2,245,440 research outputs found

    Implementation of a Standardized Handoff System for a General Surgery Residency Program

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    Introduction: The I-PASS Handoff Bundle is an evidence based standardized set of educational materials designed to decrease handoff failures in patient care. Two of every three sentinel events , the most serious events reported to the Joint Commission, are due to failures of communication, including miscommunication during patient care handoffs. Implementation of the I-PASS method results in decreased medical errors and preventable adverse events There are few studies that evaluate this validated method in the context of a General Surgery resident program We aim to implement the I-PASS system into the transition of care process for General Surgery residents at our institution, and to analyze of the quality of the handoff process before and after the implementation.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1047/thumbnail.jp

    Model for Human, Artificial & Collective Consciousness (Part I)

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    Borrowing the functional modeling approach common in systems and software engineering, an implementable model of the functions of human consciousness proposed to have the capacity for general problem solving ability transferable to any domain, or true self-aware intelligence, is presented. Being a functional model that is independent of implementation, this model is proposed to also be applicable to artificial consciousness, and to platforms that organize individuals into what is defined here as a first order collective consciousness, or at higher orders into what is defined here as Nth order collective consciousness. Part I of this two-part article includes: Summary; Introduction; Set of Postulates One; Set of Postulates Two; Overview of the Model; Model of Homeostasis; Model of the Functional Units; Model of the Body System; Model of the Other Basic Life Processes; Model of the Other Functional Systems; Model of Perceptions in the Perceptual Fields; Model of Body Processes as Paths in the Perceptual Field; & Model of Conscious Awarenes

    "PanaeaMud An Online, Object-oriented Multiple User Interactive Geologic Database Tool"

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    This paper provides an overview of the design, development, and use of the PangaeaMud Database System. Section I gives an introduction to pertinent concepts and discusses previous work in the area. Section I1 is devoted to the non-technical aspects of the system. A brief user's view of the system is provided, along with discussion of the internal environment utilities. Section I11 illustrates the workings of the system from the programmer's viewpoint and contains information on the main entity relationships within the database and their implementation

    Model for Human, Artificial & Collective Consciousness (Part I)

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    Borrowing the functional modeling approach common in systems and software engineering, an implementable model of the functions of human consciousness proposed to have the capacity for general problem solving ability transferable to any domain, or true self-aware intelligence, is presented. Being a functional model that is independent of implementation, this model is proposed to also be applicable to artificial consciousness, and to platforms that organize individuals into what is defined here as a first order collective consciousness, or at higher orders into what is defined here as Nth order collective consciousness. Part I of this two-part article includes: Summary; Introduction; Set of Postulates One; Set of Postulates Two; Overview of the Model; Model of Homeostasis; Model of the Functional Units; Model of the Body System; Model of the Other Basic Life Processes; Model of the Other Functional Systems; Model of Perceptions in the Perceptual Fields; Model of Body Processes as Paths in the Perceptual Field; & Model of Conscious Awarenes

    Android Platform Physics Game

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    Android je nejrychleji se rozvíjející a nejlépe prodávaný operační systém pro mobilní zařízení. Tato práce pojednává o historii a možnostech tohoto systému, ale také o vývoji aplikací pro zařízení, fungující na této platformě. Krátce se také věnuje principům fyzikální simulace v počítačových hrách. Součástí práce je i podrobný popis návrhu a implementace hry pro platformu Android, která využívá zmíněnou fyzikální simulaci.Android is the fastest growing and best selling operating system for mobile devices. This paper briefly describes the history of this system, its possibilities and application programming basics for this platform. It contains a short introduction to physics simulation used in computer games. The paper also includes a detailed description of design and implementation of a mobile game for Android system, based on physics simulation.

    Uvođenje nacionalnog elektroničkog sustava bilježenja zdravstvenih podataka u Srbiji: težak put s dobrim završetkom

