641,965 research outputs found

    Space Operations Center System Analysis: Requirements for a Space Operations Center, revision A

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    The system and program requirements for a space operations center as defined by systems analysis studies are presented as a guide for future study and systems definition. Topics covered include general requirements for safety, maintainability, and reliability, service and habitat modules, the health maintenance facility; logistics modules; the docking tunnel; and subsystem requirements (structures, electrical power, environmental control/life support; extravehicular activity; data management; communications and tracking; docking/berthing; flight control/propulsion; and crew support). Facilities for flight support, construction, satellite and mission servicing, and fluid storage are included as well as general purpose support equipment

    Control of Seismic Response of Structures

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    Safety requirements for structures built in seismic regions have led to techniques for absorbing the energy induced to these structures by earthquakes. Passive isolation systems such as base isolators are suitable for low-rise structures but they provide only a partial solution to the problem. This paper presents three active control techniques for reducing the dynamic response of machine supporting foundations. The concept of active control is discussed and various control strategies are presented. The active tendon system (ATS), active mass damper (AMD), and active base control (ABC) mechanisms are examined. Both optimal and non-optimal control algorithms are described and numerical simulations are performed. It is shown that active control can reduce the dynamic response of turbomachines and their foundations under both normal operation, and emergency conditions such as earthquakes

    Light Water Sustainability Program: Optimizing Information Automation Using a New Method Based on System-Theoretic Process Analysis

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    This report describes the interim progress for research supporting the design and optimization of information automation systems for nuclear power plants. Much of the domestic nuclear fleet is currently focused on modernizing technologies and processes, including transitioning toward digitalization in the control room and elsewhere throughout the plant, along with a greater use of automation, artificial intelligence, robotics, and other emerging technologies. While there are significant opportunities to apply these technologies toward greater plant safety, efficiency, and overall cost-effectiveness, optimizing their design and avoiding potential safety and performance risks depends on ensuring that human-performance-related organizational and technical design issues are identified and addressed. This report describes modeling tools and techniques, based on sociotechnical system theory, to support these design goals and their application in the current research effort. The report is intended for senior nuclear energy stakeholders, including regulators, corporate management, and senior plant management. We have developed and employed a method to design an optimized information automation ecosystem (IAE) based on the systems-theoretic constructs underlying sociotechnical systems theory in general and the Systems-Theoretic Accident Modeling and Processes (STAMP) approach in particular. We argue that an IAE can be modeled as an interactive information control system whose behavior can be understood in terms of dynamic control and feedback relationships amongst the system’s technical and organizational components. Up to this point, we have employed a Causal Analysis based on STAMP (CAST) technique to examine a performance- and safety-related incident at an industry partner’s plant that involved the unintentional activation of an emergency diesel generator. This analysis provided insight into the behavior of the plant’s current information control structure within the context of a specific, significant event. Our ongoing analysis is focused on identifying near-term process improvements and longer-term design requirements for an optimized IAE system. The latter analyses will employ a second STAMP-derived technique, System-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA). STPA is a useful modeling tool for generating and analyzing actual or potential information control structures. Finally, we have begun modeling plantwide organizational relationships and processes. Organizational system modeling will supplement our CAST and STPA findings and provide a basis for mapping out a plantwide information control architecture. CAST analysis findings indicate an important underlying contributor to the incident under investigation, and a significant risk to information automation system performance, was perceived schedule pressure, which exposed weaknesses in interdepartmental coordination between and within responsible plant organizations and challenged the resilience of established plant processes, until a human caused the initiating event. These findings are discussed in terms of their risk to overall system performance and their implications for information automation system resilience and brittleness. We present two preliminary information automation models. The proactive issue resolution model is a test case of an information automation concept with significant near-term potential for application and subsequent reduction in significant plant events. The IAE model is a more general representation of a broader, plantwide information automation system. From our results, we have generated a set of preliminary system-level requirements and safety constraints. These requirements will be further developed over the remainder of our project in collaboration with nuclear industry subject matter experts and specialists in the technical systems under consideration. Additionally, we will continue to pursue the system analyses initiated in the first part of our effort, with a particular emphasis on STPA as the main tool to identify weak or weakening ontrol structures that affect the resilience of organizations and programs. Our intent is to broaden the scope of the analysis from an individual use case to a related set of use cases (e.g., maintenance tasks, compliance tasks) with similar human-system performance challenges. This will enable more generalized findings to refine the Proactive Issue Resolution and IAE models, as well as their system-level requirements and safety constraints. We will use organizational system modeling analyses to supplement STPA findings and model development. We conclude the report with a set of summary recommendations and an initial draft list of system-level requirements and safety constraints for optimized information automation systems

    Causal Factors and Adverse Events of Aviation Accidents and Incidents Related to Integrated Vehicle Health Management

