11 research outputs found

    Some new EC/AUED codes

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    A novel construction that differs from the traditional way of constructing systematic EC/AUED/(error-correcting/all unidirectional error-detecting) codes is presented. The usual method is to take a systematic t-error-correcting code and then append a tail so that the code can detect more than t errors when they are unidirectional. In the authors' construction, the t-error-correcting code is modified in such a way that the weight distribution of the original code is reduced. The authors then have to add a smaller tail. Frequently they have less redundancy than the best available systematic t-EC/AUED codes

    Systematic t-Error Correcting/All Unidirectional Error Detecting Codes

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    In this paper we give methods for the construction of systematic t-random error correcting and all unidirectional error detecting codes. Also we give the encoding/decoding algorithms and discuss their implementation. Beginning from a k-error correcting systematic parity check code we append check symbols in order to construct t-EC/AUED codes, with t ≤ k. This code construction technique takes into account the Hamming distance of the parity check code in order to reduce the number of bits for the check symbols. Thus the codes derived are significantly more efficient than the known codes with the same capabilities. Moreover these codes have a very useful property. Discarding some check symbols we get codes with weaker capabilities against random errors. This property offers the ability of uniform coding over system units which have different demands on random errors. Copyright © 1986 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

    A Computational Framework for Efficient Error Correcting Codes Using an Artificial Neural Network Paradigm.

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    The quest for an efficient computational approach to neural connectivity problems has undergone a significant evolution in the last few years. The current best systems are far from equaling human performance, especially when a program of instructions is executed sequentially as in a von Neuman computer. On the other hand, neural net models are potential candidates for parallel processing since they explore many competing hypotheses simultaneously using massively parallel nets composed of many computational elements connected by links with variable weights. Thus, the application of modeling of a neural network must be complemented by deep insight into how to embed algorithms for an error correcting paradigm in order to gain the advantage of parallel computation. In this dissertation, we construct a neural network for single error detection and correction in linear codes. Then we present an error-detecting paradigm in the framework of neural networks. We consider the problem of error detection of systematic unidirectional codes which is assumed to have double or triple errors. The generalization of network construction for the error-detecting codes is discussed with a heuristic algorithm. We also describe models of the code construction, detection and correction of t-EC/d-ED/AUED (t-Error Correcting/d-Error Detecting/All Unidirectional Error Detecting) codes which are more general codes in the error correcting paradigm

    Error control coding for semiconductor memories

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    All modern computers have memories built from VLSI RAM chips. Individually, these devices are highly reliable and any single chip may perform for decades before failing. However, when many of the chips are combined in a single memory, the time that at least one of them fails could decrease to mere few hours. The presence of the failed chips causes errors when binary data are stored in and read out from the memory. As a consequence the reliability of the computer memories degrade. These errors are classified into hard errors and soft errors. These can also be termed as permanent and temporary errors respectively. In some situations errors may show up as random errors, in which both 1-to-O errors and 0-to-l errors occur randomly in a memory word. In other situations the most likely errors are unidirectional errors in which 1-to-O errors or 0-to-l errors may occur but not both of them in one particular memory word. To achieve a high speed and highly reliable computer, we need large capacity memory. Unfortunately, with high density of semiconductor cells in memory, the error rate increases dramatically. Especially, the VLSI RAMs suffer from soft errors caused by alpha-particle radiation. Thus the reliability of computer could become unacceptable without error reducing schemes. In practice several schemes to reduce the effects of the memory errors were commonly used. But most of them are valid only for hard errors. As an efficient and economical method, error control coding can be used to overcome both hard and soft errors. Therefore it is becoming a widely used scheme in computer industry today. In this thesis, we discuss error control coding for semiconductor memories. The thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter one is an introduction to error detecting and correcting coding for computer memories. Firstly, semiconductor memories and their problems are discussed. Then some schemes for error reduction in computer memories are given and the advantages of using error control coding over other schemes are presented. In chapter two, after a brief review of memory organizations, memory cells and their physical constructions and principle of storing data are described. Then we analyze mechanisms of various errors occurring in semiconductor memories so that, for different errors different coding schemes could be selected. Chapter three is devoted to the fundamental coding theory. In this chapter background on encoding and decoding algorithms are presented. In chapter four, random error control codes are discussed. Among them error detecting codes, single* error correcting/double error detecting codes and multiple error correcting codes are analyzed. By using examples, the decoding implementations for parity codes, Hamming codes, modified Hamming codes and majority logic codes are demonstrated. Also in this chapter it was shown that by combining error control coding and other schemes, the reliability of the memory can be improved by many orders. For unidirectional errors, we introduced unordered codes in chapter five. Two types of the unordered codes are discussed. They are systematic and nonsystematic unordered codes. Both of them are very powerful for unidirectional error detection. As an example of optimal nonsystematic unordered code, an efficient balanced code are analyzed. Then as an example of systematic unordered codes Berger codes are analyzed. Considering the fact that in practice random errors still may occur in unidirectional error memories, some recently developed t-random error correcting/all unidirectional error detecting codes are introduced. Illustrative examples are also included to facilitate the explanation. Chapter six is the conclusions of the thesis. The whole thesis is oriented to the applications of error control coding for semiconductor memories. Most of the codes discussed in the thesis are widely used in practice. Through the thesis we attempt to provide a review of coding in computer memories and emphasize the advantage of coding. It is obvious that with the requirement of higher speed and higher capacity semiconductor memories, error control coding will play even more important role in the future

    Constructions and bounds for systematic tEC/AUED codes

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    Several methods of constructing systematic t-error correcting/all unidirectional error-detecting codes are described. These codes can be constructed by adding a tail to a linear t-error correcting code, but other constructions presented are more of an ad hoc nature. These codes will often be found as suitably chosen subsets of nonsystematic tEC/AUED codes. Further bounds on the word length of systematic tEC/AUED codes are derived, and extensive tables are given