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    Objectives: Many countries around the world have recognized the need for using an electronic health record (EHR) system. However, there is limited literature that could serve as a guide during a lengthy and challenging process of planning, development, and implementation of the e-Health system. Since the EHR system was recently introduced in Serbia, the purpose of this communication is to describe our experience and lessons learned along the way. Methods: The key personnel involved in the implementation of the EHR system in Serbia that began in 2015 conducted in 2019 a retrospective narrative review of the process and early outcomes. Results: An incremental approach in the planning, development, and implementation of the nationwide EHR system was taken. The process was split into phases with the gradual introduction of different regions of the country. The gradual shift from the existing to a new workflow for the prospective users was also implemented. The significant milestones were the achievement of quick legislative changes, the hiring of a professional team of experts in the field, the provision of timely and appropriate information and training to prospective users, the close collaboration between the implementation team and the Ministry of Health and mutual understanding of the aims and expectations, and the flexibility in accepting the evolving nature of the process, goals, and the system model. Conclusions: A successful implementation of the nationwide EHR system is feasible providing careful planning, the assembly of a multi-disciplinary team, the use of a stepwise approach, the early and continued involvement of the intended users, and the willingness to make adjustments along the way. The end-result sets the stage for the reform of the health care system itself.Ciljevi: Mnoge su zemlje diljem svijete prihvatile potrebu za uvođenjem elektroničkog sustava bilježenja zdravstvenih podataka. Cilj je ovog rada opisati nužne uvjete za početak razvitka i uvođenja sustava za e-Zdravlje u Srbiji te opis projekta koji je uveden u našoj zemlji. Metode: Opisali smo nužne uvjete za početak razvitka i uvođenja sustava e-Zdravlja i načina na koji je projekt uveden u našoj zemlji. Rezultati: Uvedena je metoda za postupni razvitak i uvođenje nacionalnog sustava elektroničkog bilježenja zdravstvenih podataka u Srbiji. Uvođenje je organizirano u fazama, postupnim uvođenjem regija pomoću funkcionalnih modula. Postepene promjene su također uvedene u rad medicinskih liječnika kao korisnika, od postojećih metoda prema planiranima. Najvažnije faze razvoja i uvođenja bile su: brze legislative promjene, pravovremeno i primjereno pružanje informacija korisnicima sustava, trening za primjereno korištenje sustava za sve korisnike, kolaboracija timova za implementaciju sustava i timova Ministarstva zdravstva, jasno razumijevanje ciljeva i očekivanja i od strane Ministarstva zdravstva i uvoditelja sustava, fleksibilnost u prihvaćanju promjena u ciljevima i primjerenim podešavanjem modela sustave te zapošljavanje primjerenog profesionalnog tima stručnjaka u tom polju. Zaključci: Elektronički sustav bilježenja zdravstvenih podataka smatrao se vrlo važnim alatom za uvođenje mnogih reformnih mjera u samom zdravstvenom sustavu

    Rövid áttekintés a magyar közigazgatási bíráskodás aktuális helyzetéről

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    In this brief paper, I review some of the aspects of the non-implementation of the Seventh Amendment to the Basic Law of Hungary and the laws on the separate administrative court system, and their impact on administrative adjudication today. I also briefly discuss how the Constitutional Court has assessed the fundamental constitutional elements of the unintroduced special court system. The planned system of administrative courts would have comprised nine courts, i.e. the Parliament intended to create a two-level judicial organisation, as opposed to the four-tier ordinary court organisation that existed then and still exists today. The most important change, however, would not have been the creation of a separate administrative court, but the reintroduction of a ministerial administration of justice. The legislation, which has been amended several times in line with the requirements of the Basic Law and the Venice Commission, could not be an obstacle to the introduction of the special court and ministerial administration system on 1 January 2020. The reason for the postponement should therefore be sought elsewhere and not in the legal sphere. However, the failure to introduce the Administrative Courts Act regime in 2019 has had a very significant impact on the organisation of the ordinary courts. In just five years, the Hungarian administrative judiciary has undergone more changes than any other area of the judiciary, even though the introduction of the special court system has been postponed

    Próby podjęte w Polsce w zakresie stosowania e-recepty

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    Omówiono pilotażowe wprowadzenie w Polsce e-recepty. Wprowadzenie prototypu e-recepty dało możliwość sprawdzenia, które elementy powinny działać lepiej, co jest i działa dobrze, a czego brakuje. By system e-Recepta mógł dobrze funkcjonować trzeba zwrócić szczególną uwagę na standardy umieszczone w Rozporządzeniu o interoperacyjności. We wszystkich przypadkach, istotna jest współpraca poszczególnych uczestników systemu ochrony zdrowia, co pozwoliłoby na stworzenie rozwiązania, uwzględniającego potrzeby wszystkich osób. Ponadto, bardzo ważna jest stopniowa implementacja e-recepty.A pilot introduction of an e-prescription in Poland was discussed. The introduction of the e-prescription prototype gave the opportunity to check which elements should work better, what is and works well and what is missing. In order for the e-Reception system to function well, particular attention should be paid to the standards included in the Interoperability Regulation. In all cases, the cooperation of individual participants of the health care system is important , which would allow to create a solution that takes into account the needs of all people. In addition, the gradual implementation of the e-prescription is very important . to get the full picture of Public Health students’ net-working skills

    A dynamic simulation of a lean and agile manufacturing system

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    The integration of just-in-time and lean principles in agile manufacturing plays an important role in enhancing the operational performance of manufacturing systems. In this paper, we address this issue by (i) building a set of performance criteria for a typical manufacturing system, (ii) developing a system dynamics model for the system, and (iii) performing experimental “what-if” simulation analyses. Using a system dynamics simulation methodology, the impact of the application of lean and just-in-time policies on a traditional inventory-focused manufacturing system is investigated. System dynamics modelling is used to capture the dynamic causal linkages between different components of the manufacturing system. Different scenarios are generated in order to investigate the dynamics of the system under assumed demand scenarios. The results of the simulation study reveal that manufacturing systems can benefit from the introduction of lean and just-in-time principles, depending on the extent to which the necessary structural changes are implemented. The paper concludes by providing useful managerial insights for effective implementation of lean and agile manufacturing concepts