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    Causal factors in aviation accidents and incidents related to system/component failure/malfunction (SCFM) were examined for Federal Aviation Regulation Parts 121 and 135 operations to establish future requirements for the NASA Aviation Safety Program s Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) Project. Data analyzed includes National Transportation Safety Board (NSTB) accident data (1988 to 2003), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) incident data (1988 to 2003), and Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) incident data (1993 to 2008). Failure modes and effects analyses were examined to identify possible modes of SCFM. A table of potential adverse conditions was developed to help evaluate IVHM research technologies. Tables present details of specific SCFM for the incidents and accidents. Of the 370 NTSB accidents affected by SCFM, 48 percent involved the engine or fuel system, and 31 percent involved landing gear or hydraulic failure and malfunctions. A total of 35 percent of all SCFM accidents were caused by improper maintenance. Of the 7732 FAA database incidents affected by SCFM, 33 percent involved landing gear or hydraulics, and 33 percent involved the engine and fuel system. The most frequent SCFM found in ASRS were turbine engine, pressurization system, hydraulic main system, flight management system/flight management computer, and engine. Because the IVHM Project does not address maintenance issues, and landing gear and hydraulic systems accidents are usually not fatal, the focus of research should be those SCFMs that occur in the engine/fuel and flight control/structures systems as well as power systems

    Computational methods and software systems for dynamics and control of large space structures

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    The deployment, assembly and mission-oriented maneuvering of space structures in orbit will trigger large motions of flexible, truss-type structures. In addition, the presence of on-board controls both for attitude stabilization and specified vibration tolerance requirements may further complicate the dynamic behavior of the orbiting structures. Because of safety and cost considerations, the dynamic response of the combined structural and control systems must be predicted reliably. This need can only be met through the development of reliable and efficient simulation capabilities, since there is general agreement that on-orbit experiments should be limited because of cost, time and facility constraints. The long-term objective of this research effort is to develop a next-generation computer simulator for the dynamics and control of large space structures. The simulator will be based on integrating four research thrusts: a new multibody dynamics formulation methodology, modeling capabilities in long/slender truss-beam components with realistic joints, efficient computational procedures that can be implemented either in sequential or concurrent computers, and prototype simulation modules that can be easily processed into a modern large-scale engineering software system such as the NASA/Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM) testbed

    Evaluation of the aging management system for the Triga research nuclear reactor in Brazil / Avaliação do sistema de gerenciamento do envelhecimento do reator nuclear de pesquisa Triga no Brasil

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    As most research reactors have over 40 years of operational experience, maintenance, modernization and renovation are increasingly important for safety and operational life extension. This is due to the monitoring and development of techniques to control and mitigate the negative effects of operating conditions on structures, systems and components. Aging management is a strategy of engineering, operation, maintenance and other actions to control, within acceptable limits, the aging degradation of the facility. The first criticality of the IPR-R1 Triga research reactor (Training, Research, Isotopes, Atomics) occurred in 1960 with a maximum thermal power of 30 kW. Therefore, this reactor has been operating for more than 60 years. One of the issues that comes from the long time of the operation is the management of aging. This includes functions and issues related to operation, inspections, design changes, testing, and others. The IPR-R1 reactor is a North American project. So, the requirements of United State Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.NRC) are applicable. This article discusses the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and U.S.NRC requirements to implement an aging management system for the CDTN IPR-R1 Triga Reactor

    Structural design of temporary spatial structures

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    p. 774-781This is a summary of the keynote lecture in the OS ¿Structural design of temporary spatial structures¿, organized by IASS WG19. In Chap. 1, temporary spatial structure (TSS) is defined as a structure, which is used for a limited period of time, and the structural safety of which is supported by a safety control system (SCS). And it is introduced that objective of the WG19 is to draw up a guideline for structural design of TSS, and also that the major concerns of the working are a) design load reduction and b) how to design SCS. In the following chapters, major topics corresponding to these issues are reviewed. In Chap.2, ordinary current building regulations are generally described, where it will be noted that structural performance requirements classified into three; 1) serviceability, 2) structural and life safety, 3) secondary damage protection, and in addition, that building regulations tend to prefer to express performances in definitive terms rather than in probabilistic terms. In Chap. 3, structural performance required of TSS is discussed concluding that; (1) Design levels of load can be reduced only when performance requirements in local building regulation is expressed in probabilistic terms, (2) Modifications of required performances can be allowed only when they are written in technical terms, (3) It is recommended at the modification to take structural characteristics of TSS into consideration and in addition to take advantage of SCS, (4) In some cases, it is necessary to add special performance requirement besides those in local building regulation. Finally in Chap.4, conceptual outline of the structural design guideline for TSS is shown.Murota, T. (2010). Structural design of temporary spatial structures. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/694

    Modeling, Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Spacecraft Air Contaminants

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    Control of air contaminants is a crucial factor in the safety considerations of crewed space flight. Indoor air quality needs to be closely monitored during long range missions such as a Mars mission, and also on large complex space structures such as the International Space Station. This work mainly pertains to the detection and simulation of air contaminants in the space station, though much of the work is easily extended to buildings, and issues of ventilation systems. Here we propose a method with which to track the presence of contaminants using an accurate physical model, and also develop a robust procedure that would raise alarms when certain tolerance levels are exceeded. A part of this research concerns the modeling of air flow inside a spacecraft, and the consequent dispersal pattern of contaminants. Our objective is to also monitor the contaminants on-line, so we develop a state estimation procedure that makes use of the measurements from a sensor system and determines an optimal estimate of the contamination in the system as a function of time and space. The real-time optimal estimates in turn are used to detect faults in the system and also offer diagnoses as to their sources. This work is concerned with the monitoring of air contaminants aboard future generation spacecraft and seeks to satisfy NASA's requirements as outlined in their Strategic Plan document (Technology Development Requirements, 1996)
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