conventional SILH Lagrangian, defined as the effective theory of a strongly-interacting light Higgs (SILH) to first order in ξ\xi, can be obtained as a limiting case of the complete electroweak chiral Lagrangian. The approach presented here ensures the completeness of the operator basis at the considered order, it clarifies the systematics of the effective Lagrangian, guarantees a consistent and unambiguous power counting, and it shows how the generalization of the effective field theory to higher orders in ξ\xi has to be performed. We point out that terms of order ξ2\xi^2, which are usually not included in the SILH Lagrangian, are parametrically larger than terms of order ξ/16π2\xi/16\pi^2 that are retained, as long as ξ>1/16π2\xi > 1/16\pi^2. Conceptual issues such as custodial symmetry and its breaking are also discussed. For illustration, the minimal composite Higgs model based on the coset SO(5)/SO(4)SO(5)/SO(4) is considered at next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion. It is shown how the effective Lagrangian for this model is contained as a special case in the electroweak chiral Lagrangian based on SU(2)L⊗SU(2)R/SU(2)VSU(2)_L\otimes SU(2)_R/SU(2)_V.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure; improved presentation of the results in section

    The explicit form of the effective action for F1 and D-branes

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    In this work we consider the full interacting effective actions for fundamental strings and D-branes in arbitrary bosonic type II supergravity backgrounds. The explicit form of these actions is given in terms of component fields, up to second order in the fermions. The results take a compact form exhibiting Îş\kappa-symmetry, as well as supersymmetry in a background with Killing spinors. Also we give the explicit transformation rules for these symmetries in all cases.Comment: 9 pages, based on the talk given at the RTN workshop of 2003 Copenhagen: 15/9-20/9/03. Published in the proceedings of the conferenc

    Quadrupole Deformation of Barium Isotopes

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    The B(E2:0_1^+ -> 2_1^+) values of the Ba isotopes (Z=56) exhibit a sharp increase in deformation as the neutron numbers approach the mid-shell value of N=66. This behavior is anomalous because the 2_1^+ level energies are very similar to those of the neighboring isotopes. By means of the axially-symmetric deformed Woods-Saxon (WS) hamiltonian plus the BCS method, we investigated the systematics of B(E2) of the Ba isotopes. We showed that 15% of the B(E2) values at N=66 was due to the level crossing, occurring at the deformation with beta being nearly 0.3, between the proton orbits originating from the orbits Omega=1/2^-(h11/2) and 9/2^+(g9/2) at zero deformation. The latter of these two was an intruder orbit originating from below the energy gap at Z=50, rising higher in energy with the deformation and intruding the Z=50-82 shell. These two orbits have the largest magnitude of the quadrupole moment with a different sign among the orbits near and below the Fermi surface. Occupancy and non-occupancy of these orbits by protons thus affect B(E2:0_1^+ -> 2_1^+) significantly.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Phys.Lett.

    The Vector-Tensor Supermultiplet with Gauged Central Charge

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    The vector-tensor multiplet is coupled off-shell to an N=2 vector multiplet such that its central charge transformations are realized locally. A gauged central charge is a necessary prerequisite for a coupling to supergravity and the strategy underlying our construction uses the potential for such a coupling as a guiding principle. The results for the action and transformation rules take a nonlinear form and necessarily include a Chern-Simons term. After a duality transformation the action is encoded in a homogeneous holomorphic function consistent with special geometry.Comment: 8 pages, LATE
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